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Prepare fish before they rot

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Prepare fish before they rot

Interactive map

Interactive map

Prepare fish before they rot is a level 80 dynamic event that occurs in Autumn's Vale.


  • Raw Fish
    Event bar.jpg Elonian Red Trout (trophy).png
  • Your contribution: X


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 26,670 Experience.png 378 Karma 88 Copper coin
Silver 20,003 Experience.png 284 Karma 66 Copper coin
Bronze 13,335 Experience.png 189 Karma 44 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 80 player.


Grab a fish from the Raw Fish station, and go through all stations in order (Skinning, Deboning, Salting and Drying) to progress the event. Upon grabbing a raw fish, the player receives an effect called Covered in Meat.png Rotting Fish (1m 10s). At every station, the player gets a new buff which indicates which station should be interacted with next. These buffs are: Scavenger Protocol Leather (effect).png Fish Needs Skinning, Nourishment (karka).png Fish Needs Deboning and Gutting, Nullify Attacks.png Fish Needs Salting, and Fish Ready for Drying.png Fish Ready for Drying.





Event start
Churning Rapids: Great catch today, Harb. Hope your knife's ready to scale.
Unstilled Harbor: Mm. Not a crap catch. Pretty good, even for you. What'd you do, bribe 'em?
Churning Rapids: Oh, you know my spear paw. Quick as a journeykin's leap. Hah, was all sorts of silly-silly, you see...
Unstilled Harbor: Got the wayfinder's help, did you? You wanna help me? Prep needs to start...well, now.
Churning Rapids: (grumbles)
Unstilled Harbor: Skin, gut, salt, and dry. In that order. Fish're going sour real fast these days, so let's get to work.
Taking a raw fish
Unstilled Harbor: Rot is settin' in fast. Gotta skin them first.
After skinning fish
Unstilled Harbor: Next, scoop out the guts and bones. All we want is the flesh.
After deboning fish
Unstilled Harbor: To make 'em last as long as possible, they'll need a good salt bath.
After salting fish
Unstilled Harbor: Then you hang 'em up to dry.
After drying fish
Unstilled Harbor: The more we prep, the less we waste.
Nearing end of event timer
Unstilled Harbor: (sniffs) Oh, that smells something awful. Better hurry up—rot's taking this batch already.
Event success
Unstilled Harbor: Takin' a closer look... Good knife work. Salt could be a little better dispersed. But it ain't bad, Wayfinder.
Unstilled Harbor: I'd serve any of these to the Claw. Don't hesitate to help again.
Event failure
Unstilled Harbor: Rot got 'em. Sour luck; it was a decent catch, too. Just don't blame yourself.
Unstilled Harbor: Whatever rot is making its way through the delta is turning their flesh to bad apple skin. Can't help that, can we?

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