List of bugs

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Game bugs that have been reported on a wiki page using {{bug}}.



# Page Bug description
1 "/Hiss" Emote Tome

Currently plays the wrong sound effects for female charr.

2 "We Carry Her Loss Together"

Efi may not see the bandolier in your inventory, blocking progress on this achievement. Try holding the Bandolier with the character that went through the story and/or received it initially.

3 Advanced Spinal Blades
  • Not always recognised by the Mystic Forge unless the Orichalcum Ingots are put in first.
  • The note about "cannot be used in the Mystic Forge if transmuted" is no longer accurate after transmutation system was changed to be charge based.
4 Agony Impedance 3

Item description concludes with "Level 1 out of 4," despite being the third upgrade out of the four available for purchase.

5 Agony Impedance 4

Item description concludes with "Level 1 out of 4," despite being the fourth and final upgrade out of the four available for purchase.

6 Alpha Siege Golem Blueprint

The guild hall upgrade Mission Slot- WvW.pngMission Slot: WvW still requires this discontinued item.

7 Ambrite Imbued Inscription
  • Despite the description, this item cannot be used in the creation of ambrite weapons.
  • This item cannot be used in the Mystic Forge and has no known use.
8 Back item

When trying to dye a back skin, sometimes its dye channels are moved behind the dye selection, preventing any dye application to the skin.

9 Backpack Straps

Cannot be equipped - There are workarounds: 1. Right click on the backpack spot, then go to "equip from inventory", you can then equip the backpack straps. 2. Drag the item from your inventory into the equipment panel backpack slot

10 Bloodstone Empowerment

The bonus experience does not apply to collecting airborne Unbound Magic, which remains at 2,540 Experience.png.

11 Bootleg VIP Pass

Still purchasable after completing the achievement.

12 Chatoyant Elixir

Some players received a version of this mail, where the sign off was cut after "His Royal Majesty, First Claw of the Realms and".

13 Club Chair

If the chair is used while dodging, an alternate pose is used.

14 Coiler (discontinued)

Currently available from map completion on Path of Fire maps as an Elementalist, Mesmer, or Necromancer.

15 Dragon Emblem Clothing Outfit

The shirt itself cannot be dyed. The outfit has four dye channels, but the bottom-right one doesn't have any visual effect.

16 Elegant Armorsmith's Backpack

Despite the description, it cannot currently be used as a crafting ingredient.

17 Elegant Artificer's Backpack

Despite the description, it cannot currently be used as a crafting ingredient.

18 Elegant Huntsman's Backpack

Despite the description, it cannot currently be used as a crafting ingredient.

19 Elegant Jeweler's Backpack

Despite the description, it cannot currently be used as a crafting ingredient.

20 Elegant Leatherworker's Backpack

Despite the description, it cannot currently be used as a crafting ingredient.

21 Elegant Tailor's Backpack

Despite the description, it cannot currently be used as a crafting ingredient.

22 Elegant Weaponsmith's Backpack

Despite the description, it cannot currently be used as a crafting ingredient. It has the generic description for crafted backpacks, but should have a special one without crafting option.

23 Elemental Lodestone

Drops from Earth Elementals around Agnos Gorge, even though there's no events that have any use for them around there.

24 Endless Interface Crafter Golem Tonic
  • Under the effects of this transformation, many visual effects do not match the position of the model.
    • Visuals appear to spawn from an invisible object to the left in front of the golem. The object appears to be a straight line that always keeps a fixed orientation as the golem turns.
25 Guide to Kurzick Combat Stances
  • Can be purchased multiple time despite having no use or effect after the first purchase.
  • Can be purchased by characters below level 80. But does neither count towards the Dichotomy Collection, nor land in your inventory for later use when below level 80..
26 Healer's Xera Backpiece

Might be rewarded by Siege Chest in place of a unique drop.

27 Imperial Favor

Although it is possible to get this currency without owning the expansion, in such a case it will not be visible in the wallet.

28 Jade Sphere Maintenance Manual

Despite being labelled as a unique service, the Jade Sphere Maintenance Manual can be purchased multiple times. However, doing so after the initial purchase (which unlocks the item in the relevant collection achievement) will not have any effect other than wasting karma and imperial favor.

29 Knife Tail Gang Hunting Bond

It is possible that killing a Knife Tail Gang member will not reward you with Recovered Black Lion Goods upon death. This will not remove your buff and eligibility to get the drop on your next attempt.

30 Luxon Tools

Sometimes does not get awarded. Try turning off autoloot in the Options panel

31 Olmakhan Songbook

Can be interacted with through the wall.

32 Peaceful Shrine Chair

This chair appears invisible to other players if they are outside of the character loading range and did not see the player get on the chair originally.

33 Preparation (Nicabar Steelweaver's Footsteps)

Interacting with the repair anvil located south of Point of interest (map icon).png Mystic Plaza will not grant this service, even though the hint states the player can interact with any repair anvil to find it.

34 Quad Spinal Blades
  • The copy about "cannot be used in the Mystic Forge if transmuted" is no longer accurate after transmutation system was changed to be charge based.
  • Not always recognised by the Mystic Forge unless the Piles of Incandescent Dust are put in first.
  • Not always recognized by the Mystic Forge Conduit, in which case, try using the Mystic Forge station.
35 Raise Morale

Despite saying "all stats and magic find", the buff appears to only affect Power, Ferocity, Critical Damage, Fishing Power, and Magic Find.

36 Redeployment Order

When interacting with the object, the text is the same as Recruitment Notes: Vishen Steelshot.

37 Relic of Abaddon

Currently there are some graphical overlap errors on the Abaddon sigil. Additionally it clips completely through the head on Asura models when in combat.

38 Scrap of Desert Mastery

When opening one of the original map-specific chests from Path of Fire (not including Living World), the number "12,700" can be seen to pop up twice in the HUD, but these amounts are neither applied to desert mastery nor to core experience.

39 Shinota Blackfin

Hall Director Soohee will not accept them when repeating the renown heart.

40 Skale Venom (consumable)

Skills that Bounce have a chance of ~20% to inflict the effect on the player instead of the target.

41 Skyscale of Courage (Secrets of the Obscure)

Some bosses visually appear to give more than 1 stack, but only actually count as 1 kill. Re-entering an instance can fix the amount of stacks awarded on the buff bar, otherwise you can progress past 4 stacks until you reach the 4 world boss kills.

42 Sparking Rod

Does 0 damage when effective level is at 80.

43 Spinal Blade Pack

The copy about "cannot be used in the Mystic Forge if transmuted" is no longer accurate after transmutation system was changed to be charge based.

44 Technomagical Detector

Opening stashes does not cost any Unbound Magic.

45 Tempered Spinal Blades

Not always recognized by the Mystic Forge Conduit. Must be made in the Mystic Forge itself.

46 Threat Assessment Manual

Purchasing this item also unlocks Willbender's Feat.

47 Twin Spinal Blades

The text about "cannot be used in the Mystic Forge if transmuted" is no longer accurate after transmutation system was changed to be charge based.

48 Willbender's Feat

Willbender's Feat is also awarded from any heart vendor in New Kaineng City when buying Threat Assessment Manual.


# Page Bug description
1 Archon Coat

When wearing this coat players always have visible Archon Shoulders. It will also completely obscure any glove armor or lack thereoff.

2 Blossoming Mist Shard armor (light)

The male version of the boots has a non-dyeable red cloth part.

3 Cloth Duskmade Boots

All other heart vendors in Blazeridge Steppes sell light karma armor of the Stately armor set.

4 Hellfire Warhelm Skin

This piece has clipping issues when equipped by an asura.

5 Heritage Gloves

This piece has clipping issues when equipped by a female norn.

6 Heritage Pauldrons

In some systems, the underside of this piece of armor will not colorize the base red colors when equipped by a male norn, except while underwater.

7 Nentor Heavy Leggings

Miner Kelgg is a different, nearby heart vendor.

8 Nentor Leather Leggings

Miner Kelgg is a different, nearby heart vendor.

9 Nentor Leggings

Miner Kelgg is a different, nearby heart vendor.

10 Nightfury (heavy)

While equipped, will sometimes appear in the Equipment preview even when the shoulder slot is set to hidden. If the shoulder slot is unhidden, the bugged appearance will "stack" with the normal appearance, creating a denser flock of bats than usual.

11 Nightfury (light)

While equipped, will sometimes appear in the Equipment preview even when the shoulder slot is set to hidden. If the shoulder slot is unhidden, the bugged appearance will "stack" with the normal appearance, creating a denser flock of bats than usual.

12 Nightfury (medium)

While equipped, will sometimes appear in the Equipment preview even when the shoulder slot is set to hidden. If the shoulder slot is unhidden, the bugged appearance will "stack" with the normal appearance, creating a denser flock of bats than usual.

13 Orchid Coat

The female version of this chestpiece covers all shoulder armor with the Orchid shoulder armor, regardless of what armor is worn on the shoulders.

14 Ragamuffin Bandana

This item is incorrectly using a non-wardrobe skin with the same appearance as the Rogue Mask, which is the skin it should be using.

15 Savant Coat

When using this particular piece of armor your shoulder armor is hidden, even the Tier 3 Shoulders.

16 Subterfuge Hood

If you use the Remove Dye feature when dying this hood, it will be the same color as if it was painted with the Midnight Fuchsia Dye rather than being gray.

17 Suffused Obsidian armor

The icon for collecting rift energy may disappear from your buff bar between map instances and look like it reset to zero however it is still being tracked by the game itself. It should complete as normal regardless if the icon is visible.

18 Tier 2 Legendary Armor: Suffused Obsidian

Some of the effect counters do not seem to display the correct number of stacks.

19 Titanplate Medium Shoulders

Unlike all other Titanplate armor pieces, this piece can not be exchanged for Provisioner Token.pngProvisioner Tokens.

20 Winter's Presence (heavy skin)

While equipped, will sometimes appear in the Equipment preview even when the shoulder slot is set to hidden. If the shoulder slot is unhidden, the bugged appearance will "stack" with the normal appearance, creating a denser flurry of snow than usual.

21 Winter's Presence (light skin)

While equipped, will sometimes appear in the Equipment preview even when the shoulder slot is set to hidden. If the shoulder slot is unhidden, the bugged appearance will "stack" with the normal appearance, creating a denser flurry of snow than usual.

22 Winter's Presence (medium skin)

While equipped, will sometimes appear in the Equipment preview even when the shoulder slot is set to hidden. If the shoulder slot is unhidden, the bugged appearance will "stack" with the normal appearance, creating a denser flurry of snow than usual.


# Page Bug description
1 Bowl of Cactus Fruit Salad

The tooltip erroneously states the chance to steal life is 33%, when it's actually 66%.

2 Bowl of Fire Salsa

The increased health effect is non-functional.

3 Bowl of Sawgill Mushroom Risotto

The item has a crafting material tag, despite not being used in any recipes.

4 Dragon's Revelry Starcake

The attributes gained do not get converted by traits that convert stats.

5 Plate of Jerk Poultry

The item has a crafting material tag, despite not being used in any recipes.

6 Roasted Meaty Sandwich

A stack of this item will read "Sandwichs" instead of "Sandwiches".


# Page Bug description
1 Mini Accumulated Ley Energy

During combat, the mini will permanently stop leaving a trail while moving, and will only do it again if its model is refreshed.

2 Mini Keep Construct

Might be rewarded by Siege Chest in place of a unique drop.

3 Mini Mursaat Overseer

Miniature does not appear properly in the preview screen or while in use. It does appear after moving/following the player.

4 Mini Phoenix

Named "Mini Kanaxai" when used by players

5 Miniature
  • Selecting a stack of identical minis and adding them to the wardrobe destroys the entire stack instead of just one.
  • Miniatures are not saved properly for all accounts, and sometimes unselected after a loading screen.

Gem Store[edit]

# Page Bug description
1 Amnytas Feathered Raptor Mounts Pack

The Preview option for this container is broken and does not display.

2 Choya Logging Tool

The Choya will occasionally fail to do its third strike before the gathering cast ends, forcing the player to start another gathering cast to get the third strike out of the logging node.

3 Dragon Emblem Clothing Outfit

The shirt itself cannot be dyed. The outfit has four dye channels, but the bottom-right one doesn't have any visual effect.

4 End of Dragons Expedition Contract
5 Flute
  • The flute cannot be played underwater — you are given five empty slots and Return, although your utility and profession mechanic skills remain.
  • After a transform effect expires, e.g. when Mist Form ends, your skill bar will be replaced with 5 empty weapon slots; you can requip or swap weapons to fix this.
6 Gem Store

Sometimes purchases will not be immediately delivered via mail; if this happens, deleting 1-2 existing messages often resolves the issue.

7 Living World Season 2 Complete Pack

If any episode has been unlocked as a part of the Living World Return event, the bundle might show it as still being locked. The bundle's price will also not be adjusted.

8 Mad Realm Springer Skin

The smoke that appears during jump Rocket Jump animations is not being dyed, appearing with the base red color of the textures regardless of dyes used.

9 Mini Red Spark

If you are crafting The Dreamer, but have not completed the entire quest chain and obtained the Mini Red Spark, Evon Gnashblade will not prompt the relevant dialogue for the legendary collection.

10 Panda Warclaw Skin

The item's description says that it can be purchased as a part of the Warclaw Frontline Mount Pack. This is not true however and buying the pack won't unlock this skin.

11 Pet Dog Whistle: Basenji

While another summoned ally such as Feline Familiar or Sous Chef - which can be summoned simultaneously - remains in the world, the Basenji does not spawn. Players can still activate the toy's skills, although they will be playing with an invisible pet.

12 Rebel Long Boots Skin

Might be affected by various bugs:

  • Currently has a ring of bright light (on medium armor) just above the hem of the pants.
  • Might dye improperly/change colors.
  • Might have broken/invisible parts of the model.
13 Replica Job-o-Tron Backpack

As of November 4, 2014 update, Job-o-Tron's dialog box renders out of depth from a distance when Stereoscopic Rendering is enabled. [verification requested]

14 Snowflake Gobbler Pack

The Snowflake Gobbler Pack is currently not usable in World versus World maps.

15 Spirit of Wolf Logging Tool

This logging tool sometimes only strikes the tree two times, even if the animation finished correctly and the channelling wasn't interrupted. When this happens, the tree can be chopped again to gather the remaining wood, getting felled after the first strike.

16 Swarm Logging Flute

This gathering tool often leaves the character stuck for a few seconds after completing the gathering.

17 The Icebrood Saga Complete Pack

If any episode has been unlocked as a part of the Living World Return event, the bundle might show it as still being locked. The bundle's price will also not be adjusted.

18 World Boss Portal Device

Notification of Convergence: Mount Balrior happens 1h later than it should.



# Page Bug description
1 Draconis Mons

The Skimmer can traverse the Boiling Sea with the Skimming the Depths mastery unlocked unharmed up until a certain depth is reached. A message stating 'You are leaving the playable area. Return to the playable area, or you will be killed' will appear if the player goes too deep underwater.

2 Elon Riverlands

Skimshallow Cove is currently labelled on the world map in the wrong location (east of The Quickmire) - its true location is south of the Skimmer Ranch.

3 Green Alpine Borderlands

The dolyak from Foghaven camp to Green Alpine Bastion often gets stuck on the portal before despawning.

4 Lake Doric

When the last area needed for world completion is discovered, a completion for the original unreleased Lake Doric map may also be received, with a reward of one Transmutation Charge or Black Lion Key and 8,001 experience points. This has been observed when completing multiple maps.

5 Mount Maelstrom

This zone does not give a mail message from the Tyrian Explorers Society upon completing the map. Rewards are unaffected.

6 Southsun Cove

Some background sound effects are not muted completely while Guild Wars 2 is in the background even while using the related sound option.

7 The Echovald Wilds

Qinkaishi Falls does not shine on the map when mousing over points of interest. It is recommended to get this early when attempting map completion as all other point of interests will shine.


# Page Bug description
1 Astrozintli Forelands

Some merchants are found dead and cannot be revived conventionally. Battle Standard or Glyph of Renewal must be used to revive dead merchants by the crafting stations.

2 Commodore's Quarter

Sometimes Marcello DiGiacomo's will take out his instrument and start playing and singing. The audio from this often overlap with his ambient dialogue.

3 Dalada Forest

While the race event is active more Race Spectators and Old Soldiers show up. However, if you get too close to them they disappear. They reappear once you are sufficiently far away.

4 Dostoev Sky Peak

The ceiling chains intended to open the door on the way to the vista may not be interactable despite the cog icon. If this happens, the door can be jumped over from above and slightly down the ramp.

5 Fionnghuala Scratch

The skritt merchant can apparently be killed. He does not respawn.

6 Fort Salma

Above where a well has fallen into the collapsed ground, there is a circle of water now floating inside a tree.

7 Fort Trinity

The Priory Explorer uses a human female model but a male asura voice.

8 Legions' Alcove

The dialogue that plays after the defeat of the first Dominion tribune acts as if all five tribunes were still alive.

9 Mad King's Raceway

For a short amount of time when a race event starts or ends, credit for a time trial checkpoint may not occur requiring a participant to retrigger the checkpoint.

10 Mechanisms of Production

The Elite Dredge Resonator doesn't always leave the scene to report to General Zadorojny. In this case he is standing there as an ally.

11 Mellaggan's Grotto

The waypoint doesn't seem to appear if the Prevent krait from kidnapping Okarinoo quaggans event is active.

12 Pain Cliffs

If doing on Exploration Mode, be careful around the checkpoint right before the final zone. Players have been trapped in the rainbow clouds after activating it, type /gg in chat to respawn.

Lag may cause traps to knock characters onto the opposite side where they are not supposed to be. This may cause issues with progression and force the character to respawn by dying to additional trap damage.

13 Phloem Meander

The waypoint at the Ooze Font has no name ingame.

14 Rapids

It is possible to jump over the trees blocking your path in this section if you do not have the SAB Candle Icon.pngCandle. If you do this, you will later get stuck and be forced to leave the instance.

15 Shaman's Rookery

Neither Sacred Wolves or Sacred Bears seem to cause any effects: standing in their AoEs won't do anything to you.

16 Skimshallow Cove
  • The map currently displays the "Skimshallow Cove" text in the wrong location (to the east of The Quickmire).
  • Entering the area for the first time might not uncover it on the map. A possible fix is to visit the neighboring areas.
17 Storm Top
  • Sometimes Area 9 will fail to trigger in the Baby's Second Adventure achievement.
  • If you are in the air within a frozen waterfall when it re-solidifies you will be locked in place if you are holding an item, such as a key.
  • A small number of Minis can activate the buttons on the light puzzles.
18 Tumultuous Sea

Coral and seaweed nodes can often be found floating above the seabed against the barrier that pushes the player back.

19 Unending Nightmares

Upscaled hallucinatory enemies will lose their nightmarish appearance. Because of this, all veteran and above NPCs that are not the bosses of the events will have a corporeal appearance.


# Page Bug description
1 Font of Rhand
  • Occasionally the ice wall behind the veteran Flame Legion foe in room 1 will not break when the foe is killed. He should respawn though, giving you another opportunity to break it.
  • You cannot place the Statue Head into the mortar in room 2A
    • Breaking through the stone wall may stop working after losing control of the portal to the mini-dungeon, thus hindering you from getting another sword if you lose it.
  • Sometimes the chains to open the door in room 2B don't work.
  • When an engineer picks up the sword and goes underwater it will disappear instead of giving the bundles underwater skills.
  • When using the mesmer trident skill Imminent Voyage it is possible to get stuck behind or outside the corridor walls.
2 Goff's Loot

Sometimes the Veteran Cave Trolls will escape their cells but remain Determined.png invulnerable. In this case, the mini-dungeon cannot be properly finished, as the Prison Gate will not open while they're alive.

3 Tears of Itlaocol

It can be impossible to complete the mini-dungeon if the Tears of Itlaocol have been "displaced" by other players. The only fix is finding the Tears and carrying them back to the mini-dungeon.

4 Valdhertz Crypts (mini-dungeon)
  • There may be no Weapon Display object at the Head of Houses. In which case dropping a bundle weapon will enable the interact. Cancelling the channel immediately will enable the Weapon Display interaction from then on.
  • May not be able to loot the Chest of Grand Valdhertz Riches despite participating in all rooms and be the one that solved the puzzles, more prone to happening when doing rooms with other players.
  • May not be able to loot all the chest or the Grand chest despite doing all the events from the start Solo.
  • The timer to reset the mini-dungeon after the chests room is opened may not start, which freezes the mini-dungeon.
  • The following bugs will stall the mini-dungeon, halting players from progressing entirely until it is reset:
    • The event in the entrance hall can sometimes stop spawning enemies.
    • Uwe Gorhopf may be invincible and not spawn any mobs.
    • There may be no Weapons at the Head of Houses. If you are not solo, someone else can do the puzzle.
    • If the Heads of Houses puzzle is finished by multiple people with a small interval, the next room may not spawn any enemies.
    • Killing one of the last veterans, Veteran Commissar Ignat or Veteran Countess Lavinia Durheim, outside of the final room will force the event timer to be stuck at 0:00.
    • Defeating both final veterans may not make the Heart of Grenth interactive.Redoing the mini-dungeon (solo if possible) should let you get the missing rooms.
5 Vasburg Armory (mini-dungeon)
  • If Lukas Vasburg is friendly and does nothing but ask "Are you the one that let the emptiness in?", it is impossible to fight him and start the mini-dungeon. Apparently this happens if he was previously killed fully rather than just brought down to 50%.
  • Occasionally the final chest cannot be looted (even after placing both the Amber and Jade runestones on the pillars), even after repeating the puzzle or changing maps - if this occurs, you will have to try another day.
  • Progressing too fast through the puzzle to use the portal may result in being kicked out from the puzzle.

Instanced content[edit]


# Page Bug description
1 Ascalonian Catacombs (explorable)
  • Detha Tremblebones will occasionally not trigger the flooded temple event required to progress the dungeon. As a workaround, players can lure Gravelings into the room and have them kill her. Upon revival, Detha will proceed with the event as intended.
  • Detha Tremblebones will occasionally not trigger the Ghost Eater in the Hall of Champions required to progress the dungeon.
  • Also in Detha's path, when you get to the Ghost Eater in the Hall of Champions, the boss may reset its original position to the corner of the event area, thus, not allowing you to use traps East and North since it will go out of combat and regenerate it's health as soon as you try to lure it to these other two traps.
  • In Tzark's path, occasionally after killing the burrows in the Hall of Champions the passage to Colossus Rumblus will fail to open, making it impossible to finish the dungeon. This may be caused by Warmaster Grast being dead when the event is supposed to trigger.
  • In Tzark's path, some animations of the ghost transformation will not work properly because the old models were never updated with new animations.
  • In Tzark's path, killing Colossus Rumblus prior to Warmaster Grast entering the final room may prevent the regular completion reward being awarded.
2 Ascalonian Catacombs (story)

The Crypt Waypoint does not appear on the map nor minimap, so it cannot be used.

3 Caudecus's Manor (explorable)

There is currently a bug in Path 1 where there's a chance to not receive the dungeon completion reward after defeating Frost.

4 Champion Icebrood Goliath

Occasionally, Icebrood Goliaths will use ogre shouts upon aggro, deaggro, and death.

5 Citadel of Flame (story)
  • Although Gaheron's health resets, his phase does not if you wipe and have to waypoint. With Revive Orbs, defeated players can revive inside the shield, and so avoid having to start over with Gaheron back at full health.
  • Gaheron no longer fires fireballs at players at the start of the dungeon.
6 Crucible of Eternity (explorable)

At times the advanced golem (Mark T-B34RC3) may not change from Friendly to Hostile.

7 Deepstone Fractal

In the chasm room, one of the orbs of light may not appear as activated in the user interface. The room will complete without it and this has no effect on the rest of the fractal.

8 Farnaz, High Priestess of Lyssa

Farnaz may not spawn if Whispers Agent died during her dialogue or something similar. To prevent it, use stealth to skip spiders or lose aggro before approaching the statue. There is no known fix.

9 Fractals of the Mists

The recommended agony resistance values shown in-game can vary by ±1 from the actual amounts needed, depending on your character's max HP.

10 Hirvela the Lost

Hirvela's Transform ability will sometimes not complete the animation from being attacked, making him much easier than intended.

11 Honor of the Waves (explorable)

Wollam will almost always clip through the ceiling of the underwater cave if it uses its surge attack while aiming upwards, making it very hard to finish the fight since most skills in the game cannot hit targets through terrain

12 Honor's Voice

Honor's Voice will sometimes run away when not using a skill.

13 Kudu's Power Suit

This creature is flagged as a 'bandit', will be affected by Outlaw slaying sigils and potions, and will have bandit drops such as Broken Lockpicks and Encoded Orders

14 Kulag the Fallen

Kulag will sometimes fixate on one player for the fight and will stop attacking if said player stands out of Kulag's line of sight, forcing him to be an easy target.

15 Lonely Tower Fractal

Dodging as a Vindicator (Tenacious Ruin) will instead knock your character down while in the Cerus and Deimos boss room. Effects dependent on your dodges will not trigger.

  • Resetting the fight with /gg does not reset the boss fully, he just gets back to 100% HP, i.e he will continue his pattern from where he left off (See General Pattern).
  • Sometimes it is possible to not collect orbs even after walking over them. Pressing F to collect them seems faster(Careful of allied portals).
16 Mechanisms of Production

The Elite Dredge Resonator doesn't always leave the scene to report to General Zadorojny. In this case he is standing there as an ally.

17 Nightmare Fractal

Progressing to the top of the ramp too quickly may cause Arkk to stall and the second boss to not spawn. A full instance reset will be necessary. Some ways to avoid this bug are to not use super speed or blinks to progress up the ramp, or to wait for Arkk to teleport to the bottom of the ramp before moving onwards. This bug is not generally seen unless the group is speed-running.

18 Pain Cliffs

If doing on Exploration Mode, be careful around the checkpoint right before the final zone. Players have been trapped in the rainbow clouds after activating it, type /gg in chat to respawn.

Lag may cause traps to knock characters onto the opposite side where they are not supposed to be. This may cause issues with progression and force the character to respawn by dying to additional trap damage.

19 Phloem Meander

The waypoint at the Ooze Font has no name ingame.

20 Rapids

It is possible to jump over the trees blocking your path in this section if you do not have the SAB Candle Icon.pngCandle. If you do this, you will later get stuck and be forced to leave the instance.

21 Silent Surf Fractal
  • The Aspects' animation can be affected by Mistlock Instability Sugar Rush.png Mistlock Instability: Sugar Rush, visually desynchronizing their attack with Kanaxai's, but the attack's timing is not actually affected.
  • The Aspects on the outer islands will also cast Dread Visage but the overhead eye icon may not be visible.

  • While the Aspects that spawn from failing the CC won't usually wipe the group (and are just pressuring the group with damage), if they aren't dead during the split mechanic they will wipe the group like the rest of the Aspects. However, The Aspects that spawn from failing the CC can appear during the split phase and they will wipe the group if they aren't killed by the end of it. Therefore it is important to either make sure you get the CC during the 35% and 70%, or wait until the Aspects from the failed CC spawned and dead before the split.
  • Not killing the Aspect while being affected by Phantasmagoria may make the visual effect on the edges of the screen linger even after the Aspect switches target, and the player may be able to see (but not attack) other Aspects assigned to other teammates.

  • Being invulnerable/blocking (including invulnerability from Mistlock Singularity or having Aegis.png Aegis) will block the Aspect's tether attack and will make the Aspect cast it again after a short delay.

The tether visual is bigger than indicated and may change targets to players who did not visually intercept it.

22 Siren's Reef Fractal

The treasure chest will despawn if thrown into water. Have the party use /gg to reset

23 Solid Ocean Fractal

It has been noted that sometimes you cannot hear and/or see the boss's laser attack; It can be safely timed based on the skull's disappearance.

24 Sorrow's Embrace (explorable)

Rarely, the chain will not become interactible, blocking progress.

Before players kill Kreutzerova, they need to make sure that Rasolov is alive. After killing him, players must wait for the dialogue to finish before proceeding to kill the next four minibosses. Otherwise, Tarleov may bug and not open the door, blocking progress.

Rarely, Rasalov fails to start the event for collecting glowing rocks, blocking progress.

War Minister Shukov will occasionally bug out and not summon his golems.

25 Sparki

If Sparki is interrupted while casting her Ground Bloom skill, the interrupt animation will play, but the damage from the skill will stay for an additional few seconds.

26 Storm Top
  • Sometimes Area 9 will fail to trigger in the Baby's Second Adventure achievement.
  • If you are in the air within a frozen waterfall when it re-solidifies you will be locked in place if you are holding an item, such as a key.
  • A small number of Minis can activate the buttons on the light puzzles.
27 Sunqua Peak Fractal
  • In normal mode the air mechanic might bug out, causing the boss to unleash the channeled attack even if all the energy sources are dispelled, and start channeling again without respawning energy sources. The issue persists even after restarting the boss. This bug reportedly occurs when the party wipes during the water phase. The only known ways to circumvent it is having enough DPS to skip the storm dispelling mechanic, or to start over a new instance.

  • It is possible to avoid the final hit of the meteor mechanic by standing between the intact meteor and the boss, standing very very close to the hitbox of the meteor.
  • At lower tiers the AoEs that mark where the meteors land might not appear visually, but the attack still hits and applies conditions as normal.
28 Super Adventure Box
  • Occasionally, playing Tribulation mode before Normal mode will cause Glorious chests to not appear in Normal mode. To avoid this, it is recommended to complete Normal mode before Tribulation mode each day.
  • Progression in the Baby's First Super Adventure achievement (related to the Exploration mode) is erroneously granted in the normal mode at certain locations.
  • If a player leaves during a boss fight, the camera will be locked in the same position, making it impossible to zoom in or zoom out. This can be avoided by waiting to move to the next area or moving outside of the boss arena in some way before leaving. To fix this, players can revisit any boss that zooms out the camera to force it to reset, like the bosses inside the Box itself. Logging out to the desktop and back in will also solve the issue. (In the King Frog area your camera is reset on the far right center corner on the 2 stacked rocks.)
  • Activating a rainbow path from an odd angle can hold you in place and stop you from moving. If this happens, try digging up a bunny so you could respawn to the last checkpoint. Alternative you can just write /gg in the chat.
  • Falling from a height onto a bouncy surface (e.g. a mushroom) and not jumping can make the player character appear to be lying face down for a few minutes, nothing changes apart from the appearance, you can play normally but will be jumping and attacking while only seeing yourself lying down.
29 Thaumanova Reactor Fractal

The lines "Everybody you saved..." and "This is it!..." are played twice at the same time, with the first simply being just "Dessa".

30 The Ruined City of Arah (explorable)
  • During the Corrosive Light Glove puzzle, if the second sealed door is opened before actually choosing to run Paths 3 or 4, Lupicus will bug and remain friendly, blocking progress. This can only happen when using out of bounds skips.
  • Some groups of enemies in dungeons have the ability to chase players they aggro all around the map if not allowed to come into attack range of the players they aggro, or melee range if those players are in stealth. These enemies will teleport, go out of bounds, traverse the entire map, and chase players until they manage to reach them, at which point they stop. This behavior is unofficially called "pathing". To prevent it, those enemies must be allowed to come into melee range of the players they walk towards, even if those players are in stealth. In Arah, the enemies capable of pathing are:
    • The large group of Risen at the start of the dungeon, to the right.
    • The large group or Risen between the second boss and Lupicus of Paths 1 and 2.
  • Some enemies have an abnormally large de-aggro range, and will chase players for very long distances before breaking aggro. These enemies are:
    • The first group of Oozes that spawn at the start of Path 1, after the initial gate.
    • The large group of Oozes and the Risen Drakes right before the second Jotun Stargazer in Path 1.
    • The three Risen Gorillas right before the Corrosive Light Glove puzzle in Paths 3 and 4.
    • The Champion Risen Knight at the start of Path 4.
Path 1
  • After reviving at a waypoint, players may lose all their skills if they were covered in tar when they died. This can be fixed by returning to character select screen.
  • There is a hole on the ground in the area where players fight Korga the Mighty, Lord of the Orrian Gorillas. If players fall on it, they will have to use a waypoint to return above ground.
  • Against the Legendary Jotun Stargazer final boss, once the first ring of fire appears, existing and new mesmer illusions cast on it instantly disappear without effect.
Path 2
  • If the party wipes against Alphard, a bone wall will appear at the entrance to the boss room, blocking progress. The bone wall will disappear only after the party wipes a second time, such as to the mines and Inquest/Dominated Risen in the previous room. Players might need to remain dead for a couple of seconds.
  • On rare occasions, Alphard may fail to teleport back to its spawning position before doing its deadly Dagger Storm in place, likely wiping the group instantly.
Path 3
  • If players reach the last boss's arena and Warden Illyra, the path NPC, teleports to them before walking through the areas that trigger her voice lines "There! Up there is the altar!" and "Up the slope! We need to reach the altar.", she might bug and fail to start the final boss fight, blocking progress. On rare occasions, players might fix this by wiping and having Illyra walk all the way from the chicken waypoint to the altar, but it's not guaranteed to fix it.
  • On extremely rare occasions, no wraiths will spawn during the first phase of the final boss, the cleansing ritual, massively decreasing the difficulty of this first phase. This has no effect on the second phase of the fight.
Path 4
  • When fighting Simi, the priestess of Dwayna, if a player negates the petrification effect with stability, further applications of petrification may fail to stun said player, behaving as if they had stability.
    • This same behaviour can occur with the final boss, the Bloodstone Shard.
31 Twilight Arbor (explorable)

On rare occasions, when doing the forward path, the spiderweb door blocking the entrance to the historical Forward/Up is not present, allowing players to enter and fight some husks. However, a bridge is missing shortly after, and the boss doesn't spawn, so the path remains incompletable.

32 Twilight Arbor (story)

If you're in necromancer shroud form or photon forge, the "turn into a kitten attack" won't turn you into a kitten, but you still won't be able to attack Cadeyrn and killing a nightmare puppy won't change you back to normal. You have to exit your shroud/holo form and then kill a nightmare puppy for it to work properly.

  • Sometimes waypoints do not appear until after you've completed the dungeons.
  • If you kill the second Elite just before the Spell Blossoms event too quickly, the Spell Blossoms event can fail to start.
33 Uncategorized Fractal
  • Sometimes when you fall you will land in a barren area. There are no monsters here and you will not take fall damage from the long fall. The only ways to get out is by going back to the Lab by teleporting or your group completing the Fractal, rejoin the party, or use the resign commands (/resign, /qq, /gg, etc)
  • For some reason, automatically during the jumping sections of the Fractal, Guardian's Aegis is randomly removed with a "block" message, and multiple "Miss" messages appear after. These disappear when the jumping section is finished.
34 Vallog

Despite being a male centaur, Vallog uses a female centaur voice in combat.

35 Volcanic Fractal

The "The Floor Is Lava. Don't Step In It." achievement might sometimes not be credited properly despite not stepping in any lava.


# Page Bug description
1 Hall of Chains

If the squad DPS is too high they might randomly receive massive damage as though a green was missed. It's unclear the exact reason, but it might be because there's a limit to how many green circles can be rendered at once.

2 Mount Balrior

The indicator for Steam Prison on players scales with their model size, making it appear larger/smaller than the ring will actually be depending on their race.

3 Mythwright Gambit

In rare cases, the tank may get the Tidal Pool mechanic when fighting Nikare at the third or final platforms.

Kenut may occasionally spawn double the amount of waterspouts after teleporting to her third or final platform.

Either one of the twins may occasionally bug out at 25%, being invunerable and not moving to the next platform. This bug occurs when it coincides with a CC bar. The platform they are on continues to sink during this time, so it becomes near impossible to kill them before the platform sinks entirely under the water.

There is currently a bug (or obscure mechanic) that occurs during the kiting phase when Qadim is at 33% health. While Qadim is switching platforms to the third kiting platform (the one connected with blue orbs to the second platform) the kiter has to move to the opposite side or else, even if Djinn's Gaze fixation appears to be applied to him, Qadim will act as though there was noone on the platform, gaining stacks and rapidly changing platforms, which can quickly snowball into a wipe. This often happens when the kiter is a Deadeye, as they tend to kneel on the closest corner. To circumvent this issue, the kiter should go to the furthest corner on this third platform (it will be the corner closest to the wyverns).

4 Stronghold of the Faithful

If the projections are too close together and one dies a split second before they merge, there is a possibility of both phantasms disappearing but no Insidious Projection will spawn. A stack of Xera's Embrace will still be stripped.

Sometimes the Radiant/Crimson Phantasms do not disappear even after Keep Construct's Defiance Bar is broken, forcing the party to destroy them with little time, otherwise the phantasms will explode and wipe the party.

Sometimes the core may get stuck in one spot. It will not move even if skills specifically target it. The phase will end once a Retriever Projection touches it.

5 The Key of Ahdashim
  • Despite Retaliation.png Retaliation having been reworked and changed into Resolution.png Resolution, Adina might still reflect damage.
  • Sometimes pillars might not block or get destroyed by Adina's projectiles despite having enough players standing behind it, or will protect more than 2 players at once.

The Force of Havoc's "road" becomes invisible soon after spawning, only reappearing briefly for its despawn animation.

Strike Missions[edit]

# Page Bug description
1 Secret Lair of the Snowmen

After leaving an unsuccessful instance and returning you are sometimes added to an already locked instance. If that happens your character will be defeated instantly near the entrance. You can be revived by another player, provided they haven't all been locked already in Freezie's pit. Attempting to use a waypoint while in this state claims you're in combat. Logging out and in again will take you to Divinity's Reach near the Lair's portal in a defeated state, but if you revive and re-enter the Lair you will be instantly killed again. Entering the Lair on any other character on the same account also puts that character in the same situation. You have to wait for the instance to finish but if at least one player stays alive and keeps kiting Freezie the instance can last for a long time.

2 Strike Mission: Cosmic Observatory

If Dagda's health is pushed to a phase transition threshold while she is performing Spinning Nebula at any spot other than the center, she will use the spot where the Spinning Nebula was performed as her default position (instead of the center) until another Spinning Nebula teleports her to another spot.

The green circles during the Meteor Crash attack can be stacked together with no punishment, despite the arrows indicating too many people are inside.

3 Strike Mission: Harvest Temple
  • For all phases following the first orb phase, players can get out-of-combat when not engaged in combat for a period of time.
  • The damage from standing under the Heart and its attacks are massively increased when the Heart is untargetable. Players should stay clear of any lingering attacks after breaking its defiance bar.
  • For all phases, some mechanics do not immediately despawn upon phasing and can still inflict damage. Some of these are only visual bugs and do not actually inflict damage. However for future fight attempts, there may either be no telegraph or the mechanic will be activated much earlier before returning to normal.

The green pools left behind by the Heart of Zhaitan persist longer than telegraphed. Players should move around its path to avoid taking damage from an invisible pool.

The Putrid Deluge attack will sometimes not trigger during a fight attempt.

The Swipe attack is larger than telegraphed.

4 Strike Mission: Kaineng Overlook
  • Players downed during a phase change and not promptly revived can be stuck on the top platform until the next phase is complete. Some attacks from these phases will also target you.
  • If the challenge mode is disabled while players are in the boss arena (past the green barrier), all bosses do not retreat to their perches as part of their initial animation. They will instead attack nearby players and are untargetable. Starting the fight by attacking Minister Li will reset them.

  • The Enforcer and Mindblade are affected by Immobile.png Immobile even though they have a defiance bar. This may delay in guiding them to the correct position.
  • The Enforcer's defiance bar is normally locked, but unlocks following the first fight attempt of the instance. Breaking the bar inflicts Stun.png Stun and Exposed.png Exposed

If the players are assigned the numbers by the Spread attack, but the boss is phased before the attack is fully completed, the players will be immobilized, unable to move away from the damaging AoEs, and killed. Especially dangerous in the Challenge Mode.

  • The Green mechanic can spawn on a defeated player, rendering it not present during some parts of the fight.
  • Resetting during this phase for any reason may cause The Mech Rider to continue attacking players on the next attempt for the entire fight (i.e. firing its laser attack with telegraphs visible), for all phases until it appears normally. The fight is otherwise normal, as The Mech Rider will not be able to hit players directly from its spawn position. However, it is possible for the boss to become friendly or untargetable and therefore cause the fight to stall, requiring a complete reset of the strike mission.
  • The Mech Rider's Numbers attack does not apply the Extreme Vulnerability effect, rendering the attack effectively harmless. This is corrected in the challenge mode.
5 Strike Mission: Shiverpeaks Pass

The shock waves from Ice Shock Wave and Spinning Ice do not disable, despite their skill description and visual indicator.

6 Strike Mission: Whisper of Jormag

If the defiance bar from Frigid Vortex is broken and the boss subsequently phases, the Whisper of Jormag can either attack very rapidly, not attack at all, disappears, or goes invisible after the doppelganger phase. Players should therefore take caution and avoid breaking the bar if the boss is about to phase.

Spreading Ice no longer deals damage to the original player during this phase.


# Page Bug description
1 Aatxe

Sometimes Aatxe may still inflict Charge attacks after it dies.

2 Aellin

If Comrades in Arms hasn't been unlocked and started yet, despite being able to have the complete dialogue with Basil and being able to promise him you'll deliver the letter, Aellin will not be present in Lion's Arch until you start that achievement and progress Basil's dogtag in it by talking to him again.

3 Agent Ava

In German she is mistakenly named Ibboh, a nearby NPC, instead of Ava.

4 Agent Dazz

Currently has this dialogue which is also Scholar Nola's

5 Agent Raia

Agent Raia does not show a merchant icon.

6 Albert the Butler

Players that have replayed the story may not be able to purchase items from him nor may they enter conventionally by interacting with the door.

7 Alchemist Briella

Briella doesn't show the "talk bubble" icon on hover, and her "Talk" prompt is orange instead of green

8 Allen Westward

He can be revived by AoE revive skills such as Signet of Undeath, if killed again by the veteran troll when it respawns, he will disappear instead of staying as a corpse.

9 Anya Fairmind

The strawberry patch is sometimes missing.

10 Apprentice Kloxx

After succeeding Destroy the malfunctioning golem, Kloxx's default dialogue will close immediately whenever you talk to her. This bug is reset by relogging or switching characters.

11 Ascalonian Archer

Sometimes Ascalonian ghosts can spawn missing their ghostly-blue visual effect, making them appear as they did before the Foefire.

12 Ascalonian Captain

Sometimes Ascalonian ghosts can spawn missing their ghostly-blue visual effect, making them appear as they did before the Foefire:

13 Ascalonian Fighter

Sometimes Ascalonian ghosts can spawn missing their ghostly-blue visual effect, making them appear as they did before the Foefire.

14 Ascalonian Healer

Sometimes Ascalonian ghosts can spawn missing their ghostly-blue visual effect, making them appear as they did before the Foefire.

15 Ascalonian Mage

Sometimes Ascalonian ghosts can spawn missing their ghostly-blue visual effect, making them appear as they did before the Foefire.

16 Ascalonian Peasant

Sometimes Ascalonian ghosts can spawn missing their ghostly-blue visual effect, making them appear as they did before the Foefire:

17 Ascalonian Recruit

Sometimes Ascalonian ghosts can spawn missing their ghostly-blue visual effect, making them appear as they did before the Foefire.

18 Ascalonian Scholar

Sometimes Ascalonian ghosts can spawn missing their ghostly-blue visual effect, making them appear as they did before the Foefire.

19 Ascalonian Siege Engineer (Blazeridge Steppes)

Sometimes Ascalonian ghosts can spawn missing their ghostly-blue visual effect, making them appear as they did before the Foefire.

20 Ascalonian Soldier

Sometimes Ascalonian ghosts can spawn missing their ghostly-blue visual effect, making them appear as they did before the Foefire.

21 Ascalonian Student

Sometimes Ascalonian ghosts can spawn missing their ghostly-blue visual effect, making them appear as they did before the Foefire.

22 Astral Ward Scout Caspian

Bunnt and Caspian appear duplicated in close proximity together within the Astral Ward camp.

23 Axel Trueshot

Even if the player isn't a member of the Order of Whispers, they will still say "Glad a fellow Whispers agent made it..."

24 Aymber Blastrock

Aymber may indicate she is ready to begin an event before she actually offers it.

25 Azalus Poisontongue

Sometimes Azalus will actually die after Defeat Azalus Poisontongue and is unable to be revived.

26 Badazar's Champion
  • Badazar's Champion has "Retaliates" listed as an ability but cannot grant Retaliation.png Retaliation to himself.
  • Badazar's Champion has "Knocks Back" listed as an ability but does not use Knockback.
  • Badazar's Champion has "summons totem" listed as an ability but does not seem to do anything of that sort.
27 Basil
  • His character model can be invisible, leaving only the name to find him by.
  • Even after his model "disappears" after he finishes his dialogue, it can still be interacted with and will display the dialogue chain from "S-so what do you say?". If you go away far enough before interacting with, the dialogue restarts from "H-hey... I... (groans)"
  • Sometimes, interacting does not bring up the dialogue.
  • If Comrades in Arms hasn't been unlocked and started yet, despite being able to have the complete dialogue with Basil and being able to promise him you'll deliver the letter, Aellin will not be present in Lion's Arch until you start that achievement and progress Basil's dogtag in it by talking to him again.
28 Blane the Insane
  • Male charr and sylvari will get the same dialogue as the male norn instead of the other race dialogue. After defeating him, then they will get the other race dialogue, but not the option to fight him again.
  • Female human, sylvari and asura will get the same dialogue as the female norn instead of the other race dialogue, too.
29 Blossoming Spring

While a jar can be obtained from Blossoming Spring outside of the honey-gathering event, it is not possible to collect honey with it unless the dynamic event is ongoing.

30 Branded Hydra

After losing a head, its name and rank will change to Veteran Branded Hydra.

31 Burnisher Kengo

When healing other players, Kengo uses male dialogue.

32 Calogero the Elder

Despite being a charr, Caloguero uses greeting quotes from Ebon Vanguard NPCs, sometimes male Vanguards and sometimes female, including greetings about the Six Human Gods.

33 Champion Aatxe

Sometimes Champion Aatxe may still inflict Charge attacks after it dies.

34 Champion Charr Igniter

The Champion Charr Igniter's Point Blank Area of Effect attack will continue to inflict Crippled.png Crippled and Damage players even if the champion has become friendly.

35 Champion Corrupted Illusion

Sometimes, Illusions can spawn missing their transparent-purple visual effect.

36 Champion Drakin Cinderspire

For some reason, the progress bar does not advance when killing foes, causing the Event to become stuck

37 Champion Flame Effigy

The immunity to normal damage might sometimes fail, allowing the champion to be killed by regular skills.

38 Champion Fluffy

There are no visual indicators to show players when Fluffy is reflecting; the creature never performs a channeled animation, like when Whirling Defense is used, and it does not gain an effect icon, like when Magnetic Aura is used.

39 Champion Inquest Engineer

Due to scaling issues, upscaled enemies with veteran ranks or higher are unable to drop loots or give experience points.

40 Champion Jackalope

The Jackalope can get stuck on the terrain near the river, allowing a player with a ranged weapon and sufficient patience to kill it by themselves.

41 Champion Lady Shamshir

This bounty champion is often unavailable as the bounty cannot be interacted with at the bounty board. Best option is to go there right after a patch as the map is reset which makes the bounty available again.

42 Champion Mordrem Vile Thrasher
  • As of today (13rd August 2024), this boss is still not working properly and has been regularly bugged for the past few years (last seen working around late-2019/early-2020).
  • It might still work after a major update once server have restarted, without any certainty.
43 Champion Morg

Can sometimes get stuck in the ground; a possible solution is to get him out of combat, at which point he resets with full HP.

44 Champion Orrian Terror
  • Underwater, if players position themselves at certain angles under a Risen Corrupter of any NPC rank, their Vapor Blades won't hit the players. Once such angle is found, if nothing moves the player or the Risen corrupted out of position, it is possible to defeat the Risen Corrupted without being hit for the remainder of the fight
  • The terror's has never been using the combat abilities "chill", "Summon Whirlpools", or create "Watery Wards" that appear in its description, and instead has the same skills as a Champion Risen Corrupter underwater, and similar skills to Lieutenant Kholer on ground
45 Champion Plains Wurm

In Blazeridge Steppes, it drops wurm meat when killed even if Kill wurms and collect their meat for Sharpwit has already been completed.

46 Champion Risen Acolyte

Champion Risen Acolytes still have "Immobilize" listed as an ability even though they no longer inflict Immobilized.

47 Champion Risen Giant

Champion Risen Giants have "Knocks Down" listed as an ability even though Stomp launches instead of knocking down.

48 Champion Risen Hylek Petmaster

This creature will often leave combat in the middle of the fight against ranged players, even if they do not leave the event's area. This makes the fight quite longer as it recovers large portions of its health while out of combat.

49 Champion Risen Subjugator
  • Multiple wells placed by the Frightening Blast skill last for 30 seconds on the ground, which gives enough time for events to be annihilated by having crucial NPCs advance forward and stand on them. It is unknown if the duration of the wells is intended.
  • Endure Pain skill has no effect against wells casted by Champion Risen Subjugators.
50 Champion Tower Lord

The Champion Tower Lord stuns, rather than dazes.

51 Champion Toxic Spider Queen

Characters with Stability.png Stability in effect may be unaffected by the cocoon, but are still targeted as "trapped" and are susceptible to be lured and instantly downed by Champion Toxic Spider Queen's Devour attack.

52 Champion Unbound Djinn

The Champion Unbound Djinn can sometimes become partially stuck in the ground, therefore becoming invulnerable due to its inability to attack.

53 Champion Unchained Illusionist

The two skills that appear while under the effects of Intelligence have no specified name; they appear as a single dot in the combat log.

54 Champion Undersea Ice Wurm

It will attempt to melee foes who are up to 250 units away, even though the wurm's melee skill only has 200 range.

55 Charity Corps Seraph (Wintersday Gifts)

Buying Personalized Wintersday Gifts from Sigurlina Jonsdottir will reduce the amount of gifts available for 700 Karma.

56 Charity Corps Seraph (Wintersday Rewards)

The colors can appear as locked in the vendor pane after purchasing all of them.

57 Charr Car

The Jump Right and Jump Forward skills have their names switched.

58 Corporal Beirne

Sometimes the cinematic will show him without a pistol but still using pistol firing animations.

59 Corrupted Illusion

Sometimes, the Corrupted Illusions can spawn missing their transparent-purple visual effect.

60 Corrupted Vigil Crusader

They will sometimes appear as allies once the chain resets, replacing standard Vigil Crusaders.

61 Corrupted Vigil Marksman

They will sometimes appear as allies once the chain resets, replacing standard Vigil Marksmen.

62 Corrupted Vigil Recruit

They will sometimes appear as allies once the chain resets, replacing standard Vigil Recruits.

63 Corrupted Vigil Tactician

They will sometimes appear as allies once the chain resets, replacing standard Vigil Tacticians.

64 Creator Zee

While the generator event is active, the user is able to access Zee's vendor inventory while the heart is not completed.

65 Crusader Foehunter

NPC is supposed to become a karma merchant after the event, but the interaction fails to bring up his dialogue

66 Darm Shattersword

If killed during the Defend Splintercrest Fort event, he will permanently disappear from the instance of the map.

67 Deborah

Deborah's appearance in the latter Personal Story appears to be randomized even if the player character did do the Dead Sister storyline. [verification requested]

68 Deft Lahar

The disabled movement options are only for the homestead owner, visitors can still use mounts, gliders, and receive no fall damage regardless of options selected.

69 Demolitionist Folke

This NPC will occasionally freeze in place and prevent the meta event from progressing.

70 Displaced Spirit

Displaced Spirits may spawn at the tops of trees.

71 Dodge Trainer Golden Daisy

Though the animation for their kick skill is still performed, it does not appear to deal any damage and thus instantly grants a stack of Thick Skin (Leviathan).png Attacks Avoided.[verification requested]

72 Duck (ambient creature)

Ducks do not currently have animations for their attacks.

73 Eimall

This vendor sells Notarized Scroll of Jade Heroics for Testimony of Desert Heroics instead of Testimony of Jade Heroics.

74 Elite Bandit Archer

Bandit Archers have "confuses" listed as an ability but do not actually use attacks that inflict confusion.

75 Elite Branded Hydra

After losing a head, its name and rank will change to Veteran Branded Hydra.

76 Elite Charr Tank

The Jump Right and Jump Forward skills have their names switched.

77 Elite Icebrood Goliath

Occasionally, Icebrood Goliaths will use ogre shouts upon aggro, deaggro, and death.

78 Elite Risen Defiler

Only the Elite Risen Defilers that are encountered in Arah P2 have a poison aura; the ones in CoE P2 and P3, and Arah P3 are not able to poison.

79 Elite Risen Putrifier

Elite Risen Putrifier still has "Pull" listed as an ability even though it no longer pulls.

80 Evon Gnashblade

If players are crafting The Dreamer, but have not completed the entire quest chain and obtained the Mini Red Spark, Evon Gnashblade will not prompt the relevant dialogue for the legendary collection.

81 Explorer Bink

If players stand south or southwest of Bink while giving her Durmand Priory Books, they will get no credit since they are technically not in the renown heart's area.

82 Explorer Jamsa Gemhunt

Players have the option to say "I am Priory. What are you studying?" whether they are in the Durmand Priory or not

83 Explorer Ket

Talking to Explorer Ket after her heart is complete allows players to ask how to help again, but contains an additional way to help which is not listed when talking to her before completing the heart.

84 Explorer Rivera

If you kill Reidarr in the event too fast, Explorer Rivera will have a [merchant] tag next to his name, and the coin icon over his head as if he were a merchant, but he will not change his dialog.

85 Farmer Arlo

The I'll help you line has an incorrect icon, and closes the dialogue box instead of advancing it.

86 Fighter (choya)
  • One may be able to pick both fighters.
  • One may never be able to pick until the effect goes away on its own if the fight never happens.
  • One can get double the rewards if he/she leaves without taking the prize and the fight happens again with the picked one winning.
87 Fion

Raid decoration items from Stronghold of the Faithful shows the same icon as their trophy versions in the vendor list.

88 Flame Legion Blademaster

Flame Legion Blademasters appear to have a bugged collision hitbox when using the skill Shield Bash. Even if they're close enough to stun an enemy, Blademasters will often slide in place for a few seconds before they actually execute the stun. Aside from this, they can also easily get stuck on impassable objects or terrain due to the skill's leap mechanic. Flame Legion Bladestorms suffer from a similar problem.

89 Flame Legion Bladestorm
  • Flame Legion Bladestorms appear to have a bugged collision hitbox when using their Charge skill, which is identical to Rush. Even if they're close enough to strike an enemy, Bladestorms will often run in place for a few seconds before they actually execute the attack. Aside from this, they can also easily get stuck on impassable objects or terrain due to the skill's leap mechanic. Flame Legion Blademasters suffer from a similar problem.
  • They have "AoE Attacks" listed as an ability, but their attacks actually cleave rather than dealing damage in an area of effect.
  • They have "Whirls" listed as an ability, but they actually sprint with a skill similar to Rush rather than whirl with a skill like Whirlwind Attack.
90 Flame Legion Fire Shaman

Flame Legion Fire Shamans have "Launches" listed as an ability, but only their veteran and elite counterparts can actually launch.

91 Flame Legion Shaman

The Flame Legion Shaman in Facula Castrum was originally a champion, and scaled down to veteran status during the 20th May 2014 update. However he stills shows up as a champion at the beginning of the event chain.

92 Flame Legion Smoke Shaman

Flame Legion Smoke Shamans have "Stealths Allies" listed as an ability, but only their veteran counterparts can actually grant stealth.

93 Gaerlar Stormrider

Titanplate Medium Shoulders cannot be exchanged for Provisioner Tokens

94 Gaerra Farshot

At the end of the event an Iron Legion Legionnaire speaks a line that was definitely meant for her, as the legionnaire is male and the same voice was previously heard from her.

95 Gon Rageshot

The recipe for Iron Legion's Pauldrons is missing from his inventory.

96 Gortho, Son of Malik

The associated event chain may stall for reason yet to be known.

97 Gruff Rousepain

He doesn't always spawn.

98 Guild Banker
  • Some guild bankers are currently bugged and give an erroneous message or no access to guild bank. This may often be "fixed" by re-logging.
  • In World versus World, the Bank (map icon).png bank map icon is used and the Bank symbol appears over the head of the Guild Bankers.
99 Hal the Hermit

The last dialogue option "Sorry to bother you" displays the same dialogue box again. Close it by clicking the X under Hal's portrait, or by walking away.

100 Halbera

Offers ability to go to Raid Training but does not actually let you go there

101 Hall Director Soohee

Her dialogue will not show a line to give her Shinota Blackfin when repeating the renown heart.

102 Hasara

To interact with the NPC, you need to overcome multiple invisible walls.

103 Haslo

His appearance in Braham - Retake Cragstead is swapped with Ornan's.

104 Havroun Weibe

Weibe oddly summons Krait Damoss and Veteran Krait Nimross instead of minions.

105 Hellie

A collection icon may show on Hellie after completing both achievements, but no dialogue will trigger.

106 Hiei Quickedge

He is referred to in the event title as Hiei Sharpblade. However, the event boss bar (as well as Hiei himself) are labeled Hiei Quickedge.

107 IQ1800 LX

The dialogue for completion is no longer available, allowing players to repeat the hero challenge as many times as they wish.

108 Icebrood Elemental

Occasionally, several level 15 Icebrood Elementals will spawn at Frusenfell Creek. They do not despawn until the next server reset.

109 Icebrood Goliath

Occasionally, Icebrood Goliaths will use ogre shouts upon aggro, deaggro, and death.

110 Ikka

While Ikka uses a male asura model, she has a female name and voice.

111 Ill Tempered Barracuda

Ill Tempered Barracuda can often be found stuck on the various platforms near the edge of the water, and will not attack players who approach.

112 Invasive Iboga

The ibogas in Janthir Syntri are supposedly Mistburned flowers, as mentioned in the related event name, though they do not resemble Mistburned ibogas in appearance.

113 Irondock Engineer's Apprentice

Speaks in a male voice for event dialog but female for idle

114 Jahr Duskrend

Dialogue cannot be initiated with Jahr whenever the player character has the mine kit on.

115 Juwon Ral

His collection map icon can appear before he is available to talk to.

116 Kailani the Foolhardy

She currently offers this to anyone, even if they don't have Heart of Thorns.

117 Kelvei, the Legendary Observer

One of the dialogue branches for the second tier collection is mapped to an incorrect node. After choosing "I need help with one of the miscellaneous items.", Kelvei responds "Which other item can I help you with?". If the player selects "I have a question about a different item.", Kelvei will ask "Which challenge item do you need help with?" rather than "What can I help you with?".

118 Kendrick Redstaff

Sometimes this NPC has a 24-hour Determined effect that can only be removed by escaping his range, allowing him to reset.

119 Kodama

The option to give 5 Charged Lodestones and 10 Fire Orchid Blossoms may appear before its collection is unlocked, consuming items without giving progress.

120 Krepet

In unknown cases, players are unable to start a dialog with Krepet, despite having the Mini Angry Chest already in their miniature collection. Using another character to do the quest may avoid the bug.

121 Krewe Leader Lenx

The dialogue is identical to the one of Genius Ceejla. It makes sense for Ceejla to be referencing Almogg, for Lenx it doesn't.

122 Kristyna Sohnstag

If she moves during speech, she will cut herself short and repeat the same line. This is most common with the "Take heed!" line due to its length.

123 Labwan the Deceiver

No phantasm is summoned, although the effect is still applied.

124 Lady Camilla

Any purchased services from Lady Camilla on accounts without Path of Fire will not work, as the service NPCs will disappear once you leave the map, wasting the currency. The Hatched Chili and Eternal Ice vendors are an exception.

Despite the name and description, Vision of Equipment: Banner of the Commander is not required for anything and can't be bought after crafting the Banner of the Commander.

125 Legendary Axemaster Hareth

May become immune to physical damage if his Defiance bar is broken.

126 Legendary Risen Priest of Melandru

The Legendary Risen Priest of Melandru loses the ability to enter his second phase when the event has been repeated a certain number of times. This "counter" is reset whenever there is a game update or server maintenance.

The Legendary Priest that appears in the defense event doesnt actually attack the Aetheric Interrupter, instead he will walk in circles around the temple while the mobs are just standing near the Interrupter not doing anything then attacking players that get close.

127 Legionnaire Slashclaw
  • If Legionnaire Slashclaw, the Iron Legion Marksman, or the Ash Legion Spy die on their way to the northern entrance of Hunter's Gorge, it will cause Maybri Shadowstalker to get stuck outside, blocking event progress.
  • Sometimes Legionnaire Slashclaw and her entourage will make it to Hunter's Gorge but get stuck before they're able to start the event Destroy Foulbear Kraal before the ogres can rally, blocking event progress.
128 Lieutenant Leafe

Lieutenant Leafe offers the option to interact but has no dialogue except during events

129 Lionguard Auda

Once defeated, she might disappear, be stuck on top of a turret, or only have the "greet" option, all of which makes her impossible to talk to.

130 Lionguard Cern

Dialogue is the same even after completing the renown heart.

131 Lionguard Guide

The old location of the Dungeon vendors is displayed.

132 Lionguard Hela

Although a member of the Lionguard, she wears Ebon Vanguard armor.

133 Lionguard Odell

As an event runner, selecting Odell's "Show me which way he went." option should point the way to the attached event. In this case, that doesn't happen. Odell appears to be attached to Clear the fire imp population and extinguish their fires just like Warden Magh.

134 Lionscout Tunnira
135 Lukas Vasburg
  • If brought from above 50% hp to 0 in one hit Lukas will die and not activate the teleporter. He will also no longer respawn, preventing access to the armory.
  • Lukas might say his dialogue but doesn't turn aggressive. Nothing happens.
136 Mabli

Non-sylvari dialogue uses unadjusted sylvari dialogue.

137 Maybri Shadowstalker
  • Maybri Shadowstalker will get stuck outside the northern entrance to Hunter's Gorge and block event progress if Legionnaire Slashclaw or the other charr that travel with her are killed on their way to Foulbear Kraal.
  • Sometimes Maybri Shadowstalker and her entourage will make it to Hunter's Gorge but get stuck before they're able to start the event Destroy Foulbear Kraal before the ogres can rally, blocking event progress.
138 Meat Vendor

The vendor neither hands out meat bundles nor sells food

139 Mi-Rae

In some news reports Mi-Rae appears as a hologram named MBS Anchor instead, while her proper name appears in the recorded chat box dialogue.

140 Milton Moriarity

Uses the karma merchant indicator, but only sells for gold.

141 Miniature Sun

It uses harpy sounds.

142 Ministry Fishing Official

The "You said you work for the Ministry of Interior?" dialogue option doesn't work during the fishing tournament, and instead closes the dialogue window with no voice over.

143 Mira

In some cases, Mira will fail to appear in the Black Citadel home instance, even if she appears in the other cities.

144 Molvarpa

Despite what their ability description says, Molvarpa is not immune to blind.

145 Molwurve

Despite what their ability description says, Molwurve is not immune to blind.

146 Munghal

Interacting with him triggers merchant responses instead.

147 Myung-Hee

The Weekly Jade Vault achievement is displayed as completed but Myung-Hee doesn't sell items. The dialogue does not disclose the missing statuette(s).

148 Nollarr

His armor changes completely after he is defeated.

149 Noxia
  • Occasionally, she does not disappear.
  • Occasionally, she becomes invulnerable.
150 Organizer Aerixx

When players choose the line "Count me in. Hand over that Pigment Transmogrifier." when talking to him, he will equip the transmogrifier himself instead giving it to the players. He will then use it to attack creatures that may come nearby, like spiders.

151 Orma

Orma can drop Illusory Rival for the Meteorlogicus III: Storm collection at either the tournament or the defeat events. However fighting Orma in the Fireheart Rise during Win three rounds of Modus Sceleris's tournament will not to drop the item, but doing so in the Lornar's Pass version of the event does.

152 Ornan

His appearance in Braham - Retake Cragstead is swapped with Haslo's.

153 Packmaster Danador

Despite Danador's dialogue, only players that have completed the heart are able to be transformed into sylvan hounds.

154 Passed Out Warrior

During Defend Kevach's lodge from attacking wurms, some Passed Out Warriors will get up to help with the fight, but the Zs around their head will not disappear.

155 Peacemaker Klodi

Peacemaker Klodi can sometimes be found dead inside a tent next to her normal location. Players cannot get close enough to revive her, so they will be unable to access the karma items should this occur.

156 Peacemaker Skrimm
157 Peacemaker Zeppa

Uses Technician Penn's after hearts' dialogue

158 Petil
  • Occasionally, he will shout "Our troubles are over.", a female hylek line used when combat ends, after being defeated or disengaging.
  • Occasionally, he will shout "Stay down." with a female voice when foe is downed.
159 Poisonswill's Giant Bull

Poisonswill's Giant Bull will sometimes leave behind a lootable corpse after finishing the hero point challenge.

160 Priory Arcanist Dolja

Some parts of her dialogue are bugged and do not appear in the dialogue window.

161 Priory Engineer

Has a Talk prompt but no dialogue.

162 Prisoner 1141

This bounty will often fail to start when choosing the combat option.

163 Professor Maciver

Sometimes players will not be able to talk to him, and he will only greet them with generic quotes. This can be fixed by completing Escort the Lionguard caravan to Broken Beacon, as he can be talked to after this event, and during the subsequent events.

164 Rakona

On a female player character, the adventure and profit dialogue options redirecting to booze point to the male oriented dialogue

165 Rifaah

Return to my previous map does not work and shows the error You do not have access to this map if after travel to Crystal Oasis you have used an option switch to a more populated map from initial less populated.

166 Risen Corrupter

If players position themselves at certain angles under a Risen Corrupter of any NPC rank, their Vapor Blades won't hit the players. Once such angle is found, if nothing moves the player or the Risen corrupted out of position, it is possible to defeat the Risen Corrupted without being hit for the remainder of the fight

167 Risen Priestess of Lyssa

Sometimes facing the Risen Priestess of Lyssa will continue to Daze you even if she's no longer channeling Corrupted Gaze.

168 Risen Raptor

Risen Raptors are treated as a raptor type creature rather than a Risen type.

169 Risen Squire

Risen Squire's "Dazing Smash" underwater skill inflicts daze but doesn't actually prevent the target from using skills.

170 Risen Thrall

Some male norn Risen Thralls use female voice-overs.

171 Risen Troll

This creature has a "Knocks Down" ability listed, but possesses no knockdown skills.

172 Risen Villager

Risen Villager's "Dazing Smash" underwater skill inflicts daze but doesn't actually prevent the target from using skills.

173 Runwida

The event indicator to start the event Search piles of rubble and suspicious trees for Stone Summit may not appear above Runwida even when available. Interacting with her will still allow you to start the event.

174 SRV 3296 (reinforce armor)

The Southsun Cove version does not actually provide armor reinforcement in spite of its dialogue, name and icon.

175 Sacred Bear

Sacred Bears within Shaman's Rookery often bug and their roars no longer inflict fear.

176 Samona Ironclaw

Samona Ironclaw may not appear in any more personal story missions after you recruit her for your warband.

177 Savor Foulnight
  • There is a known bug where Savor Foulnight can get stuck on a ledge just outside the west wall near Bloodsaw Mill Waypoint preventing the meta from progressing. There is no known way to continue the event.
  • Clicking "Okay." in the dialogue above will not end the conversation but continue with the default dialogue.
178 Scarab
  • Incoming disables while flying will occasionally fail to ground the scarab, leaving the scarab stuck in its flying animations without any skills to use.
  • Wind Gust grants swiftness on-cast to a player or NPC a scarab has aggroed.
179 Scholar Glenna (Stronghold of the Faithful)

Glenna doesn't accept the currency version of Legendary Insights for the Envoy Insignia.

180 Scholar Nabbi
  • Nabbi is marked as a karma merchant, but sells nothing for karma.
  • Sometimes after the event ends you can't interact with Nabbi.
  • If any NPC dies during the escort, the entire party of NPC stop at that position and will not continue, even after the NPC is resurrected. The NPCs can be despawned by kiting hostile creatures to the party and waiting for the rest of the NPCs to die. They will respawn at the original start location after about 30 minutes.
181 Scholar Nancy

Scholar Nancy and the rest of the Pact team can sometimes get stuck outside of Zho'qafa Catacombs and block event progress.

182 Scholar Sharpslash

He is a karma merchant before quest completion, simply bring him a weapon from the crates.

183 Scholar Tebbi

Scholar Tebbi and the rest of the Pact team can sometimes get stuck outside of Zho'qafa Catacombs and block event progress.

184 Second Mate Kajunk

His name might be incorrectly displayed as "Second Mate Farz".

185 Sentry-skritt Arkatopf

Arkatopf is talking about Inquest even when they have been driven out already. This suggests that the dialogue about slimes (which has a very short timeframe) is supposed to replace it during that time.

186 Sentry-skritt Rennatiff

Rennatiff doesn't mention destroyers. Instead he mentions the Nightmare Court, strongly resembling Sentry-skritt Laktanek's dialogue.

187 Sera Singeaxe

The dialogue on completion of this scout's heart is the wrong one. It is that of Explorer Rowena.

188 Seraph Soldier Denna

The Order of Whispers dialogue option will repeat the current text being shown to the player rather than advance the conversation.

189 Shadow

Interacting with Shadow posts an empty line to the chat log.

190 Shining Isle (Faction Provisioner)

Titanplate Medium Shoulders cannot be exchanged for Provisioner Tokens

191 Shopkeeper

For most shopkeepers, the text that is shown above their head is inconsistent with that show in chat; frequently showing "Now that you're here, maybe youll buy some of my" above, while the chat reads "At last, a customer! I'm eager for your business." instead.

192 Skeleton (skeletal lich summon)

These Skeletons have "Blocks" listed as an ability but aren't actually able to block.

193 Snow Troll

Snow Trolls have "Knocks Down" listed as an ability when they actually launch foes instead.

194 Sol Eater

Occasionally Determined will be permanently applied, making it impossible to defeat the Sol Eater.

195 Sovereign Eye of Zhaitan

If you die, it has a high chance to be stuck determined, to fix this you must restart the instance.

196 Spectral Flame

They are meant to only appear around Serenity Temple when events are active, however, a bug causes them to spawn and chase players across Blazeridge Steppes.

197 Spirit of Emptiness

Spirits of Emptiness can spawn at the surface of the water. If this occurs, they will use a skill in combat to 'burrow' into the water, moving without any animation toward the target.

198 Spirit of Excess

The Spirits of Excess lose their spectral effect and become physical after being killed.

199 Stabled Raptor

The kodan's name will remain "Stabled Raptor" upon dismounting after the player mounts their raptor.

200 Strigidae
201 Student Bin

Student Bin appears to interrupt themselves in the conversation with the Instructor

202 Sub-Lieutenant Macy

The dignity dialogue tree incorrectly uses the Order of Whispers text, instead of a response that matches the previous line.

203 Thadeus Ghostrite
  • Thadeus' voice lines often get cut mid-sentence.
  • His voice lines are unedited and unfiltered, so it sounds like a human instead of a wraith. This has happened since 2012 but has never been addressed.
204 The Spider Queen

The Spider Queen offers her hero challenge event in Blue Alpine Borderlands, rewarding the Green Borderlands' southern hero challenge if completed.

205 Tiga Fierceblade

The karma armor Tiga sells has flavor text which refers to Zalvax Brokenclaw, a nearby heart vendor.

206 Trader Vell

The failure dialogue is incorrectly displayed if you talk to Trader Vell immediately after event success.

207 Unchained Illusionist

The two skills that appear while under the effects of Intelligence have no specified name; they appear as a blank space in the combat log.

208 Uncharged Antique Golem

The golems cannot be charged when under the influence of the boon Giant Growth, which you can obtain by interacting with Uncanny Mushrooms. Simply wait until the boon is gone and you can charge the golems again.

209 Vanguard Morrison

Asking to ask about something else after inquiring about the Dragonbrand will close the dialogue window instead of returning to the main set of questions.

210 Vanguard Scout Finley
211 Veteran Aatxe

Sometimes Veteran Aatxe may still inflict Charge attacks after it dies.

212 Veteran Ascalonian Archer

Sometimes Ascalonian ghosts can spawn missing their ghostly-blue visual effect, making them appear as they did before the Foefire.

213 Veteran Ascalonian Captain

Sometimes Ascalonian ghosts can spawn missing their ghostly-blue visual effect, making them appear as they did before the Foefire.

214 Veteran Ascalonian Fighter

Sometimes Ascalonian ghosts can spawn missing their ghostly-blue visual effect, making them appear as they did before the Foefire.

215 Veteran Ascalonian Healer

Sometimes Ascalonian ghosts can spawn missing their ghostly-blue visual effect, making them appear as they did before the Foefire.

216 Veteran Ascalonian Mage
  • Sometimes Ascalonian ghosts can spawn missing their ghostly-blue visual effect, making them appear as they did before the Foefire.
  • Veteran Ascalonian Mages have "PBAoE" listed as an ability even though none of their skills deal Point Blank AoE damage.
217 Veteran Ascalonian Siege Engineer (Blazeridge Steppes)

Sometimes Ascalonian ghosts can spawn missing their ghostly-blue visual effect, making them appear as they did before the Foefire.

218 Veteran Boar

Veteran Boar has "launching headbutt" listed as an ability even though none of its skills actually launch.

219 Veteran Chikkchak

Chikkchak may not drop the boots after defeat while nearby events are active; however, he can be challenged repeatedly until the boots do drop.

220 Veteran Corrupted Ice Elemental
  • The damage of the Bitterfrost Frontier variant's melee Ice Strike skill is inflicted at the very end of the animation, rather than when the punch visually connects.
  • The Ice Prison projectile applies an invisible buff to the target which makes them immune to damage for 10 seconds. If reflected, it can make enemies immune to damage.
221 Veteran Corrupted Illusion

Sometimes, Illusions can spawn missing their transparent-purple visual effect.

222 Veteran Dire Boar

They have "launching headbutt" listed as an ability even though none of its skills actually launch.

223 Veteran Dredge Tunneler

Not immune to Blind

224 Veteran Elder Arboreal Spirit

Since unknown update during the Icebrood Saga the spirit uses a model with the Fallen aura.

225 Veteran Experimental Golem

Burns is listed as one of its abilities, but none of its attacks inflict burning.

226 Veteran Icebrood Goliath

Occasionally, Icebrood Goliaths will use ogre shouts upon aggro, deaggro, and death.

227 Veteran Icebrood Troll
  • The "Jump" attack continues casting regardless of the creature being killed or interrupted. The AoE circle however, will disappear
  • The stun of the shout attack cannot be stun broken. However, if the player is hit by an Ice Prison, the stun is broken.
228 Veteran Jungle Troll

Veteran Jungle Trolls have "Heals" listed as an ability, but they're not able to heal themselves or other allies.

229 Veteran Longshanks

Longshanks doesn't give any experience or drop any loot when killed.

230 Veteran Mordrem Maggot

In Dragon's End, Veteran Mordrem Maggots will sometimes appear in place of Void Worms due to upscaling. It is unknown why this occurs.

231 Veteran Risen Abomination

Not blocked by Static Shield

232 Veteran Risen Corrupter

If players position themselves at certain angles under a Risen Corrupter of any NPC rank, their Vapor Blades won't hit the players. Once such angle is found, if nothing moves the player or the Risen corrupted out of position, it is possible to defeat the Risen Corrupted without being hit for the remainder of the fight

233 Veteran Risen Putrifier

Veteran Risen Putrifier still has "Pull" listed as an ability even though it no longer pulls.

234 Veteran Risen Subjugator
  • Endure Pain skill has no effect against wells casted by Veteran Risen Subjugators.
  • Veteran Risen Subjugators may sometimes leech health using Life Siphon on countless players and NPCs at unlimited range for unlimited time until interrupted.
235 Veteran Risen Wraith (event boss)

The Veteran Risen Wraith has "Teleports" listed as an ability even though it actually leaps.

236 Veteran Scarab

Incoming disables while flying will occasionally fail to ground the scarab, leaving the scarab stuck in its flying animations without any skills to use.

237 Veteran Scarab Matriarch

Incoming disables while flying will occasionally fail to ground the scarab, leaving the scarab stuck in its flying animations without any skills to use.

238 Veteran Toxic Knight

Though an ability underneath the health bar states that this enemy inflicts Weakness.png Weakness, there is no skill that causes the effect. Instead, Torment.png Torment is inflicted.

239 Vigilant Dawn

The offered Items may not change after completing the Heart, depending on how the Heart was completed

240 Vignir the Storm (Faction Provisioner)

Titanplate Medium Shoulders cannot be exchanged for Provisioner Tokens

241 Ville

Ville has dialogue very similar, but not identical, to Lodge Keeper Kevach, and his dialogue is dependent on the status of Kevach's renown heart. On completion of that heart, Ville offers karma vendor services like Kevach.

242 Vincere Shieldstep

He has the wrong model in Dragon's Stand.

243 Voran Shatterbane

If killed during the Defend Splintercrest Fort event, she will permanently disappear from the instance of the map.

244 War Beast

They sometimes use female centaur sound effects.

245 Ward Scout Initiate Bunnt

Bunnt and Caspian appear duplicated in close proximity together within the Astral Ward camp.

246 Warmaster Leddron

Warmaster Leddron and the rest of the Pact team can sometimes get stuck outside of Zho'qafa Catacombs and block event progress.

247 Whistling Serenity

While this merchant shows an armorsmith visual, opening the trade window shows a standard merchant buy/sell box.

248 White Mantle Knight (bloodstone ghost)

The slashing attack performed by Pistol Whip does not damage targets.

249 Zalvax Brokenclaw
250 Zena Coinmaker

There isn't currently a way to interact with this NPC or buy any of her items.

251 Zojja

On some occassions Zojja will fail to appear at the next two locations. This can be fixed by restarting chapter 8 Into the Obscure and completing its first instance "Check in on Zojja".

252 Zokaggrot the Greedier

Sometimes, Zokaggrot will remain Determined until he escapes and can't be killed.

Events and story[edit]


# Page Bug description
1 Ask Queen Nadijeh for military support

Sometimes the final conversation with Queen Nadijeh doesn't start, leaving the NPCs there just standing. However, the event will automatically complete about 45 seconds after.

2 Assassinate the separatist instigator

Sometimes the champion fails to lose Determined.png Determined when the event starts and will block progress.

3 Assault Foulbear Kraal by killing its leaders before the ogres can rally

Maybri Shadowstalker will get stuck outside the northern entrance to Hunter's Gorge and block this event from starting if Legionnaire Slashclaw or the other charr that travel with her are killed on their way to Foulbear Kraal.

4 Assault Kingsgate and drive the centaurs back before they can rally their forces

The event may stall for several minutes if any centaurs with Determined effect did not run away from the previous event due to getting hit by another creature on land, causing Captain Edwards to catch up to the centaur and attack endlessly. The stalled event will eventually cancel and automatically advance to the last event before the Determined effect on the centaur expires.

5 Assault on Svanir's Dome

The meta event will sometimes bug out during "The lionguard are striking at the heart of the svanir settlement"and block progress.

6 Assault the Mordant Crescent's encampment before reinforcements arrive

The event can get stuck as Champion Hierarch Alu may be stuck in a friendly state with no interaction and empty progress bar and Second Lieutenant Sefu cannot be talked to.

7 Assist Legionnaire Burnwhite in repairing the Iron Barracuda

Legionnaire Burnwhite continues to repair the Iron Barracuda even while defeated.

8 Assist Vanak in completing the group spell

Kryptis spawn before the objectives for the event load. If they're killed too quickly, the location ring will stay red and Vanak won't start the ritual.

9 Bashing Bauxite Alchemicals

If a Mark I Repair Golemite begins to repair a disabled Inquest Perimeter Defense Cannon, you must allow it to complete the repairs before killing it. If the golemite is killed mid-repair and the semi-repaired cannon is attacked, that cannon stops taking damage at the 1% mark and can't be taken down again. The event fails because the next step won't begin unless all cannons are eliminated.

10 Break the dredge siege of Mantelet Refuge

One of the siege mortars may not despawn correctly after being destroyed, leaving this event incompletable.

11 Break the morale of the attacking harpies and defend the mortars
  • When a mortar is destroyed and repaired, its hitpoints will become invisible to the player. This makes it harder to know how much they are already damaged the next time the event runs.
  • At the end of the event an Iron Legion Legionnaire speaks a line with Gaerra Farshot's voice
12 Carry the Beacon's Flame to light the Northern Beacon

As of The Realm of Dreams, this now always plays when you have a flame instead of the above line.

13 Catch Brand crystals and use them to disrupt the rift

when the rift is disrupted in Kessex Hills, the player may be sent back to Kessex Hills instead of entering the rift.

14 Cathedral of Eternal Radiance (meta event)

The repair of the cannon shield can get frozen, causing the meta event to be unable to be completed.

15 Cheer on the racing mini moas!

Before April 19, 2022 update, hovering over one of the contestant icons on the minimap during the race would conveniently show its name. It now shows the name of the event on every icon.

16 Clear ettins from Gort's Pit for Gort

Occasionally Gort's Treasure chest will already be open upon completion. To fix this simply log out to the character select menu, and then back in again.

17 Clear out the Mordrem threat

Sometimes the Mordrem won't spawn, making the event impossible to complete.

18 Clear out the Mordrem threat (Far Silverwastes)

Players who only defeated the last remaining boss after stumbling upon the event are not awarded any event contribution.

19 Clear the Bloodstone Elementals

The last Bloodstone Elemental Mauler does not disappear after the event's completion.[1]

20 Clear the lake of tar elementals
  • The Flame Legion Shaman was scaled down to a veteran, however he still appears as a champion at the start of the event chain.
  • This event frequently stops working soon after a server reset and is not available until the next reset. The lake is full of tar but there are no elementals. This blocks the follow-on events.
21 Clear the poisonous urchins from Lashoosh

There have been several reports of this event bugging and not restarting properly.
Remedy: Park one of your characters there and load into it every time you start the game, hoping to get a new instance. Instances are always reset after a patch, loading into your character directly after a patch will give the best chance.

22 Coat yourself in Mordrem spores to baffle Mordrem defenses and gather samples from the vine chambers

Sometimes very few Mordrem Thrashers will appear, creating a limited number of opportunities for players to receive the effect to successfully complete the event.

23 Collect and turn in debris from the shore and enemies

The NPCs will respawn shortly after the follow-up, but won't provide any interaction despite having a Talk option.

If Scouring Hawk is not present:

  • No dialogue will play when the event starts.
  • They will temporarily spawn un-interactable and say their line during the success dialogue, then despawn when combat ends.
  • The follow-up event Kill the leviathan will not be able to start.

After the meta event, the NPCs will be stand at the spawn of the pre-event, and the Leviathan can sometimes be spawned directly, skipping this event.

24 Collect evidence of Kryptis infiltration

The Possessed Ward Workers will drop a Piece of Purist Propaganda if killed (dropped to 0% health, not just 50%), which can sometimes be done when the event ends because The Defense of Amnytas is about to start.

25 Collect griffon feathers for Kailani's flying machine

Speaking to Kailani after the event is completed, when she returns to her flying machine and starts to hammer, might permanently break this event for the map instance.

26 Collect jars, fill them with lightning, and deposit them in the drop-off locations

It is currently possible to very quickly complete the heart by grabbing an empty bottle and repeatedly pressing F next to one of the lightning rods.

27 Collect magical ice blocks and bring them to Ulfred

The completion of this event causes Adis to leave her spot.

28 Collect parts to repair the broken mech before the technician is overrun

The progress of how many Jade Mech Components have been collected may not show up, but it will still progress and can be finished.

29 Collect relics for Livia, and keep the Kryptis from stealing too many

Moving whilst under the Soul Shackle (effect).png Relic Imprisonment effect may trigger a state in which the  Break Free (Dangerous Relic).png Break Free skill does not reduce the number of effect stacks, resulting in the player being downed when the effect timer expires.

30 Conquer the beasts to exit the arena

The compass fails to display the event indicator, except when the player stands immediately outside of the gate or the event's precise location is not visible on the compass. The content guide fails to display the event indicator when the player is outside of the cage.

31 Defeat Auran the Golden Ooze to free Sage Essher
32 Defeat Azalus Poisontongue

Sometimes Azalus will actually die is unable to be revived.

33 Defeat Mayatl the Fierce

If spawned first thing in the morning while the village is overrun by Mordrem, the event may start, but Mayatl does not appear. This permanently bugs the event for the map instance.

34 Defeat Overseer Rannik and rescue Adanich

Overseer Rannik's Heavy Aura can be transferred with skills that transfer conditions, which renders the fight trivial due to its immense damage.

35 Defeat Potoni the Massive to prove your worth

Defeating Potoni does not award the Potoni Masher achievement for some players. Being the player to activate the challenge, and using the bouncing mushroom to go back up to his platform during the fight may trigger credit for this achievement.

36 Defeat Reidarr Rockcrusher to calm him down

If you kill Reidarr in the event too fast, Explorer Rivera will have a [merchant] tag next to his name, and the coin icon over his head as if he were a merchant, but he will not change his dialog.

37 Defeat Tequatl the Sunless
  • Foes are not supposed to drop loot. However, Risen Grubs that spawn at the northern battery and Risen summoned by Risen Krait Hypnosses will all drop loot.
  • Sometimes Risen Land Mines won't despawn when the event restarts.
38 Defeat Ulgoth the Modniir and his minions
39 Defeat Utcua

Sometimes Utcua will remain dead instead of resetting, making this challenge impossible to complete until a server reset.

40 Defeat Vollym, champion of the battle pit
  • Sometimes Vollym will become invulnerable for longer than the time allowed to fight him.
  • If you defeat him too quickly, the event may end, bypassing the stages and triggering failure dialogue.
41 Defeat a Ghost Eater and a Mordant Crescent Intimidator

Players without Shipwrecked story chapter active will still see the event name, marker and foes but will be unable to contribute and so will not get any rewards.

42 Defeat all the laboratory security golems

A bug can occur where the event does not end after all the golems are defeated. The objective to destroy 0/2 golems may not have appeared. As a result the event clock will run down and the event will fail.

43 Defeat the Dragon shamans to destroy their totem before Svanir reinforcements arrive
44 Defeat the Inquest to prevent them from capturing the Ley-Energy Coalescence (Blazeridge Steppes)

Sometimes, this event fails without any visible reason.

45 Defeat the Knight of Sorrows and Her Attendants

The taunting voice over is masculine, while Veteran Knight of Sorrows is a female.

46 Defeat the Risen Priestess of Dwayna

The event chain will stop progressing indefinitely if Historian Vermoth's health depletes from the remaining Risen attacks after defeating the Risen Priestess of Dwayna. Although Historian Vermoth's health slowly recovers, players must ensure any Risen on Historian Vermoth is killed before taking down the Risen Priestess of Dwayna.

47 Defeat the Spider Queen

The Spider Queen offers her hero challenge event in Blue Alpine Borderlands, rewarding the Green Borderlands' southern hero challenge if completed.

48 Defeat the amber head of the great jungle wurm
  • Although it rarely occurs, Plague Carrier Abomination may not drop Wurm Attractant field upon explode, causing delay for groups trying to get the effect.
  • Players affected by lag or network latency may be teleported inside Great Amber Jungle Wurm's stomach multiple times upon getting swallowed and not get ejected with the rest of the group, leaving affected players in the stomach to be digested.
  • Decapitating all the great jungle wurms in exactly the same time (within a few seconds of each other) will not stop the timer from the first phase, causing two timers to countdown and forcing event failure as the first timer runs out. To avoid this issue, ensure the great jungle wurms are decapitated at staggered times.
49 Defeat the champion bounty (Champion Lady Shamshir)

This bounty champion is often unavailable as the bounty cannot be interacted with at the bounty board. Best option is to go there right after a patch as the map is reset which makes the bounty available again.

50 Defeat the cobalt head of the great jungle wurm

Decapitating all the great jungle wurms in exactly the same time (within a few seconds of each other) will not stop the timer from the first phase, causing two timers to countdown and forcing event failure as the first timer runs out. To avoid this issue, ensure the great jungle wurms are decapitated at staggered times.

51 Defeat the crimson head of the great jungle wurm

Decapitating all the great jungle wurms in exactly the same time (within a few seconds of each other) will not stop the timer from the first phase, causing two timers to countdown and forcing event failure as the first timer runs out. To avoid this issue, ensure the great jungle wurms are decapitated at staggered times.

52 Defeat the destroyer champion and the destroyer burrows

When hovering over the map, the event is instead titled "Defeat the champion corrupted destroyer."

53 Defeat the drake matriarch before she steals any fish

River Drakes either do not upscale to different ranks at all, or they take an extremely high number of players to do so compared to their hatchling counterparts.

54 Defeat the dredge commissar (Dredgehaunt Cliffs)

This event cannot be started if the In Pursuit of Knowledge meta becomes stalled. A stalled meta can be identified by the meta reading "The dredge and the Priory are competing for the center camps." without any active events at Fridgardr Lodge or Firebase Molek.

55 Defeat the effigy and its engineer

The event uses the wrong in-game description, replacing "Defeat the effigy and its engineer" with "Defeat Captain Mattox and his Ethereal Vanguard".

56 Defeat the enraged grawl rampaging through Martyr's Woods

This event is allegedly bugged, possibly requiring a fresh map instance to spawn correctly.[2]

57 Defeat the giant Destroyer troll

There is a chance that the Giant Destroyer Troll will spawn at The Iron Veil frozen lake. If this occurs, there is no way to kill it because it will be permanently invulnerable. If this happens, let the troll reset and it will be killable again.

58 Defeat the giant beetle

Though rare, this event has failed to spawn despite T5+ Favor of the Zephyrites having been achieved in the map instance. No prompt appears across your screen and the event is absent.

59 Defeat the gold guzzler to find the remaining pieces of Sage Volaar

The Event is stuck when defeating the Gold Guzzler before Dawkkurra reached the location.

60 Defeat the legendary wyvern

The wyvern can be stuck in terrain and even after flying and leaving fire trails it can still spend the entire event stuck. Though, it can still be hit and can still attack you.

61 Defeat the marsh drake broodmother Professor Hamm had claimed to have tamed

Killing the Marsh Drake Broodmother before the event activates will make the event uncompletable.

62 Defeat the misplaced steam ogre

Players affected by lag or network latency may be teleported in to the sky multiple times upon jumping into the center reactor room's hole before actually staying on the platform that holds the steam ogre.

63 Defeat the possessed statue of Dwayna

Historian Vermoth will disappear if his health gets depleted from any risen attacks after defeating the Statue of Dwayna, preventing players from buying karma armors, and leaving the temple improperly cleansed until reclaimed by Lieutenant Risen.

64 Defeat the three Drakkar Spurs champions

The event does not sometimes grant bonus rewards even if the three Drakkar champions were defeated within the time limit.

65 Defeat the unchained wyvern

Having a Jade Bot Power Core prevents the artifact skills from appearing. Unequip the core and then reclaim an artifact to get back access to the skills.

66 Defeat the wyvern so the Pact helicopter can land

The dialogue spoken by Elizia Skysight still says it is spoken by Pilot Casey in the chat panel.

67 Defend Brokentooth Maw
  • Foes in the capture zone can continue to capture Brokentooth Maw even if players are also in the capture zone.
  • The color of the capture zone (blue/red) does not accurately reflect whether there are foes in the capture zone.
68 Defend Lorela from dredge while she gathers griffon eggs

This event sometimes stops working at the sixth egg and block progress.

69 Defend Mad Mardine's cows from harpies while he tests his invention

This event often gets stalled after a few cows have been launched, which prevents the cattlepult from becoming operational. If this happens, you can try guesting to a different server.

70 Defend Mepi from bandits

This event frequently stops working some variable time after a server reset and is not available until the next reset. It blocks any possibility of the associated events occurring.

71 Defend Noran's Homestead from White Mantle bombardment

The event can stall at "White Mantle Attackers" part where one attacker can remain untargetable. Despite the attacker doing attack animation, Homestead Morale doesn't drop and so event simply stalls.

72 Defend Skrilla while she searches for treasure

If no wurms spawn at any of Skrilla's digging spots, participation will not be granted by killing any other creature or collecting the treasure chests, and so the last chest will not spawn and event success rewards will not be given.

73 Defend Spirit Hunter Camp from ghostly invaders

This event always stops working soon after a server reset and is not available until the next reset.

74 Defend Steeleye Span's south wall
  • Foes sometimes teleport into the inner wall passage after being knocked down, and have to be killed from the inside
  • Ranged attacks can pass through some sections of the wall.
75 Defend Ulfred until he finds a location for his statue

Ulfred may not move from his spot near Adis once the event has started, thus preventing its completion.

76 Defend Yerkk while he isolates skritt for his IQ experiment

This event has a high chance to stall at the cavern entrance, breaking it and its chain until map expiration.

77 Defend miners and bring ore they mine to Foreman Agvior

This event frequently stops working soon after a server reset with Foreman Agvior hard at work doing nothing inside Molberia. He does sell the items he normally would. This event and its predecessor are not available until the next reset.

78 Defend the Advanced Arcanomics lab

Though rare, the destroyers may not spawn after the start of the event, preventing the continuation of the meta chain.

79 Defend the Pact interrupter from Risen attacks

In the version with the Legendary Priest the priest and the mobs doesnt actually attack the Aetheric Interrupter, instead the priest will walk in circles around the temple while the mobs are just standing near the Interrupter not doing anything then attacking players that get close.

80 Defend the Pact team as they search Zho'qafa Catacombs for artifacts

If the Pact team gets attacked and downed by the Ooze and the Risen near the catacombs entrance before moving, the team will stall (even after reviving the Pact team), blocking the event progression indefinitely until the next game update or server maintenance.

81 Defend the Priory explorer as she purifies the spring at Weeping Glade
  • Despite the name of this event referring to the Weeping Glade, there is a a set of duplicate events in Fahautl Grounds with the same name and ally npc, with nearly identical text lines.
  • Despite the name of this event referring to a female NPC, occasionally a male NPC will offer the escort.
82 Defend the Zintl Holy Grounds
  • The Temple Entrance defence event can be held by the Risen with no defenders and the event progress bar will not fill, making the meta impossible to fail unless a player enters and leaves.
83 Defend the captive kodan sacrifice

Sometimes the event doesn't spawn at all during the meta timer countdown and sometimes it spawns during the meta itself.

84 Defend the lightning rods and repair them with scrap from enemies

The Weather Conductor achievement is currently bugged as once it fails on a specific map instance, it will not reset for future events unless the event itself fails. Your best bet for that achievement is thus to join a fresh map instance and participate to the first event of that instance - see this forum post for a full walkthrough.

85 Defend the merchant caravan

Can get stuck and be impossible to complete, as spawns required to be defeated may not spawn at all.

86 Defend the repair efforts on the south wall

Sometimes Engineer Keenhammer will not finish repairing the wall, leaving the event uncompletable (and the waypoint contested).

87 Defend the siege devourer while it assists the troops

If the devourer is brought to 0 health it will not be defeated. Instead, enemies will become neutral towards it, and it will stay knocked down. It can be healed to full health and once fully healed, it will stand up after Sentinel Whiptail is defeated and then revived, from then on the devourer will attack anything that Sentinel Whiptail attacks, but the event will no longer advance and enemies will no longer attack the devourer, preventing completion of the meta-event and acquisition of the related trait.

88 Destroy Foulbear Kraal before the ogres can rally

Sometimes the Charr and Human NPCs will make it to Hunter's Gorge but get stuck before they're able to start this event, blocking progression.

89 Destroy ley-line collectors to gather energy for the Rata Novus device

Event scaling will increase the number of orbs required without increasing the number or frequency of energy orbs spawned, effectively making completion of the event impossible when more than a certain number of players is present

90 Destroy tendrils and their source

If the tendril in the center is destroyed before killing all of the surrounding corrupted sylvari, the event stalls, preventing progress.

91 Destroy the Death-Branded Shatterer

The "Protect the remaining junundu: x/6" shows even if the junundu had died in the previous event.

92 Destroy the Risen Priest of Melandru

The Legendary Risen Priest of Melandru loses the ability to transform players into animals when this event has been repeated a certain number of times. This "counter" is reset whenever there is a game update or server maintenance.

93 Destroy the roadblock the bandits have constructed to stop Shaemoor traffic

This event frequently stops working after a server reset and is not available until the next reset.

94 Destroy the ships carrying corsair reinforcements

The Marauder cannot be boarded, as players would clip through the models, and can be only damaged by the nearby cannons or ranged skills. However, if players go to the character selection screen and reload, the ship will be able to be boarded.

95 Devouring the Brand

This meta event will often stall at any of the events involving the Siege Devourer as an ally and objective. At some point the devourer may become neutral to enemies and stop advancing, and Sentinel Whiptail will return to Brandwatch, making impossible to continue the meta event.

96 Disguise yourself as a Separatist and attack the Flame Legion hideout

Sometimes supplies stay destroyed between event repetitions, so on repeating event the supply destruction part is instantly completed.

97 Drive off the dragon minions

Sometimes the Risen don't attack the Pact Cannon.

98 Drive the rogue bull back home, and fix any mayhem on the way

This event frequently stops working soon after a server reset and is not available until the next reset.

99 Drive the wallows out of the Altrumm Mines

This event does not occur on the majority of map instances. Wallows should not be spawning without the event being active; if they do, the event won't ever occur. Sometimes, if you kill the wallows that are inside the mine, the event will start.

100 Eliminate the enraged kappa

Sometimes talking to Iseul won't cause him to exit the crate, meaning the event won't start.

101 Escort Alchemist Briella to the Rift Hunters

The "Over here!" line can be heard anywhere on the map.

102 Escort Eshid back to Soul's Vendetta

If Vigil Sergeant Eshid is dead when the timer runs out for the previous event, sometimes she won't move after being revived meaning this event fails.

103 Escort Frode to the Kryptis Camp

Frode sometimes gets stuck shortly after passing Mosyn's Repose, on the platform where the next event is supposed to start.

104 Escort Miju as they race against the clock!

Shortly after Sakda and Miju arrive at the north location, the event will become available to start only for a few seconds, before Sakda and Miju run off again. Failing to start the event in this short duration appears to block either event from spawning again on that map instance

105 Escort Moa Trainer Kappa and her pygmy moas to Beetletun

This event frequently stops working at some time after a server reset and is not available until the next reset. It also blocks its precursor events from occurring.

106 Escort Nokta into the Great Tree as he looks for potential pets

Sometimes the event is bugged; it shows on (mini)map but Nokta will not advance into The Great Tree. Talking to Nokta just cycles through his normal dialogue[3]

107 Escort Scholar Didi to the signal flare site to summon her golem prototype for the assault on Arah
108 Escort Warmaster Leddron and his team to Zho'qafa Catacombs

Sometimes the Pact team will get stuck outside of the catacombs when this event is completed, blocking event progression.

109 Escort Winding Kant as he looks for his lost spear

The "Search time remaining" objective will often run down to 0:00, seemingly not affecting the progress or completion of the event. Winding Kant will simply continue to search until either the bar is filled or he is not revived for 1 minute after being defeated.

110 Escort and defend alliance workers sent to build a watchtower

This event will often stall. The workers players are supposed to protect will be nowhere to be seen.

111 Escort the C.L.E.A.N. 5000 golem while it absorbs clouds of chaos magic
  • Due to scaling issues, upscaled enemies with veteran ranks or higher are unable to drop loot or give experience points.
  • In unknown rare circumstances, C.L.E.A.N. 5000 and Rooba will not move from C.L.E.A.N. Station, forcing event failure as the time runs out.
112 Escort the Order of Whispers team to the grawl camp

This event chain can occasionally stall if Agent Barwick and Agent Marielli stay dead by the grawl camp.

113 Escort the PAC-7000 golem along its northern supply route

PAC-7000 can become stuck at Signal Peak Waypoint.

114 Escort the Vigil to the Tower of Modius

Sometimes the Risen may slay the NPCs before the event can effectively start, permanently stalling event progression.

115 Escort the central invasion Pact squad to the Pact rally point at Triumph Plaza

The NPCs may occasionally stack and not advance after fighting ends. Normally this state clears if they aggro on something. As most of their path is in aggro range of normal (non-event) spawns, this is rarely a problem.

116 Escort the elite Whispers strike team to the secret Inquest base entrance

Enemies will frequently be stuck in the wall, and out of range of melee attacks. This will also cause the escort NPCs to chase after them into the terrain, resulting in significant loss of time as they attempt to kill the enemies, and dying repeatedly in the process.

117 Escort the iron shipment to Cowlfang's Star

This event cannot be completed. The NPCs will start the event, travel approximately halfway to their goal, turn around and return to their starting point. They will then apparently stay at that location until a server reset.

118 Escort the relief crew to the Aberrant Forest

The event can get stalled, where Captain Igenna Jawspire and her crew will stop moving.

119 Escort the shaman to Doomlore Shrine

Shaman Brightblaze may stall at the beginning of the event and stay in place at the starting point. If this happens, get everyone out of the escort circle and the Shaman will become unstuck.

120 Escort troops to Follower's Bridge

Occasionally the NPCs will stop moving completely and endless waves of undead will approach.

121 Escort troops to the Eastern Colonnade camp
  • The risen will continuously respawn while all the troops are down, probably preventing small groups from completing the event.
  • The event won't start, Crusader Metalhorn and his troops being stuck in front of the portal between Malchor's Leap and Straits of Devastation.
122 Find and defeat Hiei Sharpblade

He is referred to in the event title as Hiei Sharpblade. However, the event boss bar (as well as Hiei himself) are labeled Hiei Quickedge.

123 Fishing Tournament

Incorrectly gives 3 points for rare fish, contrary to the organizer's statement that only exotic fish or above award triple points.

124 Free an Order of Whispers agent from pirates

If Agent Cass is defeated during the event, she may refuse to move causing the event to fail.

125 Gather blueprints from dredge engineers or document barrels and return them to Oliver

Sometimes, Oliver spawns in the Durmand Priory camp at Seven Pines Waypoint, and does not move to the location during his event where he should be during said dynamic event. Also, he does not always have a dynamic event trophy item turn-in icon over his head. This makes him very hard to find. Look for him in the camp if he's not where he's supposed to be.

126 Gather dredge ore from the mine for Sven

This event frequently stops working very soon after a server reset and is not available until the next reset. It also blocks the other events in the series.

127 Get Warmaster Chan to Shank Anchorage before the troops' morale breaks
  • If the event fails, the risen will sometimes gather near Shank Anchorage and will not de-spawn.
  • On occasion, the event stops progressing causing the entire Gates of Arah event to stall. There are only two work-arounds:
    • Wait until the next time the server resets, i.e. after a game update or server maintenance.
    • Successfully lure a Champion Risen Giant from Craven Blight to the Pact force's location and allow this foe to deplete their morale.
128 Get an extinguisher from Engineer Kayle Brightshock and put out fires

Even though an extinguisher is required, it does no harm to the Embers. They must be killed normally, but be hit at least once with the extinguisher for their deaths to count.

129 Give alpine lilies to the militia captain before illness overtakes his soldiers
130 Harvest earth elemental lodestones for Seegor's brew

The earth elementals may spawn up trees or cliffs and become invulnerable.

131 Help Crusader Angaria signal reinforcements for the assault on Arah

Crusader Angaria does not activate the beacons after the second event instance or later until the next game update or server maintenance.

132 Help Explorer Jeppa recover lost supplies
  • At the end of the event, Explorer Jeppa may vanish before the next event can be triggered. This prevents progression and blocks the chain from resetting.
  • Explorer Jeppa might teleport to Awakened Garrison when downed. Healing Jeppa will get her to teleport back to her previous location.
133 Help Explorer Rokk and Scholar Rolla escape the Plaza of Lost Wisdom ruins

If either Rokk or Rolla die just prior to the event ending, the force-field that spawns around the submarine will prevent them from reaching their own submarine, and therefore prevent Rolla from becoming an event merchant.

134 Help Forro purge corruption from the animals and return them home

This event tends to bug and stall out. If you arrive at the area and the pets are walking outside of their pens being possessed while the events is not up, it is recommended to search for a different map instance or come back after the map reset following the meta event The Defense of Amnytas. The map reset happens only once per meta event cycle. Unfortunately, there is currently no way to deliberately force a map reset or the spawning of a new map instance.

135 Help Karris Quickcalm hunt for wurm eggs inside Wurm's Gullet

Cave wurm hatchlings will continue to drop wurm eggs and wurm nests will persist in the cave even after the event is finished.

136 Help Legionnaire Boneflayer crush the Renegades

The Veteran Renegade Charr General will initially spawn in the renegade camp, The Thunder Den, but will shortly teleport to Summit Peak. This will spawn a new copy of Legionnaire Kelith Boneflayer, who will teleport to The Thunder Den once the general is killed. Each time the event is completed, a new copy of Kelith will spawn - all of which will act in subsequent events. The current event's Kelith (the one with the shield icon over him) will have a helmet on, while the previous copies will not.

137 Help Lieutenant Fynn and Kor the Warcaller assault Sootpan Kraal

If the ogre beastmaster is not fought within the unwalled section of his camp (marked by the Ogre Flagstand), his health will frequently reset.

138 Help Lieutenant Fynn and Kor the Warcaller's assault on the Behemian Grand Kraal

If the ogre chieftain is not fought within the open space to the east of the Ogre Flagstand (near an Ogre House), his health will frequently reset.

139 Help Min-Ji set up emergency broadcast stations

The Stations occasionally seem not to be progressing, even with multiple players killing enemies in the area and the NPC being alive. This can lead to the event failing due to timer expiration

140 Help Narcisse purge corruption from the plants!

The plants spawn before the event started. If you kill a plant before the event started, the event is not finishable

This events spawning depends on Help Forro purge corruption from the animals and return them home finishing, which tends to bug out and stall. If this event is not spawning check the Creature Corral and search new map instances if Forro's event stalled.

141 Help Nia rescue Cymbel's hounds

If a player who has not discovered Cymbel's Rescue runs ahead to explore it after all remaining hounds are safe, but before Nia has reached her destination, she will act as though she has no hounds and will backtrack to rescue them again. (No more than three hounds will join you in this way.)

142 Help Pact Crusader Bodil find her missing companion, Alyxx

This event can often be encountered in a bugged state with Crusader Bodil nowhere to be found.

This event may stall with Crusader Bodil failing to move beyond his initial starting point and immediate area

143 Help Pepperseed deliver Zephyrite supplies to the Forge

Occasionally Sunflower will drop only 4 crates during the first phase, preventing completion of the achievement.

144 Help Sang-Cheol tend the garden

The event may often not be possible to do until 5 minutes have passed.

145 Help Talaith liberate the Soundless prisoners

This event frequently stalls soon after a server restart with Talaith at the start point for the event in The Rootangles but using the dialogue relevant to The Weeping Isle. Typically this will stay stalled until the next server restart.

146 Help Tromgi'gark and Wenski get their crate back home

This event is one that bugs regularly, as reported on the forums. If you revive the skritt, they make no effort to leave the bandit camp. They prefer to die repeatedly.

147 Help U.N.I.T. find and destroy the Inquest
  • If U.N.I.T skips the Inquest Assistant and the Mark II Golem and enters through the north door into the final room, and instead engages inquest inside the final room and enters though the east door, it proceeds to clear the room and free Wistt from his cell, but stays in combat mode as if the room is still not cleared, causing the event to not proceed to the final dialogue and progress to its final phase. If this happens you can unstick it yourself but getting UNIT killed. To do this, just kite in enemies near UNIT and he will attack them. You will need to get several. If you can get the Prototype Robot and 1 other, that will work.
  • It is possible to gain contribution for this dynamic event, for simply waiting at U.N.I.T's spawn point area.
148 Help Warming Sun heal the wounded fawn

Warming Sun may not be present when the fawn spawns, stalling the event.

149 Help cadets train junundu wurms and earn grade points by completing the training course

Occasionally, the Bonus Targets will fail to recognize attacks from your wurm and will not knock over, making it impossible to complete the Junundu Master Certification achievement. They may also fail to despawn after the event ends. Switching to a different map may help.

150 Help destroy the East Realm Portal

Demolitioner Folke will often get stuck during the escort phase, and make the full event impossible to succeed.

151 Help the Moshpoipoi village guards defend against icebrood

This event frequently stalls during the last wave due to an Icebrood Claymore NPC getting stuck on the back side of the house in the center of Moshpoipoi village (directly beneath the waypoint). Attacking and killing this NPC usually works to successfully finish the event.

152 Help the Night warband reach Incendio Templum

This event can stall, preventing the progress of its meta event.

153 Help the Pact reach the Altar of Betrayal before their morale is depleted

When the South Reinforcement Group dies just before they enter the cave and are revived, they sometimes stop moving forward. The event description will say: "Revive the pact members. 7/7 pact members alive." This bug can be fixed by casting Glyph of Renewal.

154 Help the Pact reach the graveyard outside Zaishen Antheneum

The event can be stuck with the pact blocked north of the waypoint. Fail the event to get it unbugged. Alternatively, if you let the stuck NPC die, when you revive them they move again.

The event can be stuck at the very start on the beach. NPCs will full heal on death so failing the event is not an option. Will need to wait for overflow map or server reset to unbug it.

155 Help the Rata Novans prepare for a party

In the second phase of having to subdue the possessed Rata Novans, there may not be enough enemies to fill the bar and the event fails when the timer runs out.

156 Help the Sentinels clear a path across Lake Desolann

Centurion Bloodfist occasionally gets stuck in the gates at the beginning of the event.

157 Help the Seraph retake their camp

It's possible that the event until daily reset never ends. That means endless respawning foes (~27 foes every minute).

158 Help the Wyld Hunt valiants clear undead from Treemarch Estuary

This event can stall for reasons unknown, leaving the event helper text without any visible NPCs active.

159 Help the militia soldiers fight off the icebrood

The follow-up event, Give alpine lilies to the militia captain before illness overtakes his soldiers, will not start if the Mercenary Captain is killed during this event, even if it is successful.

160 Help the sailors deliver their goods

During the fish deliveries, as a Necromancer, if you use Spectral Walk and the Fresh Catch effect expires, when the fish lands on the ground and you pick it back up you'll be teleported back to the point where you first used Spectral Walk as if you had used Spectral Recall.

161 In Pursuit of Knowledge
162 Investigate the rumors of wurm activity in Challdar Gorges

Crusader Yipp will not build an Energy Probe if he immediately dies after completing the escort event, permanently halting all progress to spawn the great jungle wurms.

163 Investigate the rumors of wurm activity in Whisperwill Bogs

If the abomination dies due to a player attack, the white circle will not appear. A work around is to wait a few seconds instead, as it will explode by itself a few seconds after it appears.

164 Join Elizia Skysight as she takes the fight to the chak in their nearby hive

Killing the chak too quickly may cause the event to hang.[4] This is known to happen about halfway through, on the straightway leading to the diving hole.

165 Join Engineer Marinus on his maintenance patrol

Engineer Marinus does not spawn, so one can not speak to him to start the event.

166 Keep the resonators running until they draw in a large target

The collectors will often all break and be unrepairable, often at 25% of collection, rendering the event unwinnable.

167 Kill the Acolytes

When this event occurs at the west side of the area, it is wrongly called "Stop the Svanir Ritual"

168 Kill the Kitah Conjurer

This event has a tendency to not spawn after successfully completing the previous event.

169 Kill the Svanir shaman chief to break his control over the ice elemental

The large ice elemental at the Maw may sometimes shatter during the event, causing Ice Storms to despawn.

170 Kill the chak crown!

The aoe goop that forms on the floor during this event will also damage players gliding high above the event.

171 Kill the leviathan
  • The dialogue for when the leviathan reaches low health or has Thick Skin can also appear when the pre-event finishes.
  • The leviathan may spawn and stay outside the map boundaries, stalling the event. This seems to happen if the event is started immediately after the pre-event finishes.
  • The leviathan may spawn untargetable in its death model, stalling the event. It will still float around the area, and knockback players entering the hitbox, as if alive.
  • After the meta countdown starts, the event will not start, despite Scouring Hawk being in position and showing an event indicator.
  • Killing the Leviathan too quickly will stall future spawns in that instance.
172 Kill the loyalists before they attack the village

Enemies often don't spawn, stalling the event and blocking story progress.

173 Kill the ogre leaders of Sapper's Delve and hold the hill

Occasionally, Commander Neal and the Ebon Vanguard Warriors that accompany him never spawn outside of Forlorn Hope, or they get stuck in Blackwing Excavation, which causes multiple problems. Tahiri and her team are unable to leave Sapper's Delve, the event to defend Sapper's Delve cannot occur, and the Vanguard cannot be used to progress through the Ogre Wars meta event.

174 Kill the titanspawn infesting the area and tend to their victims

After all titanspawn have been defeated the timer is not visible, but continues counting down. It is possible to fail this event even though the timer is no longer displayed.

175 Kill the veteran lava shaman

Sometimes the Iron Legion Legionnaire won't have the Event star (tango icon).png icon above her head, but the event can still be started.

176 Lake Lutgardis Fishing Tournament

Incorrectly gives 3 points for rare fish, contrary to the organizer's statement that only exotic fish or above award triple points.

177 Maws of Torment

Demolitioner Folke will often get stuck (often in the middle of the air or underground) and make the full event impossible to succeed.

178 Meta-Event Rush

The defense events in Cursed Shore appear bugged and do not always provide Meta-Event Rush rewards.

179 Mordrem Vinewrath

Players who disconnected but reentered the same map instance are not awarded the Vinewrath Chest.

180 Move through the research facility and reach the superweapon

Allied npcs can be stuck attacking enemies from previous event if generators were killed before champions/other hostile enemies, causing this event to stall.

181 New Kaineng Fishing Tournament (Yu)

Incorrectly gives 3 points for rare fish, contrary to the organizer's statement that only exotic fish or above award triple points.

182 Of Mists and Monsters

Sometimes this timer can bug out and show 0:00. It is a visual bug only. The meta event will still start at xx:40

183 Outpost: Teku Nuhoch
  • The first two events are listed in reverse order in the in-game achievement panel: "Protected Beetle Hatchings" is listed second even though it's the first event in the chain.
  • "Take the young beetles on their first chak patrol" often seems to bug out, making the achievement impossible to complete. Sometimes killing nearby chak can get it to continue normally.
  • "Protect the newly hatched beetle larvae until they reach a stable population" event hits a certain point and stops progressing, meaning the meta-event does not continue making it impossible to complete.
184 Participate in the daily motion vision assessment

The effect indicating the golem to be followed, and even the golem itself, will not always appear under certain graphic settings

185 Pavilion Pursuit: A race is starting soon!

This event sometimes awards 3 Racing Medallion.pngRacing Medallions, even to non-participating players that are nearby.

186 Power up Ahadd's golem by defeating amplified Destroyers and delivering their cores

While you can't deliver Amped Destroyer Cores to fully charged Relays by interacting, but you can still use Throw Power Core to do it. This action despawns the cores.

187 Prepare fish before they rot

Sometimes a station will misfire and the effect not apply. Check your current effects to see which step you need to repeat.

188 Prepare for the Kryptis assault on the gates

Bringing Medical Supplies to a Hungry Ward Member will trigger the voiceline as though you had brought them Rations. It will not progress the event and the Ward member will still require Rations.

189 Prevent White Mantle reinforcements from reaching Saidra's Haven

The event will not fail when Justicar Agatha reaches Saidra's Haven, and her shield no longer protects her.

190 Prevent a brawl between the three legions

This event frequently stops working after it has been repeated several times and does not become available until the next server reset.

191 Protect Forgemaster Elrik while he gathers scrap metal

The event indicator to start the event may not appear above Forgemaster Elrik even if available. Interacting with him will still allow you to start the event. He is located at the entrance to the Droknar's Forge (before you would go down the stairs).

192 Protect Ginna Stoneskaald while she repairs Jora's shrine

This event frequently stops working at a variable time after a server reset and is not available until the next server reset. The preceding event will not occur either.

193 Protect Linnea while she chases the jackalope

The dialogue includes a reference to Bjarni who was moved from the area in September 2014.

194 Protect Lunt's fire from the dredge

This event frequently stops working at some variable after a server reset. Lunt is left holding the bomb that he sells after the event but is no longer selling it. The event is not available until the next reset and the other event of the series is also blocked.

195 Protect Orl's research krewe

Sometimes Researcher Orl won't run to the inner door before initiating the dialog about it. This causes the Matrix Imprint Lock to not be interactable even if the player possesses an Energy Crystal, causing the event start to stall indefinitely.

196 Protect Pamfa's lab from attacking Inquest agents

Inquest waves may stop spawning, causing this event to stall.

197 Protect Verasha while she disables Igne Mossheart's wards

Ping can go hostile, resulting in friendly npc's involved in the event to attack her. Since her health keeps resetting rather than reach 0 and down her, the npc's do not move on and the event cannot be completed. .

198 Protect Webb as he recovers his heirlooms

Sometimes, Webb Daukins will get stuck at the second heirloom before his wife is able to appear; this blocks event progress past "Heirlooms located: 1/2".

199 Protect crash victims from encroaching vines

If 4/9 Victims have been saved and 4/9 Victims have been lost, the 9th victim disappears and cannot be seen, saved, or taken. The event remains stuck and does not reset during the rest of the Crash Site (meta event).

200 Protect krewe leader Dobbs as the krewe clears the excavation site

Players report that it does not properly reset sometimes after the failure of Defend Rankor Ruins from the Undead, and suggest entering the map when the zone is full or immediately after a patch to get the reset version of this event. This was reportedly fixed on 2016-07-27, but still appears to be bugged as of 2016-09-18.

201 Protect local mosshearts from fire imps

It's possible that no fire imps will appear during the event, making it impossible to participate in the event at all. As a result, the event will always fail and trigger the failure event.

202 Protect the Priory explorers as they investigate Kitah Manse

This event has a tendency to not spawn due to the explorers becoming stuck inside Kitah Manse after being successfully completed once.

203 Protect the demolition team

The name of Warmaster Tydus doesn't always appear in the event's information bar, leaving his health bar as the only piece of information.

204 Protect the engineers repairing the Victory Cenotaph

This event may fail to start, leaving the statue of Pyre Fierceshot destroyed until the map resets.

205 Protect the engineers while they install ley reflectors in Melandru's Lost Domain

This event can become bugged if the circle around the engineer stays red, despite no enemies being inside of it.

206 Protect the engineers while they install ley reflectors in the Burning Forest

This event can become bugged if the circle around the engineer stays red, despite no enemies being inside of it.

207 Protect the engineers while they install ley reflectors in the Underworld

This event can become bugged if the circle around the engineer stays red, despite no enemies being inside of it.

208 Protect the fisherman and slay Unchained Risen in the area

Fisherman Daegu's health bar will occasionally not show up in the event box or only appear after he has died and been revived.

209 Protect the newly hatched beetle larvae until they reach a stable population

This event can stall, and the progress bar can get reset only to get stuck again, which prevents the completion of the Outpost: Teku Nuhoch event chain.

210 Protect the ritualists while they repair the shrines

This event is frequently bugged:

  • The Ritualist Elder may be stuck by Kropa Village.
  • The Ritualist Adepts may be at the Temple of the Dredge, hammering away, even though the event is not active. Resurrecting them when they are defeated will not unstick the event, nor will they seemingly progress while in this state.
211 Protect the siege team as they approach the wall

This event frequently bugs after a server reset and is not available until the next reset. The destination point is marked on the map and the event details are on screen but there is no sign of the team.

212 Protect the soldiers as they gather wood to rebuild Skoll's Bivuoac

If any of the NPCs are downed when the event ends and not revived before repairs are complete, the area's NPCs' AI may become stuck believing the area still needs to be rebuilt. Event NPCs will run in and out gathering wood, and Jules will never become a merchant.

213 Protect the statue from destruction

One or more Icebrood Trolls frequently get stuck in the terrain while being invincible, therefore the event stalls, often at wave 4.

214 Prove you know a lot about Destiny's Edge

This event frequently stops working soon after a server reset and is not available until the next reset.

215 Reach the Warclaw Run finish line!

Runing though the check points might still leave a Event Event flag yellow (map icon).png behind.

216 Reach the finish line! (Elon Riverlands)

Progress might not record when crossing checkpoints with any mount other than the Skimmer.

217 Reach the finish line! (Super Adventure Box)

The checkpoint on the mushroom used to launch into the clouds may not reliably activate if approached in bee dog form. Flying too high above the mushroom may teleport the player directly to the clouds without activation.

218 Reclaim Brokentooth Maw
  • Players in the capture zone can continue to capture Brokentooth Maw even if foes are also in the capture zone.
  • The color of the capture zone (blue/red) does not accurately reflect whether there are foes in the capture zone.
219 Reclaim the settlement by burning out the karka nests

Breaking the nests doesn't count towards event participation. Breaking them without killing any karka results in not getting event rewards.

220 Repair the Haiju Cove water purifiers

Repairing the purifiers does not count as event participation. Only fighting nearby kappa does.

221 Repel the Aetherblade ambushers

Only the event shown in the first screenshot awards progress toward the Jaya Bluffs part of the achievement Aetherblade Shenanigans. This particular one can be triggered reliably by harvesting the nearby Mithril Ore node.

222 Repel the Branded invasion and close the rifts
  • A rift may randomly despawn when the timer reaches 0 seconds, the cause is unknown.
  • The rift SE of Noble's Walk does not always occur, causing a cycle of only 4 rift events. This does not appear to correct itself until map reset.
223 Rescue the Aqualimit researchers from the krait

One of the Aqualimit Researchers can appear outside of his cage.

224 Retake Pinion Pass from the destroyers

Sometimes this event does not end. There will be no more Destroyers, and 3/4 burrows are destroyed, but with no more to be found. The Priory Explorers and Magister Arnlief Iceborne are running in a circle in the camp.

225 Revive hylek of Eztlitl Grounds

Using the ranger elite skill Spirit of Nature to revive the hylek will revive those but not count towards the total causing the event to stuck.

226 Rooster's Challenge: Capture the points!

The actual capture area trails behind the blue circle at the distance of one radius. Standing beside or ahead of the chicken while inside the circle will not count towards progress, but following it even a short distance outside of the circle does count.

227 Safely escort the caravan from the ally camp to the farmlands

Starting dialogue of the Caravan Leader might bug out, preventing the actual start of the event. It does not require a new map to fix. After waiting a while the event can be started.

228 Salvage damaged armaments to build bombs

Beigarth gets stuck sometimes and it becomes impossible to turn in the airship salvage. When that is the case, the interact option is "Greet" instead of "Talk". In that case, you may need to try approaching him from another side. Alternatively, you (and other close players) may need to drop the salvage before trying to talk to him again. If the interact option is back to "Talk" you can pick the salvage up again and turn it in.

229 Salvage supplies from the Ordnance Corps airship wreckage

Sometimes, Beigarth will not accept the Airship Salvage you bring him. Dropping the salvage you are holding allows another player in the vicinity a chance to pick it up and turn it in, though some players still encounter the same bug. You can either go back to pick up another Airship Salvage, or pick up any Salvage that another player has dropped and attempt to turn it in. A player dying nearby (by falling damage, for instance) can sometimes get the NPC unstuck.

230 Sandstorm!

Sometimes the xx:56:30 Event boss (tango icon).png [Group Event] Defeat the giant beetle (80) event doesn't start, despite Favor of the Zephyrites being at least Tier 5.

231 Save the hamlet from pirates

The huts are also burning and need to be put out, but there's no animation.

232 Save the merchants from the Bloody Buccaneer kidnappers

This event very often gets stuck. The last merchant is often MIA and the pirates can be invulnerable despite still attacking you.

233 Search piles of rubble and suspicious trees for Stone Summit
  • There may not be enough enemies, leading to the impossibility of filling the event bar, and the event never ends. Other players might be able to interact with previously cleared piles.
  • The event indicator to start the event may not appear above Runwida even if available. Interacting with her will still allow you to start the event. She is located at the western exit of the area where the waypoint is.
234 Search rubble for Deldrimor artifacts to give to Scholar Alil Rodez

Alil Rodez may sometimes remain at the Durmand Priory camp in the Godspurs, far to the northwest of the Molent Summit

235 Security Activated: Defeat the Champion Jade Construct

If the event fails, it can still give credit towards Event Collection: Central Janthir Syntri.

236 See the Pact crash survivors safely to Meddler's Summit

This event occasionally stalls when the Pact crash survivors are under attack in certain areas.

237 Seraph Assault on Centaur Camps

If this event is in the phase "The Seraph are digging in at the Forward Camp", no events for this meta-event will spawn.

238 Shing Jea Fishing Tournament

Incorrectly gives 3 points for rare fish, contrary to the organizer's statement that only exotic fish or above award triple points.

239 Slay the octovine! (eastgate)
  • If the player has "Autotargeting", "Promote Skill Target", and "Snap Ground Target to Current Target" checked (turned on) in Options > General Options > Combat/Movement, the Exalted Bomb target circle will snap to the octovine's lower hitbox during most of the glide, causing the bomb to miss (only the upper hitbox scores a hit against the slime shield).
    • This is apparently due to the lower hitbox being farther forward and thus closer to the player during the glide, causing this combination of autotargeting to choose the lower hitbox instead of the upper hitbox no matter how the player attempts to position the target circle. Only during the final portion of a glide when the player is almost over the octovine is the distance to the upper hitbox shorter than to the lower hitbox, allowing the autotargeting to sometimes choose the upper hitbox instead, and by then it's usually too late to get all three bombs to hit.
    • Simply unchecking (turning off) "Snap Ground Target to Current Target" for this event will allow normal control over the Exalted Bomb target circle during the glide, and a much higher likelihood of a successful bombing run.
240 Slay the octovine! (northgate)
241 Slay the octovine! (southgate)

The octovine will sometimes be vulnerable to damage for the same duration as other lanes (instead of twice as long).

242 Southsun Crab Toss

Under unknown circumstances, attempting to throw the crab can result in it sticking to the thrower's face, letting them use all their skills while still counting as carrying the crab.

243 Stop loyalists from stealing supplies

Currently Veteran, Elite and Champion Xocotl Floppers can spawn durring this event

244 Stop the Inquest operatives from kidnapping adventurers

Sometimes the event does not actually start after the sylvari group arrived at the event site. This blocks the entire event chain.

245 Stop the Svanir Ritual (second part)

The west Kill the Acolytes event is incorrectly labelled as this one.

246 Stop the Svanir ceremony

As Raven Gates inside the Whispering Depths are not accessible outside of the Champion of the Ice Dragon meta, it is not possible to get there and complete the event in this area.

247 Stop the enraged jotun from crushing the Bear shrine

This event is in the API list but may well be permanently bugged.

248 Stop the jotun from stealing back their ancient weapons

The Loremaster can end up in a state where it stops from regenerating, stalling the event.

249 Stop the krait from destroying hylek eggs

The krait may not always start spawning, stalling the event.

250 Stop the pirates from stealing buried treasure

The event can bug out if any of the Buccaneer Diggers are killed during the initial dialogue.

251 The Kodan Claw

The meta event will often bug during "The kodan are preparing for a tournament to choose a new Claw" and block progression. Usually resolved within 24 hours, enough time for a new instance of the map to load.

252 Triple Trouble

If Crusader Yipp has not placed his probe at Crimson by the time both other Crusaders have placed theirs, the event will stall.

253 Use oil reclamation pumps to clean up the spills!

Oil elementals may not spawn, causing the event to stall.

254 Use the Priory's "Bramble Begone" rifle to clear vines and reach Bramble Plateau

The event can break if players rush ahead after the 2nd bramble vine is cleared. A bramble wall will grow in the tunnel to the pylon, which cannot be destroyed by spraying Bramble Begone, blocking players from progressing the event.

255 Use the siege turtles to destroy the shield generators as you fight through the fort

Some or all of the jade brotherhood lines at the event start may fail to occur. This may be due to the brotherhood npcs being attacked by the void-corrupted jade mechs as they flee.

Kyung-Hee or Kestrel Aoi may randomly get stuck attacking an invulnerable shielded mech arm. If this happens, the event will halt and become impossible to complete. As yet unknown what causes this. You may be able to let the NPC 'die' and then put up a reflect on the mech arm, and have the NPC run away and come back (keep the reflect up and the NPC may not notice it when coming back towards the door).

256 White Mantle Control: Noran's Homestead
257 Win three rounds of Modus Sceleris's tournament

Orma can drop Illusory Rival for the Meteorlogicus III: Storm collection during the tournament. However fighting Orma in the Fireheart Rise will not to drop the item, but doing so in the Lornar's Pass version of the event does.

258 Your Mad King says...
  • Using any emote during a "trick" line will knock you down and counts as a miss.


# Page Bug description
1 "Where's Balthazar"
  • If you approach Countess Anise and the priest of Balthazar too quickly at the start, the priest's line will be cut off and Anise's retort won't be said at all.
  • If you take too long to solve Justiciar Araya's puzzle, the instance may become stuck with her shield remaining permanently intact despite all the beams removed. You'll have to start over.
  • Anise's Shining blade exemplar may not spawn, this appears to happen if you enter the instance immediately after someone else. You will know this has happened if you get 2 white mantle hideout loading screens in a row. Logging out and waiting appears to be the only solution to this.
2 A Grisly Shipment
  • Occasionally players have found that Researcher Maeva becomes stuck in a spot on the deck above the ship's cargo hold. She will still have a star over her head and sometimes it is still possible to get the ghostfire charges from her to place in the hold. Other times however, she will not interact with players at all, requiring a mission restart.
  • Be careful when going up the stairs to the Ark's highest point. You may get stuck behind a wall if you fall from the stairs, and will have to restart the mission since you cannot get out.
3 A Kindness Repaid
  • You will be given a boon that is supposed to increase your damage and movement speed, but there are no noticeable boosts to either.
  • In this fight, the Power Golems may sometimes not drop bundles when killed. Without enough bundles you will be forced to kill the Exterminator Golem by directly attacking it which will take a very long time.
  • Near the end of the fight, the scaling of your character may become messed up as though you had taken an Endless Embiggening Tonic. Your movement and animation will be drastically slowed down. It is still possible to complete the fight but it will take even longer.

Attacking the Mark II Beta Exterminator Golem before it kills Elder Narn and causing it to aggro the players instead will prevent the X-T3R-M1N-8 achievement effect from appearing. Players should refrain from attacking the golem until it kills Elder Narn and the achievement becomes available.

4 A Light in the Darkness
  • When talking to Avatar of the Tree after the first cinematic but before entering the Dream of Dreams, charr and asura players get a dialogue option mentioning the sylvari tutorial's events, while sylvari characters do not.
  • After defeating the Gate Guardian, sometimes you will not be instanced back to The Grove. This causes you to have to start over.
  • If you move to the Avatar of the Tree too quickly you will soft-lock yourself out of the quest as Trahearne will not initiate conversation with her to advance the story.
5 A Meeting of the Minds

The voice acting for Zojja's line "Once you're settled in at the Durmand Priory, I may call on you again." during the final cutscene is not using the correct audio. Zojja will speak of the Vigil, even though the character joined the Priory.

6 A Race to Arms

Disconnects happen often at the end of the mission when you join your ally at the bonfire. No fixes are known, you just have to try the mission until it works.

7 A Tangle of Weeds

Avoid falling off of the cliff behind where you engage Mazdak. (Keep yourself between Mazdak and the graveyard entrance.) Doing so while he is near low health will result in missing the video during your reset back into town, and an inability to complete the quest. The instance must be cancelled and restarted from the beginning in order to complete the quest.

8 Against the Corruption

Even though it is a level 80 mission, the area scales player characters down to level 70.

9 Against the Wall

The instance may disconnect during the final dialogue, forcing you to restart the battle at the 50% checkpoint.

10 An Unknown Soul

If you die just before saving all of the wardens, (so that Malyck is able to finish them off) and then respawn at a checkpoint, you will spawn at the beginning. Once Malyck has slain the last of the enemies surrounding the trapped wardens, all of the NPCs will then teleport to your position at the beginning of the map. Doing this only skips a small amount of combat, though, as you will still have to defeat the four court members closest to the start, as well as the two ambushes that spawn thereafter in order to finish.

11 Arcana Obscura

Sometimes the achievement doesn't complete even when you have achievement qualification buff.

12 Armor Guard

During the mission, wait until the Pale Reavers finish speaking upon arrival before clearing out the mines, otherwise the undead will infinitely spawn and the party won't be able to continue. Also it is possible to proceed the mission without disabling the mines. In this case the mission will become uncompletable.

13 Balrior Peak

The portal can't be used until all the titanspawns in Greer's arena have been killed.

Restarting the story at the checkpoint before Greer will softlock the instance, since the titanspawns that need to be killed before you can use the portal simply don't appear. The only workaround is to quit the current chapter in the story journal, start another one (to reset progress in chapter 13), and then start chapter 13 fresh.

14 Be My Guest

Breaking Palawa Joko's defiance bar during any of the phases above too quickly can cause him to disappear and not return; likewise damaging him too fast can cause phases to not trigger correctly.

  • The last three lines of Joko's final monologue may play without voice.
  • Defeating Joko too fast may result in his death not being detected, preventing completion of the instance.
15 Beast of War
16 Blast from the Past
  • In the first instance, after you defend the cauldron, the story objective will not update unless Laranthir is: alive, not in combat, and you have killed a specific Risen Abomination; even if you have already found Nekandezzar.
  • Arda will still have her normal greets after she dies.
17 Bleed (story)

If you are disconnected from the map for any reason (e.g. meta ends) and lose the special action key while retaining the dragonsblood spear on your character's back, leave the map; quit the episode and start another one; restart the Bleed episode and then return to the map and to one of the highlighted areas where the Branded are present. You should get the special action key back..

18 Blessed of Bear

The completion trigger does not occur if the Caravan Leader NPC is down when you reach the star. Backtrack and revive them.

19 Breaking the Blade

Sometimes Doc Howler will show up even if you completed The Greater Good.

20 Brute Force
  • If the player character is downed while third wave should start, the mission will get stuck and no more waves will spawn. When this happens, you will have to exit the instance and try again.
  • If the Order of Whispers choice is made, then both Agent Ihan and Crusader Hiroki will react as if you chose to help the Vigil. Neither of their dialogues however have end dialogue options.
21 Buried Insight

After the first chak encounter, you say "Let's pick up the pace," then the NPCs may freeze and not respond. The objectives will only say 'Find the Elder Dragon Research'. Running around the map a little then returning to the NPCs may re-activate their dialog to allow the mission to progress.

Sometimes Taimi may stall after the line "I think so. We're almost right on top of the source!" and will not move forward. The only way this can be avoided is to defeat the golem that spawns and walks down the path before Taimi reaches the area.

22 Can't Trust a Pirate

During Explore the Aetherblade den, Marjory Delaqua or Gorrik can periodically get stuck on a wall. Simply move around and they will begin following you again.

23 Champion's Sacrifice

If Ikniu is defeated before the risen are engaged and the risen are killed while Ikniu is defeated, the story even can stall at "Clear the undead from the sacrificial grounds."

24 City of Hope
  • The No More Time achievement may not trigger even if you avoid killing any Sparks.
  • When replaying this story instance, you may be blocked if activating from within Auric Basin. You can re-zone as a workaround. (Leave the zone and re-enter.)
25 Close the Eye

Occasionally Trahearne will get stuck prior to reaching the gate, and as a result the quest marker will not update. If this happens, you can continue to the Senschal (who is at the Conservatory), kill him and fetch his staff - bringing the staff back to Trahearne will then trigger the gate to open and all of the objectives to update. Proceding from here will complete the mission.

26 Confronting Captain Tervelan

Leaving the cave after breaking the gate before the cinematic can start may result in Tervelan remaining Determined and preventing completion of the mission. Restarting the mission is the only way to solve it.

27 Containment

Gixx's voice acting says "Priory anarchists" rather than "Priory arcanists."

28 Critical Blowback

At the very beginning of the mission, wait for Demmi to finish her dialog and move to the front of the side cave before talking to her. Make sure the objective "Search the chantry for survivors" is completed (will be second objective) when you talk to her. If you have talked to Demmi and opened the gate and the objective is not complete you will need to exit by jumping to a way point (costs money) or by re-logging(free) to reset the instance. Re-enter and try again. If this objective does not complete at the beginning, the mission will not complete and you may not progress in your personal storyline.

29 Dangerous Research

When you approach the representatives and Rytlock, the previous mission's conversation triggers before the cutscene.

30 Defending the Keep
31 Descent

Dying during some parts here can potentially stall some scripts, requiring the player to restart the instance to continue.[verification requested]

This achievement is only available for the instance owner. (Only instance owner have  Dragonsblood Spear (Dragonfall skill).png Dragonsblood Spear to complete achievement)

Shortly after the instance starts, Aurene is supposed to appear and open up the way. She may not appear, which will force you to restart. This can happen any number of times.

32 Diplomacy and Discovery
  • When searching the cub lost in town with your Warclaw, it might not appear. Relog to see it.
  • When searching the cub lost in town with your Warclaw, if you drop it there is no way to get it back and progression will be hard locked. No current workaround.
33 Discovering Scarlet's Breakthrough
  • Engaging the large groups of Inquest before securing the first or second console can cause Taimi to get stuck and require a mission restart.
  • In the final mission step, after securing the third console, Taimi can stall, failing to begin the final dialogue and requiring the mission to be restarted.
  • To avoid getting this issue when Taimi can get stuck during "No Tricks" achievement, follow Taimi while fighting Inquest very close as it is easy to get to far from her as she is the main trigger for each step to progress. Taimi might even go back to the first console while fighting Inquest and have the rest of party on the second console marked with a green ring. Protect her until she have killed enough Inquest and return to party where the rest of group are standing and this will progress this achievement until the final stage.
34 Distract, Destroy, Distrust

Selecting the "Refuse to drop the crystal down the vent" option at the vent may simply close the dialogue window without progressing the story. A way to "fix" this is to interact with the vent again and use the option to drop the crystal yourself.

35 Disturbance in Brisban Wildlands

Achievement effect.png Achievement: No Shocks Here will sometimes not be removed when you are hit. This means you can sometimes fail to get the achievement, even though you still appear to be eligible.

The line "How about we ask..." is assigned to Braham, but Taimi's voice is the one speaking.

36 Down the Hatch
  • Using Fakeout won't cause the opponent to drink, but you can still get caught and poisoned.
  • Tybalt can become stuck when entering the water on the way to Demmi's cell, stalling progress. Sometimes he can unfreeze if your character talk to him, but if he stays unmovable, you may need to restart the mission.
  • The final trigger in the quest won't update properly if your character is downed when defeating the last pirate.
37 Dragonsblood

If the player loses their Dragonsblood Spears, the story section may be restarted to recover them or reacquire them at The Forge

Often, during the tomb fight, the Veteran Graveling will return at FULL, (not half) strength, after burrowing and releasing the hatchlings. The only (apparent) recourse is to restart the episode

38 Echoes of Ages Past

The Jotun Guard may not become interactable and can not be talked to. This can be fixed by leaving and re-entering the story instance. Many many many many many many many many many time's...

39 Emotional Release

During the Jade Pools instance, the starting line "(laughs) How's the fit?" from Taimi will sometime play even if the instance owner is an asura and alone, making the asuran answer inappropriate.

During the Jade Pools instance, you are allowed to glide with Scruffy 2.0. Glider is not shown, however its sound effects are still played.

40 Escape from Lion's Arch (story)

For some reason Evon will retrace his path back to his original start requiring the player or party to redo his escort event, complete with all spawns that would occur.

At the end of the escort, if all players have teleported away to a different area of the mission before Evon closes the asura gate before him, the objective will not be counted.

41 Estate of Decay
  • Some players are unable to progress after your host's initial dialogue. To get around this, climb on top of the door to open it.
  • On "Defend the perimeter while Hekja scouts the manse", if you kill the Risen Chicken before the NPCs can attack it, then you may stall and be forced to restart the instance.
  • At the "Escape from Kitah Manse", if your character is not right next to the door when the dialogue happens with Galina saying she's going to push the door open, the door open animation may not trigger and you will be stuck inside with no more way out, except to restart the instance.
42 Evacuation
  • Sometimes the mission will get stuck and the evacuation won't complete. Usually this is because one of the corrupted mobs has gotten stuck either above the ice or in the water somewhere. If you get stuck during evacuation and the boss won't spawn, swim around and look for a trapped mob in the water or above you on the ice. If you want to avoid the problem, do this part with a friend. It's a "solo" bug.
  • Talking to Shashoo as she is approaching the pod will interrupt her, preventing the mission from continuing.
43 Eye of the Sun

Sometimes after doing The Direct Approach, when you return to the Dreamers Terrace, Trahearne's dialogue will not trigger and he and Arlon will simply stand around and will not react to the player's presence. To fix this, simply close the game completely then log in and try again. You must log out fully each time. Logging to character select will not fix the issue.

44 Fighting the Nightmare

The Nightmare Hounds that spawn around the ruined bridge that has to be repaired will teleport from their spawn points to a spot in front of the bridge if left alone.

45 Finding Balance

The instance likes to disconnect from the server while talking with the Charr Prisoner, forcing you to restart the chapter completely. Talking to him first seems to help prevent this. Progress towards The Dead Do Tell Tales will be retained as long as you complete the conversations.

46 Fixing the Blame
  • Skipping cinematics during the instanced content frequently results in the Pact allies not appearing.
  • Running up to Trahearne when he first appears can result in you becoming irrevocably trapped in the vines as he summons them and forced to restart the mission.
47 Flower of Death

Branthyn's dialogue responds with the line about the Vigil mentoring scheme at three points in the mission, with two of those not matching the context/the question asked.

48 Forging the Pact

If Trahearne is killed during the mission, he cannot be revived and does not respawn, making the mission impossible to finish

49 Free Rein

Sometimes Kudu will get stuck after activating the lightning Weather Matic 5000. Using an AoE skill should fix this.

50 Full Circle
  • Gorrik may spawn in the incorrect area at the beginning of "Meet up with Gorrik and Taimi in New Kaineng City." step. Speaking to Gorrik while he is out of place will cause the story step to become stuck. Standing near Taimi and reloading the instance will resolve this issue.[5]
51 Further into Orr

No matter which course of action you choose, the orders representatives all talk to the player character like they have chosen their plan for the next mission.

52 Graveyard Ornaments

Interacting with the grave before killing all grubs can cause the mission to stall and require restarting the mission.

53 Hard Boiled
  • The achievement doesn't count how many suspects have been scanned, and just completes the achievement when all suspects have been scanned.

  • Garrot Ambercowl can be revived by area revive skills
  • Several characters that can be talked to have a "Greet" prompt instead a "Talk" prompt.
54 Heart of the Volcano (story)
  • Hitting both of Balthazar's Hounds with the energy seems to sometimes get the other one in a constant respawning cycle. If either of them doesn't stay dead with the target marker on top of them, waiting for a minute or two seems to "unstuck" them.
  • Hitting both of Balthazar's Hounds with 1 energy ball can cause the game progression stuck, as the game still hinting you to destroy the hounds, but the hounds are no longer there.
  • If you have a pet, dismiss it right before a hound dies and "kill" it yourself. If a pet does damage to it while the hound is "dead" and waiting to be finished off, it can heal to 30% instantly.
  • If scanner is inactive (like after you died), try swapping weapons to reactivate it.
55 Hearts and Minds
  • After the fight with Eir, she might continue to attack preventing the opening of the rift.
  • Sometimes Canach will not use or drop his shield during the Blighted Canach fight. When this happens, Blighted Canach can become permanently invulnerable at 25% of its life if you do not break his breakbar. After killing Blighted Canach, Canach may still continue shielding indefinitely and this will prevent you from progressing any further. In this case you must restart the instance by logging out and back in.
  • Sometimes when you restart the fight with Mordremoth part of the platform will not return, resulting in Reality Rifts being inaccessible. As of 26 November 2015, if you die during the phase where you are supposed to fly, the area-wide attack animation still persists after you respawn, and at the end of the animation part of the arena will break off, including the floor. If you are waiting at the spawn point when this happens, the arena will be restored immediately; the bug happens only if you return to the fight right after you respawn. In this case the arena part still breaks off at the end of the animation while you are in the fight and the arena is not restored after that. The rift is open in the air where the floor used to be. It is inaccessible and the fight has to be restarted.
  • Sometimes your glider will refuse to deploy.
  • Sometimes the updrafts will fail to spawn or will spawn but will be invisible or will launch you up and out of the instance.
  • There are some invisible walls beneath the platform you can fall behind, preventing you from falling to your death, getting back up, or being attacked by Mordremoth.
  • Sometimes the Blighted bosses will disappear once defeated, preventing progress.
  • Sometimes the Reality Rifts will not pull the blighted bosses in when activated, preventing progress.
  • In the final phase of the fight, sometimes Mordremoth's defiance bar wont be broken after activating the rift and a new rift will not appear. If that happens he is immune to all attacks, but the bar can now be broken using crowd control skills such as Knockback or Chill.
56 Here, There, Everywhere

If you kill Teyo too quickly, the story will not progress, and you'll need to restart the instance.

57 Hidden Arcana

Occasionally the "Exposed Weaknesses" achievement will bug and players need to get the facet from 100% to 0% in the given time interval; this is performed by destroying all crystals at once instead of pre-emptively destroying two. Sometimes the achievement will also require that the player(s) hit the Facet itself at some point during the fight; just destroying the Vortex Crystals without hitting the boss may not be enough to complete the achievement.

  • Currently (sometimes or even always ?) your character is greeted by Magister Makkay as if the commander is a member of the Priory, even if she/he is not.
  • A possible bug in the second phase may occur. The Malevolent Memory retains all its attacks and constantly drops the Fragility shields in the middle of its distanced AoE attacks. Eventually a Fragility shield will land outside the AoE.
58 Home Sweet Home

Malice Swordshadow and Caithe cannot be spoken to as long as Fading Aurora is speaking.

59 Infiltration

There has been a bug in The Hospital in Jeopardy which has occurred twice so far, in Sept-Oct 2017 and then in Feb. 2018. Both times it was eventually fixed. The merged discussion about this bug (and where future comments on its recurrence should be posted) is at (HiJ bug (merged))

60 Iron Grip of the Legion

Killing the first group of enemies too fast after entering the warehouse can result in a bugged instance, forcing you to restart. Kill them group after group to avoid this. If there are no respawns after Flame Saboteur Duccos line "First team is down. Second and third teams: go!" and he instead starts attacking you while he is still invulnerable, you will have to restart the instance.

61 Killing Fields

Trahearne's dialogue when choosing your options talks about the Gear Warband from norn blacked-out storyline instead of Snarl and Galina.

62 Liberation

The exit instance button will only show for the instance owner. Other members of the party will have to character select, waypoint, or wait for the instance to close after the owner leaves.

63 Lines of Communication

If you are doing this story in a party and a party member knocks out one or both Peacemaker guards, the story will not advance to the next objective and you'll have to exit and restart the instance. The same thing will happen if you kill one or both Peacemaker guards; the two krewe members at the start of the instance however can be killed with no impact on the mission.

64 Lost Spirits Found

Player may have to rezone to get Braham to appear after cleansing the last shrine.

65 Meeting the Asura

It's possible to get stuck inside the shield generators as they respawn, preventing you from moving and enemies from attacking you.

You can get caught in a loop knocking out Vorpp he will simply say 'I'm more resilient than that!' and the generators and everything just resets the only way out is to quit the game if you die you are given the option to retry or exit to Metrica Province but no matter what you choose you will restart the instance.

If you kill Vorpp before his crew, he will despawn softlocking the instance, thus unable to finish it.

66 Minister's Defense

Occasionally, after defeating Ajax Anvilburn, the final cinematic will not trigger. The only way to progress is to leave the instance by logging out or running out of bounds and replay it until the bug does not trigger.

67 Monkey Wrench

Destroying the Soul Cell Generators before it becomes an objective halts progress. When this happens, the instance needs to be restarted.

68 Mortus Virge

If the Order of Whispers choice is made, then both Agent Ihan and Crusader Hiroki will react as if you chose to help the Vigil. Neither of their dialogues however have end dialogue options.

The Mortus Virge is incorrectly written as "Verge" during several sequences.

69 Munition Acquisition

The story step can stall if you pick up the munitions before you clear the last bunch of Inquest in the tunnel, causing the 3 waves of Inquest counterattacks to never trigger.

70 No Refuge

If you die during the preliminary fight (while defending Faolain against the centaurs), you will lose the eligibility effect for this achievement.

71 Old Foes, Old Ghosts
  • If a player with the Priory Aethershield.png Mursaat Armor effect is standing in the lava pool when the Defeat the Pyroclastic Jade Construct event begins, they can be stuck inside a rock platform. The player will be unable to waypoint as they will be marked in combat by the lava, but not killed by it.
  • Sometimes upon entering the mursaat fortress chamber you will not be able to activate the Dwarven Machine. You will either have to waypoint out and re-enter the chamber or relog for you to activate the device.
72 Old Friends
  • Playing with two players will cause the second player's screen to go black during the prison scene. This will clear when the section is complete and the players can leave the instance.
  • After the crash, you may disconnect if your content streaming setting is not set to Max.[6]
73 One Charr, One Dragon, One Champion

It is extremely important to ensure you are escorting the NPCs closely on your way up the ice tunnels through the ice walls during the first few steps of the mission. The NPCs may get indefinitely stuck if you run ahead, breaking the entire instance and requiring a reset of the mission instance.

If the bazooka won't aim at the ceiling, drop it and pick it up again.

74 Plan of Attack

If you phase the statue too quickly, bringing its health below 25% before Rytlock dispels the first shield (which can easily be done using condition damage), Rytlock will fail to dispel the shield, and you will need to either wait 10 minutes for the buff to expire or reset the instance.

In some cases, the achievement effect might not appear at all, not granting the achievement even if all the objectives have been fulfilled.

75 Precocious Aurene
  • If a player other than the instance-owner runs ahead in the maze room and stands on the wall before it has raised in the Training for Battle section, the rising wall can trap that player. Use the /stuck command to be teleported to the beginning of the instance. The portal will return you to the maze room.
  • If the Exalted Portal Stone is used while replaying the story or playing it with another character, it will not create another instance, and instead send the character to Aurene's chamber. The only way to return to the story is using /stuck to go to the start of the mission, then using teleporters to get to the current event.
  • While helping the Wounded Vigil, Aurene may become stuck on a pillar and unable to move, preventing the Vigil she is escorting from reaching the safe zone and rendering the objective impossible to complete.
  • If a player other than the instance-owner does not follow instructions, such as going through the portals, they will not receive completion credit.
  • If the player is using a Minion Necromancer build while fighting the Mordrem Leyleecher, the battle can go on indefinitely as it will heal back to full health as it saps health from your minions. The solution is to disengage combat, swap out your minions to despawn them, then return to the fight without minions and avoid taking too much damage between Aurene's attacks.
76 Preserving the Balance

A group of enemies during the waves of icebrood spawns far away from the horn, next to Eir, and they will fight each other. The player will have to walk to them and kill them before continuing with the story or the horn will remain invulnerable.

77 Prisoners of the Dragon
  • Entering the cave where the Veteran Hawkeye Griffon spawns after reaching the first area behind vines where Beigarth was defeated may result in the follower NPCs being stuck in the cave. Using the /stuck command or jumping off a cliff to get defeated will not teleport them to the last checkpoint with you. However, gliding to the point where the first Torn Journal page is found, then and going up the stairs and through the room where Beigarth was may make them follow the player again.
  • If the NPCs were not following at the time Rytlock would have burnt a vine, approaching the vine again will not cause him to try to burn the vines, thus preventing completion of the mission if it's not possible to reach the next location by breaking out of the intended boundaries of the path.
  • When doing in a party, it is possible for the NPCs to follow the other player instead of the instance owner, as well as for the other player or players to advance the story instead of the instance owner doing so.
  • Skipping the cinematic too fast after gliding down might cause the NPCs to stay behind and not follow you anymore. However, you can still finish the instance by gliding over the vine wall and defeating the Vinetooth without them.
  • It can happen that the story proceeds to the Defeat the Mordrem Overseer step (disabling the fire grenade crate) while there are still Resilient Tendrils alive and the vine wall still blocking the path. You can walk through the vine wall, down the slope, and approach the Overseer regardless. Your allies will keep trying to fight the Resilient Tendrils (causing no damage to it), but if you walk far away enough, they will teleport to your location and engage the Overseer with you.
78 Prized Possessions

Rarely, Lieutenant Francis cannot be interacted with. Rezoning or relogging will usually fix this.

While you have the egg, elementalist glyphs change to the unattuned versions that have no effects.

79 Rage Suppression
  • Sometimes not enough Ember and Fire Imp enemies will spawn during the "Kill the Summoned Creatures." step, making it impossible to complete. Curiously, it is consistently one less than the total amount of required enemies that spawn when this happens.
  • It is sometimes impossible to talk to Aziel Jawbreak (though sometimes this becomes fixed when he stops walking). This makes it impossible to progress in the mission since no Flame Legion enemies will spawn at The Wrecking Yard.
80 Reaper of Magic

Sometimes on completion the mission will show as complete in the content UI but will not offer you the mission rewards to accept. Waypointing within the map will trigger the rewards.

81 Recalibrating the Waypoints

This achievement checks for damage done to Taimi while she is at the device. Normally upon completion, she will leave the device and join the fight. However, sometimes she is delayed, and then the large AOE of the Mordrem Leyleecher will damage her, preventing the achievement. The bug seems to be caused by defeating the Mordrem Husks too quickly; if you run into this issue, try allowing them to get halfway to Taimi before killing them.

82 Reconnaissance
  • Sometimes the cinematic after clearing all of the five spots and returning to the Preceptors will not trigger. Sometimes one of the undead will have a delayed spawn, check all five locations to ensure you haven't missed any.
  • Similarly, the same cinematic may simply not appear, however inspite of the NPCs all showing their post-cinematic dialogues, the "Return to the preceptors" step will not complete, preventing the mission from completing.
  • In the on-screen mission update received after first reading the mail, Doern Velasquez is incorrectly referred to as Doern Vasquez.
  • If you delete the mail you receive before accepting your reward when meeting on the docks you will not be able to progress as normal. To fix this, merely change maps, log out, or switch to another storyline (e.g., Season 2) to receive the mail again.
83 Rending the Mantle

The references to Gnashar's Hills are wrong. The two branches of these events occur in Kessex Hills, one in Sojourner's Way and the other in Blackroot Cut.

84 Roots of Terror
  • Sometimes Chak in the Chak Pit spawn behind the walls making the "Chak Killer—Master" achievement impossible to achieve.
  • Dying during the Chak Blitzer fight will often bug out Braham making it impossible to progress the mission.
  • If the player talks to Lieutenant Morrison before Canach, the mission may become impossible to finish.
  • If the player talks to Magister Humli before Braham reaches them, the mission may become impossible to finish.
  • Despite the pit being empty, once the pit is cleared the ambient noises Chak make will continue.
85 Sabotage

The voice acting for Crusader Thurkill's lines are not using the correct audio.

86 Scarlet's Playhouse

While pursuing Scarlet, attempting to skip from the bandit area (east) up to the center of the pavillion using teleportation skills may result in a bugged instance if the player kills Scarlet, forcing the player to restart the instance, as it cannot be completed. Backtracking to the area with the bandit treehouse may unlock a checkpoint, allowing the player to skip to the final fight when restarting the instance.

87 Scion & Champion
  • Using /stuck at any point during the mission will teleport you back to the initial area with Ogden Stonehealer and prevent you from rejoining Aurene. You will need to exit the instance and rely on the last checkpoint working.
  • Entering with another person (not your story) will result in you stuck and invisible by the door.
88 Secrets in the Earth

If Riannoc dies and is not revived before the cinematic plays, the cinematic will just show the risen standing aimlessly (instead of fighting Riannoc) and his voiced lines will not play before Waine steals Caladbolg, stalling the instance and forcing players to restart.

89 Setting the Stage

If you join someone else's instance and view "Setting the Stage," the game will ask if you wish to accept progress. If you click "accept" the game will place you into whichever Order the instance owner has chosen, which could effectively switch you to an Order you do not want. Only click accept if you wish to progress in the same Order as the instance owner.

90 Shape of the Spirit
  • The Svanir Hunter that says "Guard duty is dull" in text actually says "Guard duty is boring" aloud.
  • The Svanir Hunter that says "I'd be doing him a favor" says it twice, the first time being appended to the previous voiceover.
91 Shards of Orr

Sometimes Harboza fails to spawn, in which case players must leave the instance and re-start the mission.

92 Shining Blade Secrets

The last line is a part of a different document

93 Ships of the Line

At the step "Rescue the crew of the Windfall", sometimes the crew of the Windfall might not be able to be revived, because Agent Zott stop moving before finding Elli. Avoid this by guiding Agent Zott until he finds Elli for him to revive Elli before any other crewmembers.

At the step "Fire Zott's cannons", the cannons will say out of range or can not use this weapon. No known work around, and requires a restart or possibly is permanently broken which means your entire character storyline is bugged forever.

At the step "Lead Zott to the remaining siege weapons", sometimes after telling Zott to destroy the third catapult he will sit there and do nothing. You may be able avoid this by not damaging the catapult with AoE spells.

94 Shoulder to Shoulder

Players may be entirely stuck after completing the "Fix the broken listening device" step, waiting indefinitely for Crecia to respond. This will completely block story progression, and as of 2024-02-04, has not been fixed. The only workaround is to restart the mission from scratch with the following steps:

1. Open the story journal
2. QUIT the "No Quarter" episode
3. Select and (re)play the entirety of a different story episode.
Simply quitting the current episode is not sufficient.
You must play through the WHOLE episode, not just a single checkmark. (For example this bug occurs during the "Shoulder to Shoulder" second checkmark of the story episode "No Quarter")
4. Restart the "No Quarter" episode. You will need to restart this mission from scratch.
95 Silent Warfare

You can spawn on the inside of the wall upon entering the instance.

96 Source of the Issue

Walking too far past Malyck and Caithe before they reach the first group of Nightmare court can cause the objective "Follow Malyck as he retraces his steps" to stay active until the end of the mission.

97 Stand By Your Krewe

If you have conditions on the Password golem, it could die before you can talk to it after turning friendly. If this happens, simply continue on, and use the Code "311"

98 Stealing Light

If you advance the final slope (with the Risen Spider Hatchlings) too slowly, the Risen Spider Lord will not speak and instead become buffed by Determined, making him impossible to kill. Therefore it is advised to rush past the waves of Risen Hatchlings till you reach the Risen Spider Lord rather then killing them (which is supported by the quote from your allied NPC). Currently there is no known solution to this situation if the event does not trigger as soon as you reach the Risen Spider Lord.

99 Storm Clouds over Janthir

Dropping the bundle given by Graced by Fire will prevent it from being re-equipped. It is possible to retrieve another from Graced by Fire near Forager's Hunt Waypoint. Relogging after dropping the bundle will also re-equip it without having to ask for a new one from Graced by Fire.

100 Strange Observations

If the Avoid Traps achievement isn't obtained once you reach Taimi, then before completing the last objective "Share the news of Rata Novus" trigger the second set of traps and walk back into the map room.

A wolf can spawn behind the southern vine wall, preventing completion.

When you pick up the 4th mushroom, the effect Achievement effect.png Achievement Eligibility: Mushroom Conservationist disappears. Provided you haven't used more than 4 different mushrooms, you will still obtain the achievement.

101 Strangers among Lands

During the optional objective, speaking to delegates already spoken to more than once may end the optional objective early, preventing hearing all the opinions from remaining delegates. This does not affect the completion of the achievement Everyone Loves Democracy, which will be completed when the optional objective is completed.

102 Striking Off the Chains

After releasing all prisoners below the water and on the tower, the mission may get stuck before finding Warden Hywell and the Krait Priestess. Crusader Apatia may acknowledge that she sees Warden Hywell in his cage, but the Krait Priestess will remain impossible to engage. Walk up the length of the wooden beam leading up to the Warden to try actuating the combat trigger. Otherwise, restart the mission.

103 Summit Invitations

It is possible to interact with and destroy the Dragon Totem or participate in the Breaking the Ice meta event before the story objectives prompt you to. Doing so will result in getting stuck on that part of the quest, and you will need to wait for the totem to respawn. Takes about 5-10 mins for it to respawn.

104 Suspicious Activity

If Tybalt is killed then you may not be able to complete to the next step in the sequence, even after resurrecting Tybalt. If this happens then you may need to reset the instance. For example, by allowing yourself to be killed.

105 Tactical Triage

If you try to complete Tactical Triage on a character that did not finish it before obtaining and unlocking a roller beetle, Tactical Triage will stall when the "Listen to Gorrik's wild plan" would occur. One way to fix this is to log in and out, then talk to Zaeim again, and do each and every sub-quest one at a time. After all other subquests are complete, log in and out again, talk to Zaeim, and then talk / stick near Gorrik for 5 minutes until your personal story updates

106 Taking Credit Back

Entering the eastern building too early will cause the game to think you are farther in the story than you should be and Pol will make his comment about Mr. Sparkles too early. Returning to Zojja will continue the story normally, but Pol will not say the line about finding Mr. Sparkles, due to it being triggered earlier.

107 Temple of the Forgotten God
  • As with all underwater areas, using knockback skills, such as Ancient Cudgels found in this area, can cause enemies to go through the walls. This forces players to use non-projectile skills or melee attacks.
  • Some skills can cause players to go through walls, forcing restart of the instance.
  • Swapping weapons while holding one of the orbs (or using any other skill to that effect) might make the orb disappear, thus blocking progress on the rest of the mission. It's advisable to only pick up the orb after every enemy has been dispatched.
  • Sometimes you cannot interact with the first Abaddon Shrine, halting any progress. You will notice this when Sayeh does not say "The Risen have reactivated the temple defenses." after the first part. If this happens, you will need to restart the mission. Waiting a short bit of time before killing the first three Risen and Orrian Crab may prevent this glitch and trigger Sayeh's dialogue regarding temple defenses.
  • Some of the mobs reset at less than half health.
108 The Aetherblade Retreat

Defeating Mai Trin too fast (e.g. with a bladesworn's Dragon Slash) may stall the final encounter.

Sometimes a phase triggers twice in a row without even hitting Mai Trin.

Defeating Horrik too soon can cause an endless canon phase forcing to restart the mission.

Sometimes Faster Than Light just doesn't register as completed, for no apparent reason.

109 The Artist's Workshop
  • The carnival performer that says "Ow! Watch it, that thing's live!" has a male voice, but a female model.
  • Bruno's text says "I'm about to prove" while the audio says "I'm going to prove"
110 The Battle of Fort Trinity

If you still have the circle on the dock for taking it back, a mob may be stuck in the ground.

111 The Championship Fight
  • Where Eir asks about the character's greatest challenge, the centaur is referred to as Banthor, but the centaur's name is Gulthor Cruelhoof. Same bug happens again when talking to Gulthor after the fight.
  • During a cinematic, Eir says to meet Knut and Mikkel at the Great Lodge for the fight, but the actual location is Lake Mourn.
  • Minotaur Spirit, unlike all the other spectators, is facing the wrong way to watch the match.
112 The Charge
  • It is possible to kill Lonai before she activates her final Shade, which would take you to the next stage. Players have to leave the instance and return to complete the chapter.
  • It is possible to softlock the Lonai fight by killing the dying stars too quickly.
113 The Concordia Incident

Sometimes the "Time Waits for No One" achievement doesn't complete, even when the requirements have been met.

114 The Crystal Blooms

Friendly NPCs can get stuck fighting the Branded Riftstalker and won't fall back to the upper platform, requiring a restart of the instance.

115 The Crystal Dragon

If you get defeated, it is possible to respawn in a previous area with no means of reaching the next objective, forcing you to restart the mission.

On rare occasion, progress can be stopped due to the action skill not interacting properly.[verification requested]

Sometimes Kralkatorrik will push you inside his body. You will be stuck (no way to get out), but still able to damage him from there. You can still kill from there and finish the instance.

Sometimes, only the instance owner will get the achievement upon completion.

116 The Departing

There is a known issue with The Whole Story causing the achievement to fail to trigger. To successfully trigger it, do not go past the last stairs where Balthazar is and simply stop by the brazier, where "Your Purpose" lands.[7]

Rushing ahead of Nenah and trying to talk to The Judge before quest log updates can make it impossible to interact with him, halting progress, and forcing to restart the instance over again.

117 The Eleventh Hour

When the characters are being held in the air by Eparch, switching weapons will release the hold and let them walk around freely.

118 The End

As of late 2020 a bug causes Aurene's attacks to not fire directly at the selected Weak Point and thus miss during the first half of each attack phase. However, it also allows her to fire behind herself so long as the camera is angled behind her. Additionally, another bug allows the achievement to be acquired without hitting different Weak Points and instead only needing to land enough total hits on each body part (body, left wing, right wing). While these bugs persists, in order to get the achievement it is recommended to select a single Weak Point and keep the camera pointed at it while continuously spamming  Dragon's Fury.png Dragon's Fury. Ignore the misses being reported. Halfway into the phase they will turn into damage numbers not associated with any specific Weak Point. The achievement will be reported as soon as the player exits the portal into the Fissure of Woe.

The episode tends to stall after Aurene's resurrection—before and during the instance change into the Mists, following Kralkatorrik. Exiting and restarting the episode will place you in the correct section so the mission can continue normally.

Another alternative would be to exit the chapter, select another episode to start, then go back to episode six to restart this chapter at the beginning.

119 The Future in Jade

It is possible to soft-lock the instance if you scan the last set of batteries before Taimi prompts you to do so (such as if Marjory and Mai Trin are still talking). To avoid this, wait until Taimi says to go ahead and run the last scan.

It isn't possible to interact with the documents if someone in the party has previously started or finished the achievement, even if the person starting the instance is the one who needs the achievement.

The engineer-specific dialogue option may not be available when replaying this chapter as an engineer.

If the last set of batteries is scanned before Taimi's dialogue ("Well, everything's back on. Go ahead and run that final scan when you're ready."), the instance will stall, forcing the player to restart the entire instance.

In Mai Trin's apartment, if the player gets disconnected while discussing the "Unknown Object", Mai Trin may stop being responsive, resulting in the story progression getting stuck in the "Ask Mai about the object you found." step. Restarting the chapter will be necessary to progress.

120 The Ghost Rite
  • Sometimes Gixx's letter will not be sent or you might delete it too quickly, stalling the quest. Relogging the affected character will resend the letter.
  • Thadeus Ghostrite's voice lines often get cut mid-sentence. His voice lines are unedited and unfiltered, so it sounds like a human instead of a wraith. This has happened since 2012 but has never been addressed.
121 The Hospital in Jeopardy

There has been a bug in The Hospital in Jeopardy where the instance contained an invisible wall, making it impossible to finish. This has occurred twice so far (in Sept-Oct 2017 and then in Feb. 2018). Both times it was eventually fixed.

The forum thread Bug: The Hospital in Jeopardy Story Instance [Merged] contains information on the bug. Should the bug appear again, please report it in that thread.

122 The Informant

Progress can be blocked at multiple points if enemies or objectives are defeated too quickly, such as the centaur groups while escorting Cin, and the catapults outside of the garrison.

123 The Invitation

The story step Reach Raven Mastery Tier II can stall despite the mastery being reached. To workaround this issue, start another episode, such as Shadow in the Ice and then resume Whisper in the Dark. It should start The Invitation from the beginning and the mastery check should pass.

124 The Jungle Provides
  • Occasionally, Tizlak will stop and not move forward anymore. Stand near him for a while and he should resume moving again. Otherwise, you can try moving away from him (every party member) and moving back closer to him.
  • If you're standing on top of the blight pods when they are destroyed they can trap you into the ground beneath them. The only way to get freed is to die and resume from a checkpoint, otherwise you will have to restart the instance.
  • Running ahead of Tizlak after capturing the two areas often causes him to not follow his original path but you instead. This might require you to get a new instance to progress the story.
  • Capturing the two areas too quickly might make Tizlak follow you instead of following the set path he is supposed to, causing you to require a restart.
  • When triggering an event for the achievement "Totems of the Itzel" or "Now That's a Fungus", if the player is at the "Choose to defend the village or attack the Mordrem Guard." story objective. The story will automatically continue, choosing the "defend the village" story path, even though the player didn't choose any of the path.[verification requested]. It is recommended to finish the story instance first before doing any of the event achievements, as the only way to get the other option "attack the Mordrem Guard" will require a restart.
125 The Last Chance

The Eye of Janthir may get stuck in it's CC invulnerable state, rendering the mission impossible to complete.

126 The Last of the Giant-Kings
  • Korag does not spawn with Determined or any similar effect to protect him. If you have pets, minions, or anything similar (such as wolves summoned by Baby Wolf), then they can kill Korag during the cutscene. This will block progress and force you to restart the instance.
  • Korag sometimes does not appear at all. But, you can still get credit by talking to the remaining Jotun.
127 The Lost Chieftain's Return
  • Sometimes the assault stops before all steps are completed. It may be necessary to restart the instance if that occurs. Getting as far as possible from the kraal before re-etering the event area may help restart the assault.
  • If you speak with Builder Gorkan before the cut scene with Lagula then the attack won't begin. You'll need to exit the instance and re-enter.
  • If you try to speak to Sourfang at the end of the mission, it will answer you using Lagula's voice samples.
  • If the the assault stops before the 'Defend Agrak Kraal' completes, check inside the Kraal for Branded creatures who are stuck/hidden from obvious view.
128 The Orders of Tyria

Josir's dialogue after the choice has been made seems to assume that his organization was chosen.

129 The Priory Assailed
  • If another player joins you for this part of the story, make sure they are next to Gixx before speaking to him or they risk getting trapped outside the main hall for the duration of the mission.
  • If you stand too close to the laser cannon when it explodes at the beginning of the mission, you can get trapped inside the debris. There's no way out then but relog and restart the mission.
130 The Ringmaster

You cannot talk to NPCs after defeating the Ringmaster until you've read the mail for The Orders of Tyria, which requires being level 30.

131 The Road to Rata Primus

Sayida tells the commander that the structures blocking her approach are to the west, south and southeast of the cube, when they are actually east, south and southeast.

132 The Scenic Route

If you sit in a chair during the "Wait for number 153 to be called" step, there is a chance you will be stuck in the chair when your number is eventually called. Exiting to character select and re-logging in fixes this issue.

133 The Source of Orr
  • The Eye sometimes becomes Determined (invulnerable), but fails to teleport. Since the invulnerability persists until he moves, this effectively makes him unkillable, and you'll have to leave the room and reset the fight. This sometimes happens if the character dies during the fight.
  • Sometimes the Eye gets stuck outside the center and never teleports back, instead changing to his normal attack pattern. This is actually beneficial, since the fight goes by much faster when you don't have to run around.
  • Sometimes after defeating the Eye of Zhaitan the instance story does not progress (believed to be linked to killing it too fast).

If player chose grawl as racial sympathy, quaggans will appear together with grawl at Fort Trinity.

134 The Steel Tide
  • Tanks don't always work and may kick you off.
  • If Beirne shows up as a revivable corpse, and you revive him, it will prevent the story from progressing and Deborah cannot be spoken to.
135 The Survivors

The event stage part of the mission can be prevented from progressing if The Road to Heitor meta-event is in progress (i.e. if "Astral Ward readiness" isn't the current active meta stage).

136 The Tribune's Call

Your sparring partner will fail to spawn entirely if the initial cutscene starts too quickly - this cutscene is triggered by player movement, so standing perfectly still until your sparring partner has spawned prevents this from occurring.

137 The Way Forward

When replaying the story for achievements, the entrance point for the instance is obstructed by an updraft of sand unless all previous objectives in the chapter are complete.

138 The Waypoint Conundrum

The veteran assassin seems to frequently spawn inside the terrain, making it impossible or extremely difficult to kill. If it is engaged, but unable to reach the player (due to being inside the terrain), it will go invulnerable and despawn, causing this achievement to fail.

139 The World Summit

The Challenge Mote sometimes doesn't appear, making this achievement unavailable in certain instances.

140 Thrown Off Guard

Some groups of the Ministry Guard may not turn hostile or trigger their dialogue as you pass them.

141 Torn from the Sky

If a party member has already completed this their kills won't advance the counter for the rest of the group.

Killing the Mordrem Guard Overseer too quickly will prevent the current objective from progressing.

142 Tower Down

Failure to defeat the Risen near each tower before they are destroyed can cause the quest to hang. Killing all enemies up to the second tower before talking to Tonn for the first time in the instance will reduce the chances of this happening. See the official forums for more information.

Leave the Risen Krait at third tower to the end after the tower is destroyed to cleanly Clear the Beach. Otherwise, you may not be able to talk to Tonn.

143 Tower of Secrets

Interacting with an arcane chest while holding the Everyone Loves Wizards book may cause the book to despawn permanently, locking the player out of completing the instance.

144 Track the Seraph

After the objective updates to enter the Black Haven, the green personal story marker on the world map may also remain above Lionguard Keene.

145 Tracking the Aspect Masters

If you use a condition drawing skill such as "Save Yourselves!" or Gathering Plague near the Master of Wind when he is wounded by the Teragriff (after you bring it down to 50% health), you will receive his permanent Crippled effect for the remainder of the instance or until it is forcibly removed by another skill/trait.

If you die in challenge mode while the Teragriff is below 25% health it wil continually spawn Malformed Mordrem Teragriffs during the next fights.

146 Trial and Error

Achievement will not be earned if killed too quickly, make sure the dialogue that happens at 75% and 50% fully plays out before bringing it to 1% (after "Exactly what I wanted to hear!". Katzendrache Hexe (talk) 15:59, 28 November 2024 (UTC) Does not neccessarily work either). It is also possible that being put in the downed state invalidates you from receiving this achievement.

147 Triskell Quay (story)

Crusader Hiroki's dialogue after saving Triskell Quay has two incorrect icons (3rd dialogue option). The first should've been a Talk back option tango.png instead of a Talk end option tango.png and the second should'be been a Talk end option tango.png instead of a Talk more option tango.png.

148 Trouble at Fort Salma

If you are defeated during the battle with the Mordem Thrasher and return to a waypoint, Kasmeer and Marjory may not show up at the Thrasher fight.

149 Turnabout

Rytlock might not fight at all in the combat through the entire story step.

150 Undead Detection
  • During the first instance (at Junction Haven), Scholar Yahala Scribepaw and the warband ally use thier instance complete dialogue throughout the entire mission.
  • In the second instance, Ash legion players who chose Wroda the Quick also receive two copies of Cimmara Pistolwhip.
  • Cimmara Pistolwhip does not appear for players that have completed Deadly Force.
151 Underground Scholar

Scholar Vivian is labeled as just Priory Scholar in this instance. She is only correctly named during the cinematic.

152 Untamed Wilds

If you run east toward the story exit after reviving Jonkor and without killing the Veteran Branded Siege Devourer, the cutscene where Jonkor will thank you for saving him will play. However, the story still cannot be finished without completing the objective to kill the Veteran Branded Siege Devourer.

153 Uprooting the Iron Marches

This quest may advance if you are within the orange-circled quest area when a dynamic event completes, even if you do not participate in the dynamic event.

154 Victory or Death

There is a noticeable glitch in Sayeh al' Rajihd animations, as instead of looping fluidly, it jumps sharply back to the start of its animation cycle.

Occasionally, defeating Zhaitan will not cause the AoEs to stop appearing on the deck, causing you to be able to still take damage after the boss fight.

155 Weight of the World
  • The Jade Courier mobs that appear during the final fight may get stuck in an invulnerable state, forcing players to restart the instance. Using the /stuck command will result in players getting teleported into the corridor behind the forcefield as if after a death, thus necessitating a restart of the instance.
  • If you die during the final fight in the workshop, you will be resurrected in the corridor, behind the forcefield next to Taimi. While the objective is to kill the enemies in the room, the only solution is to leave the instance and re-enter. You will still end up in the corridor, but before the start of the final fight and you can continue.
156 Where Life Goes

Sometimes Malyck remains as Mysterious Sylvari and does not follow the player into the village. This story can not be finished in this case and must be restarted.

157 Whispers of Vengeance
  • Iron legion characters that completed Deadly Force receive Zemzer Undercut instead of Cimmara Pistolwhip as an ally.
  • Samona Ironclaw does not appear at all for Ash legion characters who have completed Iron Grip of the Legion.
  • Cimmara Pistolwhip may show up even if you are not Iron Legion, and thus could not recruit her. She may also duplicate.
158 Wildfire (story)

When using  Become the Wolf (special action skill).png Become the Wolf in conjunction with  Reaper's Shroud.png Reaper's Shroud it sometimes bugs out and doesn't let you enter "Become the Wolf" anymore.

Guild missions[edit]

# Page Bug description
1 Guild Race

If someone has recently passed the finish line it may not count you and you will have to go though the finish flag again.

2 Guild mission

A rewards chest may only be received by a few participants following successful completion of certain missions. For other guild missions, you may need to wait until the mission timer expires before receiving a reward chest.

3 Southsun Crab Toss

Under unknown circumstances, attempting to throw the crab can result in it sticking to the thrower's face, letting them use all their skills while still counting as carrying the crab.

4 WvW Supply Lines

The mission description was changed in the 2024-12-10 update to require only 2 guild members participating in the event, but the mission doesn't receive credit unless 3 guild members participate.

Skills and traits[edit]


# Page Bug description
1 "Chilled to the Bone!"
  • The Defiance Break tooltip sums up the two exclusive stuns instead of correctly displaying the range-dependent value.
  • The tooltip states 10 seconds of Quickness.png Quickness is granted while the actual duration is only 5 seconds.
2 "Feel My Wrath!"

There is a bug with Hunter's Determination that switches this back out with the 30 second version

3 "Rebound!"

Despite the description, allies always receive an aura when the Rebound effect expires, either from lethal damage or natural timeout.

4 "Shake It Off!"
  • Count recharge is listed as 25 seconds in PvE on the tooltip, actual count recharge is 20 seconds.
  • The count recharge is reduced to 20 seconds on the tooltip when Vigorous Shouts Vigorous Shouts is equipped, despite that trait no longer reducing the cooldown of shout skills.
5 "Your Soul Is Mine!"

Sometimes interrupting the cast will cause it to go on full cooldown, without Healing or giving Life Force.

6 (new string) (Bad Ice)

This skill appears to not have been named, and so shows up as simply (new string) in the combat log.

7 Activate Cloaking Tech

If players use this while mounted to the Springer they will be able to use weapon skills while having Adiabatic Cooling, Proximity Bombs, Dust Mite Canister and Contact Taimi as slot skills.

8 Air Pocket

Tooltip damage displays ~4.0% higher than actual damage dealt.

Damage.png Damage: 275 (0.75)?
9 Arcane Shield (Mortus Virge)

The skill facts do not match the effects of the skill

10 Assisted Leap

Players affected by lag or network latency will find that the Assisted Leap has an undesirable jump delay when the skill is activated, often throwing off player's jump timing predictability and warping players off the edges.

11 Astral Wisp

In PvE, the healing coefficient appears to be 0.15. At 0 healing power, the skill does an expected heal per pulse of 322 * 1.2 (from natural mender trait) = 386, while at 1000 healing power, it does a heal per pulse of (322 + 1000 * 0.15) * 1.2 = 566.

12 Backbreaker

The Defiance Break sums up both listed knockdowns: 300+400=700 instead of correctly displaying 300 on default and 400 versus a weakened foe.

13 Bandage

Displays 1 second activation time when drowning

14 Bandages (Thunderhead Peaks skill)

The skill automatically completes if the caster moves.

15 Banner of Strength

The Blast finisher line is not shown in-game, but it still functions correctly.

16 Barrier Signet

When activated, the projectile blocking dome does not appear to enemies.

17 Big Ol' Bomb

The Defiance Break displays 232 instead of 332.

18 Binding Shadow

This skill retained its knockdown tooltip, in spite of no longer knocking targets down following the 2023-06-27 update.

19 Blaze Breaker

In PvP and WvW, this skill has its count recharge reduced when Heat the Soul Heat the Soul is equipped.

20 Blinding Flash (Mortus Virge)

The skill facts do not match the effects of the skill

21 Blossoming Aura

When the target of blossoming aura dies under its effect, the detonation will only grant the base amount of barrier without any increase per interval.

22 Boil

Tooltip damage displays ~4.5% higher than actual damage dealt.

23 Bomb Shell
  • This skill's tool tip does not show the activation but takes approximately 3 Activation time
  • This skill is shown to be ground targeted:
    • The animation shows at the targeted location
    • The effects activate at the player's location
24 Bond of Faith

If used in conjunction with a mount movement skill (such as Leap or Blink), your character model may appear "floaty" and bugged to other players. This bug is not visible to the player affected.

25 Bond of Life

Using Bond of Life while already under the effects of Bond of Life, for example by means of an Adrenal Mushroom, will instantly down the player.

26 Bone Crack (Bone)

Stun is listed twice with different durations.

27 Bow Shot

This skill causes normal damage to a turtle - in World 1 this will kill a turtle rather than simply stun it

28 Burning Retreat (Lava Axe skill)

When equipping Persisting Flames Persisting Flames, the tooltip of this skill loses the combo field skill fact and lists two separate duration skill facts.

29 Chain Lightning

Despite the skill description, Chain Lightning actually bounces twice, resulting in 3 total hits.

30 Chaos Vortex

Despite the description listing 360 radius, it is 600 radius. The boon effect ring is 600 radius, but it only give the boons in 360 radius.

31 Chaotic Release

Does not work on uneven terrain.

32 Charge (Become the Bear)

The Defiance Break displays 232 instead of 332.

33 Charge (necromancer skill)

The Defiance Break sums up 232 from launch and 100 from knockdown while the actual knockdown duration is 2 seconds and thus deals 200 defiance bar damage.

34 Chilling Isolation

This skill hits in a radius of 240 around you, the range of 450 is irrelevant

35 Claim

Sometimes, this skill will cease to function. The fix is to force a fresh instance by having the entire party exit.

36 Cleansing Burst

The water field is disabled upon picking up the turret. The animation still shows, but cannot be blasted

37 Cleansing Flame

The self condition cleanse fact currently reads "Conditions Removed from Stealth"

38 Combo
  • Some skills that trigger finishers multiple times, such as Whirling Wrath, will instead only trigger once, besides edge cases where a field is placed mid-cast of a skill.[verification requested]
  • Combos created by a single player will only trigger on-screen indicators when that player is standing outside the field at initial cast time.
39 Comet

The tooltip erroneously displays ~5.56% higher damage than the actual amount dealt.

40 Compatibility Homing System

The cone-shaped marker will not appear if the option "Disable Area of Effect Rings" in Combat/Movement is active, rendering the skill unusable.

41 Concussion Shot

The displayed value for Defiance Break sums the mutually exclusive daze and stun values to 400 rather than displaying 200.

42 Conduit Surge

In some situations, this skill will sometimes not apply the focused effect within the skill range correctly, including enemies moved at the end of skill casting, or being interrupted by bumps on the terrain.

43 Continuum Split
  • In some instances of Continuum Rift being created and entering downstate at the same time, the rift ending will reset your health in down state to the amount just before entering.
  • Skills that are on cooldown before entering Continuum Split but come off cooldown and are cast inside can cancel if Continuum Split ends during the cast.
44 Corruption

Expertise does not increase the duration of self inflicted conditions. Other duration increases work properly

45 Counter Blow (Frying Pan)

After a mesmer uses this skill, the game will believe that they have three clones summoned, with the three pink orbs above their Shatter skills lit up, and their Shatters (except Distortion) will behave as if there were indeed 3 clones summoned. For example, Continuum Split will last for 6 seconds and Seize the Moment will give 6 seconds of quickness. Attempting to summon a clone through clone skills or after a phantasm dies will instead spawn a corpse of the mesmer. The bug persists until the mesmer changes map. Likewise, virtuosos immediately create 5 blades.

46 Counter Magic (skill)

Doesn't removed Conditions inflicted by Jade Armors found in Janthir Syntri.

47 Counterblow

The tool-tip does not show the channeling time of this skill (approximately 2.5 seconds).

48 Crab Shell (Crab Battle Form)
  • The range skill fact is completely irrelevant.
  • This skill is missing skill facts for its duration and the regeneration it grants.
49 Create Teleporter

Using this skill will cause Portal Entre to sequence to Portal Exeunt during the leap. If an entry portal is already created, the skill will begin recharging without allowing the mesmer to create the exit portal.

50 Crimson Tide
  • Gives 2 life force per hit instead 2%.
  • The version triggered by other skills does not give life force.
51 Dart
  • When used while Action Camera is active, this skill will swim straight down regardless of where the camera is looking.
  • The aegis it provides does not block.
52 Deactivate Photon Forge (hot)

The Mechanized Deployment trait does not properly reduce the cooldown of Deactivate Photon Forge (hot)

53 Deadeye's Mark

Cannot be used on large object-based foes such as Octovine.

54 Death Shroud

Entering or exiting this form does not grant the bonuses imprinted on carried weapon's sigils.

55 Death's Charge

There are 9 initial strikes instead of 8 making the skill coefficient actually 2.25 and the correct tool tip damage 594

56 Deathly Swarm

Tooltip damage calculation adds 32 to the weapon strength midpoint, reporting marginally higher damage.

57 Decrease Gravity

If the player transforms back during the use of this skill, they will retain the effect and continously fly towards the skybox. Mounting up or using a waypoint within the instance won't remove it, but changing instance will.

58 Deep Freeze

The Defiance Break sums up the stun and Water Arrow stun: 300+100=400 instead of displaying it seperately.

59 Deploy Trap

The in-game name of this skill is written with a lower-case 't' on "trap" for the Supply Removal Trap.

60 Desert Shroud

Barrier amount has not been increased with the December 12, 2017 update.[verification requested]

61 Detonate Elixir B

The skill description states retaliation instead of resolution.

62 Detonate Elixir H

Despite what the description states, this skill applies all three boons since the July 2018 game updates.

63 Detonate Elixir S

This skill has transform type despite not actually transforming affected players

64 Detonate Mine Field

Does not list the 2.5 seconds of Crippled.png Crippled applied by the detonation.

65 Detonate Supply Crate Turrets

The Explosion skill fact is missing.

66 Detonate Supply Crate Turrets (underwater)

The Explosion skill fact is missing.

67 Disrupting Stab

The Defiance Break sums up both daze values, e.g. 100+150=250 for PvE.

68 Distributed Magic (Blue Guardian)

The in-game description for this skill lists the Red Guardian instead of the Blue Guardian. The Red Guardian does not perform this skill.

69 Dive Roll

Despite its description, this skill doesn't actually grant you evade.

70 Drop Urn of Saint Viktor

This skill does not currently have 10 second cooldown and does not put Urn of Saint Viktor on cooldown in WvW.

71 Dust Charge

The Defiance Break displays 232 instead of 332.

72 Earthen Rush

This skill is affected by Swiftness, Superspeed, Chilled, and Crippled.

73 Earthshaker

The Defiance Break sums up all three levels: 100+150+200=450 instead of correctly displaying the level-depending value.

74 Earthshaker (Nightmare Court Knight)

The Defiance Break sums up all three levels: 100+150+200=450 instead of correctly displaying the value of 2 seconds.

75 Electromagical Pulse 2.0 (skill)
  • This skill applies 4 seconds of Quickness.png Quickness.
  • The stun lasts for 3 seconds.
76 Elixir X

When activated while wielding a kit, this skill sometimes doesn't work.

77 Elixir X (underwater)

When activated while wielding a kit, this skill sometimes doesn't work.

78 Energy Expulsion

Jumping before the cast finishes can cause the tablet to vanish without healing or knocking down.

79 Enervation Echo

Additional-Hit Healing does not scale with Healing Power.png Healing Power, even though all other healing from Necromancer Sword skills do.

80 Entangle

The tooltip says the skill deals damage 4 times, but it actually hits 5 times for a total of 635 damage.

81 Enter Shadow Shroud

Shadow Force resets to zero when your effective level changes in zones with differing level caps.

82 Enveloping Haze

Tooltip displays values based on the ranger's attributes, however the skill actually uses the pet's attributes.

83 Erase Large Area

In X-Ray mode is no targeting circle visible and it only works if you directly aim at a decoration

84 Erase Medium Area

In X-Ray mode is no targeting circle visible and it only works if you directly aim at a decoration

85 Erase Small Area

In X-Ray mode is no targeting circle visible.

86 Essence Bolt

If autoattack is enabled for this skill, it will cancel itself. Players must activate it manually.

87 Eternal Night
  • This skill only applies the self-healing portion if an ally is tethered. Without an ally, you will not be healed.
  • Interestingly, the healing accumulates until you have an ally tethered, then heals you and your tethered ally for a potentially massive amount.
88 Explosive Lava Axe

Tooltip damage displays ~4.7% higher than actual damage dealt.

Damage.png Damage: 533 (1.5)?
89 Explosive Uppercut

This attack does not apply Extreme Vulnerability during the normal mode.

90 Facet of Light

"Interval" averages 3 seconds; seems to be 3 ± 1 second.

91 Feigned Surge

It can occasionally get stuck in the surge animation instead of finishing the cast even when the Mesmer icon small.png mesmer reaches the target.

92 Feline Communication

The skeleton familiar summoned by Summon Skeleton from the Executioner Axe Toy will grant this special action skill as well.

93 Field of the Mists
  • This skill will not block attacks that are not on the same z-axis value as the player.
  • The field does not appear visually while the camera is in first person view.
94 Fiery Whirl

Tooltip damage displays ~5.8% higher than actual damage dealt.

Damage.png Damage: 231 (0.65)?
95 Fire Reinforced Shot

This skill recharges on a per-ballista and per-player basis. When a player uses a ballista that has this skill recharging, the player's version of the skill is set to the current recharge of the ballista.

96 Fire Sniper Rifle

Skill actually takes 4 seconds to recharge.

97 Flamewall

While the August 08, 2017 game update suggests a damage increase, damage has not been updated.

98 Flanking Strike

After a considerable amount of Flanking Strikes on a given target, your character will stop moving around said target and spin in place instead.

99 Flickering Flame

Contrary to the description in game, the skill does not disappear after the player light one bonfire. The same player can light all the fires.

100 Flurry

The tooltip says 9 strikes, but the number of hits depends on the adrenaline level, see note below.

101 Flying Cutter

Cutter Burst, the flurry of blades, will not activate on downstate targets.

102 Focused Light

The trap does not act as a fire field, despite its description.

103 Force Ball (tier 4)

The aegis skill fact is not included in the tooltip:

Aegis.png Aegis (10s): Block the next incoming attack.
104 Free Action

Only grants Swiftness after using Three Round Burst or Sniper's Cover.

105 Freezing Gust

The tooltip erroneously displays ~5.56% higher damage than the actual amount dealt.

106 Frigid Blitz

Although the skill says it's a shadowstep, it functions more like a dash and will cause the player to be effected by all aoe skills in its path.

107 Frost Volley
  • A 6th shot can be heard at the end of the animation.
  • Oddly, sometimes after an Overload the skill channels faster.
108 Frozen Burst

Tooltip damage calculation adds 40 to the weapon strength midpoint, reporting marginally higher damage.

109 Function Gyro (tool belt skill)

Oftentimes, a gyro may fail to be destroyed after reviving an ally or finishing a foe, potentially following its target around for its full fuel duration. If the target falls again into downed state, the gyro will not attempt to revive/finish them again.

110 Geyser Charge

Can sometimes remain granted to the player after the Time Trial has ended. Will still work for the player when mounted on a skimmer wherever they go on the map. Switching maps fixes this issue.

111 Glob Shot

Can't bounce to the same enemy twice if no ally is present. To clarify, it can't bounce from enemy, to you, to enemy, but it will be able to bounce from enemy, to you, to ally, to enemy and will even prioritize this order, ignoring additional allies even if they are in closer proximity than the enemy. In short: It will always hit a single enemy twice if at least one ally is present.

112 Glyph of Elemental Power
  • The damage increase is only displayed at the skill overview, but not on the four attuned skills. However this is just a visual bug, the increased damage application is working properly.
  • Applying stacks on top of each other of the same type causes one to decay resulting in 4 stacks instead of 5.
  • At some point during or after 2012, this skill's visual and audio effects were removed.
113 Golem Battle Suit Prototype
  • As revenants get their skills from legends, and they are not applied during this form, revenants will not have their healing, utility and elite skills available like the other professions.
  • Elementalist Glyphs will have no effect since they have no default effects and attunements will be disabled.
  • The skill #5 appears locked and is never usable.
114 Gormandize

Quickness is ignored for cast time

115 Grappling Line

Tooltip damage displays ~6.3% higher than actual damage dealt.

Damage.png Damage: 133 (0.5)?
116 Grasping Darkness

If an enemy is targeted, this skill may fail to activate due to being obstructed, despite no apparent obstruction, and no difficulty hitting the same enemy if the skill was used without a target.

117 Gravity Pulse

The Defiance Break sums up all knockback values for a total of 450 rather than displaying the correct value of 150.

118 Gravity Well

The Defiance Break sums up to 350 based due to the listed 1 second knockdown while the actual knockdown duration is 3 seconds and thus the skill deals 550 defiance bar damage in total.

119 Grenade Kit

When used underwater, grenades will not explode until they either reach max range or hit an enemy or object directly, severely limiting their usefulness.

120 Gun Flame
  • If reflected back, won't do any damage to the caster after traveling total of maximum range even when hit by it.
  • If an enemy is in front of the path of the attack and evades it, the projectile will miss the intended target.
121 Harpoon Turret

Unlike other turrets, Harpoon Turret may be active while its terrestrial version is also active. This only occurs if the two skills are assigned to the same utility skill slot.

122 Harrowing Storm

Will miss most destructible objects and object-like bosses.

123 Head Butt

The Defiance Break sums up the stun and the self stun: 300+100=400 instead of correctly using only the stun for 300 Defiance Break

124 Healing Cloud

Does not actually grant regeneration.

125 Healing Cloud (Jellyfish Battle Form)

This skill is missing skill facts for healing, range, and the regeneration it grants.

126 Heaven's Palm

The Defiance Break value is incorrect in tooltip

127 Hilt Bash

The Defiance Break sums up the excluding daze and stun value to 300 rather than displaying 150.

128 Hunter's Verdict
  • Enemy leaving tether range can sometimes still be pulled for a really small duration
  • Casting pull from higher ground in WvW or PvP, can cause enemy to fly upwards in the air and take falling damage.
129 Ice Globe

Tooltip damage displays ~3.5% higher than actual damage dealt.

Damage.png Projectile Dmg: 367 (1.0)?
Damage.png Detonation Damage: 734 (2.0)?
130 Icerazor's Ire

Initial Vulnerability does not trigger Dance of Death trait.

131 Inspiring Reinforcement
  • This skill will fail on uneven terrain
  • Dodging or using a skill right after activating the skill can cause it to go on its full cooldown, without creating the road.
132 Jaunt

The combo finisher does not act like a normal combo-leap; it does not activate when using Jaunt externally going into a combo field.

133 Lava Chains

Tooltip damage displays ~4.5% higher than actual damage dealt.

Damage.png Damage: 183 (0.5)?
134 Lava Skin

This skill will often only pulse 4 times instead of 5.

135 Leave Transform

Recharge times are unaffected by this skill.

136 Legendary Assassin Stance

Sylvari male characters respond with an incorrect voice line to Shiro's second question, replying with "It certainly has!". The chat log correctly displays the text as listed above.

137 Lesser Call of the Wild

Displays the Clarion Bond.png Clarion Bond effect even when on cooldown.

138 Lesser Symbol of Protection

The listed tooltip is incorrect. The damage dealt and duration are:

Damage.png Damage: 106 (0.4)?
Duration.png Symbol Duration: 4 seconds
139 Lick Wounds
  • This skill can be unreliable when used on certain terrain due to occasional pathing issues.
  • While underwater, defeated pets will still continue channeling this skill.
140 Light Dash

Players affected by lag or network latency will find that the Light Dash has an undesirable delay when the skill is activated, throwing off player's dash predictability and warping the player back and forth.

141 Light of Deldrimor (Thunderhead Peaks)

Sometimes the skill has to be activated at a certain distance from a chest in order to make it appear. This can sometimes happen in the corner room in the sauna chamber, for example.

142 Lightning Breath

This skill's tooltip is missing multiple skill facts.

143 Lightning Pull

Players affected by lag or network latency will find that the Lightning Pull skill will not work reliably, often causing the leap animation to either shoot over the intended target location or cut short.

144 Lightning Pull (Sanctum Sprint chain)

Some players will find that the Lightning Tether skill will not work reliably, often causing the leap animation to either shoot over the intended target location or cut short. While this is often caused by lag, it can still happen with low latency

145 Lightning Pull (Sanctum Sprint)

Players affected by lag or network latency will find that the Lightning Pull skill will not work reliably, often causing the leap animation to either shoot over the intended target location or cut short.

146 Lightning Tether (Sanctum Sprint)

Some players will find that the Lightning Tether skill will not work reliably, often causing the leap animation to either shoot over the intended target location or cut short. While this is often caused by lag, it can still happen with low latency

147 Lingering Thoughts

Finishing this skill while in the air with Mirrored Axes Mirrored Axes equipped will not generate a  Phantasmal Seeking Axe.png Phantasmal Seeking Axe.

148 Magic Bullet

The Defiance Break sums up the excluding stun and daze value to 382 rather than displaying 240 for stun and 200 for daze.

149 Magnet
  • Sometimes in WvW/PvP if this skill is cast from higher terrain, it causes the pulled target to fly in the air and take falling damage, occasionally killing them instantly.
  • Sometimes the target isn't pulled all the way, the cause is unknown.
150 Magnetic Shield (elementalist skill)

Barrier amount has not been increased with the December 12, 2017 update.

151 Malicious Shadowsquall

Resets Malice if used on an ally instead of the marked target.

152 Mantra of Distraction

When the Dazzling Dazzling trait is equipped, the tooltip for this skill incorrectly lists Vulnerability.png Vulnerability.

153 Medicine (Thunderhead Peaks skill)

Though the tooltip says it takes 3.75 seconds to use this skill, it actually completes after roughly 2.5 seconds.

154 Mega Bomb (bundle)

Jumping while using this skill will cause it to not fire but still go on cooldown.

155 Member of the Kennel
  • Despite Danador's dialogue, only players that have completed the heart are able to be transformed into sylvan hounds.
  • "Strength of the Pack!".png Transform Fading is bugged and doesn't actually remove the transformation.
156 Merciful Intervention

This skill is not disabled in the underwater mode, but unlike other ground-targeting skills which are transformed underwater to point blank skills without targeting, this skill can be applied only to a surface of the bottom of a reservoir. As a result, it has very limited usage underwater and cannot be activated in a deep water when the bottom is far below.

157 Mind Shock

The yellow indicator from enemy Specters does not show.

158 Mind Stab

Using this skill interrupts other skills that are not healing or control skills.

159 Mind the Gap
  • Tooltip is missing the clone ability type.
  • The radius of the outer edge telegraph is only 280 despite hitting up to 300 like the skill tooltip indicates.
160 Mirror Blade

Unlike other bouncing skills such as  Winds of Chaos.png Winds of Chaos,  Mirror Blade.png Mirror Blade can keep bouncing between allies rather than following [enemy>ally>enemy..] logic. This can lead to losing 2/3 of the skill's potential damage.

161 Multishot

No projectiles will be fired at objects, be they main or secondary target(s). Projectiles fired at other targets will pass through objects without effect, even when not using Lead the Wind to make the projectiles pierce.

162 Mushroom King's Blessing

Sometimes just doesn't work.

163 Natural Healing

The current skill description, as of the 11th February 2025 patch, still reflects the old functionality where boons and conditions were removed. The skill facts shown are however correct.

164 Nine-Tailed Strike

No initiative is gained from the skill regardless of being attacked or not.

165 Oaken Cudgel

The cast duration is unaffected by Quickness.png Quickness since the March 19, 2024 update.

166 Open Access

A bug currently prevents Revenants from toggling between Open Access and Restrict Access, leaving them stuck on Restrict Access.

167 Orchestrated Assault

Will miss most destructible objects and object-like bosses.

168 Overbearing Smash

While traited with Moment of Clarity, which increases the daze duration by 50%, the Follow-Up Daze skill fact is duplicated, once displayed with the increased duration of 2 seconds (rounded from 1.875 seconds) and the untraited version of 1.25 seconds. Thus, the Defiance Break value is too high as it considers both instanced of Follow-Up Daze. The increased base Daze for 0.5 seconds grants 100 defiance break, the increased Follow-Up Daze for 1.875 seconds grants 187 defiance break and the untraited duplicate Follow-Up Daze "grants" 125 defiance break. Therefore, the incorrectly displayed Defiance Break value is 100+187+125=412 rather than showing the correct value 100+187=287.

169 Overcharged Shot

The Defiance Break displays 232 instead of 332.

170 Overload (gathering)
  • Unable to activate this skill underwater.
171 Overload Air

Using Overload Air while riding a Zip Line will leave the character stuck in the animation if the channeling was interrupted by reaching the end of the Zip Line. This can be fixed by using a transformation such as tonics or Tornado, by using a different Overload skill while riding a Zip Line, or by relogging.

172 Overload Earth

Per pulse on allies, per target, activates Signet of Restoration.

173 Palm Strike
174 Phantasm

A phantasm loses its 'phantasmal' look upon being revealed.

175 Phantasmal Defender

While the tooltip uses a weapon strength of 2553.5, the defender's weapon strength midpoint appears to be ~2363.

176 Phantasmal Duelist
  • The Phantasmal Duelist may fail to attack objects and structures if the skill was cast at maximum range. The phantasm stands still and may retarget and attack any other enemy in range.
  • The phantasm spawns in a random location around the mesmer. If the skill is cast at maximum range and the phantasm spawns behind the mesmer, out of range of the target, it will run into range before unloading.
  • The skill's tooltip incorrectly shows both the PvP and PvE phantasm damage while in PvE maps. The skill only does 8 strikes, not 8 strikes x2.
  • The February 6, 2018 game update increased the damage of the mesmer's 3 bullets by 10% instead of the intended 230%.
177 Phantasmal Lancer
178 Phantasmal Mage

The damage from the mesmer summoning this phantasm is not listed in the skill's tooltip, but can be seen in the combat log version of the skill's tooltip.

179 Phantasmal Swordsman

If the sword swing connects, the phantasm will be spawned with the same 8 stacks of might the mesmer gained.

180 Phase Retreat

This skill might teleport the Mesmer in place if their target is using a movement ability.

181 Phase Smash

This skill will fail on uneven terrain.

This skill will does not trigger Aggressive Agility, but does trigger Relic of the Stormsinger.

182 Pitfall
183 Plant Bomb

Has absolutely no effect in combat.

184 Point-Blank Shot

The tooltip incorrectly sums the defiance break values of both listed knockbacks (150 + 150 = 300), even though only one knockback occurs. The correct amount of defiance break done by this skill is 150.

185 Poison Dart (Brina's Bow)

No ground-targeting skill fact.

186 Prayer to Lyssa
  • When a human on a map uses this skill, all other players playing on their human will hear their character shout "May Lyssa confound you!"
  • The skill cannot be made to Auto-cast unless you have a target enemy selected and within range.
187 Primordial Stance

Sometimes will not cause any effect if activated in an instance before swapping attunements at least once.

188 Quick Shot

Sometimes this skill will halt all forward movement, forcing the player to tap any other directional key to resume forward movement.

189 Recall Axes

Will miss most destructible objects and object-like bosses.

190 Recharge (Recharger Device)

It says 1 day of swiftness. However it doesn't give you swiftness but instead gives you Energized.

191 Rending Vines

Tooltip displays values based on the ranger's attributes, however the skill actually uses the pet's attributes.

192 Rifle Turret

Unlike other turrets, Rifle Turret may be active while its aquatic version is also active.

193 Ring of Earth

Tooltip damage calculation adds 32 to the weapon strength midpoint, reporting marginally higher damage.

194 Ring of Fire (Lava Axe skill)

This skill inflicts 3 stacks instead of the intended single stack per pass through.

195 Rocket Boots (underwater)
  • The Count Recharge of this skill is not affected by the Gadgeteer trait at all, even though the tooltip shows updated values.
  • This skill has a separate recharge when used with Gadgeteer, allowing the Engineer to use Rocket Boots four times in a row by changing the trait after use.
  • This skill has a separate recharge from the terrestrial version, allowing the Engineer to use Rocket Boots underwater twice in a row even if the skill is already on cooldown on land. This does not apply in the reverse, and the cooldown of this skill will still apply to the terrestrial version.
196 Rocket Jump

The Defiance Break states 100 based on the listed 1 second knockdown while the actual knockdown duration is 3 seconds and thus the skill deals 300 defiance bar damage.

197 Rocket Punch (Mech)

Only does 1 damage in PvP/WvW despite the skill no longer inflicting crowd control since Game updates/2022-06-28.

198 Rotate (modify)

At the very least in homesteads (possibly guild halls too, didn't check) and for at the very least that one of the three bands/planes that i checked the preview while rotating appears to use double the amount of positions. This can cause actual decoration placement on confirmation to diverge from the placement as shown before confirmation. This difference between visual indication and placement behaviour can "easily" be observed by confirming a change of only one step of rotation and observing the decoration not change. Alternatively, "randomly" rotating a decoration to some position and then aligning a point far from it's rotation center (maximizing decoration size is reccomended) with something in the scenery using the camera before confirming placement and observing it either stay or end up slightly of (depending on which of the probably only almost equally likely cases is encountered) relative to the scenery after confirmation works too.

199 Rusty Scrap Strike

As of about January 2023, this skill does not actually apply its conditions any more.

200 Sandstorm Shroud

The indicator displayed incorrectly scales with the character model size while the actual hit radius is always 180 units. For example for asura the indicator is smaller than the actual radius while for charr it is larger than the actual radius.

201 Scan (Dragonfall skill)

While this skill is active, it prevents the player from picking up Throw Ember Charge and Dragonsblood Spears from stockpiles.

202 Scatter Mines

This skill cannot damage underwater wurm creatures such as Undersea Ice Wurm. Homing Torpedo suffered from the same problem until it was fixed by the October 15, 2013 game update. Unfortunately, Scatter Mines was not fixed.

203 Scatter Shot

Despite the tooltip suggesting a 2 second recharge time, it actually takes 5 seconds to recharge.

204 Scorpion Wire

In addition to its intended functionality, Scorpion Wire can also simply knock your foe down without pulling, pull you to your foe instead, or a mix of these effects.

205 Searing Fissure

This skill does not work on uneven terrain.

206 Shadow Gust

The Defiance Break sums up the excluding knockback and launch value to 382 rather than displaying 150 for knockback and 232 for launch.

207 Shadowfall

Defiance break lists 150+150=300 for the two pull skill facts but it's 150 per pull up to 3 times for 450 maximum

208 Shake It Off (Drake Battle Form)

The range skill fact is completely irrelevant.

209 Shared Destruction (60%)

Mechanic not working as intended and splitting damage properly[8]

210 Shattershot

This skill hits downed targets twice per cast.

211 Shield Block (Ancient Jotun Shield)

This skill does nothing other than going on recharge for 4 seconds.

212 Shield Smash
  • Shield Smash randomly doesn't deal the damage part to the target, while the bleeding always works. It seems to hit more often if you pause between the first and second chain attack.
  • This skill is affected by buffs that increase movement speed such as Superspeed.png Superspeed.
213 Shield of the Avenger
  • When traited, the utility bar tooltip does not indicate that it blocks missiles, whereas elsewhere it does not indicate reduced recharge and added burning.
  • In unique instances, the projectile blocking bubble will not spawn if cast while in the air.
214 Shoot (Sonic Rifle)

Confusion lasts for only 3 seconds.

215 Shoot Rifle

The Defiance Break sums up the launch and the self-knockback: 232+150=382 instead of correctly using only the launch for 232 Defiance Break.

216 Signet of Inspiration

When traited with Blurred Inscriptions the duration increase is no longer displayed in the tooltip.

217 Signet of Rage

Effects that trigger withe the elite skill like Relic of the Wizard's Tower or Defy Pain (warrior trait) have a delay before triggering.

218 Signet of Restoration

Skills such as Lightning Whip and Impale use the PvE scaling value in PvP per passive proc.

219 Signet of Undeath

A downed, poisoned player with less than 30% health will not be revived.

220 Signet of the Ether

Signet of the Ether.png Signet of the Ether will go on cooldown again shortly after finishing the cast.

221 Siphon

If the target is a miniature, the skill will go on full cool down and activate steal-related traits.

222 Skull Crack

The Defiance Break sums up all three levels: 100+200+300=600 instead of correctly displaying the level-depending value.

223 Sky Circus

Some enemies with small/average hitboxes will not take any damage from the missiles and only get damage from the crash down part of the skill.

224 Smoke Assault

The pet skill preview displays 525 damage in all game modes.

225 Smoke Assault (soulbeast)

The casted skill does not use weapon strength of a hammer like other profession mechanic skills. Instead it uses the unequipped weapon strength of 690.5 (at level 80).

226 Smoke Bomb (bundle skill)

The bomb is a ground targeted thrown projectile. However, the projectile arc is bugged and the bomb will always fly very very high into the sky. If it collides with any celing or structure, the bomb will detonate there. If it doesn't, the bomb will eventually land 900 units away from the player in the targeted direction, even if it was aimed closer.

227 Soulcleave's Summit
  • Dismiss Lieutenant Soulcleave puts this skill on 1 second cooldown instead of the 3 seconds listed if it pulsed at least once.
  • The tooltip has an incorrect heal scaling for PvE and WvW thus the value will be too low if the player has healing power.
228 Spark Revolver

Not affected by Mechanical Genius if the skill is set to autocast or mouse-clicked (even when within range).

229 Spear of Justice
  • Enemy leaving tether range, can sometimes still be pulled for a really small duration
  • Casting pull from higher ground in WvW or SPvP, can cause enemy to fly upwards in the air and take falling damage.
230 Spirit Fury

The Defiance Break value is calculated using both of the range-dependent stuns instead of listing their individual value.

231 Spiritcrush

Spiritcrush currently shows the damage line twice in the tooltip.

232 Spiteful Spirit (trait skill)

Although the 2023-06-27 update changed this skill to remove boons instead of converting them into conditions, the tooltip textual description still mentions boon conversion. The skill fact icons are correct.

233 Stab (Forsaken Fortune)

The burning applied by this skill is much lower in duration than the tooltip suggests.

234 Static Discharge (trait skill)

Tooltip damage erroneously uses the weapon strength of the mainhand weapon, but the damage dealt uses the unequipped 690.5 value.

235 Static Field

Sometimes, hitting the Static Field area will daze instead of stunning the target.

236 Steam Prison

The indicator on players scales with their model size, making it appear larger/smaller than the ring will actually be depending on their race.

237 Steam Surge

While under the effects of Quickness, the Water Field occurs when the cast ends, instead of at the end of the slide, the field ending up a little bit behind.

238 Steam Vent

The player may occasionally get stuck in place after using this skill.

239 Stone Sheath

Barrier amount has not been increased with the December 12, 2017 update.

240 Supply Crate (underwater)

Supply Crate will not trigger any effects based on elite skill usage, e.g. Superior Rune of Lyssa full set bonus.

241 Surging Flames

This skill will hit a downed target multiple times.

242 Surging Maw

The tooltip for this skill incorrectly shows the damage of the skill with a 0.75 coefficient, rather than the skill's actual coefficient of 1.2.

243 Sutures (Thunderhead Peaks skill)

Though the tooltip says it takes 3.75 seconds to use this skill, it actually completes after roughly 2.5 seconds.

244 Swoop (bird)

Only applies 1 stack of Vulnerability instead of the 5 stated in the tooltip.

245 Sword Wave

If used instantly when available, can be used twice.

246 Symbol of Light

The skill doesn't appear to have a range limit, despite the tooltip stating otherwise.

247 Symbol of Punishment

The first pulse of the symbol pulses might, but not the main damage tick. Thus this skill grants 5 stacks of might and not only 4 as stated in the skill facts.

248 Symbol of Spears

The symbol pulses fury extremely rapidly, reaching the maximum boon duration of 30 seconds in just 1 second.

249 Symbol of Vengeance

The damage and boons are applied to 5 targets rather than the 3 stated in the tooltip.

250 Tailored Victory

Final Shielding Final Shielding does not activate from this skill.

251 Tainted Shackles

Despite the tooltip indicating that it scales from offhand weapon strength, the actual damage seems to be based on unequipped weapon strength 690.5.

252 Thousand Cuts

Relics that trigger on elite skill don't work with Thousand Cuts.[verification requested]

253 Throw Enraging Concoction

The skill facts say it grants Haste, but it actually grants Quickness like the skill description says.

254 Throw Gear (Rat Cache)

The versions provided by Shiny Stolen Gear and Gear (Qabb) do not provide any stun.

255 Throw Gunk

This skill ammunition can sometimes become 0 or 2 while changing between its versions

256 Throw Gunk (Vehtendi Academy)

Despite its tooltip, this skill does not create a combo field.

257 Throw Mine (Jahr Duskrend's gear skill 2)

Miniatures trigger these mines.

258 Throw Poison Pot

This skill has the corruption type, despite not being a Necromancer skill or being affected by the Master of Corruption trait.

259 Throw Potion

Does no damage.

260 Thrown Dagger

Skill variables are for a different skill.

261 Thrown Hammer

The skill facts listed are for a different skill.

262 Thrown Mace

Skill variables are for a different skill.

263 Thrown Sword

Skill variables are for a different skill.

264 Thrown Torch

Skill variables are for a different skill.

265 Tongue Lash
266 Tornado

The 5th pulse sometimes doesn't hit nor apply the additional effects of Chain Lightning.png Electrified Tornado, Dust Devil.png Dust Tornado and Throw Boulder.png Debris Tornado.

267 Torrential Mists

Also applies 1 second of Crippled.png Crippled per hit.

268 Transform

Transform skills do not remember Auto-attack settings.

269 Turret

Blast finishers created by detonating turrets will make the finisher occur at the engineer's location, not the turret's location.

270 Twist of Fate

Casting this while under the effect Taunt occasionally causes it to stun break without casting or using a charge.

271 Unlock (Key)

Unlocking a chest will not always destroy keys, occasionally leaving them equipped and usable.

272 Unnamed skill (Thaumanova Reactor Fractal)

This skill does not have a name.

273 Unrelenting Assault

Using this skill while near a wall may cause the player to become stuck in the wall. Waypoint or use the "/stuck" command to escape.

274 Updraft

The Defiance Break displays 232 instead of 332.

275 Urn of Saint Viktor

Deals 2.5% of the players health as damage every second instead of 0.25¼% (0.25%) as the tooltip states.

276 Vapor Blade

Inflicts vulnerability on the Elementalist's summoned allies (such as those summoned via Glyph of Lesser Elementals and Glyph of Elementals).

277 Vengeance (skill)

Dying during Vengeance and respawning at a waypoint before the effect ends will cause you to be defeated again.

278 Venomous Outburst

Tooltip displays values based on the ranger's attributes, however the skill actually uses the pet's attributes.

279 Virtue of Courage

Within activities, Virtue of Courage gives Guardians an invisible Aegis that will block at least one attack per match. This will destroy the crab in Crab Toss and the Keg in Keg Brawl.

280 Voracious Dive

Voracious Dive is missing from the underwater harbinger shroud skills and that slot is occupied by core necromancer's Gathering Plague skill.

281 Well of Darkness

The damage tooltip facts disappear underwater.

282 Whip (Sparking Rod)

Does 0 damage when effective level is at 80.

283 Whirling Axe
  • Asura warriors only display 7-8 hits instead of the listed 15 times, but it still does full damage.
284 Whirling Strike

The Defiance Break sums up all three levels: 100+150+200=450 instead of correctly displaying the level-depending value.

285 Whirling Strike (Ancient Cudgel)

This skill may push enemies outside the boundaries of the map, sometimes making them unreachable unlesss with cleave attacks.

286 Whirlwind Attack

Sometimes multiple seconds after casting hits enemies randomly far away from casting location or the user.

287 Wildfire

The skill Hurl from Rock Barrier does not successfully interact with the field and inflict Burning.

288 Winds of Disenchantment

Channeling this skill applies Revealed.png Revealed to the caster.

289 Wing Buffet (phoenix)

The Defiance Break states 150 based on the listed knockback while the actual control effect is launch and thus the skill deals 232 defiance bar damage.

290 Wings of Resolve
291 Zealot's Flame

Despite the description, the final pulse does not apply additional burning.


# Page Bug description
1 Arcane Lightning
  • In PvE, the duration of immobilize from Arcane Wave is instead 2 seconds.
  • Arcane Brilliance.png Arcane Brilliance still inflicts a condition depending on current attunement.
2 Burst Precision

Scorched Earth.png Scorched Earth does not trigger this trait's effect.

3 Crack Shot

Equipping the trait will reduce the stated count recharge in  Brutal Shot.png Brutal Shot's tooltip without actually taking effect.

4 Cull the Weak

Different multihit burst skills like  Flurry.png Flurry and  Combustive Shot.png Combustive Shot share the same internal interval.

5 Deathless Courage

Equipping this trait does still remove aegis from Courage triggers

6 Delayed Reactions

Chronomancers will also slow themselves when disabling themselves (certain disables originate from the player themself). For example, when using the Endless Fractal Challenge Mote Tonic which very briefly dazes upon transforming.

7 Dhuumfire

Despite the description, while the Harbinger elite specialization is equipped this trait only applies 1s of burning in PvP and WvW.

8 Draconic Echo

The bonus on Facet of Elements increases the Condition Damage.png Condition Damage attribute by 10% rather than increasing outgoing condition damage. This results in the base damage of conditions being unaffected by the increase.

9 Dual Wielding

Attack speed is increased by 25% rather than 20% like claimed by the tooltip.

10 Duelist's Reversal

The quickness in WvW/PvP is actually 3s instead of 2s.

11 Dulled Senses

Dulled Senses trait applies self-cripple to the Dragonhunter character if they were forcibly dismounted, including by falling damage

12 Elemental Bastion

Shocking Aura appears to use PvE healing value in WvW/PvP.

13 Elemental Polyphony

When entering a new map, you can occasionally get the stat bonus doubled if fully attuned to an element. Swapping attunements ends this.

14 Elevated Compassion

Affects allies in downstate and applies its effect on every new instance of boon application with no cooldown; the interval still applies in each instance.

15 Elusive Mind

Only cleanses 1 condition in PvE, despite listing 3.

16 Escape Artist

Causes the phantasm to not transfer conditions to itself, therefore canceling out Sympathetic Visage Sympathetic Visage.

17 Eternal Armory

When traited, Sword of Justice's tooltip does not indicate its range (it remains the same).

18 Fast Hands

Rather than reducing weapon swap times as the description suggests, weapon swap times are instead set to 5 seconds. This can cause issues when players traited with fast hands are carrying bundle items, since the five second wait time is enforced before players can drop the bundle. (This only seems to affect the drop bundle icon on the GUI, and using a bound keyboard command will still allow players to drop the bundle without issue)

19 Fencer's Finesse

An illusion with a sword in the offhand will trigger this trait regardless of the main hand weapon.

Phantasmal Lancer Triggers Fencer's Finesse on its initial strike.

20 Furious Burst

The tooltip recharge of this trait reads 15 seconds, however the correct recharge of 4 seconds was stated in the November 28, 2023 patch notes.

21 Hardening Persistence
  • Additional stacks will be lost when consuming  Facet of Nature.png Facet of Nature after the passive effect prolonged by Draconic Echo Draconic Echo runs out.
  • Stacks from Facet of Nature will be lost when deactivating other sustain skills such as  Impossible Odds.png Impossible Odds.
22 Healing Ripple

Despite stating This effect will not trigger when attuning to the same element, it still triggers.

23 Impact Savant

This trait erroneously modifies the tooltips of skills that inflict stun and daze, implying that it has the previous effect of +25% stun and daze durations. This is a purely visual bug, and the actual durations are unaffected.

24 Improved Alacrity

The reduction in duration doesn't affect Alacrity gained via Persistence of Memory Persistence of Memory.

25 Ineptitude

Blinding Dissipation Blinding Dissipation does not show the correct duration in all game modes.

26 Inspiring Distortion

Both  Continuum Split.png Continuum Split and  Bladeturn Requiem.png Bladeturn Requiem grant allies aegis.

27 Keen Observer
  • The critical hit chance increase from the health threshold is not displayed in the attribute window, but still applies. The unconditional crit chance increase will show.
28 Kinetic Accelerators

Tooltips incorrectly still display the 25% increased stun and daze duration the trait used to grant.

29 Last Stand

Does not display the barrier granted at the end of  Defiant Stance.png Defiant Stance.

30 Leader of the Pack

The indicator ring is displayed at 360 units. However, the actual range is still 600.

31 Legendary Lore
32 Master of Corruption

Expertise does not increase the duration of self inflicted conditions. Other duration increases work properly

33 Mechanized Deployment

This trait does not properly reduce the cooldown of  Deactivate Photon Forge (hot).png Deactivate Photon Forge.

34 Mirrored Axes

When an axe skill is cast while mid-air, it will not spawn an axe.

35 Moment of Clarity

The increased Daze and Stun duration is not shown on tooltips.

36 Natural Healing (ranger trait)

The tooltip uses an erroneous coefficient of 0.06.

37 Pact of Pain

Increased condition duration is not reflected in the hero panel or skill facts.

38 Pyromancer's Puissance

Auto-attacking with a Sword as Weaver with a target without hitting them will not grant Might.

39 Quick Draw

Interrupting a weapon skill cast by entering or exiting Celestial Avatar will immediately consume the buff and reduce the recharge of the interrupted skill.

40 Rending Shade

Malicious Surprise Shot.png Malicious Surprise Shot — The extra arrows do not activate this trait. This is unique from other stealth attack traits, which do activate off these extra arrows.

41 Restorative Strikes

Has an unlisted 9s cooldown.

42 Rising Momentum

Additional stacks will be lost when consuming  Facet of Nature.png Facet of Nature after the passive effect prolonged by Draconic Echo Draconic Echo runs out.

43 Sanguine Array

Fragmentation Shot does not activate this trait multiple times.

44 Savage Instinct

Increases  Berserk.png Berserk recharge from 8 to 15 seconds.

45 Shrapnel
46 Sleight of Hand

The recharge reduction is not displayed in the attribute window, but still applies.

47 Soothing Mist

Continually refreshing this buff by maintaining Water Attunement may cause 1/3rd of the healing ticks to have reduced efficiency. [verification requested]

48 Spectacular Sphere
49 Sun and Moon Style

Trait facts have not been updated with the 2024-10-08 game update, such that this trait still apparently shows that it converts critical damage to healing, instead of all strike damage to healing.

50 Sundering Burst

Different multihit burst skills like  Flurry.png Flurry and  Combustive Shot.png Combustive Shot share the same internal interval.

51 Sunspot

Sometimes the target and Elementalist will gain Fire Aura.png Fire Aura.

52 Sympathetic Visage

Escape Artist Escape Artist cancels out this trait and will not transfer conditions to the phantasm; therefore conditions will not be cleansed from yourself.

53 Temporal Enchanter

Although  Portal Exeunt.png Portal Exeunt is considered a Glamour, it does not grant allies boons.

54 Trapper's Expertise

Flame trap does not apply cripple even though it's properly listed on tool tip

55 Unholy Sanctuary
  • This trait can potentially activate on Scourges already in downstate that were to die after running out of health, preventing death due to the barrier gained from Desert Shroud.
  • The number displayed next to the life force threshold percentage is incorrect. It is based on your max health, rather than your max life force. The actual threshold is correctly based on your life force.
56 Vicious Empowerment

Crashing Waves.png Crashing Waves (ice elemental) and  Shocking Bolt.png Shocking Bolt (air elemental) don't trigger the effect of this trait.

57 Vicious Reprisal

Resolution.png Resolution duration increase does not stack with boon duration. Whichever is higher will be what takes effect.

58 Written in Stone

Casting Signet of Earth causes this trait to apply a buff that grants 180 toughness instead of the signet's -10% damage reduction.


Other (A-M)[edit]

# Page Bug description
1 A Crack in the Ice (achievements)

Heart, Moxie, and Many Sweaters does not require the player to be alive when they have 20 stacks of Bitter Cold. Bitter Cold accumulates even when defeated, so simply being in a Bitter Cold area long enough will grant the achievement. Player tested on 11/28/22: This seems to have been patched, but you can still die and accumulate 20 stacks, then use a Revive Orb to get the achievement. Alternately, Bitter Cold will also need to whittle through a mount's lifebar if you enter while mounted, which can be used to extend your own exposure time to hopefully accumulate enough stacks.

2 A Day in Kryta (Handiwork)

This decoration uses the Streets of Divinity's Reach icon.

3 A Flower for Kodama

Talking to Kodama may sometimes not trigger a dialogue option to give them the Fire Orchid Blossom. Finishing map completion for Draconis Mons appears to resolve the issue.

4 A History Most Violent: Part 2

A collection icon may show on Hellie before the final step, but no dialogue will trigger.

5 Account Swim-Speed Infusion

Despite the description, the Account Swim-Speed Boosts replaces the base 15% speed instead of being added on to it

6 Achievement

If watch list category was selected prior to starting a text search, the search results can be dragged around as if they're reorderable. Attempting to do so, however, will overwrite your entire watch list with displayed search results, including already completed achievements, which normally cannot be tracked. Special styling for completed achievements in the HUD still exists, since originally tracked achievements were not automatically removed from watch list upon completion.

7 Achievement Eligibility: Not Too Worse for Wear

Bei Fung's mech dropping below 90% health does not always prevent the achievement from being awarded.

8 Achievement Eligibility: Stronger as a Pack

Eligibility may persist beyond completion of achievement. Re-logging will clear this visual error.

9 Achievement Eligibility: Survivor

Effect may still be visible after completion of this achievement.

10 Achievement Eligibility: Untethered

May appear even though the achievement has been completed[verification requested]

11 Activity

A guardian's aegis is triggered within several activities even when it is not visible on the guardian. This disrupts several activities as the aegis may absorb hits even from friendly players (e.g.: Keg disappears in Keg brawl, Crab is absorbed and disappears in Crab Toss).

12 Adventure Guide: Volume Two

Only skills with an activation time count towards "Using Utility Skills".

13 Aegis

A guardian's aegis is triggered within several activities even when it is not visible on the guardian. This disrupts several activities as the aegis may absorb hits even from friendly players (e.g.: Keg disappears in Keg brawl, Crab is absorbed and disappears in Crab Toss).

14 Aegis (Quaggan Paddle)

Contrary to the description, the skill does not block.

15 Agonized Essence

The item description says that you need to train Agony Channeler in order to be able to purchase the item, but the vendor tab is unlocked for purchase as soon as you finish training Follows Advice.

16 Agony

Despite the description being updated, there is no reduction to barrier application.

17 Ammunition (effect)

Ammunition decreases even if the player uses thier utility/toolbelt skills.

18 Ancestral Guard

Is currently bugged, resulting in fast flickering of the glow effect instead of a consistent glow.

19 Ancient Krytan Royal Family Crest

During the beta, a sylvari named Farmhand Abhean was in Field Medic Leius' place, but he was later replaced. The flavor text for Leius' karma items still reference Abhean.

20 Ancient Ring

This ring is an accessory

21 Arcane Council

The icons of this point of interest when discovered and not yet discovered do not appear on the same coordinates in the map.

22 Armistice Bastion

The mystic forge transform is currently disabled.

23 Artifact of Dwayna

Having a Jade Bot Power Core equipped prevents the artifact skills from appearing. Unequip the core and reclaim an artifact to get access to the skills.

24 Ascalonian Aqueduct

The dialogue for imbuing the Pile of Phantasmal Residue does not appear if the player also has Quartz Crystals in their inventory and has not already converted their daily Charged Quartz Crystal; the place of power dialogue will show instead.

25 Ascalonian ghost
  • Sometimes Ascalonian ghosts can spawn missing their ghostly-blue visual effect, making them appear as they did before the Foefire.
  • Female Ascalonian ghosts will occasionally use male voices.
26 Ascended weapon

When selecting a stat for these weapons, they will have a warning at the bottom stating it will make the item Account Bound, even though ascended items are Account Bound by default.

27 Ash Legion Spy Kit

It can be used while dead, if so, the next time you respawn you will have the bundle in your hands.

28 Ash Legion War Banner

This bundle has a time limit that appears to begin lapsing as soon as it spawns. It often automatically drops and destroys itself immediately on pickup.

29 Assassinate Taidha Covington

Killing Taidha Covington does not always reward the trophy, especially when the place is too crowded.

30 Assassinate the Svanir Shaman Chief

Killing the Svanir Shaman Chief does not always reward the trophy.

31 Assist Jezza and the Vigil in clearing Risen from Fort Cadence
32 Assist the Blood Legion

The event Protect the caravan from separatists does not contribute to progress.[2]

33 Assist the Chaos krewe

The skritt will cancel their dialog extremely fast. Often waiting less than 0.25¼ of a second to choose options before the dialog closes.

A single skritt can be talked to repeatedly if you are quick enough. This allows for a quick heart completion.

34 Assist the Lyssan Fools acting troupe

The interaction window may not appear for the line delivery critique NPCs, if the Talk button is clicked before their ask for help voice-over is concluded. Leaving and approaching again such NPC could be reset.

35 Assist the charr delegation

If a Training Soldier is defeated by conditions after turning friendly again, the player will receive credit towards the heart again.

36 Assist the skritt in Arcallion Digs

In some cases harpies fail to spawn, causing this heart to take much longer to complete.

37 Assist the temple in its defense

Players are instructed to "ferry some villagers back", but there are no visible villagers. Players can still gain some progress by interacting with 'captive villager' icons, but no villagers will spawn and ride the skiff so they can be brought back to the dropoff zone as instructed.

Hall Director Soohee will not accept Shinota Blackfin when repeating the renown heart.

38 Astral Purification

Sometimes Ouissal will not recognise the items in your inventory, especially if you craft multiple mirrors at once - closing and re-opening the dialog box should fix it.

39 Astral force

Lifesteal, despite applying both healing and damage, only charges for 1.5%. The damage is ignored for Astral Force.

40 Augur's Grotto

There is an invisible wall within the camp that can be walked on, causing those who do to hover in the air.

41 Auric Lodestone

Some players report that they were only able to acquire this item after unlocking or finishing the Auric Weapons Collection.

42 Avian Sharpshooter

If the tenth hit in a row also finishes the achievement, it's possible for the achievement to not be given.

Some of the targets seem to respawn nearly instantly.

43 Badge of the Untamed

Igne Mossheart can fail to transition into the phase to kill the final elemental that he is linked to, leaving him stuck at 1% health and unkillable while the elemental remains invulnerable, guaranteeing a fail.

44 Ballista

Skills 3 and 4 recharge on both a per-ballista and per-player basis. When a player uses a ballista where the skill is recharging, the player's version of the skill is set to the current recharge of the ballista's

45 Bandit Spire

The recipe for the Hunter's variant has not been updated properly and will produce a Pillaging Bandit Spire where you can choose the attributes.

46 Bandit Trident

The recipe for the Hunter's variant has not been updated properly and will produce a Pillaging Bandit Trident where you can choose the attributes.

47 Barrel Carrier (keg brawl training)

Dropping the keg with the drop bundle button does not remove this effect. Only loss of the keg caused by skills (both own and from NPCs) removes it.

48 Basic Cloth Rack (object)

The map icon of this node sometimes remains after being gathered in some Home Instances, and sometimes reappears after re-entering an instance.

49 Basic Leather Rack (object)

The map icon of this node sometimes remains after being gathered in some Home Instances, and sometimes reappears after re-entering an instance.

50 Basic Shrub (Handiwork)

Uses the same model as the Potted Shrub decoration.

51 Battered Book

This item is covered by rock terrain, though while it is not directly visible, it is still interactable. Its yellow text is still visible.

52 Bazaar of the Four Winds (point of interest)

Although a notification is received in the bottom right corner when explored, no Point of Interest icon appears on the map, it also doesn't have an ID.

53 Behind Demon Lines

Presumably due to the order of objectives in the achievement being changed after it was released, the API and the in-game progress doesn't always line up perfectly. Refer to the in-game achievement if this happens.

54 Belcher's Bluff
  • If you choose Critique, and then Toggle the Signature Move, you can select a second signature move, though only "For Science" and "Boast" are available. However, you can only use one of the two signature moves during the game.
  • All voice acting lines from the player are bugged and will not be voiced.
55 Belcher's Bluff Kit

The Belcher's Bluff Invitation object despawns like other objects after a period of time, making it impossible to start a game but you will still be under the Belcher's Bluff effect. You must forfeit the game to reset it.

56 Belligerent Brawl
  • Leaving the instance after taking a drink will cause any remaining drinks to be removed for the day.
  • Failing to kill a corsair captain within allotted time while under the effects of Medhi's grog will still award the player with Belligerent Brawl.
57 Blemished Ancient Krytan Royal Family Crest

During the beta, a sylvari named Farmhand Abhean was in Field Medic Leius' place, but he was later replaced. The flavor text for Leius' karma items still reference Abhean.

58 Blood Legion Shield

During the event "Defend Rhell Crankmane while he sets up his ghost control machines" this item is purchasable from Zalvax Brokenclaw.

59 Blood Legion War Banner

This bundle has a time limit that appears to begin lapsing as soon as it spawns. It often automatically drops and destroys itself immediately on pickup.

60 Blood Sport Connoisseur

The actual requirements for the 2018 achievement appear to be that the player must kill each of the bosses that unlock the gambits. Since it is possible to have all of the gambits already unlocked from previous festivals, this is not enough to receive credit for the achievement. The following bosses contribute to this achievement:

61 Blueprint

Stacks of blueprints that existed prior to the patch will still function as account bound until the stack is updated. Acquiring new blueprints will automatically update an existing stack. You can emulate this by using a blueprint in WvW and then canceling deployment. If you have at least 2 items in the stack, you can force an update by splitting the stack and adding the old stack onto the new stack.

62 Bolt III: Zap

The bottle may disappear from your inventory during the second step of the collection (capturing energy from the cooling chamber in the Thaumanova Reactor Fractal), forcing you to buy a second bottle from Grandmaster Craftsman Hobbs or the TP.

63 Book of Awakening to Light

Circled location of Primeval Steward is incorrect. He is in the first room of the Tomb of the Primeval Kings.

64 Borrowed Rod

Dropping the fishing rod bundle granted by interacting with the object does not remove the effect. Up to 25 stacks of Borrowed Rod can be obtained by interacting with the object, despite the additional stacks appearing to have no effect.

65 Bottle of Reactor Energy

There is a chance that the Capacitive Bottle will disappear after obtaining this item. To obtain another one, buy it from the Trading Post or Grandmaster Craftsman Hobbs or do this step at the end.

66 Bottomless Belcher's Bluff Kit

The Belcher's Bluff Invitation object despawns like other objects after a period of time, making it impossible to start a game but players will still be under the Belcher's Bluff effect. The player must forfeit the game to reset it.

67 Bovine Potion

You cannot currently purchase this item because you cannot interact with its vendor.

68 Bow (Super Adventure Box)

The Bow Shot attack causes normal damage to turtles instead of the expected 0 from all other attacks. In World 1 only, a single Bow Shot will kill a turtle rather than stunning it. World 1 turtles have only 50 health - World 2 turtles have 150 health so would require simultaneous bow attacks from multiple players to kill them.

69 Branded Devourer Monument

When changing to this decoration while decorating, it will appear as a standard Branded siege devourer. When placed, the decoration will appear correctly in its prismatic form.

70 Brandstone Multitool

If the Destroy the crystal encasing the Brandstone before it disintegrates event fails, subsequent brandstone impacts in that map instance will be bugged. The Brandstone Multitool will not work on impact sites, and Scholar Fatima will not announce impacts.

71 Brazier of Heroic Deeds

Occasionally players have found that the brazier is not lit even though they meet the requirements. Logging out and back in, multiple times, usually fixes this.

72 Brewmaster's Backpack Kit

Even though this item offers a "Preview" right-click/context menu option, no equipment preview window appears when selecting it while the item is in the inventory or bank. Linking the item in chat and selecting "Preview" on the resulting link shows the equipment preview window however.

73 Bring the Ancient Dwarven Texts to Rest

Players won't be able to open the Office Door if they opened the Lecture Hall Doors first.

74 Bring the Ancient Svanir Relic to Rest

If you're in a party, only one player needs to interact with the statue, the collection will progress for everyone in the party.

75 Build-a-Quaggan
  • Some Plant Fiber nodes may not be interactable.
76 Buried Archives

Opening status of the Grand Chest is shared with the reward chest of Goemm's Lab so you cannot open this chest if you have opened the other one the same day.

77 Caching Out

The markers of caches can reappear in the map and become permanent for accounts that completed this achievement before it was reintroduced.

78 Cannon (Costume Brawl)

Using skills from this object grant Brawler Score points to the cannon instead of the player.

79 Cantha (achievements)

Weekly Jade Vault achievement progress not displayed correctly.

80 Capacitive Bottle

There is a chance the bottle may disappear after obtaining the Bottle of Reactor Energy in the Thaumanova Reactor Fractal.

81 Carving Pumpkin

After the festival has ended, the related achievement sometimes resets to 1; this is a cosmetic issue only and does not affect whether one can display the title or has earned the achievement points.

82 Cauldron

If an engineer interacts with a cauldron while wearing a engineering kit, the kit will remain floating in the air.

83 Chair (novelty)

The chair disappear for a while after the sitting animation, then reappear

84 Challenge Mote

The Challenge Mote might sometimes be invisible if a miniature is present in the instance. A workaround that works sometimes is to hide all miniatures, and then re-enter the instance.

85 Character Adventure Guide

The "Viewing Vistas" objectives from volumes two and up sometime count points of interest as vistas. For instance, while working on Adventure Guide: Volume Three, viewing one vista in Lornar's Pass and discovering two points of interest there would achieve 3/3 steps of the "Viewing Vistas III" objective.

86 Character Growth

Credit for this step is also given as soon as you complete the archery contest.

87 Chest (Cantha)
  • It is possible for multiple chests to spawn on one location.
  • Singular chests will often be 'opened' twice.
88 Chest of Grand Valdhertz Riches

May not be able to loot the Chest of Grand Valdhertz Riches despite participating in all rooms and be the one that solved the puzzles, more prone to happening when doing rooms with other players. Redoing the mini-dungeon (solo if possible) should let you get the missing rooms.

89 Chest of Valdhertz Riches

May not be able to loot all the chests or the Grand chest despite doing all the events from the start Solo.

90 Chimeric Prism Focus

The resulting transmuted item will have an incorrect icon.

91 Chisel

The flavor text has a closing quote mark but no opening quote mark.

92 Choir Bell
  • Although the timer reads 15m remaining upon switching octaves, the bell will always be automatically unequipped after one minute.
  • When consumed, the notice 'You cannot transform again right now.' is displayed, and no instrument bundle is given to the player.
93 Chuka and Champawat II: Ambush

Some of the collection items may display another item's hint in-game. The table below shows the correct hints.

94 Claw of the Khan-Ur

Currently, Claw of the Khan-Ur animation on critical hits does not work for Soulbeast dagger skills.

95 Cleanup Duty

The graffiti could be invisible, which can be solved with a relog on spot, but they are still interactable.

96 Cluster of Light

The dialogue for the Meteorlogicus collection has the Talk end option tango.png icon instead of the Talk ready option.png icon, but only if you begin the dialogue without a Pile of Elemental Essence.

97 Coddler's Cove

Some of the orbs cannot be seen if you have set Environment in Graphics Options to Low. This may make it seem as though some of the jumps you must make are impossibly long.

98 Cold Resistance

In WvW, may prevent claiming an objective, such as a camp, if all players have Cold Resistance. If another player is present without Cold Resistance, you can still receive credit for claiming the objective.

99 Command line arguments

This setting only has an effect during loading screens whereas the value for the Frame Limiter setting configured in the Graphics Display Options is applied while inside the game world.

100 Commander

Broadcasting a message containing a game link will cause the broadcast to be sent twice.

101 Controls

While the notes for the August 2, 2022 patch state that the keybinds were updated for new accounts, they were also changed for some existing accounts. If you're experiencing any issues with your controls (e.g. after returning to the game from a break); consider verifying that your keybind settings are still as you're expecting them to be.

102 Convergence: Mount Balrior

If there are people standing on top of the spawning location with their supplies, the supplies will be consumed but no thumper will be spawned. This bugs that site forever.

103 Convergences

One of the attacks that pulls the player away can also pull the player inside a stone or behind a texture making them stuck for the rest of the fight. Teleports do not work and you cannot /gg either.

104 Coral

Coral nodes in Bitterfrost Frontier do not respawn on the same timer as other non-Winterberry nodes on the map.

105 Crab Toss
  • Sometimes it is possible to gain multiple grabs when grabbing a crab from an opponent. This only counts toward score and does not count toward the achievement.
  • Occasionally, there will be two or more Succulent Crabs on the playing field.
  • It is possible for the crab to end up on the inaccessible stand by the referee.
  • Karka and karka hatchlings will sometimes continue to focus on one player even if they no longer hold the crab.
  • Guardians still benefit from the passive effect of Virtue of Courage during this activity, allowing them to periodically block an incoming attack.
  • If Crab Toss is blocked, the succulent crab will disappear.
  • Participation and win credit is often not counted, preventing the player from receiving reward chests or advancing the Crab Toss Champion/Regular achievements.
106 Crumbling Wall

The object cannot be interacted with.

107 Crushing Weight (achievement)
108 Cryptid Chase

If Echoes of Night won't offer dialog to continue the collection, swap to the character that you started the collection on and he should continue the dialog correctly.

109 Crystal Prison

In rare instances, crystals become indestructible. Players stuck inside the crystal can only break free by teleporting to a waypoint or by using some other method of fast travel.

110 Curious Carving

A carving may not allow interaction. Changing maps can fix this.

111 Cursed Flintlock (achievement)

Unlocking the Sunspear weapon won't count towards the collection sometimes if it is salvaged instead of added to the collection.

112 Custom Arena
  • When time is added to an expired arena, the window must be refreshed before the arena will show as renewed.
  • Players with admin privileges are unable to ban players from custom arenas. (Only the owner may.) At one point, they could do so by using chat commands, but this functionality was disabled sometime ago. They may still kick/teamswap deviant players from the arena.
  • Using Djinn's Dominion will trigger no progression even though the symbol does not appear on the arena selection, but appears on the Game Browser tab.
113 Custom Arena Time Token

Double clicking this item in the inventory view of the bank panel will use the item instead of transfering between inventory and bank.

114 Cut of Quality Red Meat

Cut of Quality Red Meat will not drop from creatures in expansion areas until the player recieves at least one from core Tyria.[verification requested]

115 Dagnar's Badge

Salvages into orichalcum ore.

116 Day and night

In some zones, the weapon appearances will not automatically change state when day changes to night or vice versa. Reentering the zone will cause the weapon to display the correct state.

117 Dead Bird

Sometimes the bird will appear still alive upon entering the instance, but will promptly become "dead" after the instance has fully loaded.

118 Debilitating Trap

The item has no visible model, though it appears to be wielded like a hammer.

119 Deldrimor Stoneskin Infusion

Does not work correctly with Legendary Perfected Envoy armor. When the armor transforms into the combat mode, infusion only affects the character, but not the armor itself.

120 Delivery Accepted

If one stays in the instance after the delivery, this will periodically reappear every couple minutes.

121 Destroyer Fissure

Death from Above knocks players backwards based on the direction they are facing rather than away from the center of the meteor.

122 Discarded Orders

The text is the same as Note (Recon Cove) for Recruitment Notes: Vishen Steelshot, rather than matching the description of Redeployment Order.

123 Disrupt White Mantle forces occupying Fort Evennia

This heart does not have a completion message associated with it, though you still get the silver and karma from it.

124 Diving Goggles
  • Some accounts have access to Diving Goggles locked, even with maximum level characters.
  • Sometimes, using Flip or Spin just before landing will cause the character to freeze briefly, or spin continuously.
  • Sometimes, your character won't go back to their normal outfit after a dive. This won't contribute towards the achievement and can be almost impossible to resolve.
  • Attempting to use the goggles while mounted will fail.
  • Jumping out of the bucket while in the acidic water will still cause damage even while gliding.
125 Djinn Tonic

Can be used underwater, disabling weapon skills, but does not transform the player.

126 Domain of Kourna Griffon Master

Successful completion sometimes awards relevant achievement(s) for the Jahai Bluffs Griffon Master course as well.

127 Dragon Bash Reward Track

The PvP reward track incorrectly rewards the WvW token Memory of Battle.pngMemory of Battle rather than the PvP token Shard of Glory.pngShard of Glory.

128 Dragon Response Mission: Caledon Forest

Tengu Allies can sometimes be confused. Standing still for a long time or even running outside the instance border just to flank the enemies on the bridge

129 Dragon Response Mission: Gendarran Fields

The eligibility always shows up whenever the Champion challenge is active, even if the achievement has already been earnt.

130 Dragon Response Mission: Lake Doric
  • Killing enemies at Saidra's Haven before allies arrive will make the event stuck at 0/5 forever.
  • Sometimes, Bors of the Ice Gavel will not do anything when the becomes invulnerable at 75%, 50%, and 25%. When this happens his Defiance bar might also not appear, but his shield will still disappear after a while.
131 Dragon Response Mission: Snowden Drifts

The use of Electromagical Pulse from Portable United Legions Waystation is discouraged as it is currently bugged and applies multiple boons to the boss when the defiance bar is instantly broken.[verification requested]

132 Dragonfall Reward Track

In the WvW Reward Track the item Siege Blueprint Case.pngSiege Blueprint Case replaced the 38th reward (Wood Shipment.pngWood Shipment) instead of correctly replacing the 39th reward (Tome of Knowledge.pngTome of Knowledge).

133 Dragonstorm
  • Sometimes Aurene's Protection won't be applied when jumping in to damage either Elder Dragon, resulting in the player character taking heavy damage and quickly dying.
  • Often, you will not get credit toward the Double (Elder) Dragon achievement despite using  Aurene Power Transfer.png Aurene Power Transfer.
134 Drain Inlet

It's currently possible to gain more than 2 AP from the repeatable version of this achievement. However, those extra AP will get removed from your account after some time.

135 Draw the Pack

Interacting with the campfire awards you credit towards the collection without having to activate or complete it regardless of what the tooltip states.

136 Dreslav's Garden

This point of interest is not highlighted on the map when unfogged but undiscovered and hovering over the map legend.

137 Drizlewood Coast Strongbox

The zone is spelled Drizzlewood Coast.

138 Drizzlewood Coast Reward Track

In the WvW Reward Track the item Siege Blueprint Case.pngSiege Blueprint Case replaced the 38th reward (Flame Legion Cloth Box.pngBlood Legion Wood Box) instead of correctly replacing the 39th reward (Tome of Knowledge.pngTome of Knowledge).

139 Dune Roller

Using the Dune Roller's siege attacks does not seem to contest objectives.

140 Dungeon Armor and Weapons/Crucible of Eternity
141 Dungeons (achievements)

Completing the Aetherblade path of Twilight Arbor first can cause all of the other paths to be marked as completed.

142 Echo of the Dragonvoid

Currently bugged with the Radiant and Perfected Envoy armor skins.

143 Echovald Wilds Insight: Temple of the Dredge

The Ritualist Adepts appear to often get stuck mining near the temple, preventing the event from starting and rendering the mastery point inaccessible

144 Eclipse

The ribbons no longer twirl during the auto attack, they just stretch.

145 Embedded Troll Runestone

Sometimes two Runestones may appear, however only one of them triggers the event.

146 Embellished Gilded Spinel Jewel

Although this jewel is the same tier to craft it has a level 39 requirement as opposed to 35 like other jewels of this tier.

147 Empowered Boneskinner's Rib

If salvaged with an Ascended Salvage Tool, this item does not provide any Balls of Dark Energy.

148 Empowered Boneskinner's Totem

If salvaged with an Ascended Salvage Tool, this item does not provide any Balls of Dark Energy.

149 Empyreal Fragment

Some low-level chests do NOT award Empyreal Fragments eg: Haivoissen Kenning in Wayfarer Foothills.

150 Enchanted Key

Sometimes the Enchanted Key does not appear. If this happens then follow this list below:

  1. Walk into Gendarran Fields on foot with the Enchanted Treasure Map in your inventory.
  2. Walk back into Lions Arch on foot with the Enchanted Treasure Map in your inventory.
151 Enchanted Treasure Map

If you try to use your map in your home instance while accessing the Vanguard Hospital Point of Interest, you'll get an error message. However, when you exit your home instance, using the map again should point you towards a Lion's Arch Point of Interest and allow you to continue as normal. Sometimes the Enchanted Key does not appear. If this happens then follow this list below:

  1. Walk into Gendarran Fields on foot with the Enchanted Treasure Map in your inventory.
  2. Walk back into Lions Arch on foot with the Enchanted Treasure Map in your inventory.
152 Encrypted Message
153 End of Dragons: Act 1

During the Outreach mission for "All Due Respect", depending on the timing of using the /kneel emote's animation and the player character dialogue animation, the player character may be kneeling without going into the kneel animation. As a workaround, this achievement can still be completed successfully if the player character is not moved until Kasmeer exits the kneel pose.

154 Endless Boneskinner Tonic

This item must be used from your inventory (not wardrobe) to unlock the achievement.

155 Endless Bonus Box Tonic

Using this tonic in combination with the Firebrand Major Grandmaster trait Stoic Demeanor.pngStoic Demeanor results in the player being set on fire and slowed.

156 Endless Boss Chest Tonic

Using this tonic in combination with the Firebrand Major Grandmaster trait Stoic Demeanor results in the player being set on fire and slowed.

  • Using this tonic in combination with the Domination Minor Master trait Dazzling results in the player acquiring 5 stacks of Vulnerability.
  • In the Mistlock Sanctuary, you can fall off the edge and hit the bottom of the map while under the effects of this transformation.
157 Endless Desert Mystery Tonic

It was originally Account Bound on Use and sellable on Trading Post. Some of these tonics remain visible on the trading post, they can no longer be purchased as they are Account Bound.

158 Endless Mordrem Husk Tonic

This tonic makes your camera zoom out as if your character was much larger than it actually is.

159 Endless Mordrem Troll Tonic

This tonic makes your camera zoom out as if your character was much larger than it actually is.

160 Endless Potion of Ascalonian Mages

The potion prevents WvW siege engines interaction.

161 Endless Shadow Warrior Tonic

Exiting Reaper's Shroud strips all visual effects from your Shadow Warrior transformation.

162 Endless Shiny Chest Tonic

In the Mistlock Sanctuary, you can fall of the edge and hit the bottom of the map while under the effects of this transformation.

163 Endless Skyscale Youngling Tonic

The skyscale keeps turning its head to the left frenetically.

164 Endless Warclaw Kitten Tonic

The item sold by Parting Kindness does not have the additional cost of 3 Gold coin.

165 Energy Crystal

If you had this item in your inventory before the update, then it will remain Account Bound. As a work-around, acquire a second Energy Crystal and stack the two. The new crystal will unbind the old one.

166 Enforcer's Shotgun

The flavor text references a bayonet which the current Steam Rifle skin does not have. This is left over from when this weapon had the Adamant Guard Rifle skin.

167 Enhanced Miner's Hammer Mark G (Lionscout Tunnira)

Engineer Gilli, a heart vendor in Kessex Hills, also sells an Enhanced Miner's Hammer Mark G with the same flavor text. This item's name and flavor text are likely a bug, since neither one has anything to do with the area.

168 Enscribed Vollym Forget-Me-Not

The item name contains a misspelling of "inscribed".

169 Envy Attunement

Envy Attunement increases the Condition Damage.png Condition Damage attribute by a percentage rather than increasing outgoing condition damage. This results in the base damage of conditions being unaffected by the increase.

170 Ether Tower

Using Counter Magic does not remove the conditions inflicted by the Ether Towers found in Janthir Syntri.

171 Evon's Dreams of Economic Dominance

If you are crafting The Dreamer, but have not completed the entire quest chain and obtained the Mini Red Spark, Evon Gnashblade will not prompt the relevant dialogue for the legendary collection.

172 Exalted Assistance

Sometimes the Exalted Bastion summoned does not revive downed players.

173 Exit Back to Ashford

Likely a bugged object.

174 Expermentor's Collection Staff

The item's name contains a misspelling of "experimenter's".

175 Expertise in Advanced Short Bow Crafting

Misclassified as a Trophy.

176 Explore the Lost Epics of Deldrimor
  • Mosa the Majestic (Short Bow) is currently showing the Baverne the Hunter (Rifle) tale.
  • Mirren the Manipulator (Scepter), Wossaul the Giant (Shield) and Katarin the Bonecrusher (Hammer) close the moment they are opened, making them impossible to be read.
177 Explorer

Aurene's legendary weapons do not count for Legendary Collector achievement

178 Exquisite Ingredients Pouch

Currently using the Heirloom Seed Pouch icon.

179 Exterminator Torch (Peaceful Grawl)

The descriptions still refers to the item's old vendor, Etta.

180 Eye of the North

Any purchased services from Lady Camilla on accounts without Path of Fire will not work, as the service NPCs will disappear once you leave the map, wasting the currency. The Hatched Chili and Eternal Ice vendors are an exception.

181 Eyes for Ears

Using the special action on the device for "I'll never miss a song again" might not result in credit, which means that this particular location instance is bugged. The only way to complete the achievement is to find another instance of the location by volunteering, using the LFG, or checking at another time.

182 Faction Provisioner

Faction Provisioners in Janthir do not accept Titanplate Medium Shoulders to trade.

183 Faded Portrait

May be invisible, where only the name can be seen. If this is the case, make sure you have already collected the Toy Roller Beetle.

184 Fall Adventure Pouch

If you have a stack of any more than one, the name of the item will show as "Fall Adventure es".

185 Fantastic Flying Foxes

For any of the crate objectives, the crate to pick up may be invisible, but it will still be interactable.

For any of the shooter events, the shield may be invisible, but it will still be interactable.

186 Farmer's Rusty Axe

During the beta, a sylvari named Farmhand Abhean was in Field Medic Leius' place, but he was later replaced. The flavor text for Leius' karma items still reference Abhean.

187 Farmer's Rusty Dagger

During the beta, a sylvari named Farmhand Abhean was in Field Medic Leius' place, but he was later replaced. The flavor text for Leius' karma items still reference Abhean.

188 Fertilizer Pouch

The stats for this item are approximately 10 attribute points weaker than normal equipment for this combination of type, level and rarity.

189 Festival of the Four Winds Reward Track

The PvP Festival of the Four Winds Reward Track rewards the WvW token Memory of Battle.pngMemory of Battle instead of the PvP tokens Shard of Glory.pngShard of Glory. Furthermore, the 2nd reward isn't rewarding either 5 PvP or WvW tokens as all other reward tracks do.

190 Fetid Fog

Despite the effect description, the effect applies one stack of confusion and poison every second.

191 Fight life-stealing minions in Hellion Forest
192 Finding Sibaha

The event chain of Aaminah can stall after completing Event shield (tango icon).png Help the Kahloipoi guards rescue Aaminah (79). The quaggans and Aaminah will not return to Kahloipoi. Additionally, once returned, Aaminah will be unable to be interacted with.

193 Fire Aura

When struck by foes who are downed, the internal cool down does not apply.

194 Fire Elemental Powder
  • The elemental will disappear after 2 minutes.
  • The Ember can be summoned underwater. Although it does not seem to fight, it will damage foes.
195 Firebrand
  • After first unlocking Axe Proficiency and equipping the Firebrand trait line, even before unlocking the next minor trait Purity of Word, Virtue of Courage is replaced with Tome of Courage. When activated, the player receives the Tome and their weapon skills are replaced with the tome skills. However, while tome skills can be used and go on cooldown, they have no effects. The player is therefore effectively unable to fight until the tome is stowed.
  • When going into downstate, you lose all your dormant effects for your tomes, effectively resetting all the active effects when revived.
196 Fishing Power

Some effects that raise all stats such as Elemental Empowerment.png Elemental Empowerment and Seraph Morale 10.png Morale Boost apply to fishing power as well

197 Fishing Rod

If the skin changed while the fishing mastery skill is active, only the line and hook will be changed to the applied skin.

198 Flame and Frost: Retribution

In the initial release, the dungeon cannot be accessed for many players.

199 Flameseeker Verse
200 Flight Lessons: Air Combat

You may not get credit the first time you defeat the Mouth of Mordremoth

You may not get credit if you are mounted before the cutscene when you defeat the Mouth of Mordremoth

201 Flight Lessons: High Altitude

If you're in a party, only one player needs to reach the end of the jumping puzzle, the collection will progress for everyone in the party.

202 Flight Lessons: Riding the Ley Lines

If you're in a party, only one player needs to reach the end of the jumping puzzle, the collection will progress for everyone in the party.

203 Flight of the Eagle Spirit

Upon reaching the bridge, the Eagle Spirit disappears. As a result, no more circles will spawn, making the adventure impossible to finish. The bug seem to appear after the meta event progress to a certain point, try on a fresh map.

204 Flower Launcher

While the landing points are fixed, there is a still a little variance in where you can actually land. This is easily noticeable at the end of Rapids, where you can fall short of the Cage boss's mountain and plummet to your death.

205 Follow Me!

The effect is removed even if there are still copies following the player character.

206 Fractal Prodigy

Heals 25 health per second, 10 from Mist Attunement 1 and 15 from Mist Attunement 2. The tooltip is incorrect.

207 Fragment of Prismatic Plant

Credit may not be awarded correctly if when Mordremoth dies the character is not standing on one of the islands of the Dragon's Domain, such as gliding or flying.

208 Frodak's Steel Star

Salvages into orichalcum ore.

209 Frolic Fiber Extractor

The in game name is actually misspelled 'Extrator'

210 Frost Legion Infusion

If the infusion is used on a Charr or Asura character the infusion's eye effect may not correctly line up as it's placed too far back in the model's skull on most faces.

211 Frostbitten Orichalcum Harvesting Sickle

If this tool is used to harvest nodes with multiple harvests (ie. synthesizers), only the last harvest that depletes the node will provide a Snowflake.

212 Frostfang II: The Perfected Axe

When you talk to any master weaponsmith, they will instruct you to craft a Honed Axe Blade and Weighted Axe Haft instead, which is for Astralaria II: The Apparatus.

213 Fused Gauntlets

The gauntlets currently have graphical bugs with the dripping effect while in stealth, this however cannot be seen by hostile players in sPvP and WvW

214 Gain X Based on Y

The stats from Dragon's Revelry Starcake.pngDragon's Revelry Starcake do not get converted

215 Game updates/2024-07-16

Certain tower and keep walls and gates cannot be repaired.

216 Game updates/July 2024
217 Garden Plot Deed

Sometimes spawns with four Growing Crops when first unlocked. These will turn into Open Soil on the next reset.

218 Gate Controls

Occasionally loses its name, becoming "Unknown."

219 Gathering Flight Data

The effect can be activated with a griffon mount, despite this being a skyscale-specific achievement, with lore about skyscale research.

220 Gear (Qabb)

This item does not provide any stun.

221 Ghostly Grave Essence

If you open the final chest before the final cutscene, the achievement collection will not register the consumable and you will have to obtain another one.

222 Ghostly Persuasion

Item is missing its vendor value in-game and can't be sold.

223 Gilded Hollow

Sometimes the southernmost plant synthesizer will not spawn when an instance of this map is created.

224 Gingerbread-Man Ice Sculpture

The scarf of this decoration may only be visible from certain camera angles

225 Gingerbread-Man Ice Sculpture (Handiwork)

The scarf of this decoration may only be visible from certain camera angles.

226 Glyph of Industry
  • The effect is rarely not applied when beginning gathering.
  • Going into combat while channeling seems to negate this effect.
227 Goemm's Lab
  • If you have completed the Buried Archives jumping puzzle in the same server reset period, you will be unable to loot the chest at Goemm's Lab.
  • On occasion, attempting to return to the Stormy Station, the Golem Assistant will transport you to an unsafe location, causing you to fall immediately after you spawn and forcing you to restart the puzzle. To prevent this, take a step or two closer to the NPC before accepting the transportation offer.
  • A few players have reported that, after falling from certain spots, they are transported back to the inquest complex in the northeast corner of Metrica Province. This removes any existing attunement, so that you would have to restart the puzzle.
228 Goldenlight Hallow Lab Test Results

Recruit Wongoo in Straits of Devastation sells a version of this item despite having nothing to do with Seesa or the lab in which she works.

229 Gourmet Training

If you close the dialog after delivering Empowered Heat Stones to Luron the Baker, you may not be able to immediately deliver the Bloodstone Bricks. To fix this, remove any bloodstone bricks from your inventory, and then talk to Luron again. He should offer a reminder of what you need to do, after which you can then pick up your bricks from the bank again and return to hand them in.

230 Grand Chest (Buried Archives)

Opening status of the Grand Chest is shared with the reward chest of Goemm's Lab so you cannot open this chest if you have opened the other one the same day.

231 Greenlake Tower

Successfully completing the event to capture this tower will not count towards Daily Tower Capturer

232 Grenth's Domain (effect)

This portal does not cause any Corruption to accumulate, making it useless for acquiring Corrupted Ooze.

233 Greywind's Restlessness

Can sometimes be awarded without seeing Greywind by simply standing in the graveyard for a minute or two.

234 Grothmar Valley Reward Track

In the WvW Reward Track the item Siege Blueprint Case.pngSiege Blueprint Case replaced the 38th reward (Wood Shipment.pngWood Shipment).

235 Guardian Angel Pedestal Chair

The holographic extra life icon will not show on newly joining players who entered the map after the user mounts their chair.

236 Guide for the Lost (achievement)

Unlocking the Sunspear weapon won't count towards the collection sometimes if it is salvaged instead of added to the collection.

237 Guide to Slayer achievements

The Legendary Sand Giant that spawns during Event boss (tango icon).png [Group Event] Defeat the legendary giant before the sandstorm dissipates (80) in Dry Top is bugged, and sometimes won't count towards this achievement.

238 Guild Banquet

After placing a Guild Banquet, other spawns such as Guild Banners will not be able to be placed up to 5000 units away until the expiration of certain items spawned with the Guild Banquet.

239 Guild Heroes Banner

Sometimes the Guild Heroes Banner will not spawn where expected (or not even entirely within sight) upon consumption from the inventory.

240 Guild Vault
  • When trying to access a guild bank on a new account it will say (among other things) that two-factor authentication is required. Two-factor authentication is not required to access a guild bank.
  • Items will not stack inside the bank if dragged on top. To stack, one must remove the items, combine in inventory/bank, and then place inside.
241 Gwen's Grave

The dialogue for placing the Red Iris Flower or Anthology of Heroes does not appear if the player has Quartz Crystals in their inventory and has not already used a place of power to convert their daily Charged Quartz Crystal.

242 Hall of Chains

If the squad DPS is too high they might randomly receive massive damage as though a green was missed. It's unclear the exact reason, but it might be because there's a limit to how many green circles can be rendered at once.

243 Hall of Monuments (achievements)

Players may occasionally receive mail informing them that their Hall of Monuments achievements have been (usually erroneously) revoked. See Eye of the North (instance)#Reward revocation for details.

244 Handcrafted Chiminea Ward

This item should be level 68 (with level 74 stats) to match the other leveling weapons that require 30 Globs of Ectoplasm and use skins from the Flame weapons set.

245 Handcrafted Distemper

This item should be level 68 (with level 74 stats) to match the other leveling weapons that require 30 Globs of Ectoplasm and use skins from the Flame weapons set.

246 Handiworker

Some Handiworker recipes can be purchased even if you cannot access Handiworker.

247 Harbinger

Voracious Dive is missing from the underwater harbinger shroud skills and that slot is instead core necromancer's Gathering Plague skill.

248 Health Vessel

A Heart Vessel will sometimes appear for players who already have maxed out Heart Vessels. If they attempt to interact with the Vessel, it will simply disappear.

249 Hearth's Glow
  • This zone's labeled Memory's Hollow on the instance's map.
  • If the Homestead owner logs out in a Homestead and logs back in, party members might not be able to join until the homestead owner has left and returned to the homestead, creating a new instance.
  • If an Party gets merged through LFG with another, every Player in the Homestead besides the Host gets kicked out.
250 Help Braxa Scalehunter tend to the devourer nests

The Devourer Queens will often all be dead and cannot be revived. Players can still revive the queens using skills like Glyph of Renewal, Spirit of Nature, Signet of Mercy, Signet of Undeath, etc.

251 Help Drojkor, Spirit Squall, control jackals

Jackal pounce does not always trigger the mechanics on Tormented Protection and Exhausted. Changing maps may help.

252 Help Kevach maintain his lodge

Ocasionally, after completion of Event shield (tango icon).png Defend Kevach's lodge from attacking wurms (12), the keg minigame can stop functioning properly, with players being unable to catch the flying kegs.

253 Help Pact researchers with their experimental weapons

Killing Ice Elementals using the grenade kit sometimes doesn't register as heart progress. It is more reliable to kill other creatures nearby.

254 Help Paenula train troops
  • The Net Shot skill on the rifle given by Paenula contributes to whatever heart completion you are currently in range of, not just this one.
  • The Net Shot skill on the rifle given by Paenula contributes to the heart completion if you attack the same monster below 50% heart, regardless if you already shot it with the skill.

At times, the arena will cease to spawn new waves and there is no known way to start it again. It is possible that the arena was intended to be permanently inactive since the September 2014 patch, and is only active due to a bug that triggers its historical behavior.

As of the September 2014 Feature Patch, with the introduction of the New Player Experience, the arena matches are no longer a part of the heart and are no longer able to be started by the player. However, the heart description still mentions it as one of the options.

255 Help Shore up Hylek Defenses

There are several invisible Risen Grubs around Orrian Grub Holes that can be killed for heart progression.

256 Help maintain order in Moriarity's Hold

Not all pirates will get up.

257 Help the Lionguard keep drakes at bay

Using pheromones to hit the poachers does not advance the mission.

258 Help the Order of Shadows defend against the Forged

The Forged Cannon right below "The Ruination" tag on the map does not progress the renown heart.

259 Help the Seraph outrider camp

After talking to a Wounded Seraph, they will turn into a Seraph Guard and return to duty, but may keep their "wounded" dialogue options. These can be chosen over and over again and will award heart progress each time, making heart completion trivial.

260 Help the alliance of the Vigil and Priory
261 Help the citizens of Beetletun maintain their town

Chloe's puzzle frequently stops working soon after a server reset and is not available until the next reset.

262 Helpful Hero

If you complete the Catch Brand crystals event too quickly, the rift might send you to an instance opened from the previous event, making you miss the current cycle and its item.

263 Hero's Canton

NPCs from the helped race won't appear if you enter the instance with a non-charr character, even if they have completed the respective story.

264 Heroic Chest

Heroic Chests have sometimes been awarded to players who had their accounts banned and reinstated; this is caused by reapplying account features that are removed during bans. The reason for this may be due to players having an early version of the deluxe edition or collectors edition, but in no way guarantees that one will be received upon account reinstatement.

265 Hidden Chest (Thunderhead Peaks)

Occasionally, a chest will fail to be revealed when in range. To workaround this, find another instance.

266 Hidden Garden (landmark)

Any node in the garden disappears as soon as the player interacts with it, rather than after resources are gathered from it. When interacting while no harvesting sickle or logging axe is equipped, or if the gathering action is interrupted, the node will still disappear. The player will need to go through the character selection screen or to switch map to make it appear again.

267 Hidden Reliquary

The effects required to gain entrance will be lost when disconnecting or transferring to a different instance of the map. Leaving the map and re-entering may result in receiving them again, but Queen Doran the Cheerful will demand payment for both attempts at a chest instead of just for the second one.

268 Hidden Reliquary Chest
  • If you fall to your death inside the reliquary and are revived inside, you will no longer be able to open any chest. Leaving and returning alive fixes this.
  • Opening a chest shortly before daily reset may prevent the player from being allowed to open a second chest the following day.
269 Hidden Separatist Supply Cache

The in-game object is misspelled as "Hidden Separatist Supply Cach".

270 Hidden Trispear

The flavor text refers to Lightbringer Ives, a karma merchant far away in Cursed Shore.

271 Homestead
  • Completing the first mastery track of Homesteading will unlock the space behind the locked door on the bottom floor, but the Homesteading mastery unlock (map icon).png "Homesteading Mastery Unlock" icon will disappear from the door on the upper floor.
  • While visitors cannot instruct characters to "Follow", they can instruct characters to "Stay" while they are following.
  • "Autoloot: Quick Interact" does not pick up all resources when extra gathering strikes occur.[verification requested]
272 Homestead Recipe Book: Arches and Pillars

Item name is misspelled. "PiIllars" contains an extraneous "I" between "Pi" and "llars".

273 Homestead Recipe Book: Paintings and Shelves

This recipe book contains six recipes, but one is unlocked automatically, Kodan Painting.

274 Homestead Recipe Book: Rugs

Floral Canthan Rug, Kodan Swirl Rug, and Rug are already automatically unlocked.

275 Homestead Recipe Book: Tables

The book lists 4 of 9 recipes already known, since some are unlocked automatically. One of the already known recipes, Kodan Lantern, is listed twice.

276 Homestead Refinement—Farm
277 Homestead Refinement—Metal Forge

Iron ore to refined metal trade goes from 2:2 to 1:1 with the second Homestead Upgrade: Ore Trade Efficiency, which is the same ratio but a lower total quantity.

278 Horn of Maguuma

The Personal Story indicator may direct you to this portal even when it hasn't been unlocked

279 Hot Foot

The effect often applies burning even to characters moving at maximum speed out of combat.

280 Hunger Royale
  • Passive effects granted by profession mechanics were not turned off during the event, causing the Guardian's Virtue of Resolve to offset the Hunger effect. [3]
  • Some players entered the event as a Helper Golem. [4]
  • Using a Tonic and then deactivating it or dying would remove the Helper Golem form, allowing the player to continue playing as an Assassin but without the Hunger effect. [5][6]
281 Hunter's Intricate Cotton Insignia

The recipe for this insignia is erroneously sold as a "Recipe: Pillaging Intricate Cotton Insignia" by Master Craftsman.

282 Hunter's Journal: Entry 13

Sometimes the tiger will spawn at the end of the jumping puzzle but you cannot interact with it. If all players leave the event area for 10 minutes, it may spawn again properly.

283 Hunter's Journeymen Longbow

Item name is misspelled.

284 Hunting in the Grasslands

It's possible that for some players, defeating the wolf or the valravn may not result in achievement credit.

285 Hydra

Most unnamed Champion and Elite hydras change their name and rank mid-fight. Their skills and drops stay the same, however.

286 Hylek Flame Turret

The turret can target up to 360 degrees surrounding itself, but will be limited depending on its current facing. There is no discernable logic to this.

287 Hylek Poison Pot (Tlalli)

Does not give a Hylek Poison Pot as indicated by the description.

288 Icebrood Saga Reward Track

In the WvW Reward Track the item Siege Blueprint Case.pngSiege Blueprint Case replaced the 38th reward.

289 Icy Grave

Occasionally the effect might persist on a player character outside of the event area and after the Claw of Jormag has been defeated, continuously applying damage. It might take a couple minutes after the event is over for the effect to wear off in this case.

290 Illuminated Overcharged Quartz

The option to create Illuminated Overcharged Quartz may not appear if you have not created a Charged Quartz Crystal that day.

291 Illusory Rival

Fighting Orma in the Fireheart Rise during Win three rounds of Modus Sceleris's tournament will not to drop the item, but doing so in Defeat Orma of Modus Sceleris or the Lornar's Pass version of the tournament event will.

292 Immobile
  • It is possible to become immobilized in mid-air, during this time, the player might constantly glitch up and down. This will also make most skills that can be used while immobile, unusable. Skills without activation time can still be used.
  • While the Immobile is supposed to prevent turning, if immobilize dealt to an NPC or a player that was not moving, it will not prevent them from automatically turning to face the target when a skill is used. But when used on a moving player, skills will fail to activate without automatically facing the target.
293 In It Together

The Bones objective is sometimes non-interactable in an instance. If this happens you will need to redo the entire story step.

  • This bug might happen if Astral Ward Protector is triggered before Bones as Arina reacts to both, but paths over to stand by the protector when searching them. It is therefore recommended to interact with Bones before Astral Ward Protector. All other objectives can be done in any order, including after talking with Peitha.

The Bones, Astral Ward Protector, and Irja's remains will sometimes become irredeemable. If this happens you will need to redo the entire story step.

  • This bug might happen if Ramses is spoken to, followed by Peitha's interaction. This will complete the story chapter and make the three remaining objectives interactable, but will not contribute to the achievement. The Achievement will remain active, despite being unable to complete.
294 Infused Jalis's Signet Ring

Salvages into orichalcum ore.

295 Inner Nayos: Citadel of Zakiros (achievements)

Credit is not always correctly rewarded for this achievement.

296 Inquest Chest (Sandswept Isles)

This Inquest Chest doesn't reward any items upon being opened.

297 Inquest Keypad

Using a keypad on a terminal right as it becomes active will consume the keypad, deactivating the turrets in the area. However, the red spotlights will remain active. Players walking in these areas still have the reticle above them, but won't be shot at. Progress towards White Hat achievement is still gained in this scenario.

298 Invisibility Fading

Letting it expire, one can continue to wander away invisible without losing invisibility.

299 Iron Band

This heart vendor item has no flavor text.

300 Iron Legion War Banner

This bundle automatically drops and destroys itself immediately on pickup.

301 Iron Sword

The item that would (logically) be named Giver's Steel Sword is instead named Giver's Iron Sword. See the Steel Sword page for details on that item.

302 Jackal Treat

Despite the description showing Skimmer Search, the required collection is Jackal Reconnaissance.

303 Jackalope Tonic

Speaking with NPCs that give players bundles while transformed will result with the transformed player receiving that bundle. This doesn't work with bundles found on the ground.

304 Jade Bot Junk Recyclers/research

Junk received from containers are not recycled.

305 Jade Bot Workbench (Handiwork)
  • If the character was in your homestead when you logged in, you may need to exit and re-enter for the decoration to work correctly.
306 Jade Tech Waypoint

The jade waypoint has a low-to-the-ground hitbox that can absorb allied projectiles.

307 Jahai Bluffs Reward Track

In the WvW Reward Track the item Siege Blueprint Case.pngSiege Blueprint Case replaced the 38th reward (Wood Shipment.pngWood Shipment) instead of correctly replacing the 39th reward (Tome of Knowledge.pngTome of Knowledge).

308 Jahr Duskrend's gear

Miniatures trigger the mines.

309 Jalis's Signet Ring

Salvages into orichalcum ore.

310 Jalis's Signet Ring (Attuned)

Salvages into orichalcum ore.

311 Janthir

While in Mistlock Sanctuary, a map title of Thunderhead Peaks can be seen in the waters west of Mount Balrior.

312 Jeweled Broach

The recipe for unlocking the ability to craft the Jeweled Broach can also be bought from Irvine for 2 Silver coin 64 Copper coin. However, currently in the merchant window the recipe is labelled: Recipe: Owl Amulet. Once bought and consumed the recipe will grant the ability to craft the Jeweled Broach.

313 Jungle Deer Finisher Box

Has option to preview but does not actually preview anything.

314 Jungle Rabbit Finisher Box

Has option to preview but does not actually preview anything.

315 Kahdash's Riding Bow

Salvaging or using the item in the Mystic Forge without first equipping or adding the skin to the wardrobe does not unlock the skin for the collection Guerrilla Arc.

316 Kamohoali'i Kotaki
  • Currently, Kamohoali'i Kotaki does not use the stow animation.
  • When equipping Kamohoali'i Kotaki with your weapon unsheathed outside of water, you will show part of the blue water-like aura; this won't fade away until you mount or change areas.
317 Keep the Inquest from endangering Mrot Boru

Since the area of this renown heart does not actually extend to Mrot Boru, activities in the actual Mrot Boru area south of the heart such as events and as interacting with Shady Assistants do not progress the heart

318 Keg Brawl
  • Handing the keg to the enemy brewer will grant you positive score, although the match point is given to the enemy team correctly.
  • The training field is still using old versions of skills Lob and Throw as they were before Game updates/2012-10-01.
  • The Dive Roll from the empty-handed skill bar does not give the player the evade effect stated in the tooltip.
  • Guardians still benefit from the passive effect of Virtue of Courage during this activity, allowing them to periodically block an incoming attack.
319 Klobjarne Geirr

When equipped as an underwater weapon or when Klobjarne Geirr is the inactive weapon, the killing blow animation can still trigger.

320 Koda Be Praised

The ice shards' hitbox seems to be bugged. Kodan ice shards only take damage from certain angles e.g. from above.

321 Krait Obelisk Shard (hero challenge)
  • The map icon will sometimes appear uncompleted for characters that have completed it.
  • Some characters cannot complete this challenge.
322 Kudzu

There is a bug where Kudzu's projectiles will become other Kudzus, making it appear as though you are firing copies of the longbow instead of the normal projectiles.

323 Lashoosh Friendship Bracelet

The urchin event can become bugged and not reset. It is recommended to pursue this item when the zone is full or immediately after a patch.

324 Lasting Bonds: Where We Come From

Efi may not see the bandolier in your inventory, blocking progress on this achievement. Try making sure you have the Bandolier in the inventory of the character that went through the story and/or received it initially. It seems to also work with a crafted Bandolier IF it's the character that have initially received the first one.

325 Leaf Glider

This glider can still be locked in selection even after purchasing it

326 Legendary Relic
327 Level-80 Boost
  • Any level-up reward not claimed will be lost once end of tutorial has been selected, be careful to claim all rewards before validation.
328 Ley-Line Magic
  • Revenant utility skills are not available in this form as it removes profession mechanics.
  • While this effect does not prevent using utility skills, gaining it will kill all minions and put minion skills on recharge for 15 seconds.
329 Light Speed

Occasionally, the cannon doesn't fire when it is supposed to or the player may see the exit appear at the new location, but still end up at the old position.

Occasionally If Door Control does not show up after last portal, run back to first platform and portal again.

330 Light source

The light source from a torch will sometimes not activate, even when torch skills are used. Being knocked down or taking falling damage will occasionally fix this.

331 Little Lucky Envelope

Envelopes may not open when inside the fractals of the mists.

332 Living World Season 3 Complete Pack

If any episode has been unlocked as a part of the Living World Return event, the bundle might show it as still being locked. The bundle's price will also not be adjusted.

333 Living World Season 4 Complete Pack

If any episode has been unlocked as a part of the Living World Return event, the bundle might show it as still being locked. The bundle's price will also not be adjusted.

334 Logging Collection Box

Counts as a harvesting sickle when collecting resources from box

335 Looking For Group

Some LFG categories incorrectly state that to play Living World Season (3-5) maps, you can group with someone who already owns them without you actually owning them. However, this is incorrect, as you cannot enter a map without owning its episode, and other means to enter the map, such as using Teleport to Friend, give an error in these cases.

336 Lost Coin

Coins may occasionally reappear for accounts that already collected them. However, this does not affect achievement progress.

337 Lost Lore

If you completed the trial but cannot retrieve the collection item from the Suspicious Mound, you may either need to drop the torch or reload the map after opening the chest.

338 Love among the Weeds

This step cannot be done while Point of No Return is active.

339 Lunatic Inquisition
  • Elementalists still benefit from the Zephyr's Speed and One with Air traits during this activity, allowing them to run noticeably faster than other players.
  • Guardians still benefit from the passive effect of Virtue of Courage during this activity, allowing them to periodically block an incoming attack.
  • Sometimes, characters will not be fully transformed, keeping their appearance or not getting a ghostly visual effect.
  • Toys can be used during this activity. As a result, it is possible to use Summon Cauldron. However, players transformed by using a summoned cauldron will be instantly defeated shortly after being transformed.
  • Players joining an in-progress game as a Courtier have a chance to spawn stuck inside the ceiling of the central tower.
  • Courtiers who die due to fall damage towards the final moments of the game may return as a villager and be treated as such when villagers win, thus receiving the villagers' rewards.
340 Mad Armory: Last Rites

If you open the final dungeon chest before the final cutscene, the achievement collection will not register the consumable and you will have to obtain another one.

341 Mad King's Clock Tower
  • On some occasions, the player is teleported back to the start right when they reach Mad King's Tower Belfry, due to the rotating clock tower not synchronizing the opening to game clients.
  • On some occasions, the player may fall through the green vortex without being sent back to the docks immediately.
  • On some occasions, the player may be teleported to the sea and will be forced to leave the map in order to return to the docks.
  • The system does not inform the player that no one can hear you when speaking in team chat. Local and map chat still works.
342 Magical Orrian Lure

The flavor text for the fine variant of this item is missing Supply Sergeant Mattimer's name.

343 Magnificent Chest (Of Mists and Monsters)

The chest may spawn at the other boss[verification requested] if you participated on both. Relogging will allow you to loot it.

344 Maguuma Guardian (active effect)

Sometimes gives 1000 power, but often gives neither power nor toughness.

345 Mail

There are two other reasons why you should keep your inbox as empty as possible:

  • Certain event-related mail will count against the inbox limit.
  • Even if your inbox is full, you can continue to receive this same type of event-related mail. The game will display this as Inbox 11/10" and the most recent such mail will be automatically deleted the next time you logon, even if you did not read it.
346 Major Sigil of Strength

Stacks with other tiers of the same sigil

347 Malomedies's Observational Tips

Appears as Melomedies's Observational Tips when seen on the ground.

348 Mantra of Concentration Ready

Occasionally, linking the effect straight from the Effects Monitor or by using the chat code to another player who doesn't have the effect themselves results in an empty bracket code for the receiving player.

349 Mantra of Distraction Ready

Occasionally, linking the effect straight from the Effects Monitor or by using the chat code to another player who doesn't have the effect themselves results in an empty bracket code for the receiving player.

350 Mantra of Pain Ready

Occasionally, linking the effect straight from the Effects Monitor or by using the chat code to another player who doesn't have the effect themselves results in an empty bracket code for the receiving player.

351 Mantra of Resolve Ready

Occasionally, linking the effect straight from the Effects Monitor or by using the chat code to another player who doesn't have the effect themselves results in an empty bracket code for the receiving player.

352 Map completion

Usually, the icon of 100% completion Map Explored 100%.png for any completed map is shown on the loading screen near the map name. However, on the first loading screen, when the selected character enters the game world, this icon is missed.

  • Some players reported that they did not receive the reward when they obtained the world completion achievement. For some, revisiting the Chantry of Secrets resolved the issue. A few were able to work around the issue by revisiting every map on the required list. Another fix is to go through the Asura gate in Lion's Arch to Black Citadel. If you encounter this issue and are not able to fix it on your own, you will have to contact ArenaNet support.
  • If a character has attained map completion for a zone, and that zone, at a later date, has new items added, those new items need to be discovered in order to unlock the achievement, but not in order to get the world completion reward chest.
353 Marshal's Stellar Orrery

This weapon's recipe is categorized as a component instead of a hammer.

354 Master of the Ancestral Forge

The text for the tiers is incorrect. Tier 1 is attained by collecting Urgent Vigil Letter, tier 2 is attained by collecting 2 Restored Boreal Weapons, tier 3 is attained by collecting (a total of) 4 Restored Boreal Weapons, and so forth. There are only sixteen weapons, so the final tier is to collect 16 Restored Boreal Weapons.

355 Material Storage
356 Mechanist
  • Hovering over traits in the UI shows Mech abilities scaling with player's stats, but they scale with the Mech's stats.
  • Toolbelt skills might still activate when using Mech Command skills
  • The Tools Trait Mechanized Deployment does not reduce the cooldowns of the mech in PvP and WvW.
357 Mechanist's Cache

May award weapons that cannot be equipped by engineers, like greatswords.

358 Medical Aid Recording

Players are reporting that they cannot acquire this item, despite having the Recording Device and reviving many allies. If you are encountering problems, try the following:

  • Purchase an additional, new Recording Device.
  • Have the character who bought the Recording Device(s) perform the revives.
  • Try reviving allies and NPCs that are in a defeated state, rather than downed

This recording can be acquired unintentionally because it is not restricted to a single event or map location. It may be obtained multiple times, and before the gated stage where it can be uploaded to IG-6417. To work around this try the following:

  • Only carry Recording Device(s) when actively unlocking this collection
  • Reduce the number of revivals of players and NPCs while carrying this device.
359 Merchant (Lava Lounge)/Crucible of Eternity
360 Merchant (Mistlock Sanctuary)/Crucible of Eternity
361 Minor Sigil of Mischief

This sigil launches two snowballs instead of one when activated.

362 Minor Sigil of Strength

Stacks with other tiers of the same sigil

363 Mist Shard Coat Box

The contained recipe book shares a name with this item instead of being properly named Mist Shard Coat Recipe Book.

364 Mist Shard Coat Box (recipe)

The item shares a name with Mist Shard Coat Box.pngMist Shard Coat Box instead of being properly named Mist Shard Coat Recipe Book.

365 Mistlock Instability: No Pain, No Gain

Stripping boons with Phantasmal Disenchanter doesn't grant boons to allies.

366 Mistlock Instability: Toxic Trail

Exposed is not applied to the enemy that was the source of a blocked trail.

367 Mistlock Sanctuary
368 Mistwalker Infusion

This infusion causes certain textures to not display, or to display incorrectly. Effects or textures such as Photon Forge and Stealth do not display. Armor skins such as Battlelord's Hood Helm incorrectly display pieces of the character's face.

369 Moa Farm Gate
  • The closing line on all three gates surrounding the ranch have the Talk more option tango.png icon, rather than the Talk end option tango.png icon.
  • The southern gate is incorrectly named Gate.
370 Morale Boost

Despite saying "all stats and magic find", the buff appears to only affect Power, Ferocity, Critical Damage, Fishing Power, and Magic Find.

371 Mount Balrior

The indicator for Steam Prison on players scales with their model size, making it appear larger/smaller than the ring will actually be depending on their race.

372 Mounts Disabled

Sometimes leaving an area with this effect, including traveling to a waypoint in current map, does not reset it; the mounts continue to be disabled until changing the zone or relog.

373 Multicolored Ooze Tonic

Using this tonic when underwater will consume it with no effect.

374 Mysterious Journal (Incomplete)

Mysterious Journal (Incomplete) will stay in the inventory after Completed Journal was received. Both can safely be destroyed after receiving the Completed Journal.

375 Mysterious Stone

Sometimes your progress is restarted regardless of your quickness.

376 Mystery Tonic (furniture)

If you have transformed when swimming, using the map travel within current zone (for example, in Lion's Arch) does not enable Return skill: it becomes visible on the skill bar, but has no effect. You will stay transformed at the waypoint.

377 Mystery of the Labyrinth (puzzle)

The final chest needed to complete the achievement may occasionally become bugged and unopenable. [verification requested]

378 Mystery of the Raven Gate Ruins (puzzle)

Occasionally a mirror may not reflect the Raven Spirit even though it is placed in the correct position. Waiting for the puzzle to fully reset generally fixes this. Cause unknown.

379 Mystic Forge
  • Sometimes a recipe is not recognized by the Mystic Forge UI, even though the ingredients are correct. To get around this issue you can try:
    • Putting the ingredients in different orders.
    • Closing and reopen the mystic forge.
    • Reloading the map
    • Loading a different character
    • Using a different mystic forge source/station.
  • The Mystic Forge accepts the following recipes, but nothing is produced and no materials are consumed upon pressing Forge:
380 Mythical Kodan Cache

Opening the chest in the Hearth's Glow Homestead does not provide additional rewards despite being located in Janthir.

381 Mythwright Gambit

In rare cases, the tank may get the Tidal Pool mechanic when fighting Nikare at the third or final platforms.

Kenut may occasionally spawn double the amount of waterspouts after teleporting to her third or final platform.

Either one of the twins may occasionally bug out at 25%, being invunerable and not moving to the next platform. This bug occurs when it coincides with a CC bar. The platform they are on continues to sink during this time, so it becomes near impossible to kill them before the platform sinks entirely under the water.

There is currently a bug (or obscure mechanic) that occurs during the kiting phase when Qadim is at 33% health. While Qadim is switching platforms to the third kiting platform (the one connected with blue orbs to the second platform) the kiter has to move to the opposite side or else, even if Djinn's Gaze fixation appears to be applied to him, Qadim will act as though there was noone on the platform, gaining stacks and rapidly changing platforms, which can quickly snowball into a wipe. This often happens when the kiter is a Deadeye, as they tend to kneel on the closest corner. To circumvent this issue, the kiter should go to the furthest corner on this third platform (it will be the corner closest to the wyverns).

Other (N-Z)[edit]

# Page Bug description
1 Noblesse Oblige

The level of the character performing the revive does not affect the revive speed, despite the mastery's description.

2 Note from Forgal

Interacting with this object does nothing.

3 Nourishment

Some items display the wrong icon, for example, Slice of Watermelon is a food, but it generates a utility icon.

4 Noxious Pod

Noxious Pods that appear in camps after events will only give Pile of Auric Dust instead of either Bottle of Airship Oil or Ley Line Spark, regardless of lane. Same is true for Potion of Auric Attunement, Potion of Verdant Attunement and Potion of Tangled Attunement, where only the first one can be acquired from aforementioned pods.

5 Obsidian Scepter

It currently has the same appearance as the Slumbering Obsidian Scepter when used: the neutral visual appearance of this weapon lacks the usual faint rose-colored sheen on the obsidian part.

6 Ode to Mai Trin

The Unbreakable Choir Bell cannot be activated directly within any fractal or the Mistlock Observatory. You will have to load the bell as your "Musical Instrument" novelty and use the novelty button or hotkey.

7 Ogre Breaker

Combining a Darksteel Hammer Head, Large Hard Haft, and Giver's Darksteel Imbued Inscription produces a Bringer's Darksteel Hammer which uses the ordinary Darksteel Hammer skin.

8 Ogre Longsword

Combining a Darksteel Greatsword Blade, Darksteel Greatsword Hilt, and Giver's Darksteel Imbued Inscription produces a Bringer's Darksteel Greatsword which uses the ordinary Darksteel Greatsword skin.

9 Options

As of early June 2023, enabling "Hide Ally Visual Effects" may also hide certain important ally skills like Portal Entre as well as some gameplay mechanics not related to character skills, e.g. Inevitable Betrayal, the "green AoE" mechanic in the Samarog encounter, Focused Destruction, the "green AoE" in Aetherblade Hideout strike, or Toxic Sickness instability in Fractals of the Mists.

Show All Squad Names will apply to a 10 person raid squad, but the setting is not respected inside instances

The Environment Zone Intensity slider is sometimes inverted in areas with global particle effects (snow, pollen, ashes, etc.) that already feature variable intensity. For instance, placing the slider all the way to the left in Bjora Marches when a light snowfall is occurring will intensify it. It will also start snowing inside buildings.

At the moment, enabling Camera Teleportation doesn't trigger instant movement to the player's new location upon the usage of short-ranged shadow steps.

10 Order Risen Disguise
  • This transformation is missing most new animations such as gliding or staff melee attacks.
  • Some clone skills such as  Mirror Images.png Mirror Images and  Ether Clone.png Ether Clone will not produce clones under this effect.
11 Order of Whispers Mission Dispatches

The audio does not play for pages 3, 4, 8, 9, and 10 when selected individually; when played altogether from the beginning, the audio for these pages can be heard.

12 Orrian Celestial Codex

Opening status of the Burried Archives Grand Chest is shared with the reward chest of Goemm's Lab so you cannot open the chest to get the item if you have opened the other one the same day.

13 Orrian Coffer

Occasionally, the purchase limit may not increase after completion of an event.

14 Orrian Relic

The item's description refers to Scholar Riagan as "Arcanist".

15 Package of Old Equipment

The Compact button behaves strangely while Package of Old Equipment is in the inventory.

16 Pact Scepter (skin)

The skin is currently bugged and showing as pale white instead of the darker color seen on the rest of the weapon set.

17 Parables of the Gods (incomplete)

A Parable of Grenth may sometimes not show any collected pages.

18 Partake in the moot

Unable to rouse passed out partiers by throwing a bucket of water on them.

19 Particle Collector

Yasna gives the player another collector as they hand in a filled one. This one can be safely discarded.

20 Particle Collector (Filled)

Yasna gives the player another Particle Collector as they trade it for Miasma Research, so they may end up with another copy of Particle Collector (Filled) when interacting with Brandstones.The copy can be safely discarded after obtaining Miasma Research.

21 Party

If you are not close to the location of another character, already in a party, when selected, "Invite to party" may be shown instead of "Join Party". Workarounds include getting closer, the party inviting you and using another method listed above.

22 Path of Fire: Act 3

There is a known issue with The Whole Story causing the achievement to fail to trigger. To successfully trigger it, do not go past the last stairs and simply stop by the brazier, where "Your Purpose" lands.[7]

23 Pet
  • Sometimes a ranger's pet will load on the map before the owner; this causes the charm skill, F to trigger for other rangers (as though they were a pet without owner). Pressing the key has no effect.
  • Sometimes when teleporting from an underwater area to one on dry land, an aquatic pet will load before swapping to the terrestrial pet. For example, the player can briefly see a flying jellyfish.
24 Phantasmagoria

Increases outgoing strike damage and condition damage by 50% instead of reducing it.

25 Pharus

Pharus doesn't have a shooting sound effect for Hunter's Shot, making the skill completely silent except for the impact of the arrow.

26 Photon Forge

Becoming downed will set heat to 0, even if you have recently overheated.

27 Pile of Phantasmal Residue

When interacting with the Ascalonian Aqueduct hero challenge, if the player also has Quartz Crystals in inventory and has not already converted their daily Charged Quartz Crystal, the place of power dialogue will show instead of the required dialogue.

28 Plank (Farrin Quickpaw)

When you use this item, it simply disappears from the inventory with no discernible effect occurring.

29 Platinum Cow Hoof

This item is not currently obtainable from Zena Coinmaker as any interaction with her is disabled.

30 Please Follow Me to the Exit

It is possible for an objective to count to one achievement without contributing towards the second achievement.

31 Plush Moto Backpack Cover

Currently the icon for it does not appear in the Wardrobe if not already unlocked.

32 Polished Karka Carapace

occasionally the shell may not play a sound or show a color on the first round. It will correct itself on the following play through or on the next step.

33 Portal to Tyria (Thousand Seas Pavilion)

Selecting "Travel to a noxious freshwater pool in Fields of Ruin." will send you to an island surrounded by Lake Fish holes and not Noxious Water Fish ones.

34 Portrait of Caudecus (Handiwork)

This decoration does not appear in any category in the API, and after crafting, it does not show up in the decoration palette.

35 Potion of Ascalonian Mages

The potion prevents WvW siege engines interaction.

36 Potion of Hylek Transformation

When switching to underwater skills, the player returns to their normal model, and upon leaving the water and deactivating underwater skills, the transformation is canceled entirely, regardless of the time remaining.

37 Potted Shrub

Uses the same model as the Basic Shrub decoration.

38 Potted Shrub (Handiwork)

Uses the same model as the Basic Shrub decoration.

39 Potted Tree

Uses the same model as the Basic Tree decoration.

40 Primitive armor

The inventory icons for this armor set still reflect the appearance of how the armor originally appeared, prior to being changed.

41 Pristine Ancient Krytan Dabloon

The item name contains a misspelling of "doubloon".

42 Productive Downtime

Actually provides a base bonus of +15% crafting experience, not 10%.

43 Professor Portmatt's Lab

Sometimes the console may be unavailable even though all three probes are destroyed. A fix involves waiting for all probes to be fully repaired by the repair golems before destroying one.

44 Protect Redreave Mill from Separatists
  • There appears to be no lazy workers for this task.
  • Separatist Saboteurs do not deploy any Unexploded Bombs.
45 Protective Bond

When a player receives this effect, so does their miniature.

46 Protector of the Swamplands

Item is missing its vendor value ingame and can't be sold.

47 Prototype Position Rewinder

Changing any of a character's Major Traits will trigger the Rewind skill's effect. This will not trigger the cooldown of the skill and works even if it is on cooldown.

48 Proximity Test: Fungus Among Us Adventure

Credit for this item is not rewarded consistently; it is currently unknown how to avoid this issue.

49 Pull

Pulls don't show up in the combat log.

50 Purifier (achievement)
51 Quip III: Chaos Gun

If you have Quartz Crystals in your inventory, interacting with the various Hero challenge locations for Lyssa will not show the dialog option for imbuing a Superior Sigil of Mischief.

52 Racing Checkpoint Projector

Checkpoints placed in the air or underwater may disappear after leaving the instance. Placing an other decoration in the area around the orbs can prevent them from disappearing

53 Racing Power-Up Projector

Power-ups placed in the air or underwater may disappear after leaving the instance. Placing an other decoration in the area around the orbs can prevent them from disappearing

54 Radiating Brandstone

Sometimes the model of Radiating Brandstones will remain even after destruction, blocking visuals in the area.

55 Raidmarshal Bayonet

Salvaging or using the item in the Mystic Forge without first equipping or adding the skin to the wardrobe does not unlock the skin for the collection Cursed Flintlock.

56 Raw Candy Corn

Since the end of Halloween 2014, Raw Candy Corn nodes may flash in-game and on the map for only a second at unknown times. These are not actual nodes and cannot be harvested.

57 Ready Ore Not

Ore Node 10 will not be accessible if the instance was opened from a later step.

58 Reality Rift
  • Sometimes players will not get Rift Resonance when the rift gets activated. To remedy this, step away from the rift and wait until all of the Volatile Magic has spawned before approaching it again.
  • Sometimes players will not receive a Mistborn Mote for completing a rift, due to the second last (yellow) mote spawning behind the final (black) mote, notably with: the rift under the broken bridge east of Temple of Kormir Waypoint, and near Irwin Isle Waypoint.
  • Ends of these Reality Rifs can be seen on the minimap while having Treasure Hunter Service Chip equiped in your Jade Bot.
59 Reaper's Rumble
  • Attacking a mausoleum doesn't put players into combat.
  • The final mausoleum destroyed does not count to the player's personal score.
  • Using any skill even without a target while hiding in the corn fields will reveal you.
60 Recipe

Due to the sheer number of patterns the Mystic Forge's server must check, eligible combinations will occasionally "bug out" and appear to be ineligible or disabled; this can usually be remedied by waiting for a minute or submitting the ingredients in a different order.

61 Recipe: Cactus Soup

Learning this recipe through the item will make it impossible for other characters to learn it through discovery.

62 Recipe: Charged Ambrite Orichalcum Earring (Vigilant)

This recipe has the wrong name and description.

63 Recipe: Match Grade Standard Rifle

The flavor text from the recipe sheet is not present on the finished weapon.

64 Recipe: Minor Sigil of Bursting (rare)

Item is misnamed. It teaches the recipe for a Major Sigil of Bursting.

65 Recipe: Moogooloo Harpoon

The flavor text from the recipe sheet is not present on the finished product.

66 Recipe: Pot of Fancy Bean Chilli

Chili is misspelled within the title of this recipe sheet (two L) versus the title of the recipe (one L).

67 Recipe: Pot of Meat and Bean Chilli

Chili is misspelled.

68 Recipe: Superior Sigil of Incapacitation

Linking this item in chat will produce the error message "Cannot link from this location.".

69 Recipe: Watchwork Mechanism

This recipe unlock is not account bound. Tool-tip: You already know this recipe! is visible only for characters which consumed the recipe on their own.

70 Recovered SCAR Chest

Unlike other bags, opening this bag on character with level lower than 80 gives less rewards (occasionally none).

71 Relic of Cerus

The attack is affected by Quickness.png Quickness and ends up hitting 7 times instead of the intended 10 hits.

72 Relic of Fireworks
73 Relic of Nourys

Skills that spawn Clones, or Phantasms that would spawn clones when they finish their attack, do not spawn clones while Nourys's Hunger is active. Phantasms that are spawned while Nourys's Hunger is active, but which finish their attack after Nourys's Hunger ends, will spawn clones as normal.

74 Relic of Vass

Skills that bounce back to allies, such as  Glob Shot.png Glob Shot also inflict Poisoned.png Poisoned to allies.

75 Relic of the Flock

Tooltip in the Legendary Relic selection uses the old version of this relic, but the functionality is unchanged.

76 Relic of the Ice

Range is only 360 unlike the 900 listed on the tooltip.

77 Relic of the Stormsinger
78 Relic of the Twin Generals

In PvE the relic tooltip displays damage for a 1.0 coefficient despite the actual skill having a coefficient of 0.88

79 Relic of the Zephyrite
  • Applies the minimum duration of 4 seconds upon using engineer's Supply Crate skill. (Speculation: it's possible the relic uses the cooldown of the second cast of Supply Crate, Detonate Supply Crate Turrets, for calculating the duration of the crystal).
  • Tips states 7 maximum applications, but since patch 2023-11-28 all ranges were rised by 1 second up to a maximum of 8.
80 Renown Hearts (achievements)

Some achievements show the wrong collection item:

  • Journeykin Outpost Renown Mastery incorrectly shows Tier 3 instead of Tier 4 and Tier 5,
  • Stricken Plains Renown Mastery incorrectly shows Tier Progress instead of Tier 5
81 Rental Fishing Equipment Timer

Dropping the fishing rod bundle granted by interacting with the object does not remove the effect. Despite this effect's description stating it lists the remaining time for rented fishing equipment, this effect does not have a timer and does not appear to expire.

82 Resting

Time spent resting while already rested does not get returned. Since resting was made mapwide, characters can no longer leave the area of effect (formerly limited to the inn) without leaving the map, which causes the timer to be lost.

83 Restless Deeps

Occasionally, the Krait can get stuck in the ground and will not be able to be attacked.

84 Retrospective Runaround

When opening the Magnificent chest after defeating the Skritt Burglar, the game might display a red error message saying "You're missing at least one milestone." even if you didn't, but the chest still opens and you get the rewards.

85 Revival

Downed players affected by lag or network latency are often dislocated from other players' game client and cannot be revived, except by certain NPCs.

Sometimes a character's location may become desynced with its visual representation. When this happens, it may not be possible to revive that character, as using their body will attempt to start a context-sensitive Revive which will fail since the target is actually too far to start. Players can only try to move around the character continuously attempting to revive in hopes they'll start the skill close enough to the actual location of the body. Your character will face towards the 'true' location of the downed person when you try and revive them. Certain skills can also resync the player, such as Transfusion or Search and Rescue

86 Rich Candy Corn Vein

Since the end of Halloween 2014, Rich Candy Corn Vein nodes may flash in-game and on the map for only a second at unknown times. These are not actual nodes and cannot be harvested.

87 Rid the training area of pests

For unknown reasons, players standing near the entrance to the Ascalonian Catacombs, or near Lake Adorea, or Lake Feritas, can get this heart instantly completed at random.

88 Rift Hunting
  • Map instance shards that were active before weekly reset may not properly allow for rift hunting, necessitating a forced opening of a new shard, a server update, or a closure of the map instance shard.
  • Using the Scan for Rift skill outside of weekly zones and selecting Mount Maelstrom directs to Seitung Province instead, and vice versa.
  • The direction animation doesn't work properly in the Mistlock Sanctuary for most zones.
89 Rift Repair

The Rift Resonance effect is not always applied when activating a rift. The nodes still spawn, but the completion item is not rewarded and related achievements are not completed.

Collecting a few of the initial nodes, returning to the starting point and waiting for the rift to reopen may fix this issue.

90 Rift Resonance

The effect does not always appear when activating a rift.

91 Rise and Shrine
  • Objectives 4 and 16 have their clues switched. 4 is on the waterfall and 16 has the view of a broken bridge.
  • For objective 11, it says the Northeast Island, but it's actually on the Eastern Ridge.
  • Objective 16 might fail to give credit for completion.
  • For objective 21, the crate to pick up may be invisible, but it'll still be interactable.
  • For objective 30, the crate to pick up may be invisible, but it'll still be interactable.
  • For objective 32, the cart markers may be invisible.
  • For Objective 34, the starting point is missing, and the checkpoints will not show up.
92 Risen Krait Talisman

Even though it says Veteran or Champion, it can also drop from regular Risen Krait Hypnoss that spawn during events.

93 Rock Collector

The hint for #34 is incorrect, as it is not near any mastery insight.

94 Rot Wallow Venom

If applied by more than one specter, then this effect loses its internal cooldown.

95 Rune of Lyssa
  • The 6th bonus is not triggered by the activation of transformation elites, although if these transformations are ended prematurely, the effect will take place.
  • Condition duration from the runes isn't reflected in skill tooltips, but it does correctly increase duration.
96 Rusty Ancient Krytan Dabloon

The item name contains a misspelling of "doubloon".

97 Salma District
  • Josir is glitched so that there's two of him in as if stacking.
  • Ftokchak is referred to as skritt forager.
98 Salt-Forged Mist Diamond

The in-game description text (as shown here) incorrectly states that the Salt-Forged Mist Diamond is combined in the Mystic Forge with 100 Icy Runestones. The correct item, a Tome of the Mists, is displayed in the recipe. Icy Runestones are not a possible combination with this item, so you can't mistakenly use the wrong recipe.

99 Salvage Pile

If your character should focus on an NPC or another object while gathering from the Salvage Pile, every subsequent swing of the pick will fail to connect.

100 Salvaged Compass

The Salvaged Compass may not drop the first time you open the Magnificent Chest. The chest will remain interactable until the item has dropped, so keep trying until you get it. The Legendary Skritt Burglar will spawn each time. Once you have successfully retrieved the item, the chest will no longer be interactable.

101 Sample of Hylek Poison

Despite the description, Blopp will not accept these items at any time.

102 Sanctum Sprint
  • The fireworks launchers around the finish and the reward chest are all unlabeled and named "Unknown".
  • The game is supposed to end when everyone has crossed the finish line, but this doesn't work properly if somebody quits the game.
103 Sandswept Isles Griffon Expert

Successful completion sometimes awards relevant achievement(s) for the Jahai Bluffs Griffon Expert course as well.

104 Saving Skyscales

Some players might receive a duplicate of the first collection mail instead of this collection's mail.

105 Scarecrow Build Site

There are several Scarecrow Build Sites, but only one of them properly resets after it's been used once so that it can be interacted with again. This state seems to be shared with all players in the map instance.

106 Scarlet's Secret Lair

Since the "Living World Season 1 - Scarlet's War" episodes are no longer available, the chests cannot be opened since the needed ciphers cannot be acquired. This site is needed for additional content (creating legendary weapons). As such, it is still accessible.

107 Scrabclaw's Roost

For some players, the hero point icon fails to appear on the world map or minimap while also not showing on the content guide potentially blocking world map progress. Logging in and out or switching characters resolves this issue.

108 Scrap Rifle Field Test

The Bouncing Mushroom at the far east side of the arena, near Terraced Hive, does not work.

109 Scribing: Dragon Banner

Though the description says it's a tier 3 upgrade, this is actually a tier 2 upgrade in WvW.

110 Scribing: Turtle Banner

Though the description says it's a tier 1 upgrade, this is actually a tier 2 upgrade in WvW.

111 Scrying Pool (object)

The Battle for Cragstead and New Friends, New Enemies no longer count for Back to the Past

When choosing to remember a moment with Bangar, he will not appear for characters that already completed the Champion's End[verification requested] instance, preventing access to the dialogue.

112 Searing Cauldron
  • There are reports [7] [8] indicating that the hero challenge does not show the dialog box upon interacting, therefore making the hero point unobtainable; this is probably related to the Skyscale Egg Infusions collections, as the interact DOES work if you need this part of the collection, but otherwise seems to be failing. If you have one or more unobtained hero challenge besides this, you have a chance to unlock this by using the Notarized Scroll of Central Tyrian Heroics.pngNotarized Scroll of Central Tyrian Heroics (The last Hero point will have to be completed in person.)
  • You cannot use the cauldron to produce an Ultra Hot Sphere while Quartz Crystals are also in your inventory in addition to the sphere's ingredients. Instead, you will only be shown the prompt to produce a Charged Quartz Crystal until the quartz is no longer in your inventory or you make a charged crystal at a different hero challenge.
113 Secret Lair of the Snowmen

After leaving an unsuccessful instance and returning you are sometimes added to an already locked instance. If that happens your character will be defeated instantly near the entrance. You can be revived by another player, provided they haven't all been locked already in Freezie's pit. Attempting to use a waypoint while in this state claims you're in combat. Logging out and in again will take you to Divinity's Reach near the Lair's portal in a defeated state, but if you revive and re-enter the Lair you will be instantly killed again. Entering the Lair on any other character on the same account also puts that character in the same situation. You have to wait for the instance to finish but if at least one player stays alive and keeps kiting Freezie the instance can last for a long time.

114 Secure the area around Dryground Village

Challenging Wardens to battle does not progress the heart.

115 Selfless Potion

The halo model is barely visible on asura characters, and is completely obscured by certain hairstyles and most headwear.

116 Selfless Potion (effect alt)

The halo is barely visible on asura characters, and is completely obscured by certain hairstyles and most headgear.

117 Selfless Potion (effect)

The halo is barely visible on asura characters, and is completely obscured by certain hairstyles and most headgear.

118 Sensor Tracking (effect)

While under this effect, all skills and actions play the sound of the Sensor Tracking skill.

119 Sentinel Rifle

If another of these consumables is used while already holding one before using One Shot, the bundle will be dropped and re-equipped without refunding it first. If One Shot was used, the consumable will also be consumed without re-equipping it.

120 Serpentsniper (discontinued)

Currently available from map completion on Path of Fire maps as a Ranger.

121 Shadewort

The actual glowing animation (when wielding) does not match the one shown in the preview screen. It is barely visible in-game.

122 Shadow Mender

Does not actually revive allies.[verification requested]

123 Shadow Shroud (effect)

Unlike  Death Shroud.png Death Shroud on Necromancer, you cannot benefit from Life steal healing.

124 Sherrif's Battle Commendation

Item's name has a misspelling of "sheriff".

125 Shield

When unsheathing the shield while standing still, backpack items might be on top of the shield as it's drawn, but quickly snap onto the back.

126 Shrine of the Six

While on the inside of the shrine, there are six windows and statues to the gods, on the outside there are only five - Grenth's is missing.

127 Siege Golem Blueprint

The version sold by Sigurlina Jonsdottir is Guild Siege Golem Blueprints (service). Buying it does not give you a blueprint.

128 Sigil of Geomancy

This sigil can have a bugged interaction with the elementalist's conjure weapons, causing the effect to occur when the weapon is summoned but preventing the weapon from being immediately equipped as a bundle

129 Signet of Earth (effect)

Effect gained from Written in Stone still provides 180 Toughness instead.

130 Simple Olmakhan Bandolier

Efi may not see the bandolier in your inventory, blocking progress on this achievement. Try holding the Bandolier with the character that went through the story and/or received it initially.

131 Skimmer Search

Sometimes deleting the mail or consuming Missive for Ebele makes it impossible to start the collection except by writing to support.

132 Skimmer Treat
  • You also need to have space in your inventory to consume it
  • It also gives the error message when attempting to use it if you've already achieved maximum experience for PoF masteries.
133 Skyscale Egg Infusions

The collection might be active even without finishing the pre-requisite step.

134 Slingshot Skin

This skin used to change the weapon sound effects. It now removes weapon sound effects.

135 Smoke Bomb (Lunt)

The bomb is a ground targeted thrown projectile. However, the projectile arc is bugged and the bomb will always fly very very high into the sky. If it collides with any celing or structure, the bomb will detonate there. If it doesn't, the bomb will eventually land 900 units away from the player in the targeted direction, even if it was aimed closer.

136 Smoke Bomb (bundle)

The bomb is a ground targeted thrown projectile. However, the projectile arc is bugged and the bomb will always fly very very high into the sky. If it collides with any celing or structure, the bomb will detonate there. If it doesn't, the bomb will eventually land 900 units away from the player in the targeted direction, even if it was aimed closer.

137 Snowball Mayhem
  • Unlike in PvP, Volunteering to switch teams during Auto-Balance does not give an automatic win despite tooltip stating so.
  • Sometimes your class is changed arbitrarily as you drop from spawn.
138 Sorcerer's Epaulets (skin)

The inner section of the piece takes its color from a dye channel on the boots.

139 Soulbound

Soulbound items deposited in the bank cannot be used by other characters in crafting recipes.

140 Southsun Survival
  • If you have used any durability or ammunition and pick up items dropped by another survivor you will lose your weapon, otherwise you will drop it on the ground. This does not happen when salvaging Miscellaneous Goods.
  • Survivors can strike Revenge Motes (which are invisible to them) with melee weapons, using up a point of durability. Doing so also spawns a new Revenge Mote.

  • Players that are in the match during the "Waiting for players" phase of the game will be cured of immobilize and be able to move around during the game start countdown. Players will be immobilized again when the countdown ends and the game begins.
  • Players that are too far from the starting camp when the game begins do not lose their immobilize, do not receive the first stack of Hungry, do not receive rewards at the end of the game, and do not get progress towards their Survival Survivor or Southsun Survivor Regular achievement tracks.
  • Guardians still benefit from the passive effect of Virtue of Courage during this activity, allowing them to periodically block an incoming attack.
141 Southsun Survival (achievements)

Players that are too far from the starting camp when the game begins do not lose their immobilize, do not receive the first stack of Hungry, do not receive rewards at the end of the game, and do not get progress towards their Survival Survivor or Southsun Survivor Regular achievement tracks.

142 Spearmarshal's Lament (instance)

There is a chance after completing the Open Skies: Sunspear Wisdom collection that the pedestals at the Sunspear Sanctuary will not provide the appropriate dialogue to finish this achievement. There seems to be a point of interest just before the pedestals, making interacting with them a bit tricky and confusing. Move as far to the statue as possible

143 Specter

On low-level maps, moving to a different area with a different dynamic level adjustment level will reset your Shadow Force to 0.[9]

144 Speed boons

If the player attempts to interact with certain speed boon NPCs after obtaining their boon, dialogue responses will fail to appear if the remaining time on the boon is less than 40 seconds.

145 Speed of the Battlefield

Does not exceed the blanket speed cap of 33% out of combat, 25% in combat

146 Spire of Samarog

In the preview window, the staff will appear in a reflective silver tone, much like the The Juggernaut effect. This is less visible outside of the preview window, where some of the original colours can still be seen, and where the reflective effect is less prominent.

147 Spirit Axe

The bonuses from the main weapon, which has been equipped before obtaining the Spirit Axe, increase the power of its weapon-related skills, as well as other stats including Health, despite the fact that main weapon looks replaced and weapon swapping is disabled. However, if you unequip the main weapon on the Hero panel, it cannot be equipped back and bonuses will be lost.

148 Spirit of the Perfected Harpoon Gun

It has the incorrect icon, swapped with Spirit of the Perfected Spear.

149 Spirit of the Perfected Spear

It has the incorrect icon, swapped with Spirit of the Perfected Harpoon Gun.

150 Spiritual Childcare

Middle tree may be nonfunctional at times, usually when an event is running in the area.

151 Stability (Earth Elemental)

The description of this effect is inaccurate. It falsely states that it grants immunity to chilled and crippled; and it's missing launched, stunned, dazed, floated, sunk, and feared.

152 Star-Crossed Lovers
  • During step 9, Flowering Meadow does not have a collection icon above her head.
  • During step 9, Flowering Meadow is not present in Harvest Den. You can find her by switching map instances.
  • After collection is complete, Distant Thunder retains a collection icon above her head.
  • Flowering Meadow and Distant Thunder may inconsistently appear or disappear at various stages of the achievement when they are supposed to be in the opposite state. Reloading the map may not always fix this.
153 Statue of Melandru (Cathedral of Verdance)

Sometimes the damaging area effect will not be correctly disabled despite players controlling all related temples. Players can attempt to circumvent this by being stealthed during the channel time.

154 Statue of Melandru (Graven Cay)

Sometimes the damaging area effect will not be correctly disabled despite players controlling all related temples. Players can attempt to circumvent this by being stealthed during the channel time.

155 Stealth
  • When a creature loses stealth during an action, from the point of view of clients who couldn't see the model while it was cloaked, the animation for that action will play from the start, or not at all, instead of playing from the frame corresponding with the moment at which it was revealed.
  • Losing either Stealth, Camouflage or the Hide in Shadows effect will cause the player to become visible, even if they still have any of those effects active when it ends (this happens even if the player did not get the Revealed effect). If the remaining effect is stealth, thief traits and skills will still benefit from it, but the player will be visible until a new invisibility effect has been applied.
156 Stealth (Mine Defusing Kit)

Using profession skills does not end the effect as stated

157 Stealth Gliding

Players are often immune to applying the effect, even when not under the effect of Revealed.png Revealed. This seems to generally happen only when in combat, but otherwise seems to be completely independent of any damage received or dealt.[verification requested]

158 Steel Hammer

The masterwork Giver's recipe produces an item with an incorrect name and skin. The item should be called "Giver's Steel Hammer" instead of "Giver's Iron Hammer".

159 Steel Sword

The masterwork Giver's recipe produces an item with an incorrect name. The item should be called "Giver's Steel Sword" instead of "Giver's Iron Sword".

160 Stolen Agricultural Shipment

When you attempt to activate the combat challenge, the Veteran Discarded Awakened may simply sit back down instead of attacking. If this occurs, you can just directly open the chest he's guarding

161 Stolen Unstable Explosives

The effect is not removed by dropping the bundle. Once it expires, you will use Place Bomb and generate an explosion. The bundle may then may be picked up and reused in this manner until it times out and disappears on its own.

162 Stone Of Rinn

The item misspells the name of the city of Rin.

163 Stonecrag Kraal

If the PoI is inaccessible due to the stalled Ogre event, it can still be reached with the use of a Raptor and Springer (otherwise asking a Mesmer with a Springer to teleport you to the jumping off point or a Skyscale). From the eastern side of the camp, jump unto a ledge of rocks and dash towards the Point of Interest with the Raptor. You will be teleported out but should acquire the PoI before that.

164 Stop the skritt burglar before it escapes with the treasure

Since September 9, 2014, some dropped bags from the Skritt Burglar cannot be looted.

165 Strike Mission (object)

While closely approaching the portal in the open world will bring up the prompt to join the instance, interacting with it while standing right next to it will not.

166 Strike Mission: Cosmic Observatory

If Dagda's health is pushed to a phase transition threshold while she is performing Spinning Nebula at any spot other than the center, she will use the spot where the Spinning Nebula was performed as her default position (instead of the center) until another Spinning Nebula teleports her to another spot.

The green circles during the Meteor Crash attack can be stacked together with no punishment, despite the arrows indicating too many people are inside.

167 Strike Mission: Harvest Temple
  • For all phases following the first orb phase, players can get out-of-combat when not engaged in combat for a period of time.
  • The damage from standing under the Heart and its attacks are massively increased when the Heart is untargetable. Players should stay clear of any lingering attacks after breaking its defiance bar.
  • For all phases, some mechanics do not immediately despawn upon phasing and can still inflict damage. Some of these are only visual bugs and do not actually inflict damage. However for future fight attempts, there may either be no telegraph or the mechanic will be activated much earlier before returning to normal.

The green pools left behind by the Heart of Zhaitan persist longer than telegraphed. Players should move around its path to avoid taking damage from an invisible pool.

The Putrid Deluge attack will sometimes not trigger during a fight attempt.

The Swipe attack is larger than telegraphed.

168 Strike Mission: Kaineng Overlook
  • Players downed during a phase change and not promptly revived can be stuck on the top platform until the next phase is complete. Some attacks from these phases will also target you.
  • If the challenge mode is disabled while players are in the boss arena (past the green barrier), all bosses do not retreat to their perches as part of their initial animation. They will instead attack nearby players and are untargetable. Starting the fight by attacking Minister Li will reset them.

  • The Enforcer and Mindblade are affected by Immobile.png Immobile even though they have a defiance bar. This may delay in guiding them to the correct position.
  • The Enforcer's defiance bar is normally locked, but unlocks following the first fight attempt of the instance. Breaking the bar inflicts Stun.png Stun and Exposed.png Exposed

If the players are assigned the numbers by the Spread attack, but the boss is phased before the attack is fully completed, the players will be immobilized, unable to move away from the damaging AoEs, and killed. Especially dangerous in the Challenge Mode.

  • The Green mechanic can spawn on a defeated player, rendering it not present during some parts of the fight.
  • Resetting during this phase for any reason may cause The Mech Rider to continue attacking players on the next attempt for the entire fight (i.e. firing its laser attack with telegraphs visible), for all phases until it appears normally. The fight is otherwise normal, as The Mech Rider will not be able to hit players directly from its spawn position. However, it is possible for the boss to become friendly or untargetable and therefore cause the fight to stall, requiring a complete reset of the strike mission.
  • The Mech Rider's Numbers attack does not apply the Extreme Vulnerability effect, rendering the attack effectively harmless. This is corrected in the challenge mode.
169 Strike Mission: Shiverpeaks Pass

The shock waves from Ice Shock Wave and Spinning Ice do not disable, despite their skill description and visual indicator.

170 Strike Mission: Whisper of Jormag

If the defiance bar from Frigid Vortex is broken and the boss subsequently phases, the Whisper of Jormag can either attack very rapidly, not attack at all, disappears, or goes invisible after the doppelganger phase. Players should therefore take caution and avoid breaking the bar if the boss is about to phase.

Spreading Ice no longer deals damage to the original player during this phase.

171 Stronghold of the Faithful

If the projections are too close together and one dies a split second before they merge, there is a possibility of both phantasms disappearing but no Insidious Projection will spawn. A stack of Xera's Embrace will still be stripped.

Sometimes the Radiant/Crimson Phantasms do not disappear even after Keep Construct's Defiance Bar is broken, forcing the party to destroy them with little time, otherwise the phantasms will explode and wipe the party.

Sometimes the core may get stuck in one spot. It will not move even if skills specifically target it. The phase will end once a Retriever Projection touches it.

172 Subvert (The Ruined City of Arah)

The skill fact for the effect lists it as a projectile combo finisher in the chat log.

173 Suffused Obsidian: Collect Rift Energy

The icon may disappear from your buff bar between map instances and look like it reset to zero however it is still being tracked by the game itself. It should complete as normal regardless if the icon is visible.

174 Suffused Obsidian: Defeat World Bosses

The stack counter doesn't represent the correct number of bosses killed. In addition to being incremented by 1 upon killing a boss and decremented by 3 after fulfilling the achievement objective, every time the player enters a map where an eligible world boss can spawn the stack counter gets incremented by the number of bosses already killed (1 or 2), and every time the player enters any map after the achievement objective was fulfilled it gets decremented by 3.

175 Superior Sigil of Absorption

There is no internal cooldown in PvE.

176 Superior Sigil of Demons

Tooltips will not reflect the increase in torment duration provided by this sigil; the actual duration of applied torments is still increased.

177 Superior Sigil of Nullification

The effect does not trigger on single target projectile attacks.

178 Superior Sigil of Strength

Stacks with other tiers of the same sigil

179 Support the Durmand Priory against the centaurs

If you stand south or southwest of Explorer Bink while giving her Durmand Priory Books, you will get no credit since you are technically not in the renown heart's area.

180 Svanir's Bane

Granting of this achievement may be linked to the Destroy the corrupted portals summoning creatures from the mists event associated with the meta; if you are having trouble obtaining this achievement make sure you kill one or more of the Svanir Mist Portals during the event.

181 Swashbuckler's Cove

Sometimes the veteran ghost required to progress the jumping puzzle does not spawn, making it impossible to continue.

182 Synthesis Output 1

Does not increase the amount of harvested lumber from lumber synthesizers as it starts with 4.

183 Tangled Paths (achievements)

The challenge mote for Dancer in the Dark does not appear reliably and sometimes disappears during the first cutscene. If you have trouble, try to activate it before speaking to Caithe. If that does not work, try guesting to any other world before entering the instance.

184 Tank

Despite their obviously mechanical origins, kills obtained using the tank weapons will contribute to the staff master achievement in the Weapon Master achievement track.

185 Taunt
  • Taunt does not interrupt NPCs, thus they might continue to use skills while taunted.
  • Condition removal sometimes does not return control to the character upon removing Taunt.
  • Players with a Defiance bar from controlling an Enchanted Armor will have their target locked on to the source of Taunt (but are free to move and use skills), even though the defiance bars should disable the effect. It is unknown whether other sources of defiance bars have this same behavior, or if it affects enemies.[verification requested]
186 Tavern Proprietor

If your inventory is full you cannot "purchase" (deposit) food

187 Tear Cinderskull/Crucible of Eternity
188 Template
  • Whenever changing the build template on a revenant the utility skills have a possibility to end up in a completely randomised position or in their default positions. You can avoid some instances of this bug from occurring by making sure that your two templates do *not* have the same active legend (i.e. Legendary Assassin Stance and Legendary Assassin Stance as the main legend in them).
  • Changing from a build template with Legendary Dragon Stance as the main legend to a build template with Legendary Demon Stance as the main legend the positions of Legendary Demon Stance utility skill order might change to reflect the positions of the Legendary Dragon Stance utility skill order.
  • Changing between build templates apace sometimes seems to completely erase the possibility of changing to the non-active legend as well as making it impossible for the player to change that legend to something else. To rectify this issue the player needs to press on "Clear Build Template" to make the build template into a clean slate.
  • The build template on a revenant might be lost upon transitioning between any two areas. [verification requested]
189 Test Crystal Lodestone Facets

You can't have Quartz Crystal in your inventory. If you have, the point won't offer you the option to interact the crystal, only to transform quartz crystals.

190 Thaw Elixir
  • If you do not have enough ingredients, attempting to brew the elixir may remove the Grawl Firestone from your inventory without granting the Cold Resistance effect.
  • If you log out or do not finish the story while Cold Resistance is active and it runs out, you may have to restart the entire storyline to make a new one.
191 The Cauldron of Searing

Interacting with the Hero Point to commune with it currently seems possible if the A New Friend achievement is active but the Skyscale of Spirit egg isn't already collected. If the dialogue to acquire the Skyscale of Spirit egg doesn't appear having 25 Quartz Crystals for charging a Charged Quartz Crystal seems to be a possible workaround.

192 The Elder Dragons

The dates for Zhaitan and Kralkatorrik are tagged "AD" instead of "AE".

193 The Flameseeker Prophecies III: The Chosen
  • Holding Quartz Crystal will prevent the necessary text from appearing at places of power like Gwen's Grave.
  • Being a necromancer will prevent you from interacting with Rashenna's Grave.
194 The Heart of Grenth

Also counts as a single guard kill for the Daily Mists Guards Killer

195 The Jade Expanse

Due to being outside the extent of the area, this point of interest is not highlighted correctly when hovering over the map legend during map completion.

196 The Key of Ahdashim
  • Despite Retaliation.png Retaliation having been reworked and changed into Resolution.png Resolution, Adina might still reflect damage.
  • Sometimes pillars might not block or get destroyed by Adina's projectiles despite having enough players standing behind it, or will protect more than 2 players at once.

The Force of Havoc's "road" becomes invisible soon after spawning, only reappearing briefly for its despawn animation.

197 The Ley-Line Run

Interacting repeatedly with the golden markings allows the player to use skills multiple times, albeit with a cooldown

198 The Sepulcher

The doors to get in and out of The Sepulcher seem to not animate as being opened or closed. You can still walk though them when they are closed.

199 The Shining Blade

The sound effect for stowing plays every time the character mounts or dismounts, regardless of being in combat or stowing the weapon prior to mounting.

200 The Twisted Marionette

Switching layers on the full-screen map results in the northern and southern Pact Emergency Waypoints being replaced by non instanced Waypoint (map icon).png False River Waypoint and Waypoint (map icon).png Winterthaw Waypoint, until the world map is reopened.

201 Thesis on Studied Speed (effect)

The description for the applied effect is missing.

202 Thoughtless Potion

The horns are barely visible on asura characters, and are completely obscured by certain hairstyles and most headwear.

203 Threat Intervention Training (Amber Elemental)

Note that this event chain is bugged and currently only spawns on new map instances.

204 Thunderhead Peaks Reward Track

In the WvW Reward Track the item Siege Blueprint Case.pngSiege Blueprint Case replaced the 38th reward (Wood Shipment.pngWood Shipment) instead of correctly replacing the 39th reward (Tome of Knowledge.pngTome of Knowledge).

205 Titan Researcher

Farrah Baelseeker may not become visible as soon as the achievement is unlocked. May take up to 1 day to appear.

Toggle to enter 'Titan Research' instance is placed near top of the left balcony, between two golden lines on the dark grey floor.

206 Tome of Justice (effect)

The stated burning duration does not match that of  Virtue of Justice.png Virtue of Justice.

207 Tournament Points

Fishing tournaments in Seitung Province, Kaineng Docks, Lake Lutgardis and Bazaar Docks give 3 points for rare fish, contrary to the organizer's statement that only exotic fish or above award triple points.

208 Toy Roller Beetle

May be invisible, where only the name can be seen.

209 Toymaker's Party Skiff Skin

When the boat is anchored, the passengers leaving their seats will appear inside the hull, thus unable to fish or move away from the ship.

210 Trading Post
  • Sometimes players are unable to use the Buy button, i.e. it is greyed out. Restarting the game usually resolves this issue.
  • The UI only displays the most recent 2000 buy and sell offers.
  • Sometimes players do not receive the coin from the sale of items in the delivery box. Restarting the game usually resolves this issue.
211 Transform Fading

The transformation doesn't get removed once Transform Fading expires.

212 Treasury

Approximately at Guild Level 21, the Treasury collection shows a non-existing Guild Upgrade named 'Guild Hall Music: Central Tyrian Themes'. The asked for items can't be put into the Treasury, though, making this a completely visual issue.

213 Tribute to Leading Grade

Misspelled as "Tribute to Leading Grade" instead of "Tribute to Leaning Grade" in-game.

214 Troll Tooth Necklace

This necklace is classified as an accessory.

215 Troll's Revenge

If you open the Troll's End chest on the same day, the Troll's Revenge end chest will be already opened for that day, preventing you from looting it or gaining the achievement.

216 Turret (environmental weapon)

Many turrets in Plains of Ashford will automatically boot you off after a second or two.

217 Turtle Siege Enhancer 2

You are unable to shoot as a gunner when using the siege turtle enhancer upgrades, as the ammo count always stays at 0 in the skill bar.

218 Uhiwi's Bones

Normally when hovering over the key for the world map, missing points of interest are highlighted. Uhiwi's Bones are not highlighted.

219 Unbound Harvesting Sickle

If this tool is used to harvest nodes with multiple harvests (ie. synthesizers), only the last harvest that depletes the node will provide Unbound Magic.

220 Unbreakable Choir Bell

While this item can be activated by double-clicking it directly in your inventory anywhere in cities, PvE, WvW, PvP, and the Mistlock Sanctuary, nothing happens when do you so in any fractal or in the Mistlock Observatory. To use it in those environments, you must load it as your "Musical Instrument" novelty and use the novelty button or hotkey.

221 Unnamed object (Ships of the Line)

After being destroyed once, the trebuchet will reappear and become immune to damage.

222 Unstable Explosives
  • Dropping the bundle does not remove the effect, nor does it destroy the bundle.
  • If the effect lapses and you are not holding the bundle, you will still use Place Bomb and generate an explosion. This does not consume the dropped bundle, and you can reuse it.
223 Uzolan's Mechanical Orchestra (achievement)

Sketchbook: Uzolan's Mechanical Orchestra and Uzolan's Favorite Song have no hint in the achievement panel. Uzolan's Favorite Song can be found by interacting with the discarded papers outside Uzolan's Hideout in Kessex Hills.

224 Vehtendi School Supply Run

Supply Run: Bronze is actually not rewarded (and breaks the naming scheme).

225 Vejj's Dusty Scepter

The flavor text references some sort of firearm, not a scepter.

226 Vekk's Thesis

The object is named Vekk's Thesis, but the asura mentioned (originally Vekk, but changed due to a lore inconsistency) is Xakk. The name was changed because Vekk's theory about the Elder Dragons' ability to consume magic was actually developed by Professor Gorr in A Meeting of the Minds centuries later in 1325 AE.[10]

227 Venom (effect)

Contrary to the tooltip, no random conditions are applied by this effect.

228 Verdance Falls (Crystal Wing)

This point of interest disappears from the map upon discovery, does not count towards map completion, and has no ID.

229 Veteran Dust Mite Cache

Unlike the version from the Silverwastes track, this one does not always contain Obsidian Shards or Geodes, despite having the same description.

230 Vial of Condensed Mists Essence

Despite what the in-game description says, it can be found at fractals greater than 20.

231 Victory Rock

Downscaling is disabled while standing on the Victory Rock.

232 Vigil Greatsword

This heart vendor item does not have any flavor text.

233 Vigilant Jewelry Recipe Book

The recipes in this book correctly unlock Flax Blossom Orichalcum trinkets, but have incorrect names.

234 Vine Wall Build Site

Sometimes Vine Wall Build Site cannot be interacted with again after building the Vine Wall. Not even after the Vine Wall withers away minutes later. Switching map instance can fix this.

235 Virtue of Justice (dragonhunter effect)

The stated burning durations do not match the numbers from the skill  Spear of Justice.png Spear of Justice.

236 Virtue of Justice (effect)

The stated burning durations do not match the numbers from the skill  Virtue of Justice.png Virtue of Justice.

237 Vishen Steelshot's Footsteps

The Redeployment Order is awarded by reading a "Discarded Orders" interact-able object which has text that matches the description of Recruitment Notes: Vishen Steelshot.

238 Vision of Equipment: Banner of the Commander
  • Appeared on May 23, 2020, but despite the description this item can't be bought after crafting the Banner of the Commander.
  • This item is not required for anything.
239 Vision of Equipment: Olmakhan Bandolier

Sometimes the Trophy is not automatically acquired after finishing Lasting Bonds: What Comes Next and needs to be bought.

240 Visiting Trader (Dungeon Merchant)/Crucible of Eternity
241 Warleek

Cannot be opened while in the PvP lobby.

242 Warpblade (achievement)

Unlocking the Sunspear weapon won't count towards the collection sometimes if it is salvaged instead of added to the collection.

243 Waypoint

Traveling to a waypoint is unsuccessful if attempted in the midst of losing a connection to the server, or if attempting to waypoint to another map with a different build number from the one you're on. You will still be charged for the waypoint cost, and unfortunately there is no refund.

244 Weapon swap

If a character below level 10 equips both weapon sets in Heart of the Mists and then returns to PvE, they will retain the ability to weapon swap for as long as they keep the second set equipped.

245 Weaver
  • If Auto-attack is enabled on the basic attack chain, the Weaver will always complete the basic attack chain of the element they were attuned to at the start of the first attack, even if they switch to a different attunement at any point during the chain.
    • Eg. if a Weaver casts Charged Strike, and then attunes to Water, auto-attack will complete the Air auto-attack chain, and will only start the Water auto-attack chain after finishing Call Lightning. This is impossible to reproduce if auto-attack is disabled.
  • On rare occasions, a Weaver might retain a Dual Attack weapon skill after switching from being attuned to two elements, to being attuned to only one element. This happens most often while dismounting or switching maps where switching maps changes from a non-weaver build template to a weaver build template.
  • If a Weaver attunes to an element and then mounts up before the attunement cooldowns has finished, all skill but the Dual Attack one will be of the primary element while the Dual Attack will be of the actual equipped element combination.
246 Weaver's Antipodes (skin)

The effects do not show when a character is wearing a chest armor that cuts the gloves down to the wrist.

247 Weekly Fractals

Sometimes Thaumanova Fractal does not register towards the achievements.

248 Weirded Phantasmal Residue

If the player has Quartz Crystals in their inventory and has not already converted their daily Charged Quartz Crystal, the place of power dialogue will show instead of the required dialogue.

249 What Lies Within (achievements)

It seems Aegis may block the attack, even if you jump it, and prevent credit.

250 Win the favor of the circus

The conversation option to turn in eggs and pearls will not be available if you only have Large Delicate Eggs. To submit these, you must also have at least one of the other types of egg or pearls.

251 Winter's Blessing

Doesn't grant extra experience in World versus World.

252 Winter's Blessing (effect)

Doesn't grant extra experience in World versus World.

253 Wizard's Vault/Easy objectives
  • Identifying gear in instanced content (story instances, fractals, etc.) will not count for the objectives.
  • The "Defeat X enemies while under a nourishment/enhancement effect" and "Defeat x enemies" objectives only count kills where you make the killing blow.[verification requested]
  • Despite combat hero challenges (Core Tyria) displaying as events, they do not count for the event completion objectives.
  • Crafting items rarer than Masterwork also counts towards the "Craft 3 Masterwork Items" objective.
254 Wizard's Vault/List of objectives
  • Identifying unidentified items within the PvP Lobby will not contribute to the objective progress.
  • Using a Research Kit will count towards salvaging objectives.
  • Even though the Megadestroyer is a champion, it counts towards the "Defeat 1 Legendary-Rank Enemy" weekly achievements.
  • Even though Champion Drakin Cinderspire is a champion, it counts towards the "Defeat 1 Legendary-Rank Enemy" weekly achievements."
  • Even though the Legendary Ley-Line Anomaly is a legendary, it does not count towards the "Defeat 1 Legendary-Rank Enemy" weekly achievements.
255 Wreckage

If your character should focus on an NPC or another object while gathering from the Salvage Pile, every subsequent swing of the pick will fail to connect.

256 Wyvern's Liquid Fire

This item sometimes fails to be awarded.

257 Xunlai Jade Operational Report: Third Quarter, 1844

This object's name is too long to be fully displayed in the "selected object" label at the top of the screen. It displays as "Xunlai Jade Operational Report: Third Qua".

258 Zinn's Stash

They often spawn inside rock walls or floors, and thus are inaccessible.

259 Zojja's Journal

Zojja may not appear in either Mabon's Quarters nor Rift Hunter Lounge to return the journal. Replay the first two steps of 8. Into the Obscure ("Regroup with your allies to determine next steps." and the "Check on Zojja's state of mind." instance) to have her appear in Mabon's Quarters (or Rift Hunter Lounge) again.[11]

260 Zojja's Journal: Droknar's Light

The event indicator to start the event Search piles of rubble and suspicious trees for Stone Summit may not appear above Runwida even when available. Interacting with her will still allow you to start the event.

Significant bugs[edit]

See also[edit]

  1. ^ Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds Launch Week Known Issues, Guild Wars 2 Forums
  2. ^ Forum post
  3. ^
    Nokta the Tracker: With your help, we've learned much about this jungle.
    Nokta the Tracker: Surviving here depends on learning everything we can about this place.
  4. ^ Guild War 2 Forums: Elizia Skysight Bugged?!
  5. ^ [1]
  6. ^ Official GW2 Forums, "Keep disconnecting at the end off Old Friends story"
  7. ^ a b PoF Story "The Departing" - "The Whole Story" achievement bugged
  8. ^ Comment by Joshua Davis, Reddit
  9. ^ Official GW2 Forums, "Specter · All Shadow Force Gone"
  10. ^ Category talk:Lore discrepancies
  11. ^