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Disambig icon.png This article is about the boon. For the rune, see Superior Rune of Resistance.



Effect type
Max. duration
30 seconds
Game link

Nondamaging conditions currently on you are ineffective; stacks duration.

— In-game description

Resistance is a boon that temporarily neutralizes negative effects caused by nondamaging conditions. For example, when a character affected by Fear has Resistance applied to them, they'll no longer be forced to run away from the casting enemy. When resistance ends, the character will resume running in fear if the condition is still in place. However, Resistance doesn't negate the reduced healing effectiveness effect from the damaging condition Poison.

Conditions negated by Resistance[edit]

Crowd Control conditions neutralized by Resistance
Icon Name Description
Blinded.png Blinded Next outgoing attack misses; stacks duration.
Chilled.png Chilled Movement speed decreased by 66%; skill cooldown increased by 66%; stacks duration.
Crippled.png Crippled Movement speed decreased by 50%; stacks duration.
Fear.png Fear Involuntary retreat; unable to act; stacks duration.
Immobile.png Immobilized Unable to move; stacks duration.
Slow.png Slow Skills and actions are slower.
Taunt.png Taunt Involuntarily attack foes.
Vulnerability.png Vulnerability Damage and condition damage taken are increased; stacks intensity.
Weakness.png Weakness Endurance regeneration decreased by 50%. 50% of hits are Glancing Blows (50% damage). Stacks duration.
Poisoned.png Poisoned additionally has the effect of reducing incoming healing, Resistance does not negate that effect.
  • Although Fear.png Fear is negated, it will still deal damage from Necromancers with Terror Terror equipped.

Related skills[edit]

See also: Boon#Related skills

Weapon skills that grant resistance

Bundle skills that grant resistance

Healing skills that grant resistance

Utility skills that grant resistance

Elite skills that grant resistance

Profession mechanic skills that grant resistance

Skills that convert immobilize into resistance

Primary article: Boon#Skills that convert conditions into boons

Related traits[edit]

See also: Boon#Related traits

Traits that grant resistance

Trait skills that grant resistance

Traits that improve resistance

Traits that convert immobile into resistance[edit]

Primary article: Boons#Traits that convert conditions into boons

Related equipment[edit]

See also: Boon#Related equipment

Relics that grant resistance[edit]

Version history[edit]

Patch Changes
October 05, 2021
  • Fixed a bug causing duration-stacking boons to be affected by a hidden stack limit of 9, which in some cases could come into effect before stacking to that boon's expected duration cap. This resulted in some boons having a lower total duration than expected. This hidden stack limit has been removed for duration-stacking boons that also have a maximum duration—alacrity, fury, protection, quickness, resistance, resolution, swiftness, and vigor.
May 11, 2021
  • Nondamaging conditions currently on the player are ineffective. Stacks duration.
May 08, 2018
  • This boon now converts to 3 seconds of chill when it is corrupted.
February 06, 2018
  • Resistance now converts to 2 seconds of immobilize.
October 18, 2016
  • The duration-based boons Protection, Quickness, Regeneration, Resistance, Retaliation, and Vigor will now only stack up to 5 times instead of 9.
June 23, 2015 Specialization update:
  • Resistance has been added to the game.