Give alpine lilies to the militia captain before illness overtakes his soldiers

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Give alpine lilies to the militia captain before illness overtakes his soldiers

Interactive map

Interactive map

Give alpine lilies to the militia captain before illness overtakes his soldiers is a level 15 event in Hunter's Pitfalls and Tromigar Valley.


  • Alpine Lilies
  • Event bar empty2.jpg Alpine Lily (trophy).png
  • Your contribution: x
  • Spread of illness becomes irreversible in: 8:00
  • Creating Lily Potion: :10


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 613 Experience.png 86 Karma 20 Copper coin
Silver 522 Experience.png 73 Karma 17 Copper coin
Bronze 460 Experience.png 65 Karma 15 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 15 player. Higher level players receive dynamically adjusted rewards.






Before event
Mercenary Soldier: We're safe for now, but he's still too sick to move. There has to be something we can do.
Mercenary Captain: We can't stay here. In survival training, I learned about alpine lilies, local flowers that can cure disease.
Mercenary Captain: That's what we need. Enough alpine lilies, and I think I can make a cure for this sickness.
Event success
Mercenary Soldier: I'm feeling much better now. Thank you, sir. I think I can make it the rest of the way.
Mercenary Captain: Glad to have you back, soldier, but we'll have to celebrate later.
Mercenary Captain: Once we find shelter at the next camp, I'll pass out our extra potions if anyone needs them.

Upon passing Lionguard Haral

Lionguard Haral: There you are, Captain! You look like you've been dragged through a snowdrift. Just a little bit farther, and you can have some stew a the landing.

Upon reaching Snowhawk Landing

Mercenary Captain: Go find a meal and a bed. I'll join you all shortly. (becomes a merchant)
Mercenary Captain: That's it for me. Time to head in.
Event failure
Mercenary Captain: I leave you in Grenth's care. We have to move on while we still can.


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