Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure content

The Defense of Amnytas

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The Defense of Amnytas

(Horn of Maguuma)
Event type
Meta event
Total events

The Defense of Amnytas is a level 80 meta event that occurs in Amnytas.

Dynamic events[edit]

Before event start
  • The barrier between realms holds.
Ten minutes before event start
  • The barrier between realms is beginning to destabilize.
  • Time before the Kryptis invade: 10:00
Event start
Red Boss.png [Group Event] Defeat the Tentacle of Nourys and close the rift (80)
After closing all six tentacle rifts
  • All of the bastions have been secured and the Astral Ward have returned to the Bastion of the Natural to plan their counteroffensive
  • Time before Operation Mosaic Wrath commences: 3:00
After Nourys spawns on the spire
  • The Astral Ward are assaulting Nourys, the Eyes of the Abyss, to protect the spire.
  • Nourys, the Eyes of the Abyss
  • Event bar.jpg Event boss (tango icon).png
  • The World Spire
  • Event bar.jpg
  • Guardians summoned: x/6
  • Time left to defeat Nourys: 20:00
Red Boss.png [Group Event] Assist in summoning the Guardian of Balance (80)
Red Boss.png [Group Event] Assist in summoning the Guardian of Knowledge (80)
Red Boss.png [Group Event] Assist in summoning the Guardian of the Natural (80)
Red Boss.png [Group Event] Defeat Nourys, the Eyes of the Abyss (80)
Red Boss.png [Group Event] Defend the World Spire from the tentacles and Kryptis turrets (80)
Red Boss.png [Group Event] Assist in summoning the Guardian of Strength (80)
Red Boss.png [Group Event] Assist in summoning the Guardian of the Celestial (80)
Red Boss.png [Group Event] Assist in summoning the Guardian of the Obscure (80)
If successful
  • The Kryptis invasion has been thwarted, and the barrier has been stabilized.
  • Map closes in: 5:00
If failed
  • The Kryptis have broken through the barrier between realms. All is lost.
  • Map closes in: 1:00

Event schedule[edit]

Previous 2 hoursNext 2 hours
00:00 UTC



Ten minutes before event begins
Vigilkeeper Livsdottir: Attention, ward. Preliminary signs of...multiple rift anomalies. Possible equipment malfunction...
Vigilkeeper Livsdottir: Never seen preliminary data show simultaneous interdimensional erosion on this scale.
Vigilkeeper Livsdottir: I'm running diagnostics, but we should move to readiness level one. Finish all current tasks and prepare for incursion.
Start of event
Vigilkeeper Livsdottir: Incursions imminent! Rift warnings...everywhere! Astral Ward, report to your bastions!
Vigilkeeper Livsdottir: Head to your designated— Spirits... Over the spire... What...what is that?
Vigilkeeper Livsdottir: One thing at a time. All available ward, to your bastions immediately! Search and seal! Close those rifts!
Heading to the Spire's Heart before summons are completed
Dagda: It'll ravage your mind if you stay up here. Return to a summoning platform before it drives you mad!
Fighting the tentacle rift at the Bastion of Strength
Galrath the Undying: Down anything that comes out of that portal. Save your mercy for something that deserves it.
Galrath the Undying: And watch your footing. If that tentacle catches you off guard... That eye is watching every one of your movements.
Galrath the Undying: Use the spells from the grimoire—should fray their armor to grime.
When the tentacle becomes vulnerable.
Galrath the Undying: Steady—steady. Now, let's try to focus on the tentacle.
When the High Kryptis appears through the Rift.
Galrath the Undying: Why aren't our attacks working? The big one must be protecting the tentacle. Oh, Riddik, I should have stayed...
Galrath the Undying: Take it down and we can cut through to the main event after.
When getting hit by the eyeball's laser beam.
Galrath the Undying: The Eye watches. Beware its beam!
When the champion Kryptis is defeated and the tentacle is vulnerable again.
Galrath the Undying: Cut it down or we're going to lose more Astral Ward to this petty feud.
When the Rift is ready to be closed
Galrath the Undying: Seal it. For good.
Galrath the Undying: Zizel, you'd better be safe...
After completing the event
Galrath the Undying: We've walked away with our limbs intact. I've seen easier fights go much, much worse.
Fighting the tentacle rift at the Bastion of the Obscure
Researcher Lezzi: Rifles required! Concentrate your fire, or we'll never get our hands on that tentacle!
When the tentacle becomes vulnerable.
Researcher Lezzi: Ooh, yes, Kryptis dead, wonderful. Perhaps now we can afford a closer look at the tentacle!
Peitha: Often, mortals are too foolish to be scared. Too intelligent to be scared... That is a twist.
When the High Kryptis appears through the Rift.
Researcher Lezzi: High Kryptis. It's undoubtedly here to guard the tentacle. And exterminate us. How annoying.
Researcher Lezzi: It'll simply need to be destroyed if I'm to study this beast. So be it.
When stepping in a damage puddle.
Researcher Lezzi: That doesn't look friendly. Find a safe space!
When the champion Kryptis is defeated and the tentacle is vulnerable again.
Researcher Lezzi: Now that that's out of the way, let's engage directly with the subject. I can't wait to view its innards!
When the Rift is ready to be closed
Researcher Lezzi: Close that rift! A shame to seal something so exquisite, but I can't work if I'm deceased.
After completing the event
Researcher Lezzi: (sighs) Well done. I'd hoped to examine its entrails, but it seems that's not possible. Yet.
Researcher Lezzi: Perhaps if we defeat the beat, I can portal to Nayos, find its corpse... I need to think. Please, continue without me.
Fighting the tentacle rift at the Bastion of Balance
Lyhr: Ignore that tentacle as best you can. Those demons must be destroyed at all costs, above and below. Use your skyscale!
When the tentacle becomes vulnerable.
Lyhr: Now, the tentacle. Hurry! All hangs in the balance.
Lyhr: Death is on our doorstep. We'll need every advantage to win this battle.
When the High Kryptis appears through the Rift.
Lyhr: Eparch must have sent that avatar to protect the tentacle.
Lyhr: Meet that High Kryptis head-on—we can't afford any delay!
When getting hit by a Kryptis turret.
Lyhr: Watch for aerial threats. See one, take to the sky and engage.
When the champion Kryptis is defeated and the tentacle is vulnerable again.
Lyhr: Focus on the tentacle! We have a chance if we don't let up!
When the Rift is ready to be closed
Lyhr: Seal that rift. Give them no second chances!
Lyhr: It all comes down to this! We act or we die.
After completing the event
Lyhr: It's done? It's done! For now. Settle down. Take a breath.
Lyhr: We've beaten the odds. Done Mabon proud. I need a moment, please. Press the advantage if you can.
Fighting the tentacle rift at the Bastion of the Natural
Forro: Quick, throw those concoctions! Hesitance will not help us!
When the tentacle becomes vulnerable.
Forro: Their footsteps are growing less. Now we focus on the moving mass.
When the High Kryptis appears through the Rift.
Forro: That smell... What happened? Are there more?
Coconut: (snarls)
Forro: Focus on the new beast.
When getting hit by the eyeball's laser beam.
Forro: Meteors incoming. Watch the skies!
When the champion Kryptis is defeated and the tentacle is vulnerable again.
Forro: The tentacle, focus your attacks again. Before another breaks through!
When the Rift is ready to be closed
Forro: You should be able to seal the rift now. Go.
After completing the event
Forro: The air is calm again... But the beast writhes throughout the bastions. We must aid the others.
Fighting the tentacle rift at the Bastion of the Celestial
Dagda: Eparch's creature... We face a great threat. Fight with me.
Dagda: Too many Kryptis. We must strike them first. Then we stand against the tentacle.
Dagda: Stay out of its way and destroy them.
When the tentacle becomes vulnerable.
Dagda: Turn your attention to the tentacle. Twisted creature...
Dagda: Does it slaughter us knowingly? Willingly? No matter. It must be stopped.
When the High Kryptis appears through the Rift.
Dagda: A new foe. It guards the tentacle. Destroy it!'
Dagda: Do you hear me, avatar? Tell your master, we will not relent!
Dagda: Avert your eyes!
When getting marked for death.
Dagda: Dash away! Outrun death!
When the champion Kryptis is defeated and the tentacle is vulnerable again.
Dagda: The tentacle. Crush it. Send Eparch a message!
When the Rift is ready to be closed
Dagda: The Heart of the Obscure. Seal the rift. Quickly! Close the way!
Fighting the tentacle rift at the Bastion of Knowledge
Head Archivist Wavering Heart: Faraway demons. Now close. The rifts. Invading our home. Like it invades my thoughts. But no. No!
Head Archivist Wavering Heart: I waver no longer. It aims to penetrate my mind, but my mind is mine! I've read the books! I will control my enemies!
Head Archivist Wavering Heart: Concentrate on the Kryptis. Evade the tentacle. I will interrogate...myself. The demon. In my head.
Head Archivist Wavering Heart: Names have power, parasite. I name you...Louse. Tell me your secrets, Louse. Quieter. Less screaming.
Peitha: They hold one of my people at bay in their mind? Separate? Or...who possesses whom, here? Curious...
Head Archivist Wavering Heart: Use the ward breaker. Tear its armor away—ah, Louse hates that idea! (laughs) Now you want quiet? (laughs louder)
When the tentacle becomes vulnerable.
Head Archivist Wavering Heart: Attack the limb, now. Louse's ravings suggest we'll draw the atten— You're giving me a headache!
When the High Kryptis appears through the Rift.
Head Archivist Wavering Heart: A High Kryptis. You told me so? You gloat? A gloating Louse in my head?
Head Archivist Wavering Heart: Get out. Get out! Kill the High Kryptis. Get out of my head!
Head Archivist Wavering Heart: Louse howls of orbs and impending doom. We'd best destroy those.
When the champion Kryptis is defeated and the tentacle is vulnerable again.
Head Archivist Wavering Heart: The tentacle is weak, now—FOUL MORTALS, ANY HARM TO LORD EPARCH'S FAVORED—(grunts) now, now...
Head Archivist Wavering Heart: Victory is close. Louse fights for control of my mind. Like a cornered...louse.
When the Rift is ready to be closed
Head Archivist Wavering Heart: Your device. Close the rift. Close the rift. Close. The. Rift.
After completing the event
Head Archivist Wavering Heart: We did it. Who's gloating now? I need... I need...something for this INFERNAL headache!
If timer expires
Head Archivist Wavering Heart: I can't... I can't... Too strong- YOUR SPIRE IS OURS. YOUR WORLD IS OURS. AND NOW WE WILL FEED.
Upon closing all six tentacle rifts
Vigilkeeper Livsdottir: Attention, ward. Report to the landing immediately for a strategy briefing.
Vigilkeeper Livsdottir: Those injured or assisting the injured make your way to the infirmary at the Bastion of the Natural.
Astral ward members begin to convene for the strategy briefing.
Uenno: (groans) This is too much for my old bones. Let's be done with this, one way or another.
Frode: We've done well to hold them off. But if we're going to force them out, we have no choice...
Gol: Remain calm. Remove emotion. Focus on the task at hand. Only then can we overcome.
Captain Emund: Judging by the look of you all, I'm not the only one who nearly died back there. Hm. Is that discouraging or reassuring?
R'tchikk: Friends! It is a great relief to see all of your faces. R'tchikk feared the worst.
Head Archivist Wavering Heart: So many of you, still fighting. The happiness in my heart nearly drowns out the screaming in my head.
Head Cartographer Pavish: I told them not to test us! there more fighting to do?
Once everyone is gathered for the strategy briefing.
Dagda: Attention, ward! Damaging the tentacles is hurting the creature. But I'm afraid it may not be enough.
Frode: We're out of options, Dagda. It has to be Mosaic Wrath. We have to summon the guardians.
R'tchikk: The power the guardians consume—decades to build, minutes to deplete...
Dagda: We only get one chance at Operation Mosaic Wrath; if we summon them now, we'll be vulnerable, even if we're victorious.
Frode: Better vulnerable than defeated. I only hope we're not too late already. Can you and Lyhr buy us the time?
Lyhr: Either we do or we're all dead.
Vanak Faithwalker: I will accept death if it buys Tyria freedom from the Kryptis.
Livia: I propose we make the Kryptis dead instead.
R'tchikk: R'tchikk doesn't want to die!
Dagda: Death is a luxury we can't afford. If the guardians are spent, the ward's all that stands between the Kryptis and Tyria.
Dagda: And there are fates worse than death.
Livia: There's a parasitic subspecies called a Puppeteer Ooze that can enter the skull through any open orifice—
Gol: One could posit that "good" and "bad" do not apply to life and death. Given our current situation, the tranquility of—
Zizel: Sadly true. An apprentice once brewed a tincture with weevil secretions rather than beetle. Has phantom tongue pain now—
Vigilkeeper Livsdottir: Multiple rift warnings! Breeches imminent on upper platforms!
Dagda: You're right, Frode. Lyhr and I will distract the beast from above. Do we have the numbers to support the summoners?
Frode: As a shrewd wizard once told me, "Either we do or we're all dead."
Dagda: The north platform is compromised. Frode, Gol, take the east platform. R'tchikk and Vanak, west. Livia, Zizel, south.
Dagda: Remaining Astral Ward, return to your posts on the bastions or assist the injured.
Dagda: Survive, and we few will know you are heroes. Die, and all of Tyria will know of our failure. Go!
Zizel while summoning the Guardian of the Natural
Zizel: This place will suffice. Will have to. They're coming. I feel it. (deep breath) Have you ever summoned a guardian?
Zizel: In the thick of it again, aren't we? Those Kryptis... Their bellies are full with our energy, our emotions.
Zizel: Defeat them. Take that energy back. Return it to me. And keep me safe!
When half of the energy has been returned.
Zizel: The summoning spell—it's half finished. The slow half, I hope. More energy!
After completing the summoning.
Zizel: Haha! We've retaken what was stolen from us to use against them...again. Poetic. If it works. To the spire!
R'tchikk while summoning the Guardian of Knowledge
R'tchikk: Skritt summons. The spell needs energy. Emotion. Kryptis feed on emotion. Take the emotion back!
R'tchikk: Bring the energy to R'tchikk. R'tchikk will give it to the guardian while the wayfinder protects. It's our only chance!
When half of the energy has been returned.
R'tchikk: So much energy! Yet the guardian is only half summoned...Please don't quit on R'tchikk!
After completing the summoning.
R'tchikk: The guardian arrives! Ah, a sight for R'tchikk's weary eyes! To the top of the spire, gigantic friend.
Gol while summoning the Guardian of Balance
Gol: This summon will require my full concentration. If the Kryptis are the storm, I must remain the eye. Prepare yourself...
Gol: This spell...difficult to maintain. I may need your protection to do so. The Kryptis...
Gol: They've consumed our emotions. Destroy them. Reclaim our emotional energy. I can harness it to power the spell.
When half of the energy has been returned.
Gol: Yes. The energy wave builds. The summoning, half complete. Gather more, return it to me...
After completing the summoning.
Gol: That's it! The wave has crested! The summon is complete! Now, to the top of the spire.
After the first three guardians have been summoned
Vigilkeeper Livsdottir The spire's under direct attack! Divide forces—skyscales, defend the spire; ground troops, engage the head!
Upon the Maw becoming vulnerable
Dagda: Now concentrate on its maw—we have to break its hold!
Upon the Maw reaching half health
Dagda: It invades our thoughts again. Lyhr and I can withstand this, but you must flee before it tears your mind apart.
Livia whiles ummoning the Guardian of the Obscure
Livia: I knew you'd make another appearance. Prepare to do what we do best: disappoint our enemies.
Livia: I've begun summoning the guardian. This spell requires incredible energy, so I may need you to watch my back.
Livia: These Kryptis have fed on our emotions—kill them, collect that energy, and add its power to my spell!
When half of the energy has been returned.
Livia: We've collected half the energy we need. We didn't come here to watch each other die—collect more!
After completing the summoning.
Livia: Summon complete! Naturally. We never fail to impress, do we?
Vanak Faithwalker while summoning the Guardian of Strength
Vanak Faithwalker: Another chance to sway our fates. Let's not squander it. I'll handle the summoning. You handle the demons.
Vanak Faithwalker: Spell requires a lot of energy. Not just mine—we'll need some of the energy the Kryptis fed on.
Vanak Faithwalker: Take them down, collect the emotional energy, bring it to me. I'll channel it into this summoning while you guard me.
When half of the energy has been returned.
Vanak Faithwalker: That's half of it. Long way to go. Don't slow down. Never let up.
After completing the summoning.
Vanak Faithwalker: Yes. That's done it. Now...No rest for the living. Or the summoned.
Frode while summoning the Guardian of the Celestial
Frode: Now it's us. Can't let the ward down. Keep the demons off me as best you can, and I'll do my part.
Frode: The emotions they've taken from us... Take them back. Bring them here to power the summoning.
Frode: (groans) The quicker the better. And if they come after me, I'll need you to guard me.
When half of the energy has been returned.
Frode: That's half of it. Hurry. Not sure...I can keep this up.
After completing the summoning.
Frode: (breathing hard) Good. Good. Now for the real fight. On the spire.
After all six guardians have been summoned
Vigilkeeper Livsdottir: Defend the spire. Skyscales, take to the air and intercept. The rest of you keep fighting the head!
Dagda: Again. Focus on the tentacles!
Dagda: Use the powers of the remaining guardians! Keep the pressure on!
Once Nourys's Maw has been defeated
Dagda: Do as I do, and together we can deal the final blow.
Once Dagda completes her ritual
Dagda: That's it! The guardians are combined! Attack with their full strength!
Dagda: No. No! It's not enough. On your skyscales! I will imbue them with power.
Dagda: We need to break the beast's concentration. Get in the air and attack those eyes!
If player is outside of the event area during the Nourys fight
Vigilkeeper Livsdottir: Attention! Operation Mosaic Wrath underway! Report to Dagda on top of the spire! Go! Go!
Upon success
Lyhr: Amnytas is ours, demons. OURS!
Vigilkeeper Livsdottir: Threats eliminated. Kryptis in retreat! You did it, ward! You did it!
Upon failure
Vigilkeeper Livsdottir: The spire is overwhelmed! Fight your way to safety! Escape if you— YOU'RE NOT TAKING ME WITHOUT A FIGHT!
After event success, with Dagda and Lyhr
Dagda: We actually pushed that thing back. We can't let our guard down, and who knows what Eparch will throw at us next ... But we did it.
Talk more option tango.png It was a group effort.
Lyhr: It was. You, me, Dagda, the entire Astral Ward_including everyone we've lost. We all played a part in this victory. Dagda be right about Eparch ... but let's savor this.
Talk more option tango.png Mabon would be proud.
Dagda: Indeed. Of all of us. Thank you, Wayfinder. Just ... please, don't ask me to do that again for a while. A LONG while.
Talk end option tango.png Understood.
Talk end option tango.png We'll be there to take whatever Eparch can throw at us head-on. Together.
Talk end option tango.png We did it.
With R'tchikk, Gladium, and Vanak Faithwalker
R'tchikk: R'tchikk saw the commander_I mean the wayfinder_do the big punches! The wayfinder's skyscale poked ALL of the monsters eyes out! R'tchikk could hear them POP from the Wizard's Tower!
Talk more option tango.png That's...disturbing to know. But thank you for your help, R'tchikk.
Gladium: (gestures)
(You get thes sense that Gladium is apologizing for R'tchikk's impulsive comment, but she understands why R'tchikk is so happy.)
Talk more option tango.png I think I understand. And I agree, It was quite a victory today.
Vanak Faithwalker: We've won a batlle, yes. But the war continues. Isgarren is still missing. Eparch still reigns in Nayos with the Kryptis and who knows what else at his side.
Talk end option tango.png Of course. And he must be stopped.
Talk end option tango.png (Smile and wave good-bye.)
Talk end option tango.png I... Thanks.
With Uenno and Frode
Uenno: It wasn't easy... Yet I'm not sure we could've asked for much better, all things considered. Wayfinder, thank you.
Talk more option tango.png Eparch's still out there...
Frode: (sighs) You're right. But now that we have a moment to breathe... Maybe I can take a little time to process losing Arina.
Talk end option tango.png Keep your hopes held high, Frode. Tomorrow's a new day.
Talk end option tango.png I'm glad I was able to help.
With Head Cartographer Pavish, Forro, and Coconut
Forro: Wayfinder. I thank you. All the creatures of Amnytas thank you.
Talk more option tango.png We all did our parts.
Coconut: (purrs)
Talk more option tango.png Aw, thanks, Coconut. You fought bravely.
Head Cartographer Pavish: Have to admit, even I got a little scared toward the end there. Those huge tentacles waving around, eyeballs shooting all manner of... What is that noise? She's not going to bite me, is she?
Talk end option tango.png Only if you show fear.
Talk end option tango.png Rest up, friends.
Talk end option tango.png You're welcome.
With Narcisse, Yasko Ironquill, and Captain Emund
Narcisse: What a battle! You're looking well, all things considered. Are you hurt? Or are you too stoic to admit it? Like those two.
Talk more option tango.png Probably.
Captain Emund: Heh. Felt good to get out there and do something. Glad it's over for now, though. I'll admit my arm was getting sore...
Talk more option tango.png You fought well. All of you.
Yasko Ironquill: We've dealt a blow to Eparch's forces, that's for certain. If only we had all the strength to counter— Ow! Narcisse, I might need a bit of healing after all...
Talk end option tango.png Heal up while you can...
Talk end option tango.png Narcisse probably has something for that.
Talk end option tango.png I'm fine, thanks.
With Head Archivist Wavering Heart, Researcher Lezzi and Zizel
Zizel: Our feats today, Wayfinder... A turning point, perhaps? Auspicious. Beautiful. Worthy of song.
Talk more option tango.png Beautiful, indeed.
Researcher Lezzi: A shame I wasn't able to dissect the creature, though. Speaking of beauty, the rifts it created... So many at once... Those were true works of art.
Talk more option tango.png I wonder if it survived.
Head Archivist Stalwart Heart: Mmm. As does Louse. Perhaps we turn the tables, demon? Perhaps we invade YOUR home next, hmm?
Talk end option tango.png Let's hope it doesn't come to that...
Talk end option tango.png I'll hav to take your word for it.
Talk end option tango.png Well fought, everyone.
With Livia, Gol, and Galrath the Undying
Livia: It seems that you're the hero of the day yet again, Wayfinder. Just like old times, no?
Talk more option tango.png It's what we do as part of the Shining Blade.
Galrath the Undying: BAH! That lot don't know what the world's really about. Livia does. I do. Live for hundreds of years, and you learn a lot.
Talk more option tango.png Still plenty of secrets out there, aren't there?
Gol: More than can ever be known. But we must strive to learn something new every day, with the hope that knowledge brings us closer to ending Eparch's reign of terror.
Talk end option tango.png Wise words.
Talk end option tango.png I'll...get right on that.
Talk end option tango.png Excellent work.

Related achievements[edit]
