Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds content

Mount Balrior

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Disambig icon.png This article is about the instanced zone. For the public instance, see Convergence: Mount Balrior. For other uses, see Mount Balrior (disambiguation).

Mount Balrior

Mount Balrior map.jpg
Map of Mount Balrior

Mount Balrior

Mount Balrior loading screen.png
Loading screen


Mount Balrior.jpg

Click to enlarge.

The way to Mount Balrior is open, and the titans are vulnerable. Explore the area to find the titans in their lairs and put an end to their menace.

— In-game description

Mount Balrior is a raid consisting of one single wing of the same name. It is the eighth raid wing added to the game and is commonly referred to as W8.

Getting there[edit]

Players must own the Janthir Wilds expansion and be in a raid-mode (10 player) squad to join. The raid completion state is based on the player that loads into the instance first (not always the first player who generates the raid pop-up).

  • Enter the Raid (map icon).png portal at the Point of interest (map icon).png Path to Balrior in Janthir Syntri in Sulfurous Springs.
  • Enter the respective Raid (map icon).png portal in Lion's Arch Aerodrome (Waypoint (map icon).png Aerodrome Waypoint).
  • Enter or be within Lion's Arch Aerodrome when the raid instance is opened.


Scholar Glenna

Threats Melded from Torment

<Character name>,

I've been keeping up with your efforts as you've battled the titans in Janthir. It's not every day that terrors from the Realm of Torment crawl back into Tyria. I'm going to meet you on Mount Balrior—don't think for one moment that I was going to allow you to challenge these beasts without my guidance or witness. This is a critical research opportunity, and one that we would regret not siezing[sic].

Don't kill them before I can get a closer look.



Area Area objectives
Balrior Bluffs
Point of interest (map icon).png Northern Landing
Balrior Ravine
Blightbringer's Court
Point of interest (map icon).png Greer's Lab
Mount Balrior
Point of interest (map icon).png Balrior Cavern
Point of interest (map icon).png Magma Confluence
Point of interest (map icon).png Maw of Balrior
Steamshrieker's Court
Point of interest (map icon).png Ura's Throne
Stormsinger's Court
Point of interest (map icon).png Decima's Stormfield
Syntri Gorge
Point of interest (map icon).png Eldrin Crossing
The Dead Slope
Titan's Pass
Point of interest (map icon).png Base Camp
Point of interest (map icon).png Southern Landing
Point of interest (map icon).png Western Landing

Interactive map[edit]


  • Find Glenna.
  • Help Glenna.
  • Cleanse the camp of titanspawn
  • Kill the titanspawn. killed: x/7
  • Explore the east or west path.
  • The scent of rotting wood wafts from the east.
  • Thunder rumbles ominously from the west.
  • Travel west to confront Decima.
  • Optional: Explore the tunnels for an alternate path.
  • Defeat the sentient conduit.
    • Legendary Sentient Conduit.
    • Event bar.jpgRed Boss.png
  • Follow the sound of Decima's whimpering.
  • Decima awaits.
  • Defeat Decima
    • Decima, the Stormsinger
    • Event bar.jpgRed Boss.png
    • Accumulated Charge
    • Event bar empty2.jpg
    • Time limit: 10:00
  • Travel east to confront Greer.
  • Optional: Explore the tunnels for an alternate path.
  • Defeat the blighted beast and the empowering beasts.
  • Blighted and empowering beasts killed: x/3
  • Follow the scent of Greer's rot.
  • Greer awaits.
  • Defeat Greer
    • Greer, the Blightbringer
    • Event bar.jpgRed Boss.png
    • Gree, the Bringer
    • Event bar.jpgRed Boss.png
    • Reeg, the Blighter
    • Event bar.jpgRed Boss.png
  • Ascend Mount Balrior to find Ura's lair.
  • Investigate the area for signs of Ura.
  • The stench of volcanic fumes blows in from the north.
  • Ura awaits.
  • Defeat Ura
    • Ura
    • Event bar.jpgRed Boss.png
    • Time limit: 10:00
  • Raid complete.


See also: Raid#Rewards

Most of these rewards are once per week (per boss/encounter):

Clearing the camp[edit]

Decima and Greer pre-events[edit]

Decima, the Stormsinger[edit]

Greer, the Blightbringer[edit]

Ura, the Steamshrieker[edit]


Cleanse the camp[edit]

Players can ignore the enemies at the entrance and scale the mountain using their mounts. Players will then encounter Scholar Glenna and must clear the nearby campsite of titanspawn. Defeating the titanspawn unlocks the ruined camp checkpoint.

Afterwards, players can either head west towards Decima, the Stormsinger or east towards Greer, the Blightbringer.

Stormsinger's Court (west)[edit]

Legendary Sentient Conduit[edit]


Decima, the Stormsinger[edit]

Health: 60,165,720
Enrage Timer: 10 minutes
Enrage Effect:
Fixation Mechanic:

Many important mechanics are hidden unless Character Model Limit is increased.

Several conduits spawn around the arena in different patterns for each phase. Beams will periodically link conduits together. Some mechanics can add one charge to the conduits (up to a maximum charge of three), indicated by an electrified appearance and an AoE around them. The AoE size increases per charge. Players will be punished for each maximally charged conduit during each defiance bar phase. Additionally, each maximally charged conduit that gains charge applies Exposed.png1 Exposed to all players.[verification requested]

Each charged conduit releases sparks that must be stopped by a minimum number of players, indicated by the indicator above green circles. The minimum number increases for each charge on the conduit. Decima gains Electrical Buildup.png1 Charge for each spark that reaches her. Charged conduits can lose charge when discharging sparks, with a singly charged conduit becoming uncharged after releasing 2 sparks.

Decima becomes Vengeance (Mordrem).png Unstoppable upon reaching 10 stacks and defeats all players shortly afterwards. Players should thus minimize the charges on conduits to reduce the damage and mechanical pressure of the encounter.

Decima has Conjured Barrier.png Thrumming Presence and gains Kinetic Abundance.png1 Peal of Harmony and Electrified Minion.png5 Peal of Discord every 5% and 10% health lost, respectively.

Phase 1 (100-75%)

Decima starts with Kinetic Abundance.png5 Peal of Harmony uses the following skills during this phase:

Skill Notes
Chorus of Thunder
Targets the closest untargeted players (up to the stacks of Electrified Minion.png Peal of Discord consumed) with orange AoE's, adding one charge to any conduit hit by them.
Targets uncharged conduits (up to the stacks of Kinetic Abundance.png Peal of Harmony consumed) near the furthest player, adding one charge to each hit conduit.
Both effects are consumed immediately prior to any Orange Arrow attack.
Earthrend AoE under the boss that downs players, paired with a distant ring-shaped AoE that pushes players towards the boss on-hit. Players may ricochet into conduits and take additional damage.
(Orange Arrow)
Decimation &
Harmonic Sensitivity
Targets the furthest player and applies Exposed (Statue of Darkness).png Galvanic Sensitivity (30s) on-hit, adding one charge to any hit conduits. Players with this effect take increased damage from Green Circles.
Players with Tracked.png Harmonic Sensitivity take increased damage from Orange Arrows.
Deals additional damage for each stack of Electrical Buildup.png Charge present on the boss.
Alternates with Red Arrow.
Set of large AoE's around the boss.
Red Arrow Targets the furthest player and inflicts lethal damage. Hide behind a conduit to block this attack; however, this adds one charge to all hit conduits.
Alternates with Orange Arrow.
Seismic Crash AoE under the boss that downs players, paired with a shock wave that pushes players away from the boss on-hit. Players may ricochet into conduits and take additional damage.
Sparking Aura
(Green Circles)Galvanic Sensitivity
Sparks originating from charged conduits and applying Electrical Buildup.png1 Charge to the boss upon reaching it.
Enough players must stand within the circles (indicated by the overhead icon) to stop and gradually reduce their health. Minimum player count increases with each charge on the conduit (indicated by AoE size around conduit).
Players with Exposed (Statue of Darkness).png Galvanic Sensitivity take increased damage from Green Circles. Damage cannot be mitigated with blocks or invulnerability.
Thrumming Presence Red-outlined AoE around the boss that pulses low damage and Tracked.png Harmonic Sensitivity (30s). Players with this effect take increased damage from Orange Arrows.
Deals more damage for each Electrical Buildup.png Charge on the boss.

Players that impact a conduit will take damage from the following skills:

Skill Notes
Fulgent Aura AoE around charged conduits that grows with each charge.
Fulgent Fence Lasers between conduits that pushes back players on-hit. Players hit by Earthrend or Seismic Crash will ricochet off of the lasers at high speeds.
Cannot be bypassed using evades or invulnerability, however teleports work.

To minimize the charges on the conduits, players must properly handle the Arrow, Spread, and Peal of Harmony mechanics:

  1. Red Arrow - Hide behind an uncharged conduit to avoid defeat. Only applicable for the furthest player.
  2. Orange Arrow - Position the arrow to not hit any player and conduit. Only applicable for the furthest player.
  3. Spread - Avoid letting this attack resolve near a conduit. Only applicable for the closest player(s).
  4. Peal of Harmony - Stand in an area with charged conduits to isolate charged conduits in/near the same area. Only applicable for the furthest player.

The Orange Arrow alternates with the Red Arrow: Orange → Red → Orange, etc. Players can reliably bait this attack by being the furthest player right before a player gets targeted. However, standing in the AoE near the boss will also apply Tracked.png Harmonic Sensitivity, increasing the damage taken by Arrow attacks.

The player targeted by either Arrow attack should also be mindful of Kinetic Abundance.png Peal of Harmony stacks on Decima. Each stack summons an AoE that strikes an uncharged conduit near the furthest player (almost always the player targeted by the Arrow attack). The AoE's resulting from this effect should ideally charge uncharged conduits that are behind the group. This minimizes the need for the group to spread far out since the Green Circles will be restricted to a limited section of the arena.

At 75% health, Decima gains Diaphanous Shielding.png Nova Shield, becomes invulnerable, and unlocks her defiance bar upon finishing her current attack. Breaking this bar applies Expose Weakness.png Fractured Armor to her, which then applies Exposed.png Exposed (10s) and Stun.png Stun (10s) to her when she becomes vulnerable to damage. Players must prevent all Green Circles from reaching the boss, otherwise they apply Electrical Buildup.png Charge to her and regenerate her defiance bar.

After some time, Decima will use the following skills before becoming vulnerable:

Skill Notes
Flux Nova
All conduits explode and inflict damage. Conduits with 3 charges additionally inflict Exposed.png1 Exposed to players, and apply Electrified Minion.png5 Peal of Discord and Kinetic Abundance.png5 Peal of Harmony to the boss.
This is followed up by a massive explosion, which deals lethal damage if the boss is fully charged.

After completing her attack, Decima will summon new conduits for the next phase.

Phase 2 (75-40%)

This phase is similar to the previous one aside from a few mechanical changes:

Skill Notes
Aftershock AoE's that strike during Fluxlance Fusillade
Fluxlance Fusillade
(Orange Arrow)
Replaces Fluxlance but is functionally the same.
Now targets the 5 furthest players indicated by a roman numeral (Target Order-1 (overhead icon).png, Target Order-2 (overhead icon).png, Target Order-3 (overhead icon).png, Target Order-4 (overhead icon).png, Target Order-5 (overhead icon).png). Fires in ascending order.
Alternates between 5 Orange Arrows and 1 Red Arrow + 4 Orange Arrows. The Red Arrow targets the most furthest player and is always the first beam.
Indicated by a glowing screen border and one of the following effects: Target Order- 1.png Target Order: 1, Target Order- 2.png Target Order: 2, Target Order- 3.png Target Order: 3, Target Order- 4.png Target Order: 4, or Target Order- 5.png Target Order: 5.

The Orange Arrow alternates with the Red Arrow: 5 Orange → 1 Red + 4 Orange → 5 Orange, etc. The Red Arrow will always be the first target.

To minimize the damage taken, some players should be designated to be targeted by the Orange Arrows and Red Arrow. The remaining players should then focus on the Green Circles. The Orange Arrows should all ideally be positioned away from those players to avoid applying Exposed (Statue of Darkness).png Galvanic Sensitivity to them. The Orange Arrows can be staggered to minimize the damage taken while restricting them to a small area of the arena. Additionally, these players must be careful of standing in the red AoE near Decima to avoid taking extra damage from Orange Arrows due to Tracked.png Harmonic Sensitivity.

The player baiting the Red Arrow should consider being near the side of the players handling Green Circles. This allows both the orange AoE's from consumed stacks of Kinetic Abundance.png Peal of Harmony and the Red Arrow to charge uncharged conduits near these players.

Decima periodically channels winds that displace players clockwise, which can be mitigated with Stability.png Stability.

At 40% health, Decima regains Diaphanous Shielding.png Nova Shield, becomes invulnerable, and unlocks her defiance bar. A new set of conduits spawn once she becomes vulnerable.

Phase 3 (40-0%)

This phase is similar to the previous one aside from a few mechanical changes: [verification requested]

Skill Notes
Focused Fluxlance
(Green Arrow)
Spawns opposite of the most furthest player and targets an outer conduit.
Requires 3 players standing within to evenly distribute the damage and block the conduit from getting charged.[verification requested]
No additional damage taken even if players have Tracked.png Harmonic Sensitivity.
Fluxlance Salvo
(Orange Arrow)
Replaces Fluxlance Fusillade but is functionally the same.
Targets the 5 furthest players but now fires all at once.
Alternates between 5 Orange Arrows + 1 Green Arrow and 4 Orange Arrows + 1 Red Arrow. The Red Arrow targets the most furthest player.

The Green Arrow alternates with the Red Arrow: 5 Orange + 1 Green → 4 Orange + 1 Red, etc. The Red Arrow will always be the first target.

3 players need to be in the Green arrow(down from 5) to prevent it from charging the pylon.

Any skills that says "Prevents capture point contribution" will not count the player doing the green arrow or green circles(Like Mesmer distortion).

Either ignore these green arrows because they only give her one stack and instead focus on the more numerable green orbs [verification requested], or, have the players who are taking the green orbs (who are not afflicted with Exposed (Statue of Darkness).png Galvanic Sensitivity) take the Green Arrow.

Decima periodically channels winds that displace distant players clockwise and nearby players counter-clockwise, both of which can be mitigated with Stability.png Stability.

Blightbringer's Court (east)[edit]

Legendary Blighted Beast[edit]

Health: 9,831,000

Greer, the Blightbringer[edit]

Health: 47,188,800
Enrage Timer: None
Enrage Effect: Empowered (Mursaat Overseer).png Empowered - Increases damage by 5% per stack. At 99 stacks, Greer's attacks become unblockable.
Fixation Mechanic: Proximity, closest target either player or player's minion within a 600-1200 range in front of him. If no target is within his sight, Greer will leap to the closest target. [verification requested]

The fight begins with Greer, the Blightbringer, positioned in the middle, Gree, the Bringer on the left side of the entrance (northwest), and Reeg, the Blighter on the right side of the entrance (southeast). The fight will rotate between three sub-phases: Greer, Breakbar (Elite), and Split (Gree and Reeg).

Greer will target the closest foe, either a player or a player's minion, within a 600–1200 range in front of him. If there is no target within his sight, Greer will use Ripples of Rot to leap to the target area. Players caught in the center of the AoE will be instantly killed, while those in the outer circle will be knocked back and gain Infectious Rot.png Infectious Rot, which lasts for 20 seconds or until the player is downed. After landing, vine walls will form around him in a ring shape, knocking back any player who touches them. This skill can be prevented by tanking Greer and baiting him to remain in place.

Most of the projectiles could be reflect or block. Except, Blob of Blight a large orb that targets up to 3 players, preferring the farthest players which are determined by the blue reticle over their head or the Target.png Target on their effect bar. This orb follows the targeted for 12 seconds, firing multiple smaller projectiles as it moves. If it hits, it will stay in place and fires projectiles for several seconds. If this orb misses the target by dodging through or using an invulnerability, it will lose its targeting and continue moving until it dissipates.

Through the fight, Greer will gain stacks of Empowered (Mursaat Overseer).png Empowered by 2 sources: Orbs from Greer's minions and failing green mechanic. For each stack Greer will deal 5% more damage and at 99 stacks all attacks become unblockable. These stacks can be removed by breaking the defiance bar at 80%, 50%, and 20% of Greer’s health. After that, whether succeed in breaking defiance bar or not. Greer's armor will explode and spawn Elite Empowering Beasts nearby trying to empower Greer. The numbers of these elite will increase depending on phase, from 2 up to 4.

The Eruption of Rot (Green Circles) can be used by Greer, Gree, and Reeg. This skill requires minimum of 2 players within each circle which are determined by the green icon. If a player is within more than one stacking circle, they are instantly downed. If there are not enough players within the circle, a Rot Eruption occurs and the players are given a debuff of Infectious Rot.png Infectious Rot and the titan gains Empowered (Mursaat Overseer).png2 Empowered stacks.

At 66% and 33% of Greer health, he will using Invulnerable Barrier, immune to any damage. Which requires players fight with both Gree, and Reeg. Once both of them reach 50% health, Greer will stop using his barrier and become attackable again.

For skills detailed and other shared skills, see below.
  • Elite Empowering Beast (Elite)
    • Elite: a titanspawn coming from Greer's bark, spawns after the defiance bar at 80%, 50%, and 20% of Greer’s health. The numbers of elite will increase from 2 to 4 depending on phase.
    • When they spawn, they will try to shoot the empowering orb to Greer. These orbs can be reflected or blocked by player's skills.
Greer Health Boss Mechanic
Phase 1 (100% - 66%)
100% Greer, Gree, and Reeg spawn at the beginning of the encounter.
  • Greer spawn in the center of the arena, start using Blob of Blight right away.
  • Greer looking for the closest targets, in front of him. If no one is near, He will leap.
  • Gree and Reeg shoot Empowering Blast to Greer. If no player within their sight.
  • Gree and Reeg will flee once they reach 75% health.
80% Break bar 1
Split phase 1
  • Greer using Invulnerable Barrier, immune to any damage.
  • Gree and Reeg will relocate with the same health.
  • Gree and Reeg target the players.
  • Gree and Reeg will flee once they reach 50% health.
Phase 2 (66% - 33%)
66% Once both Gree and Reeg reach 50% health.
  • Greer start to attack again.
  • Fixation reset, Greer looking for the closest targets, in front of him. If no one is near, He will leap.
  • Gree and Reeg will respawn in new locations with 50% health.
  • Gree and Reeg shoot Empowering Blast to Greer. If no player within their sight.
  • Gree and Reeg will flee once they reach 25% health.
50% Break bar 2
  • Same as 80%, 3 Elite Empowering Beasts will spawn.
  • Fixation reset, Greer looking for the closest targets, in front of him. If no one is near, He will leap.
Split phase 2
  • Greer using Invulnerable Barrier, immune to any damage.
  • Gree and Reeg will relocate with the same health.
  • Gree and Reeg target the players.
  • Defeat both Gree and Reeg to unlock Greer barrier.
Phase 3 (33% - 0%)
33% Once both Gree and Reeg are defeated
  • Greer start to attack again.
  • Fixation reset, Greer looking for the closest targets, in front of him. If no one is near, He will leap.
20% Break bar 3
  • Same as 80%, 4 Elite Empowering Beasts will spawn.
  • Fixation reset, Greer looking for the closest targets, in front of him. If no one is near, He will leap.
Boss & Minions Attacks
Skill Used by (Recharge) Targets Notes
Greer Gree Reeg
Blob of Blight
(Homing Orbs)
120 Recharge time 0No 75 Recharge time Farthest Targets up to 3 players, preferring the farthest players which are determined by the blue reticle over their head and Target.png Target on their effect bar.
If this orb misses the target by dodging through or using an invulnerability, it will lose its targeting and continue moving until it dissipates.
Cage of Decay
(Vine Fan)
120 Recharge time 30 Recharge time 0No Fixated A fan of 5 cascades, starting at the edges of a 180-degree arc and moving toward the center. Rippling thorn barriers travel along these lines, damaging and knocking back anything struck by them. They will create a circular vine wall at the end of the skill effect.
Enfeebling Miasma
120 Recharge time 75 Recharge time 0No Fixated The lingering clouds of poisonous gas that travel outward to form 3 roughly conical areas. The gas clouds stay in place for several seconds, poisoning foes inside them.
Empowering Blast
(Empower Orbs)
0No 10 Recharge time 10 Recharge time Greer The projectiles shoot from Greer's minions to Empowered (Mursaat Overseer).png Empowered him, should be blocked or reflected.
Eruption of Rot
Rot Eruption
(Green Circles)
120 Recharge time 75 Recharge time 75 Recharge time Random This skill requires minimum of 2 players within each circle which are determined by the green icon. If a player is within more than one stacking circle, they are instantly downed. If there are not enough players within the circle, a Rot Eruption occurs and the players are given a debuff of Infectious Rot.png Infectious Rot and the titan gains Empowered (Mursaat Overseer).png2 Empowered stacks.
Rain of Spores
120 Recharge time 0No 120 Recharge time Farthest A bunch of orange circles will appear, aim at 3 farthest players. Deal massive damage when hit multiple times, can be blocked or reflected.
Ripples of Rot
(Leap → Vine Wall)
120 Recharge time 30 Recharge time 0No Closest A jump attacks that create the vine wall at the end. This skill won't be used by titans if there is a target within their sight.
Scattering Sporeblast
(Small Orbs)
12 Recharge time 0No 8 Recharge time Fixated A small orbs that shooting from their hand, can be blocked or reflected.
Stomp the Growth
Wave of Corruption
(Stomps → Shockwave)
2 Recharge time 2 Recharge time 2 Recharge time Fixated Three stomps' attacks. The first two stomps deal moderate damage, while the final stomp will create a boons corruption shockwave that knock back players it hits. Jump or dodge through the wave is required.
Sweep the Mold
Rake the Rot
(Melee Cone)
2 Recharge time 2 Recharge time 0No Fixated 60° cone-shape melee attacks that knock back players it hits.
General Strategy

Steamshrieker's Court (north)[edit]

Ura, the Steamshrieker[edit]

Health: 61,345,440
Enrage Timer: 10 minutes
Enrage Effect:
Fixation Mechanic:

Fiery Tornado (effect).png Rising Pressure Heat Level.png Bloodstone Saturation Luck of Kings.png Deterrence Grasp of Joko (effect).png Sulfuric Acid Branded Crystal Shield.png Hardened CrustConsume Bloodstone Fragment.png Dispel


Geysers periodically spawn throughout the encounter either over time and from Ura's skills. Both Toxic and Sulfuric Geysers are surrounded by a damaging field that inflicts Grasp of Joko (effect).png1 Sulfuric Acid and Exposed.png1 Exposed to players. They also periodically apply Resolution.png Resolution Protection.png Protection, and Might.png25 Might to Ura if she stands within them. Players can control the arena space with proper positioning of both themselves and the boss.

She also gains Fiery Tornado (effect).png1 Rising Pressure every 10 seconds (starting 12 seconds into the fight), with each stack increasing outgoing damage and reducing incoming damage by 5%. These can only be removed upon breaking her defiance bar, which is unlocked every 5% health.

Phase 1 (100-70%)

Two players must interact with the bloodstone shards in the center of the arena to start the encounter. These players will gain red icons above them, the Luck of Kings.png Deterrence effect, and the  Consume Bloodstone Fragment.png Dispel special action skill. Using this skill drops the bloodstone shard below them and then applies Heat Level.png Bloodstone Saturation. Players with this effect take increased periodic damage when handling a shard. If a Bloodstone shard is not interacted with within 4-5 seconds after being dropped, it will pulse a small red AoE on a 3 second interval which itself is not damaging. But directly correlates to Bloodstone Radiation, the range of which encompasses the whole arena rather than the visual marker on the ground. Bloodstone Radiation deals 10% max. health damage to each player with every pulse and can not be blocked or distorted.

Ura uses the following skills during this phase:

Skill Notes
Acid Spray Periodically sprays out white projectiles that inflict Grasp of Joko (effect).png Sulfuric Acid on-hit.
Propel Charges towards the furthest player.
Pressure Blast Targets two players with an orange AoE (and blurred screen border) that traps hit players in a rising bubble. Players will be downed if not promptly broken out.
Players carrying a bloodstone shard can stand within a white circle and use  Consume Bloodstone Fragment.png Dispel to free all players above them.
Scalding Aura Periodic damage from standing too close to her.
Sulfuric Acid Periodic damage from Grasp of Joko (effect).png Sulfuric Acid.
Sulfuric Froth

Toxic geysers periodically spawn. The furthest player can guide Ura away from these geysers, allowing the group to ignore them altogether.

At 70% health, Ura channels the following skill:

Skill Notes
Return A whirlpool around Ura pulls all players towards her. All players are then stacked together and trapped in a rising bubble.
Requires a player to use  Consume Bloodstone Fragment.png Dispel. Can be mitigated with invulnerability.
Phase 2 (70%-0%)

This phase is similar to the previous phase, however Ura no longer uses Propel and gains a few new skills:

Skill Notes
Create Titanspawn Geyser Channels a large AoE that inflicts Launch.png Launch (2.5s) then spawns a Titanspawn Geyser and Elite Fumaroller. If Ura's defiance bar is also up, players can break her to interrupt this skill.
A Champion Fumaroller soon spawns if the geyser stays active for too long. The geyser can be instantly defeated upon breaking its defiance bar.
Eruption Vent Targets a player with an orange AoE that spawns a sulfuric geyser under them after a delay. Followed by a shock wave.
Geysers are protected by a Branded Crystal Shield.png Hardened Crust, which can only be broken by using  Consume Bloodstone Fragment.png Dispel on top of them.
Steam Prison Targets a player with a ring AoE that spawns a circular wall around them after a delay.
The wall reflects projectiles and pushes players back upon contact. Teleports can be used to escape before the wall expires naturally.
The indicator for Steam Prison on players scales with their model size, making it appear larger/smaller than the ring will actually be depending on their race.






Decima's encounter
Greer's encounter
Ura's encounter


See also: Scholar Glenna (Mount Balrior)#Dialogue
Being the first to enter, one of the following
<Character name>: Wow. Pretty.
<Character name>: Wasn't expecting a hike...
Crossing the Eldren Bridge, one of the following
<Character name>: Moving out.
<Character name>: Going to scout ahead.
Reaching Balrior Ravine
Scholar Glenna: Help! Anyone!
<Character name>: Is that...
Scholar Glenna: Whoa! The heck you doing? I'll bite back!
<Character name>: I'm coming!
After cleansing the camp of titanspawn
Scholar Glenna: Excellent timing, Commander!
<Character name>: I see little has changed...
Scholar Glenna: Heh, whoops. Sorry, I was gonna wait at the base of the mountain for you. But what can I say? The call of research...
<Character name>: Glad we made it before things escalated.
Scholar Glenna: Ha, you and me both! Now, you've got a couple titans to kill. I'm here to observe.
Scholar Glenna: Just be careful if you're headed out. Haven't been able to scout much farther myself. Titanspawn everywhere.
Scholar Glenna: Heavy concentrations of them to the east and west. Might want to pick a direction and start there.
Scholar Glenna: Oh, and it's good to see you again. Been far too long. Now don't get yourself killed!
Engaging Decima
Decima, the Stormsinger: (whimpers)
Decima, the Stormsinger: N-no!
Decima, the Stormsinger: Raging tempest, to me! Scatter this filth to the winds! (laughs)
<Character name>: Need cover.
<Character name>: Steady! Everyone!
Decima, the Stormsinger: The sound of your flesh, crackling and burning away...
Decima, the Stormsinger: Ha! I rumble! And rumble! And rumble!
Decima, the Stormsinger: Banal little bug.
Decima, the Stormsinger: Persistent little pests!
Decima, the Stormsinger: Still alive? I'll just have to scrub a little harder.
Decima, the Stormsinger: Ah... I feed!
Decima, the Stormsinger: Does this ignite a memory?
Decima, the Stormsinger: Vile vermin.
Engaging Greer
Greer, the Blightbringer: Away from me.
Greer, the Blightbringer: Blind is the eye that looks past the predator.
Greer, the Blightbringer: Erroneous, your spirit...
Greer, the Blightbringer: Foredoomed you have always been.
Greer, the Blightbringer: (growls)
Greer, the Blightbringer: A putrid storm builds...
Greer, the Blightbringer: (groans)
Greer, the Blightbringer: I cannot be defeated.
Engaging Ura
Ura: I told you to flee. But that offer has passed.
Ura: Boil over.
Ura: Do you see the delicate line between hope and viridity?
Ura: I will boil your oceans! All will disintegrate!
After defeating Ura
Scholar Glenna: Look at her! Wow. Gorgeous. Haunting.
Scholar Glenna: Don't mind me. Just compiling more fodder for my eventual memoir.

Version history[edit]

Patch Changes
December 10, 2024
  • Decima:
    • Focused Fluxlance now requires only three players in the beam instead of five. Because base damage is divided among players, the base damage was also reduced to keep final damage numbers consistent.
    • Fixed an issue that caused players to be miscounted by Focused Fluxlance. The mechanic will now fail consistently if too few players stand inside the beam.
    • Decima's defiance has increased by 25%. However, the channeling for Flux Nova is now shortened when Decima's defiance is broken and she gains Expose Weakness.png Fractured Armor.
    • Kinetic Abundance.png Peal of Harmony is now gained for every 5% of damage taken instead of every 3% of damage taken. This will reduce the number of dancing sparks generated overall.
    • Fixed an issue that caused the telegraphs for Decima's various fluxlance attacks to be invisible to some players.
    • When Decima is defeated, any telegraphed fluxlance attacks will be interrupted and vanish immediately.
    • To provide players with additional time to position themselves for Focused Fluxlance, all fluxlance attacks in the encounter's third phase now have an extra half second of warm-up time before they fire.
    • Players standing directly under Decima during Earthrend and Seismic Crash will now enter the downed state and be knocked away.
    • Fixed an issue that prevented fluxlance attacks in the encounter's first phase from targeting downed characters.
  • Greer:
    • Greer no longer has permanent Resolution.png Resolution.
    • Enfeebling Miasma's attack region now matches its warning areas, and lingering gas clouds have area warning circles.
    • Greer's projectiles can no longer be reflected back at him. Those projectiles will instead be destroyed, keeping the protective utility of the affected skills.
    • Surviving Empowering Beasts will now be removed when Greer is slain.
    • Blob of Blight now correctly stays in place after it hits a targeted player, and smaller projectiles are now properly destroyed on impact.
    • Greer's first two stomp attacks in his Stomp the Mould skill are now blockable and dodgeable.
    • Greer should now attack pets less often.
  • Ura:
    • Fixed an issue that could cause the Grasp of Joko (effect).png Sulfuric Acid effect to persist after defeating the boss.
    • Added additional telegraphing for players targeted by Ura's Eruption Vent ability.
  • General:
    • Fixed an issue that caused unintended scaling for events that require the defeat of a legendary titanspawn.
    • Fixed an issue that could cause events that require the defeat of a legendary titanspawn to stall.
    • Fixed an issue that allowed players to leave Greer and Decima's arenas midfight.
    • Fixed an issue that prevented some profession and elite specialization cooldowns and resources refreshed and reset at the start of an encounter if the player was mounted at the time.
  • (Undocumented) Decima's health has been adjusted from 70,795,000 to 60,165,720.
November 22, 2024
  • Moved Greer's respawn trigger area in the raid instance to work properly with the player respawn spot.
  • Changed part of the logic around the Greer event to prevent exploits.
November 19, 2024
  • Update 2:
    • The bloodstone shards to begin the Ura fight no longer spawn in the Mount Balrior raid if the instance creator has previously defeated the boss for the week.
    • Fixed a bug in which bloodstone shards would not pulse damage when left on the ground after using the Dispel skill in the Ura encounter in the Mount Balrior raid.
    • Added more map markers in the Mount Balrior raid.
    • (Undocumented) Decima's health has been adjusted from 83,288,232 to 70,795,000.
  • Mount Balrior has been added to the game.


  • To the south-east of of the map, there is a slug named Sneb. This is a reference to prominent streamer and ArenaNet Partner, Snebzor.

See also[edit]

External links[edit]