Lionguard Hela
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Lionguard Hela
Lionguard Hela is a Lionguard that taught the player about her organization. She survived the attack on Lion's Arch and was found in the camp in Gendarran Fields, eventually returning to Lion's Arch, roaming about the city along with her dog Hauser.
Historical locations[edit]
- Kryta
- Gendarran Fields
- Lion's Arch
- Trader's Forum (before Escape from Lion's Arch)
- Before the attack on Lion's Arch
- Greetings. I'm Hela, with the Lionguard. Do you have need of the Lionguard's services?
- Our primary role here is as the protectors of Lion's Arch. We maintain order and ensure that commerce runs smoothly. We also build and protect havens along the Lion's Road, which we patrol to allow trade.
- We strive to honor the spirit of the laws of Kryta whenever possible, but we do not consider ourselves bound by them. We will always choose whatever means seems best-suited to upholding our mandate.
- Our captain is Magnus the Bloody-Handed. He's also on the Captain's Council, so he holds a great deal of power in the city.
- I will try to watch my step while I am here.
Who is in charge of the Lionguard?
- Makes sense. Farewell.
So you enforce the laws here?
- I'll let you get back to work.
What can you tell me about the Lionguard?
- I'll let you know if something comes up.