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Help Narcisse purge corruption from the plants!

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Help Narcisse purge corruption from the plants!

Interactive map

Interactive map

Help Narcisse purge corruption from the plants! is a group event that happens at the Botanical Skygarden in Bastion of the Natural, Amnytas.


  • Plants Purged of Corruption
    Event bar.jpg Event swords (tango icon).png
  • Subdue Mawthew and remove the Kryptis influence.
    Event bar.jpg Event boss (tango icon).png
  • Time before plants die: X


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 26,670 Experience.png 378 Karma 88 Copper coin
Silver 20,003 Experience.png 284 Karma 66 Copper coin
Bronze 13,335 Experience.png 189 Karma 44 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 80 player.


This event begins four minutes after Help Forro purge corruption from the animals and return them home completes.

Bring the hostile Kryptis Corruption.png Possessed plants down to 25% health to Stun.png Stun them and expose their Kryptis Corruption.png Demonic Aura for the next 30 seconds. Use the special action skillPurge Corruption.png Purge Corruption to break their defiance bar and purify them, turning them friendly again.

Once enough plants are cured, a large Jungle Wurm, Mawthew, spawns in the northern end of the garden. Bringing it down to low health and using the Heart of the Obscure on it spawns a tethered Kryptis which has to be killed to finish the event.







Event start
Narcisse: My babies! They never behave this poorly. What's gotten into you? Stop!
Narcisse: It must be the Kryptis. Please, help me calm them down-keep them alive.
Narcisse: You'll need to overpower them, but try to be gentle. They're fragile and not in control of themselves!
Narcisse: Please, don't kill them! Once you subdue them, use the Heart of the Obscure. That should remove the Kryptis possession.
During the event
Narcisse: Yes, that's it. You're going to be okay, sweetie!
Narcisse: You're safe now. The bad Kryptis are almost gone. Just hold on.
When Mawthew appears
Narcisse: No, not Mawthew too! Of all my babies, too! Of all my babies... He will need...special attention.
When Mawthew reaches 25% health
Narcisse: Quick, use the Heart of the Obscure! Get those nasty demons out! Save him!
Event success
Narcisse: Is nothing safe from their mind games? How dare the Kryptis go after my babies?
Narcisse: (sighs) Thank you. I truly appreciate your help-we all do.
Event failure
Narcisse: We're out of time! Do your best to survive, my lovelies. I'm so sorry, but we have an important job to do.

Related achievements[edit]


The plants spawn before the event started. If you kill a plant before the event started, the event is not finishable
This events spawning depends on Help Forro purge corruption from the animals and return them home finishing, which tends to bug out and stall. If this event is not spawning check the Creature Corral and search new map instances if Forro's event stalled.