- Flameseeker Prophecies: Scroll 1, Verse 1
- In the midst of turmoil, a voice will be raised
- The voice of a king, his words a plea
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- He will be heard, and change will come swiftly
- The beginning of peace, but the foundation of greed
- That will not emerge until his life and death are legend
- Flameseeker Prophecies: Scroll 2, Verse 1
- Time will pass, and wounds will heal
- But a sickness is festering beneath
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- Unseen powers seep into the faithful
- Spreading their influence like poison
- Flameseeker Prophecies: Scroll 3, Verse 1
- A man once revered but without soul and mercy
- Will stretch his talons across all Tyria
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- Those who seek audience with the gods
- Must succeed, or all will be changed
- Flameseeker Prophecies: Scroll 1, Verse 2
- Guilds outlawed; the world becomes smaller
- Centuries pass unmarred by the blight of war
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- Empires thrive in the balance, but conquest is enticing
- And what was stolen will be reclaimed in blood
- Flameseeker Prophecies: Scroll 2, Verse 2
- The city of the son will again be besieged
- Holding out hope against the barbaric and the vain
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- It has known hardship, and will know hardship again
- It cannot be saved by found relics and sharp steel
- The exile holds the key; follow him
- Flameseeker Prophecies: Scroll 3, Verse 2
- A forgotten race, molded with four arms
- And the visage of a snake
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- Ally themselves with the soothsayer
- When they leave the world of men, gods will weep
- Flameseeker Prophecies: Scroll 1, Verse 3
- The battlefield gives purpose to a man with vision
- The voice of desperation, his words a command
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- For every life saved, thousands will be lost
- In the years that bear the mark of his rise to power
- Flameseeker Prophecies: Scroll 2, Verse 3
- A journey will be cut short for one
- The sun will set
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- And a new son will rise
- Conflict at the flame Door; he holds the key
- Flameseeker Prophecies: Scroll 3, Verse 3
- At the steps of the tombs, danger rises
- Horrors guard the entrance with vengeance
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- But as day leads and night falls unfalteringly
- So are the worthy led by their hero
- Flameseeker Prophecies: Scroll 1, Verse 4
- For three nights, the sky will rain fire
- The cause will appear both known and unknown
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- Heralding the beasts, if beasts they are
- Destruction and devastation in their wake
- Flameseeker Prophecies: Scroll 2, Verse 4
- From a misguided populace, songs, chants, and demands sound
- These will be held as gospel by those who did not hear
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- The last revelation of the robed one
- His followers carry on, unaware of his warnings
- Flameseeker Prophecies: Scroll 3, Verse 4
- Deep within the Mists, blood will be spilled
- The Hall will seem unjust to those who are conquered
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- Poison, illusion, and fire will meet plague and steel
- Glory will not be easily claimed
- Flameseeker Prophecies: Scroll 1, Verse 5
- A harmony of hands and minds will rise
- Hard times breed strength and loyalty
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- But they will be overwhelmed, and many will drown
- Swallowed by a foolish obligation to the gods
- And the greed of the very powerful
- Flameseeker Prophecies: Scroll 2, Verse 5
- The threat of war is spurred by Unseen forces
- Blood will spill with nefarious purpose
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- A clergy will be exalted and reviled
- By those who wish to speak with the gods
- Flameseeker Prophecies: Scroll 3, Verse 5
- The fires of a revolution will blaze to life
- Making a change of reign and centuries
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- The Unseen will move into view
- Bloodthirsty and no longer bound by machinations
- Flameseeker Prophecies: Scroll 1, Verse 6
- As the three empires feebly resist impending defeat
- Turning their heads from the curtain that threatens to fall
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- A cataclysmic act of magic will turn the tide of war
- Sending waves to crash back upon the caster
- Flameseeker Prophecies: Scroll 2, Verse 6
- A treasure will be discovered under sand and sea
- A relic guarded by Orr for uncounted centuries
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- Its finding will bring the death of its seeker
- At the hands of a thing that is not alive
- Flameseeker Prophecies: Scroll 3, Verse 6
- The last dwarf city is besieged by daylight
- Few can escape the war near the top of the world
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- A fearless woman trades her life for those of the worthy
- The betrayer will come to justice at the hands of the betrayed
- Flameseeker Prophecies: Scroll 1, Verse 7
- A terrible, soulless thing will be known
- Made monstrous by its own words
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- A great hail of crystal and fire will bring destruction
- Upon great cities across the land
- Flameseeker Prophecies: Scroll 2, Verse 7
- A tyrant whose own hand drowned his lungs in salt water
- Will rise again from the depths of the abyss
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- And those he enslaved will not find liberty or rest
- The dead will walk again, leaving their sunken graves behind them
- Flameseeker Prophecies: Scroll 3, Verse 7
- The Unseen war will not cease
- The robed ones falter, blinded by the strength of their faith
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- A tale begun centuries ago ends at the lip of a mountain
- But first, the worthy have their own trials to face
- Flameseeker Prophecies: Scroll 1, Verse 8
- When the nations are overturned by burning wind
- Faces will be shadowed and unrest kindled
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- Control will surrender to false saviors
- But their enemy is relentless
- And victory will seem an unreachable phantom
- Flameseeker Prophecies: Scroll 2, Verse 8
- A stone that cannot erode bleeds its essence
- Into the soil of the tangled wilds
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- Dangerous people will use it to manufacture evil
- Unaware that the foundation of their power is kept there
- Flameseeker Prophecies: Scroll 3, Verse 8
- Fate will be sealed behind the iron door
- In the heart of the flame, where this world meets another
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- Those who come to pass before stand vigil
- Their sacrifice will be undone, their enslavement lifted
- The truth will be revealed
- Flameseeker Prophecies: Scroll 1, Verse 9
- The sky will open and rain fire upon weary soldiers
- Good intentions open a doorway to malignance
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- A would-be hero will choose the wrong path
- His last moments will bring him horrifying clarity
- Flameseeker Prophecies: Scroll 2, Verse 9
- When the vessel is coated in blood
- The souls of the worthy are released
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- Their sacrifice will hold shut the Door
- But it is destined to be opened
- Flameseeker Prophecies: Scroll 3, Verse 9
- Because of the dwarves' discord and negligence
- An opening will be given to the disciples of the Unseen
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- The peaks and valleys of the Shiverpeaks will be painted in blood
- At this time, the Ascendants will rise, and the way to the Door will be clear
- Flameseeker Prophecies: Scroll 1, Verse 10
- Those who would follow him will not witness his truth
- They stumble blindly without his sight to guide them
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- The battle is won, though the cost will be far reaching
- And from behind a great veil, a mastermind emerges
- But clashing steel blocks his path to full dominion
- Flameseeker Prophecies: Scroll 2, Verse 10
- To what wretched torment will innocent lives be delivered?
- Six will be taken in the defining moment
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- Their souls used up, poorly guarded, betrayed
- Offered to such horror by the blind scythe
- Flameseeker Prophecies: Scroll 3, Verse 10
- In the dark of night, the beasts will think their gods have sent an omen
- A light as brilliant as the sun-the fires of the mountain
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- Screams and cries ring out, battles fought with demons of fire and stone
- The beasts will be touched by their gods, and it will be terrible
- Flameseeker Prophecies: Scroll 1, Verse 11
- From the west will come the heart of Kryta
- Two leaders of one blood accept their audience
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- But their words cannot halt events foretold
- The temples are deserted, and faith is thin
- And the danger is only growing
- Flameseeker Prophecies: Scroll 2, Verse 11
- Those who dare oppose the slaughter
- Will be put to death as martyrs, and then forgotten
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- Those in robes will no longer be monks, zealots, or abbots
- Resistance will come in the form of clashing blades
- Flameseeker Prophecies: Scroll 3, Verse 11
- Crossing first a great ocean, and then a burning desert
- The worthy face a journey fraught with peril
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- Stumbling wearily, leaving destruction in their wake
- Fear opens a Door that should not be opened
- Flameseeker Prophecies: Scroll 1, Verse 12
- A lost relic will bring hope where there is none
- It will be celebrated as a gift from the gods
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- But the joy comes chained with sorrow
- As a bloodline is severed by words
- A son forsaken, a father blind
- Flameseeker Prophecies: Scroll 2, Verse 12
- When the altar bears the scythe
- Arced and ready to spill blood
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- Until every soul is reclaimed
- Those from distant places will remain Unseen
- Flameseeker Prophecies: Scroll 3, Verse 12
- When the darkness that travels between worlds
- Taking a form that is unknown, smoldering, and frightful
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- Is cast up from behind the Door
- The hand of the worthy will burn the Unseen from Tyria
- Flameseeker Prophecies: Scroll 1, Verse 13
- A sound across the heavens brings healing rain
- To drown fire and soothe smoldering scars
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- The mouth lies fallow until the final piece is recovered
- The beasts fall under the sword, but it will not be enough
- Flameseeker Prophecies: Scroll 2, Verse 13
- At the moon's highest ascendancy
- As the season approaches its renewal
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- Plague, famine, and death are wrought from militant hands
- And for each life stolen, another is needed
- Flameseeker Prophecies: Scroll 3, Verse 13
- The worthy, transformed by knowledge and clarity
- Fleeing down the mountain, but facing pursuit
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- A danger looms, greater than the shambling dead:
- Living monsters of stone and fire, enraged from imprisonment
- Flameseeker Prophecies: Scroll 1, Verse 14
- Too late, the king will repent
- That he did not see the danger of his adversary
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- His anger and pride will cause a rift
- Soon, a line severed by words will be severed in truth
- Flameseeker Prophecies: Scroll 2, Verse 14
- From another land comes a new danger
- Gateways are opened; the dead pass through
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- Secretly, enemies are placed like game pieces
- And adherents of the Unseen will find sedition against them
- Flameseeker Prophecies: Scroll 3, Verse 14
- At sunrise, events come to a close
- The keeper and kept meet on the battlefield
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- The horrors unleashed seem unending
- The destruction could reach every corner of the world
- Flameseeker Prophecies: Scroll 2, Verse 15
- At the point of delivery, desperation brings alliances
- The bird of prey steps into the forefront
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- Spreading wings of friendship, but to ensnare
- His council is taken as wisdom and kindness
- Flameseeker Prophecies: Scroll 3, Verse 15
- The bird of prey stands triumphant over his prize
- At his back, demons from beyond the Door
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- In ages to come, some will remember him with pity
- Others will curse his name, and they are wise
- Flameseeker Prophecies: The Lost Verse:
- On the last day of the Season of the Scion
- Tyria is revived again
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- Over the bones of the bird of prey, the fire is put out
- And the diabolic gathering is closed off once again