The Waypoint Conundrum
The Waypoint Conundrum
- Year
- 1327 AE
- Storyline
- Living World Season 2
- Chapter
- The Dragon's Reach: Part 1
- Location
- Cavern of the Shining Lights
(Dry Top) - Level
- 80
- Preceded by
- Uprooting the Iron Marches
- Followed by
- Summit Invitations
- 369
The Waypoint Conundrum is the third story step of The Dragon's Reach: Part 1, the third episode of Living World Season 2.
- Help Taimi construct a device to reconfigure the waypoints.
- Meet Taimi at the Ley Line Hub.
- Speak with Taimi.
- Speak with Phlunt.
- Speak privately with Taimi.
- Activate Scruffy's follow mode.
- Acquire a vial of containment sterilization fluid.
- Acquire the aetheric armature from an asuran power generator.
- Check chests for ley-line-infused rock samples.
- Return the required parts to Taimi.
- Accompany Taimi to the device's staging point.
- Ask Phlunt if he'll be attending the world summit.
- Talk to Kasmeer.
- Ley Line Infused Stone
- Dusty Bag of Loot (5)
- Zephyrite Lockpick (3)
- Box of Lab Equipment
- Empyreal Fragment (5)
After talking to Taimi and Phlunt, you are sent to gather components for Taimi's device with Scruffy. The golem can be interacted with to switch between follow mode, where he follows the player, and defend mode, where he is stationary but can fight. Additionally, its scan can signal blue areas where, if the player walks inside, triggers the apparition of enemies.
The components' general location will be shown on the map. At the first location, it is possible to take a liquid sample by fighting enemies, or by asking Scruffy to repair the containers first to avoid combat. At the second, the player can either try to disassemble the power generation blind, or go a little further (risking a fight with a Veteran Inquest Assassin) to consult instructional pamphlet. The pamphlet will tell you to: (1) turn off the generator, (2) open its casing and (3) deactivate the aetheric field. At the third location, the player can open one of three chests (the other two cannot be opened). Scruffy's scan indicates which ones contains the ley line magic-infused rock sample; the other two will spawn enemies.
After that, return to Taimi and watch the cutscene to end the mission.
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Return to The Dragon's Reach | 0 |
Complete the mission The Waypoint Conundrum in Living World Season 2 Episode 3.
Completed The Waypoint Conundrum | 0 |
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The Dragon's Reach, Part 1 | 10 |
Help Taimi gather parts for her device without triggering any traps.Story Instance: The Waypoint Conundrum
Helped Taimi Without Triggering Inquest Traps | 10 |
- Nary a Pitfall and Crate Scrapper are mutually exclusive. In order to get both achievements, you will have to repeat the instance.
- To get this achievement, you must not trigger any traps in the whole instance. This includes enemies spawned by the generator (if used incorrectly), crates and the enemy ring spawns, which you can discover with Scruffy's detection mode. It should be noted that Scruffy's detection mode cannot be activated on the way back to Taimi once you've got all the parts. The achievement will complete upon finishing the instance.
- Achievement qualification may be tracked via the Nary a Pitfall effect.
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The Dragon's Reach, Part 1 | 5 |
Find the hidden Inquest crate and defeat the chromatic creature within it.Story Instance: The Waypoint Conundrum
1 Chromatic Creature Crushed | 5 |
- As noted above, this achievement is mutually exclusive with Nary a Pitfall.
- This is the easiest achievement of the instance one and should be obtained together with the achievement below because it's mandatory in "Leave No Survivors". Move to the eastern part of the instance (near border limit) and you will see a crate on the northern wall. Inspect it and you will find a champion ooze which is easy to defeat.
- Achievement qualification may be tracked via the Crate Scrapper effect.
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The Dragon's Reach, Part 1 | 15 |
Vanquish every enemy group, including ambushes and traps, while helping Taimi collect parts for her device.Story Instance: The Waypoint Conundrum
Vanquished Every Enemy Group | 15 |
- This is a tricky achievement as you can make some mistakes that cause it to fail. As the description says, you need to trigger all enemy spawns. To see the spawn lines, use Scruffy's detection mode (although this is not necessary - you can just walk through them). Achievement progress may be tracked by the The Waypoint Conundrum effect on the player's bar. This achievement can be done solo. The only kills of any difficulty are the Veteran Assassin and the Inquest group because they can despawn. If you are doing this solo, to save time, skip the order below and attempt #4 and #5 first - just run along the top "tier" directly east of Taimi and drop down onto the ledge to the first objective.
- Past the group with the Councillor down the path, the middle "tier" has 2 Earth Elementals.
- In the water at the bottom of the ramp are 1 Veteran Spark and 1 Spark.
- At the first location marked on your map, take the fluid without getting Scruffy to stabilize it. This spawns 1 Ooze and 1 Veteran Ooze.
- Head to the upper ledge which is directly east of the entrance to the area. A Veteran Assassin will spawn. It will briefly go invulnerable and attempt to flee to the cave entrance at ~50% life without further attacking you. When you trigger the Veteran Assassin spawn, 3 Inquest (1 Engineer, 2 Assassins) also spawn at the (now opened) cave entrance door. You will fail the achievement if any of the following occur:
- The doors to the cave entrance close thus making the 3 Inquest for #5 unreachable, which happens when the Veteran Assassin is killed
- The Veteran Assassin reaches the cave entrance door, at which point you have failed to kill the Veteran Assassin and the 3 Inquest behind the door become unreachable
- You engage the Veteran Assassin and walk past the corner to the entrance toward group #5, which will make the Veteran Assassin teleport out so it cannot be killed
- If playing in a party, simply split up and make sure to kill the 3 Inquest before the Veteran Assassin dies or reaches the door.
- If solo, trigger the Veteran Assassin before you have to return to Taimi, but do not engage him yet. Leave Scruffy in Defend mode outside of the assassin's reach, then go directly to the cave entrance door. Kill the 3 Inquest, then go back and kill the Veteran Assassin, making sure to kill it before it reaches the door after it starts to flee at ~50% HP.
- The doors to the cave entrance close thus making the 3 Inquest for #5 unreachable, which happens when the Veteran Assassin is killed
- The 3 Inquest behind the door (see #4 explanation above) are the next spawn.
- There is a 1 Veteran Earth Elemental and 1 Earth Elemental spawn just below the ledge where the Veteran Assassin spawned (#4).
- The next spawn is back down in the water just past the second objective area with the power generator, which has 3 Sparks.
- Now go to the power generator where the second objective is located. Use the power generator and do the following:
- Shut down generator
- Open the casing
- Take out the item but do not shut down the field
- After these steps, 2 Shadow Imps and 1 Veteran Shadow Imp will spawn. Take care as they do a lot of damage. In order to take them out, take down the Altars that spawn and focus on the Veteran.
- Shut down generator
- There is a further spawn of 3 Sparks in the water directly south of where #6 spawns.
- There is another spawn of Earth Elementals just south of #7 on land and just before the crates for the third location marked on your map.
- Now go to the crates. Inspect the middle crate first which will ask if you want to move it (with a combat symbol). This spawns a Veteran Mordrem Wolf on the opposite bank which will come towards you and attack.
- The final enemy is a Champion Ooze, located in the crate in the far NE of the area by itself (which also contains the "Crate Scrapper" achievement).
- You will earn the achievement immediately after killing the last enemy, so if you don't get it - you have missed a step.
- Achievement qualification may be tracked via the Leave No Survivors effect.
- Asuran Lift
- Asuran Power Generator
- Asuran Stand
- Crate
- Inquest Instructional Pamphlets
- Inquest Papers
- Liquid-Containment Chamber
- Wooden Chest
- Approaching Taimi
- Taimi: Don't touch anything!
- Councillor Phlunt: Progeny, do not speak to your elders in such a tone! I won't have it.
- Taimi: I thought you'd never get here. Did you stop off at the Dead End for a pint and a pie or something?
- Talking with Councillor Phlunt before speaking to Taimi or after you to talked to him as the story step
- What do you want? If you have time to speak with me, then Taimi must have finished the device. If that is not the case, then go assist her until she has.
- Just checking on you, Councillor. I'm glad you don't need anything.
- Talking with Taimi
- Keep your voice down. The old lab rat doesn't need to hear this.
- I talked to Zojja, just like Braham asked me to. She got me in to see Councillor Phlunt. It was all great until I made the mistake of mentioning my device.
- Exactly. I'm almost done with it. So, he insisted on coming to see what I was working on. I had no choice. I had to bring him here.
- He won't commit. He says it all hinges on whether my device works or not.
- Okay. Let me talk to him.
Are they going to come to the summit?
The waypoint recalibration device you've been working on?
I got your mail. What's going on?
- Talking with Councillor Phlunt
- I've surmised that you are <Character name>. What is your involvement in all this?
- Good. I'm glad she has a hint of adult supervision. However, it is of utmost importance that the Council be alerted when underage progenies make discoveries such as this cave.
- That is indeed the case. I need to verify that she is in no danger. She claims to have discovered a means to lowering the frequency at which the waypoints resonate.
- Taimi: Golly. I'm right here! And I'm not just working on it. I'm almost done. It's going to save the waypoints.
- Taimi: Well, I'd be closer if these...scholarly gentlemen would stop distracting me from my work.
- I will wait for a short while, but I insist on inspecting the device soon.
- I will attend the summit, but only after I verify that this device can protect our waypoint network from marauding vines. Otherwise, I'll have to return to my lab.
- We understand. C'mon, Taimi. Let's get to work.
And you will attend the summit? It's very important.
Councillor, Taimi needs time to finish. We promise we'll show it to you then.
How close are you?
She is working on it, yes.
I understand you're here to inspect her device?
I'm a friend of Taimi's. We're working together on the summit.
- One second. I need to do something.
- After speaking with Phlunt
- Taimi: Everyone stand back, except my assistant. Back! Back! My brain needs some room to breathe.
- Taimi: Is that old windbag out of earshot? Good. Okay, let's talk. I'm gonna need your help to build this thing.
- Talking with Taimi
- I'm going to explain this in terms you will understand, okay? The device we're building modulates—changes—the frequency at which a waypoint resonates—how fast or slow it vibrates.
- Good. In theory, it taps into the waypoint network, finds the waypoint we want to fix, and then a dialogue happens between my device and the waypoint. Basically, my device calms down the waypoint.
- I need three very specific parts. There are tons of scrap here from the Inquest. My hope is that we'll find what I need here. Ugh, but it's going to take forever with Phlunt breathing down my neck.
- That's perfect. I'll send Scruffy with you. He has an autonomous mode now. I've been hoping for a good chance to test it.
- Sounds good. What am I looking for?
I'll gather the parts while you stay here and work. It'll save time.
Okay. I understand. What's left to complete?
Got it. How does it work?
- After speaking with Taimi
- Taimi: Wait! Let me load up Scruffy with a few detection algorithms to help you out.
- Taimi: Okay, part number one. I need containment sterilization fluid. You know, that icky stuff the Inquest stores specimens in.
- Taimi: Don't worry, I'm not trapping innocent life-forms. This stuff just so happens to be suitable for the liquid elements of the device.
- Taimi: Number two! The aetheric armature from a standard power generator.
- Taimi: I'm sure they've got one around here somewhere. It's not a lab unless there are power generators going haywire.
- Taimi: Finally, I need a sample of ley line magic-infused rock. You could mine some, perhaps, but that'd take ages.
- Taimi: I spotted samples earlier, stored in wooden boxes toward the rear of the cavern. Much easier to just take those.
- Taimi: Scruffy is ready to take commands. Simply interact with his input panel and select the behavior routine you want him to follow. He can detect items of interest, follow you, and defend from enemies.
- Taimi: Scruffy can also repair damaged containment units if you happen to find any.
- Talking to Taimi after she gives her requests
- What? Huh? Sorry, I was in hyper-focus mode. I really need those parts. We can talk more when my device is finished. Okay?
- I'll be back as soon as I've found them all.
- Interacting with Scruffy while he is inactive
- Scruffy's command panel has four options available, one of which brings up instructions from Taimi.
- Follow Mode is just that: Following. Don't count on Scruffy to do anything else. Defend Mode disables following, but Scruffy will fight for you, protect you, and even draw enemies off you!
- I've also included a handy detection scan. If you're looking for something, it might help point the way, and if there's an ambush ahead, it'll warn you.
- Activate follow mode.
- (If follow mode is inactive)
- Follow mode must be active for the defend or detection modes to work.
- Activate follow mode.
Activate defend mode.
- (If follow mode is inactive)
- Follow mode must be active for the defend or detection modes to work.
- Activate follow mode.
Activate detection scan.
Read on.
Read instructions.
- Exit.
- Interacting with Scruffy once activated
- Scruffy stands alert, awaiting new commands.
- Reinforce containment device. (Only available if near a Liquid-Containment Chamber)
- Activate follow mode. (Scruffy will follow)
- Activate defend mode. (Scruffy will attack, but not follow)
- Activate detection scan. (Scans for correct items. Ambushes indicated by glowing ring.)
- Read instructions. (Brings up the dialogue above)
- Leave.
- Approaching the Arcane Guards after activating Scruffy
- Arcane Council Guard: Such questionable fraternization should be closely monitored.
- Arcane Council Guard: Agreed. The council has been too lenient with Zojja since Snaff's passing. Her recent activities are especially concerning.
- Arcane Council Guard: Entrusting a progeny with critical projects, allowing her to run around with those reckless door busters.
- Arcane Council Guard: At least they keep her and her golem out of sight.
- Arcane Council Guard: How true. (chuckle)
- (Repeating)
- Arcane Council Guard: Hmph. Impossible.
- Arcane Council Guard: Upstart.
- Arcane Council Guard: (cluck)(cluck)(cluck)
- Arcane Council Guard: Oh, the hubris.
- Arcane Council Guard: This place is...intriguing.
- Arcane Council Guard: She doesn't know.
- Examining damaged Liquid-Containment Chamber
- This container looks damaged. Its contents press against the glass as if trying to escape.
- Grab a sample.
- Leave it alone.
- Examining the central Liquid-Containment Chamber
- This container looks stable. A sterilization fluid sample can be taken if the container's transfer mechanism are reinforced.
- Grab a sample without reinforcing the transfer mechanisms. (Summons an ooze to fight)
- Reinforce the transfer mechanisms and grab a sample. (Only available if player reinforces it)
- Leave it alone.
- Examining the Asuran Stand
- Several stands are scattered across the ground. Each have various power gems, but aren't actively powering anything.
- Leave.
- Examining the Inquest Papers
- Inquest papers cover the walls, but none of them describe how to disassemble a power generator.
- Leave.
- Examining the Asuran Lift
- This device does not look like a power generator. It does, however, have an activation switch.
- Switch it on.
- Leave.
- Examining the Asuran Power Generator
- A standard asuran power generator. A nearby note reads: "DO NOT attempt to disassemble the generator without employing the proper procedure! Refer to instructional pamphlet #2065 for more details.
- (Before reading the pamphlet) Instructions are for chumps!
- (After reading the pamphlet)
- The generator hums loudly. The casing is closed.
- As your hand crosses the aetheric field, you feel like you've bridged a connection that should not have been bridged. The air ripples nearby.
- Whoops.
Grab the armature from the aetheric field. (Summons foe)
- You turn off the generator. The humming noise subsides.
- Grab the armature from the aetheric field. (Summons foe)
- You open the casing, revealing a power-stone magnetized armature and its surrounding aetheric field.
- Grab the armature from the aetheric field. (Summons foe)
- While the aetheric field's off, you carefully remove each power stone from the panel. The armature clatters to the base of the generator.
- Grab the armature from the generator.
Deactivate the aetheric field.
Open the generator's casing.
- Deactivate the aetheric field.
Turn off the generator.
- Deactivate the aetheric field.
- Open the generator's casing.
Glad I read the instructions.
- Look for the instructional pamphlet.
- Examining the Inquest Instructional Pamphlets
- Several Inquest instructional pamphlets lie on the table.
- IMPORTANT: When dealing with rival krewes, please remember the three rules of conduct: Their research is not sacred. They are inferior to the Inquest. Take everything.
- Read another pamphlet.
- Leave.
Read pamphlet #406.
- IMPORTANT: Due to overwhelming number of generator failures and malfunctions, we've posted disassembly instructions on our machines to increase our specialists' survival rates.
- First, shut down the generator. Second, open its external casing. Third, disengage the aetheric field's power-stone panel. DO NOT disturb an active field. This will result in temporal anomalies.
- Read another pamphlet.
- Leave.
Keep reading.
- Leave.
Read pamphlet #2065.
- Read pamphlet #3333.
- Leave.
- Examining an unopenable Wooden Chest
- A heavy crate is stacked on top of this chest. Neither can be opened.
- Leave.
- Examining the second westermost Wooden Chest
- This chest looks unlocked. But that smell...ugh!
- Open the chest.
- Leave.
- Examining the central Wooden Chest
- This chest is unlocked. Several containers filled with strange substances rest on top of it. The containers must be moved to open the chest.
- A thin vapor leaks from one of the moved containers. You hear the rumblings of something drawn to the scent.
- Uh-oh.
Move the containers.
- Leave it alone.
- Examining the second easternmost Wooden Chest
- This chest looks unlocked. A chromatic light glistens along its edges.
- The chest is filled with several samples of ley line energy-infused rocks.
- Take them.
Open the chest.
- Leave it alone.
- Examining the Crate in the north-east corner
- This would be an inconspicuous crate if not for the light shining through it's cracks.
- Open it. (This releases the Champion Chromatic Ooze)
- Leave it alone.
- Interacting with Scruffy after all parts are collected
- Scruffy entered follow mode as soon as his sensors registered that all three necessary components had been acquired.
- Return to Taimi.
- While returning to Taimi with all the parts
- Councillor Phlunt: Are you done?
- Taimi: No, it's not done yet. Stop asking.
- Councillor Phlunt: When do you expect completion?
- When approaching Taimi with all the parts
- Taimi: There you are. Got all the parts? Lemme hop onto Scruffy and make the finishing touches.
- Taimi: Well, Councillor Phlunt, I'm sorry to report that I've completely wasted your time and the waypoints will now be destroyed by Mordremoth.
- Councillor Phlunt: What?
- Taimi: Just kidding. My patent-pending waypoint recalibration device is now complete.
- Councillor Phlunt: Oh, you little degenerate. Turn it on.
- Taimi: I'm gonna need to take this to the heart of the ley line chamber. Watch your step down the ramp.
- Once everyone is down at the bottom of the chamber with Omadd's Machine
- Taimi: From the center here, we can hop on whatever confluence of ley lines Omadd's crazy-box ran on.
- Taimi: And once the device is fully active, it'll adjust the waypoint's energy configuration to be bland and uninteresting to Mordremoth.
- Taimi: It's on and scanning the waypoint network now.
- Councillor Phlunt: So? Did it work?
- Taimi: Hold on. The network is vast. It may take a while before I know.
- Councillor Phlunt: How long?
- Taimi: Best approximate estimate: a few weeks.
- Councillor Phlunt: A few weeks? Unacceptable. Who knows how many waypoints we'll have lost by then!
- Councillor Phlunt: We need to discuss this.
- Taimi: Hi Kasmeer. Don't pay attention to Phlunt. The boss is handling it.
- Talking to Taimi
- Ugh, Phlunt is the worst. I'm sorry we have to put up with him. That's my life at Rata Sum in a nutshell.
- We only have to be nice to him for a little while.
- Talking to Kasmeer
- Sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt. Don't mind me.
- One moment.
- Talking to Phlunt
- This is unacceptable! I should have known better than to trust some underage...degenerate...agh!
- She'd better. I'm not attending anything until we have a working solution to the endangered waypoints. If you want me at your summit, you'll get her moving.
- I understand.
Councillor Phlunt, I'm sure Taimi can speed up the process.
- After Phlunt leaves
- Kasmeer Meade: Wow, you work fast! And you just started today?
- Taimi: It's not like I just imagined it. Once you've got the design, all it takes is time.
- Taimi: And, well, I couldn't have done it without the help. Thanks.
- Talking to Kasmeer
- I came to check on Taimi, but I'm glad to see you here, too. I talked to Countess Anise like you asked.
- She relayed our invitation to the queen and, surprisingly, replied quickly. Queen Jennah will attend the summit!
- I know! Apparently, talking to Countess Anise was the right move. What are you going to do now?
- Braham in Hoelbrak. He has to talk to Eir about Whitebear.
- Ooh. Right. Well, good luck with that. I know he doesn't get along so well with his mother. Your presence will help him a lot.
- Absolutely. I'll send word if anything happens.
- Thanks, Kas.
Thanks. Can you stay with Taimi and make sure nothing interrupts her work? It's important.
I'm meeting
That's great news! Our first confirmation.
What did she say?
- Talking to Kasmeer again
- Have a safe trip. Don't worry about us. I'll keep Taimi safe and on task. I actually like it here. It's so pretty.
- Have fun, and be diplomatic with Phlunt.
My story[edit]
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