Untamed Wilds
Untamed Wilds
- Year
- 1325 AE
- Storyline
- Personal story
- Chapter
- Helping Hands
- Location
- Agrak Kraal
(Blazeridge Steppes)
Foulblain Expanse
(Blazeridge Steppes) - Level
- 50
- Choice
- Ogre
- Preceded by
Mightier than the Sword
An Apple a Day
Minister's Defense
Quaestor's Siege
- Followed by
- Pets and Walls Make Stronger Kraals
- 271
Untamed Wilds is part of the personal story for charr, or norn characters who chose to align with the ogres.
Gain the cooperation of the ogres of Agrak Kraal.
- Meet your order mentor at Agrak Kraal.
Find the search party that went looking for Chieftain Uldek.
- Find the missing ogre search party in the Brand.
- Revive Jonkor.
- Escort Jonkor to safety.
- Defeat the siege devourer and its hatchlings.
Click here to edit the reward data
- All professions
- Bag of Loot (5)
- Profession-specific
One of the following: Stalwart's Chausses, Slayer's Chausses, Inquisitor's Chausses
One of the following: Stalwart's Leggings, Slayer's Leggings, Inquisitor's Leggings
One of the following: Stalwart's Pants, Slayer's Pants, Inquisitor's Pants
To get to Agrak Kraal, you will need to go through Blazeridge Steppes. When you enter the first instance, you will meet Lagula, and have a chance to get more information about the ogres. You will be tasked to find their chieftain, Uldek, and the search party that went looking for him.
Leave the instance and go west of Pockmark Roughs. The second instance is pretty straightforward: follow the ogre corpses (you'll find Branded Humans around the first corpse, Branded Minotaurs around the second, Branded Charr around the third and fourth, Branded Rock Dogs around the Jonkor), find Jonkor, revive him and escort him to the exit. Before you get there, a Veteran Branded Siege Devourer will spawn, accompanied by many hatchings. The Siege Devourer will be a hard fight if you attempt to use ranged attacks, as being at a certain distance will allow it to use an extremely powerful knockdown attack which you will have to dodge constantly, and eventually use up your energy. Any summoning skills will make this fight easy as the devourer will attack the summoned creature rather than you.
Periodically, the devourer will instantly regenerate all its health, making it extremely difficult if not impossible to defeat.
- Branded Charr
- Branded Devourer
- Branded Devourer Hatchling
- Branded Human
- Branded Minotaur
- Branded Rock Dog
- Veteran Branded Siege Devourer
In Agrak Kraal[edit]
When entering the Kraal:
- Magister Sieran: You got my letter! Come on, the chief has agreed to speak with us.
- Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: Now we can get started. The acting chief is willing to talk to us, but watch your step.
Cinematic when talking to mentor:
- Magister Sieran: (Durmand Priory) Hi there, ogre, I'm Sieran. We've come to talk to your chief about the swarms of Branded beasts around here.
- Lightbringer Tybalt Leftpaw: (Order of Whispers) Greetings, my large friend. We've come to speak with your chief about the large hordes of Branded creatures gathering nearby.
- Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: (Vigil) You there! The Vigil would like to talk to your chief about the swarms of Branded creatures that have been plaguing your kraal.
- Lagula: Uldek the Fierce is our chief, but he's still missing. I am Lagula, and I speak for the kraal until Uldek returns...but I am in no mood to talk to strangers.
- <Character name>: What if we find him for you? Would you talk to us then?
- Lagula: Of course. If you find Uldek, the entire kraal will thank you.
- Lagula: He was exploring near the Brand when he went missing. A bunch of us went to look for him, but they never came back. Find them too, if you can.
After the cinematic:
- Lagula: I wish Uldek had listened to me. We've tried taming Branded before, but it always ends in blood.
- Magister Sieran: (Durmand Priory) I look at these creatures, and I think of my home in the Grove. What would I be willing to do if something threatened it?
- Lightbringer Tybalt Leftpaw: (Order of Whispers) Look at 'em, sticking by each other no matter what. I wish...I mean, my old warband...ah, never mind.
- Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: (Vigil) Those creatures are certainly stubborn. Dedicated, I mean. I may not like 'em, but I can admire that.
Talking to NPCs before leaving instance:
- Magister Sieran: Finding a lost search party? No problem! That's what we do after all: we're explorers! Well, you are and I was.
- I could, but this is a great opportunity for you to interact with Lagula. We need her to help convince the entire kraal to join our cause, so the more time we spend with her, the better.
- Good point. I'll ask Lagula.
Can you answer some questions about the ogres?
- Let's get to exploring, then. Those ogres need help.
- Lightbringer Tybalt Leftpaw: We've got our objectives. Let's head back into the field. It's time to get out there and find that search party.
- Well, don't waste your time asking me. Ask Lagula. She knows more than I do. We should get her used to working with us if we're going to recruit her and the rest of Agrak Kraal.
- Makes sense. I'll ask her instead.
I have some questions about ogres.
- On my way.
- Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: From what I know of the Brand, it's not a place for anyone to be left stranded. Let's get moving.
- I think you'd be better off asking Lagula. She's got the inside information, and we need to cement our relationship with her if we're ever going to recruit this kraal.
- All right, I'll ask her.
- Never mind. I'm ready to get started.
Can you answer some questions about the ogres?
- I'm ready.
- Lagula: With Uldek missing and the Branded harassing us, I've got my hands full. Find Uldek, find the search party, and bring them home.
- All right, but keep it quick. I've got a kraal to run.
- Ogres have been on Tyria longer than you, little hero. And we live long lives. I once met a beastmaster who was there when Ascalon fell 250 years ago.
- We came down from the Blaezridge Mountains and pushed west, looking for new lands. The humans stopped us, then the charr...but since the dragon made the Brand, we've been making progress again.
- True. Agrak Kraal was founded here, on the edge of the Brand itself, and we've had nothing but trouble. Until we work out a solution to the Brand and the Branded, this is as far west as we go.
- I have another question.
- Thanks for the information.
But the Brand itself is a much graver threat.
- Thanks for the information.
Impressive. What else can you tell me?
- I have another question.
- That's all I needed to know.
Tell me about your people.
- We live our lives as individuals, but we do need a leader. We choose chieftains by merit: the best leader, the best tamer, the smartest, or the strongest usually wins the support of the kraal.
- I have enough support to challenge Uldek, but that might split the kraal. Also, I respect him. He's a good leader, so I don't mind working for him and the kraal while waiting for my chance.
- I have another question.
- That's all I needed to know.
Tell me more.
Tell me about Uldek and the chieftainship.
- The Crystal Dragon made it. As it flew overhead, its breath gouged a poisonous trench on the ground. You can't farm on it, you can't ranch on it. The only thing it produces is monsters.
- I have another question.
- That's all I needed to know.
Tell me about the Brand.
- They started out as normal beasts and normal people, but the dragon's touch corrupts them. Normal things go into the Brand, but most come back out as these savage, crystal...things.
- I have another question.
- That's all I needed to know.
Tell me about the Branded.
- That's all I need to know.
I have a few questions for you.
- Spoken like a true chieftain. Leave it to us.
- We're on it.
At Foulblain Expanse[edit]
Upon arriving at the Dragonbrand:
- Magister Sieran: I hate the Brand. Nothing good grows here.
- Lightbringer Tybalt Leftpaw: I've been meaning to check out the Brand. You think any of those ogres are still alive?
- Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: We'd better move fast. This place reeks of death.
Talking to your mentor:
- Magister Sieran: I've never been this deep into the Brand before. It's fascinating, in a horrible kind of way. I expected monsters and ruined landscape, but I didn't think the air itself would be so...hostile.
- Another reason to find those missing ogres quickly.
- Lightbringer Tybalt Leftpaw: So this is the Brand. Dead land, vicious monsters, everything's tinted purple...and the ogres are fighting my people for control of it? We should just haul everyone out of here and wall it off.
- Not until we rescue the missing ogre search party.
- Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: I don't like this. Reminds me too much of the places Jormag has ruined, only with corrupted crystal instead of ice. Let's find the search party, get out of here, and finish the mission.
- No argument here.
Upon examining the ogre corpses:
- The ogre corpse is badly mangled. There are signs of battle, which confuse the trail, but tracks continue deeper into the Brand.
- Move on.
Upon finding Jonkor:
- Magister Sieran: Uhoh. All this blood has attracted some unwanted attention.
- Lightbringer Tybalt Leftpaw: There he is. Quick, get that beast off his back so we can talk to him.
- Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: Found him! But it looks like we're not the only ones.
After reviving Jonkor:
- Jonkor: How long have I been lying here? And who are you?
- Jonkor: Never mind. We've got to get out of here. I can still fight, but it's not safe.
- Jonkor: The chief...turned on us. Help me get back and warn the kraal.
If you talk to Jonkor:
- Jonkor: There's no time. We have to get back to warn the kraal.
- Let's go, then.
If you talk to your mentor after defeating the Veteran Branded Siege Devourer:
- Magister Sieran: This is an amazing opportunity. If we survive, I'm going to write a dissertation about working with ogres to defend their kraal, and their chieftains' line of succession, and—
- Later, Sieran. First we need to save the kraal, then you publish.
- Lightbringer Tybalt Leftpaw: If word gets out that I helped ogres defend their kraal, I'll be even less popular among the High Legions. Good thing I don't answer to them anymore, eh?
- Good for both of us, partner.
- Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: I like these ogres. They're tough, capable and they don't take any guff. We'll need tribes like this when we confront the dragons.
- Another good reason to make sure they survive.
Cinematic after escorting Jonkor to safety:
- Jonkor: Thank you. Uldek has gone mad. He killed the others, killed our pets, and left me for dead.
- <Character name>: Why did Uldek attack his own people?
- Jonkor: He's been Branded...turned into a crystal monster. He went out to tame such creatures, but became one instead.
- Jonkor: He lured us into a trap and sent a pack of those crystal creatures on us. He's still our finest beastmaster--they obeyed him perfectly.
- Jonkor: Now he means to make Branded of the entire kraal...and our pets. I have to get back and warn them.
- Jonkor: There are two ways you could help, if you like. Our tamers need as many strong pets as they can find. Also, we need more supplies to build fortifications.
If you talk to Jonkor:
- Jonkor: Thanks. If you hadn't come along, the kraal would never have known what happened to Uldek, or the threat he's become. We have to get back and help them prepare.
- We've got to move fast. The kraal needs more fighting pets. Our beastmasters can tame just about anything...and we need lumber to strengthen our defenses.
- There's a pack of rock dogs nearby. They'd be perfect. Their alpha is named Sourfang, and he's a vicious, bad-tempered brute. If we tame him, the rest will follow.
- Speak with Beastmaster Nojara. She's out tracking down the rock dogs right now. Once you find her, tell her I sent you. Nojara's smart; she won't turn down help at a time like this.
- The trees we need aren't far away, but there's a flock of harpies living in them. We'll need to clear them out so we can harvest the trees safely.
- Talk to Builder Gorkan. He's heading up the logging detail. Tell him I sent you, and he'll be a lot less hostile.
- I have another question.
- Okay. I'm ready.
I understand. How can I help?
- I have another question.
- Okay, I'm ready to go.
What about the lumber?
- I have another question.
- I'm ready. Let's begin.
Sounds good. Where do I start?
- Thanks. Let's get started.
Where can we find beasts to tame in time?
- I'll answer as best I can, but keep it brief. The Branded are massing to attack as we speak.
- Our lives are built around our pets. They work for us, fight for us, and stand by us: partners for life. The more impressive pets an ogre has, the more respected that ogre is.
- Dominance. We live hard lives, so we teach hard lessons. A tamer must show the beast who's in charge and make sure it understands what is expected of it. Do that, and the bond forms quickly.
- I have another question.
- Thanks. That's all I need to know.
But they start as wild beasts. How do you tame them?
- I have another question.
- Okay, that's all I need to know. Let's move out.
I'd like to know more about ogres and their pets.
- He tried to tame the Branded who were massing to attack us, but they made him one of them. With Uldek leading the Branded horde, Agrak Kraal is is[sic] more danger than ever.
- I have another question.
- That's all I need to know.
What happened to Uldek?
- I'd like to review the defense plan. Let's start with the taming.
- Actually, I'm ready to go. Let's move out.
I have a few more questions for you.
- Thanks. We'd better get moving.
- Let's get started.
My story[edit]
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