Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds content

Collect and turn in debris from the shore and enemies

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Collect and turn in debris from the shore and enemies

Interactive map

Interactive map

Collect and turn in debris from the shore and enemies is a level 80 dynamic event in Janthir Syntri.


  • Debris
    Event bar empty2.jpg Bone.png
  • Your contribution: x
  • Time remaining to turn in debris: 0:30



Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 26,670 Experience.png 378 Karma 88 Copper coin
Silver 20,003 Experience.png 284 Karma 66 Copper coin
Bronze 13,335 Experience.png 189 Karma 44 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 80 player.






Event Start
Scouring Hawk: By the harvest moon! Debris strewn up and down the coast. What do you glean is the cause?
Discerning Owl: Unsure. Hoping this is not the sign of another stranger to contend with.
Scouring Hawk: Studying the flotsam more closely is in order, I believe.
Discerning Owl: Agreed.
Upon success (followed by dialogue at the start of next event)
Discerning Owl: These large teeth are not from a stranger.
Scouring Hawk: No. They belong to...


  • The event seems to respawn about 20-25 minutes after the follow-up.
    • This timer is paused during the meta event.
  • The NPCs will despawn at the start of the meta event. The event can still be completed during the 10 minute countdown. [verification requested]
The NPCs will respawn shortly after the follow-up, but won't provide any interaction despite having a Talk option.
If Scouring Hawk is not present:
  • No dialogue will play when the event starts.
  • They will temporarily spawn un-interactable and say their line during the success dialogue, then despawn when combat ends.
  • The follow-up event Kill the leviathan will not be able to start.
After the meta event, the NPCs will be stand at the spawn of the pre-event, and the Leviathan can sometimes be spawned directly, skipping this event.

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