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Effect type
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Deals damage every second. Deals additional damage to foes that aren't moving. Stacks intensity.

— In-game description

Torment is a condition that inflicts damage over time and stacks in intensity. If the victim isn't moving, they take more damage than they would while moving. Characters suffering from torment have black smoke on their legs (if applicable) and large red scratch marks around their lower body. The moving damage is higher in PvE than it is in WvW and sPvP. The damage dealt by torment is determined by the following formula:

While moving (PvE only):

(0.06 * Condition Damage) + (0.25 * Level) + 2 damage per stack per second,
(0.06 * Condition Damage) + 22 damage per stack per second at level 80.

While moving (WvW and sPvP):

(0.054 * Condition Damage) + (0.23 * Level) + 1.4 damage per stack per second.

While stationary (PvE only):

(0.09 * Condition Damage) + (0.36 * Level) + 3 damage per stack per second,
(0.09 * Condition Damage) + 31.8 damage per stack per second at level 80.

While stationary (WvW and sPvP):

(0.07 * Condition Damage) + (0.29 * Level) + 2.8 damage per stack per second.

Related skills[edit]

See also: Condition#Related skills

Skills that apply torment[edit]

Weapon skills that apply torment

Transform skills that apply torment

Healing skills that apply torment

Utility skills that apply torment

Elite skills that apply torment

Profession mechanic skills that apply torment

Pet skills that apply torment

Skills that remove torment[edit]

See also: Boon#Skills that convert conditions into boonsCondition#Skills that remove conditions

Healing skills that remove torment

Related traits[edit]

See also: Condition#Related traits

Traits that apply torment

Trait skills that apply torment

Traits that improve torment

Traits that remove torment

Related effects[edit]

Effects that apply torment when struck[edit]

Related equipment[edit]

See also: Condition#Related equipment

Relics that apply torment[edit]

Upgrade components that apply torment[edit]


Upgrade components that affect torment[edit]


Related consumables[edit]

See also: Food#Torment


  • Synergy with immobile and control effects, since they suppress movement of the the victim.
  • "Moving" includes running (or walking), strafing, or backpedalling (default key binds W, Q, E, and S respectively). Turning in place (default key binds A and D) does not count as moving.

Version history[edit]

Patch Changes
October 04, 2022
  • Torment: In PvP and WvW, damage has been adjusted as follows:
    • While moving: Increased base damage from 15.9 to 19.8. Increased condition damage scaling from 0.045 to 0.054.
    • While stationary: Reduced base damage from 31.8 to 26. Reduced condition damage scaling from 0.09 to 0.07.
May 11, 2021
  • Deals damage every second. Deals additional damage to foes that are not moving. Stacks intensity.
August 09, 2017
  • Base damage has been increased to match bleed's base damage; movement damage has been reduced to compensate for this.
    • This change only applies to PvE.
June 23, 2015 Specialization update:
  • All damage conditions will now stack up to 1500 times.
  • The formula for this condition has been rescaled to account for the new behavior of damaging conditions and to put more focus on the condition damage stat.
  • New damage over time: 1.5 + (0.18 * Level) + (0.045 * Condition Damage)
  • New damage while moving: 3 + (0.36 * Level) + (0.09 * Condition Damage)
October 15, 2013
  • Updated the description to more accurately display the damage done while standing still and moving.
June 25, 2013
  • Torment has been added to the game.

