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Escort Winding Kant as he looks for his lost spear

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Escort Winding Kant as he looks for his lost spear

Interactive map

Interactive map

Escort Winding Kant as he looks for his lost spear is a level 80 dynamic event that occurs in Coursing Upland.



Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 26,670 Experience.png 378 Karma 88 Copper coin
Silver 20,003 Experience.png 284 Karma 66 Copper coin
Bronze 13,335 Experience.png 189 Karma 44 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 80 player.





Event trigger
Winding Kant: Pardon. Have you seen a spear lying around while walking these wilds?
Talk more option tango.png Can't say I have. Why?
Had a tussle with rotlings not far from here, and I...(sighs)...lost my spear. Help me look for it, would you?
Talk ready option.png My eyes are yours. Lead the way!
Talk end option tango.png You're on your own on this one. Sorry.
Talk end option tango.png Nope. Afraid not.
Event start
Winding Kant: Generous of you! Now, keep close. Dangers lurk, even near the hunting outpost.
Winding Kant: You're curious, no? Why all the fuss?
Winding Kant: Our spears... Simple weapons they appear to outsiders, but to us they symbolize our growing independence and communal bonds.
Searching at the first area
Winding Kant: Hang on. I recognize this spot. Watch my back while I search, will you?
Winding Kant: No luck here.
Winding Kant: That's not it.
After searching
Winding Kant: My spear dangled from one of the larger strangers, last I saw. It should've come loose as they headed north.
Searching at the second area
Winding Kant: Think I see something over here. Cover me.
Winding Kant: Let's see...
Winding Kant: (grumbles)
After searching
Winding Kant: Can already hear my paw's disappointment.
Winding Kant: "Why can't you be more like Stoic's boy? Grew up together, you did."
Winding Kant: "Same lessons, same teachers. But he didn't lose his spear a year after the rites."
Searching at the third area
Winding Kant: This could be it! Buy me some time, Wayfinder.
Winding Kant: Is that? No, never mind.
After searching
Winding Kant: Tundra take me! Scraps and rotted rubbish.
Winding Kant: There's nothing farther north but...the cliffs! My last hope, this is.


The "Search time remaining" objective will often run down to 0:00, seemingly not affecting the progress or completion of the event. Winding Kant will simply continue to search until either the bar is filled or he is not revived for 1 minute after being defeated.

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