Defend the siege devourer while it assists the troops

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Defend the siege devourer while it assists the troops

Interactive map

Interactive map

Defend the siege devourer while it assists the troops is a level 57 event that takes place within the Iron Marches as part of the Devouring the Brand meta event. It begins in northern Lake Desolann and ends at the Wreckage of Day's Labor in Crystalwept Groves.

This event occurs simultaneously with another event, Escort Centurion Bloodfist to Day's Labor



Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 5,572 Experience.png 275 Karma 64 Copper coin
Silver 4,736 Experience.png 234 Karma 54 Copper coin
Bronze 4,179 Experience.png 206 Karma 48 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 57 player. Higher level players receive dynamically adjusted rewards.






Event starts
Centurion Bloodfist: "First-rate work, troops. We have our spearhead now."
Centurion Bloodfist: "Next stop, the ruined village of Day's Labor."
Centurion Bloodfist: "We'll make a push up the main approach."
Centurion Bloodfist: "The siege team will support us from the high ground. Move out!"
Event completed
Centurion Bloodfist: "There's the objective. We might have to find another way in."
Sentinel Whiptail: "No door? No problem!"
Entering Day's Labor
Centurion Bloodfist: "That's our cue! Last one in is a Branded lover!"


If the devourer is brought to 0 health it will not be defeated. Instead, enemies will become neutral towards it, and it will stay knocked down. It can be healed to full health and once fully healed, it will stand up after Sentinel Whiptail is defeated and then revived, from then on the devourer will attack anything that Sentinel Whiptail attacks, but the event will no longer advance and enemies will no longer attack the devourer, preventing completion of the meta-event and acquisition of the related trait.