Vigil Crusader
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Vigil Crusaders are generic NPCs and are the main foot soldiers of the Vigil, tasked with guarding Vigil, as well as Pact, bases throughout Tyria.
Story involvement[edit]
Personal story[edit]
- Chapter 3: Crystal Corruption
- Chapter 3: Death from Below
- Chapter 3: Justice for Riannoc
- Chapter 3: Rescue Researcher
- Chapter 3: Traitor to the Queen
- Chapter 4: Order Neophyte
- Chapter 6: The Battle of Claw Island
- Chapter 7: Forming the Pact
- Forging the Pact
- Dishonor my allies path
- Make another stuff path
- The Battle of Fort Trinity
- Chapter 8: Victory or Death
- Temple of the Forgotten God
- Through the Looking Glass
- Close the Eye
- Estate of Decay
- Starving the Beast
- Ossuary of Unquiet Dead
- Further into Orr
- Priory's Plan
- Whispers' Plan
- Vigil's Plan
- Against the Corruption
- The Source of Orr
- Victory or Death
Living World Season 1[edit]
- Episode 2: Sky Pirates
- Living World Season 1 (historical)
- Episode 4: Flame and Frost: Retribution
- Episode 7: Dragon Bash
Heart involvement[edit]
- Assist Crusader Aisling of the Vigil recover lost skritt territory (50)
- Assist Sentinel forces against dragonspawn (50)
- Help the Vigil clear out the abandoned caves of Mole's Head (51)
- Partake in the moot (52)
Event involvement[edit]
- Aid the Pact soldiers around the airship wreck (80)
- Break into Infinity Coil (68)
- Clear the Pact field hospital of Risen (70)
- Clear the Pact staging area at Wren (77)
- Clear the Risen from the center of the ruins of Fort Cadence (55)
- Defeat the Risen High Wizard and secure the Promenade of the Gods (80) [Group Event]
- Defeat the Risen Priest of Balthazar before it can summon a horde of Risen (75) [Group Event]
- Defend Coiled Watch (72)
- Defend Pact engineers while they establish a camp at the Eastern Colonnade (76)
- Defend Scholar Keemka and BNDL-2 until Pact megalasers can be built (71)
- Defend Stentor Cannonade while ballistic technicians repair the golem cannons (71)
- Defend Stygian Deeps from the Risen krait (72)
- Defend the beacon until Pact reinforcements can arrive (80)
- Defend the Lone Post from the Risen hordes (74)
- Defend the Pact camp at Shelter's Gate (80)
- Defend the Pact interrupter device while it charges to cleanse the temple (80) [Group Event]
- Defend the Pact interrupter from Risen attacks (80) [Group Event]
- Defend the Pact Megalasers and destroy the Orrian bone ship (71)
- Defend the Pact staging area at Wren (77)
- Defend the Pact trebuchets from the undead (71)
- Defend the tank as the Pact team secures the area (75)
- Defend the Vigil camp (55)
- Defend Vorgas Garrison from the Flame Legion (67) [Group Event]
- Destroy the champion Risen lich (57) [Group Event]
- Destroy the Risen Priest of Melandru (80) [Group Event]
- Destroy Vorgas Garrison's gate (67)
- Drive the Sons of Svanir from Coiled Watch (72)
- Ensure that the Pact holds the Gates of Arah (80) [Group Event]
- Escort a Vigil bomb to the tower's weak point (56)
- Escort Explorer Loana to the Reliquary Vault in the Royal Tombs (80)
- Escort Magister Izzmek to the site of the first signal beacon (80)
- Escort Magister Izzmek to the site of the second signal beacon (80)
- Escort the central invasion Pact squad to the Pact rally point at Triumph Plaza (75) [Group Event]
- Escort the Pact forces to the Temple of Melandru (80) [Group Event]
- Escort the northern invasion Pact squad to the Pact rally point at Triumph Plaza (75) [Group Event]
- Escort the southern invasion Pact squad to the Pact rally point at Triumph Plaza (75) [Group Event]
- Escort the Vigil to the Tower of Modius (56)
- Escort troops to Follower's Bridge (78)
- Escort troops to the Pact encampment at Wren (76)
- Escort Warmaster Jofast and her caravan to retake her camp (80)
- Get Warmaster Chan to Shank Anchorage before the troops' morale breaks (80)
- Help the Pact capture the hall of the Promenade of the Gods (80) [Group Event]
- Help the Pact hold the Altar of Betrayal from the Risen (75) [Group Event]
- Help the Pact reach the Altar of Betrayal before their morale is depleted (75) [Group Event]
- Help the Pact seize the steps of the Promenade of the Gods (80) [Group Event]
- Hold the Infinity Coil (70) [Group Event]
- Hold the Pact position at Shank Anchorage against Risen attack (80) [Group Event]
- Kill the Corrupted High Priestess (78) [Group Event]
- Defend the engineers while they rebuild the trebuchets (79)
- Kill the Risen attackers to break the siege at Bayt Ibadah (79)
- Kill the shaman to capture Vorgas Garrison (67)
- Protect the Cathedral of Zephyrs (79) [Group Event]
- Protect the Pact as they defend Brassclaw Landing from the Risen (74)
- Protect the Pact golems until they charge the neutralizer device (78) [Group Event]
- Protect the Pact Siege Team as it sets up trebuchets (71)
- Reclaim the Vigil camp (55)
- Retake the Vigil's base camp (56)
- Rid the Pact camp of tar elementals (80)
- See the Pact crash survivors safely to Meddler's Summit (80)
- Seize the Altar of Betrayal before Pact morale can be broken (75) [Group Event]
- Slay the Shatterer (50) [Group Event]
- Solve the mystery of the haunted marsh (65)
Combat abilities[edit]
Charr (rifle)[edit]
- Skills
- Shoot - Basic ranged attack.
- vulnerable and crippled (5s). Aimed Shot - Fires a precise shot that makes the target
- Iron Legion Mine - Drops a mine on their location. The mine explodes if targets come near, knocking them back.
Charr (greatsword)[edit]
- Skills
- Chain. Slash your foe.
- Chain. Slice your foe.
- Brutal Strike - Hit your foe with a final brutal strike.
Greatsword Slice -
Greatsword Swing - - Chain. Slice your foe.
- Shout. Cure conditions on yourself and nearby allies. Also breaks stuns for affected allies. Shake It Off -
- Whirlwind Attack - Whirl in a target's direction, slashing foes along your path.
- Skills
- Shoot - Basic ranged attack.
- Arcing Shot - Shoots a slow, arcing arrow at the target.
- Pin Down - Fires an arrow that cripples the target for 8 seconds.
- Skills
- weaken your foe. Stoning - Hurl a rock and
- toughness. Rock Barrier - Envelop yourself in a stony barrier that improves
- bleeds and immobilizes your target. Shock Wave - Create a shock wave that
- Vigil Crusader at Guardian Stone
- Quite a view up here, ain't it? Just about the most godsforsaken patch of land that exists. The intersection of the two cursed events, and the plagues they left behind.
- That rubble you see to the north is what used to be the Northern Wall. Supposedly to keep the charr out of Ascalon, until they fried it and the city. Only things live there now are the ghosts of Ascalon.
- That dark, lifeless rut of land is the Dragonbrand. Kralkatorrik marking his territory as he flew over the area. Left a little calling card, too, with the gnarled mess that make up the Branded.
- The Vigil's here because if we don't fight the infections those cataclysms left in their wake, it'll just keep spreading. And with rumors the Shatterer's on its way, things are only gonna get worse.
- Kralkatorric's[sic] lieutenant. We suspect it's determined to finish the job its boss only started. Or worse. But unlike that Elder Dragon, we're ready for The Shatterer.
- Hope you're right.
The Shatterer?
- Makes sense.
Why are you even here? Why not just abandon the place?
- I should let you get back to your watch.
You said two curses?
- I see. Good-bye.
What are you talking about?
- I think I'll turn around and head back down now.
- When talking to a sylvari Vigil Crusader at Guardian Stone
- Huh, you're new here. Well, if you haven't heard it yet, you will.
- Every night starting at sunset, you can hear the Ascalonian ghosts. You'd expect moaning or wailing, but they're singing. And laughing. Singing the same songs and laughing at the same jokes for 250 years.
- Guess they're soldiers, just like us. Only they've been at it a lot longer. Far as they know, it's just another night of downtime before the next day's battle. Moaning and wailing would be less scary.
- Unless the wind's blowing pretty strong out of the west. Then, you hear the Branded creatures. But that's mostly the sound of festering.
- I think I'll go talk to someone a little more cheerful.
And you hear that every night?
- I'll be sure to keep an ear out for that.
- It won't bother me. As long as they're singing something catchy.
Heard what?
- Not sure I'll be around long enough to hear much of anything. Good-bye.
- Talking to one during Solve the mystery of the haunted marsh with Queen Jennah present
- The queen? Here? But surely what she says is true. The charr are evil—we must slay them all.
- Does that really make sense to you?
- Talking to one during Solve the mystery of the haunted marsh with Zojja present
- How can you learn through death? This feels... wrong. Right?
- I think you know.
- Charr Vigil Crusader at Fort Cadence
- The situation's dire. These Orrian undead are relentless. They're gonna be the death of me.
- If the Orrians don't give up, we channel them through this choke point and cut them down like meat spilling from a grinder.
- Gruesome, but efficient. Good luck.
What's the plan?
- You're fighting the good fight. Good luck.
- Hylek Vigil Crusader at Fort Cadence
- Orr's foul reach is tearing the world apart. We can't allow it victory.
- I couldn't agree more. Stay strong.
- Human Vigil Crusader at Orvar's Glen
- Here to help us re-dead the undead? Make sure you have your stompin' boots on: there are some nasty Risen beasts shambling around out there.
- (If in Order of Whispers)
- We must also initiate the uninitiated. Act natural, but speak softly. Don't want the Vigil to know the Order of Whispers is spying on them. Though I'm sure they guess.
- If I were you, I'd steer clear of Quinatl Deadgrounds. It was a hylek village but has become completely overrun with undead.
- Sounds like a challenge.
Any information for me?
We must end the unending.
- (If in Vigil)
- Maybe. Yeah, sure. When fighting undead, watch out for undead brutes. Specifically, watch out for their hammers. They'll send you flying.
- Good advice.
Any tips for an up-and-coming Vigil hero?
- I'm ready, believe me.
- Charr Vigil Crusader at Orvar's Glen
- Killing undead is the only worthy use of a sword. After three long years fighting humans at Ebonhawke, joining the Vigil and taking this post has been like a cleansing of the soul.
- Every day I fought hard to beat back the resistance, I believed in it a little less. By the end, all I wanted was peace. At least with the undead, I can smash them into nothingness and not feel regret.
- That's true. There's no honor in fighting when your heart's not in it. But a battle for something you believe in, that is what your sword was forged for.
- I agree.
The best battle is one you can throw everything you've got into.
- Sometimes it's necessary. I'm no coward. I've been a soldier all my life. Stepping away from battle is not always a retreat.
- That's true.
It takes strength to stand back and reevaluate your beliefs.
- Good-bye.
How so?
- I can imagine.
- (If human)
- It's good to see you approach me without fear or anger. I fought the humans of Ebonhawke for years, and I regret it. Here, with the Vigil, I'm able to put my sword to work on behalf of both of our peoples.
- No, and with the truce in place, I don't feel as obligated to. I'd considered moving somewhere else where the animosity isn't as strong, but I decided to stay and help hold back the front line against the undead.
- The best battle is one you can throw everything you've got into. (same as above)
- It takes strength to stand back and reevaluate your beliefs. (same as above)
- Good-bye.
You don't fight humans anymore?
- That's good.
- Human Vigil Crusader with Bladed armor in Jaka Itzel
- I worked hard for this armor. Couldn't resist showing it off.
- With the proper currency, you can buy the pieces from this friendly Itzel vendor.
- Thanks for the tip.
Where did you get it?
- Not bad.
- Human/Norn Vigil Crusader with a chak weapon in Jaka Itzel/Tangled Descent
- Can you believe these weapons actually incorporate chak parts?
- With the proper mastery and currency, you can buy them from this friendly Nuhoch vendor.
- Thanks for the tip.
Where did you get them?
- That's impressive.
- Norn Vigil Crusader in Dragon's Stand
- I worked hard for this armor. Couldn't resist showing it off.
- With the proper currency, you can buy the pieces off that Order of Whispers keeper there.
- Thanks for the tip.
Where did you get it?
- Not bad.
- Charr Vigil Crusader at the Southern Forward Camp in Dragon's Stand
- We have a shipment of weapons inboud. Go guard them from the Mordrem so we can use them in battle.
- You got it!
- Not right now.
- General greet
- Some must fight so that all may be free.
- Asuran Vigil Crusader greets
- Anything to report?
- Do you need my aid?
- Charity begins with one good deed.
- Charr Vigil Crusader greets
- Fight with valor.
- Eternal vigilance.
- United in victory.
- Fight to the last.
- Human Vigil Crusader greets
- We fight because we must.
- We cannot afford fear in times like this.
- Vigilance. Honor. Duty, above all.
- May Balthazar strengthen you.
- Norn Vigil Crusader greets
- Sylvari Vigil Crusader greets
- You honor me.
- Consider me an ally.
- I serve the vigil. The Vigil serves Tyria.
- We are the bulwark against evil.
- No kindness is too small.
- I sense your inner strength.
- You can count on me.
- Aggro
- You wanna fight? Let's go!
- Disengage
- You're a frightened child!
- Upon death in the Heart of Maguuma
- Incinerate my remains.