Escort the Order of Whispers team to the grawl camp

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Escort the Order of Whispers team to the grawl camp

Interactive map

Interactive map

Escort the Order of Whispers team to the grawl camp is a level 53 dynamic event that starts in Molodets Excavation and goes to Guilty Tears.


  • Defend Whispers members.
  • Revive allies: x/2


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 4,513 Experience.png 257 Karma 60 Copper coin
Silver 3,836 Experience.png 219 Karma 51 Copper coin
Bronze 3,385 Experience.png 193 Karma 45 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 53 player. Higher level players receive dynamically adjusted rewards.





Encountering grawl
Agent Barwick: Time to take the fight to the grawl.
Agent Barwick: On your toes. Here they come.
Agent Marielli: Here come more grawl.
Agent Barwick: Look out. It's a trap!
Arriving at the camp
Agent Barwick: What is that giant statue?
Agent Marielli: Whatever it is, it certainly seems to have made an impression on these grawl.
Agent Barwick: Things just got a little more interesting here.


This event chain can occasionally stall if Agent Barwick and Agent Marielli stay dead by the grawl camp.