Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds content

Dodge Trainer Golden Daisy

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Dodge Trainer Golden Daisy


Interactive map

Dodge Trainer Golden Daisy is a lowland kodan found in the training grounds of the Harvest Den. They teach visitors how to evade attacks.



Heart involvement[edit]

Complete heart (map icon).png Assist the Kodan Inhabitants of Harvest Den (80)

Combat abilities[edit]


DefianceLocked defiance bar

  • Boulder Strike - Attacks in a cone in front of them, knocking down their target for 2 seconds.
  • Impale Impale - Summons a stone spike out of the ground to stab their target.
  • Pound - Leaps up and slams back to the ground, creating a shockwave.
  • Unnamed skill - Winds up and kicks the air in front of themself.


'Ey, Wayfinder! Janthir is wild terrain. You must prepare for the UNEXPECTED!


Though the animation for their kick skill is still performed, it does not appear to deal any damage and thus instantly grants a stack of Thick Skin (Leviathan).png Attacks Avoided.[verification requested]