List of warrior skills

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This is a list of core warrior skills. For additional skills available to warrior's elite specializations, see:

Note that after you've unlocked Weaponmaster Training, you can use all weapons that are normally tied to an elite specialization even if you don't have it active.

Profession mechanic[edit]

Burst skills are the warrior's profession mechanic, occupying the F1 slot above the skill bar. There is a distinct burst skill for each available main-hand weapon. They grow more powerful the more adrenaline the character has stored up, and activating the burst skill unleashes all stored adrenaline.

These skills are listed in the individual weapon tables below, indicated by Chain Arrow Toolbelt.png

Weapon skills[edit]


# Skill Activation.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description


F1 Chain Arrow Toolbelt.pngArcing Slice.png Arcing Slice 0.5½ 8 Burst. Deliver a circular attack to foes around you, and gain fury. Deal more damage to foes with low health.
1 Greatsword Swing.png Greatsword Swing 0.5½ Chain. Slash your foe.
1 ChainGreatsword Slice.png Greatsword Slice 0.5½ Chain. Slice your foe.
1 ChainBrutal Strike.png Brutal Strike 0.5½ Hit your foe with a final brutal strike.
2 Hundred Blades.png Hundred Blades 30.5½ 8 Repeatedly strike multiple foes. The last strike does extra damage.
3 Whirlwind Attack.png Whirlwind Attack 1 10 Whirl in a target's direction, slashing foes along your path.
4 Bladetrail.png Bladetrail 0.75¾ 15 Throw your greatsword at your foe so that it returns to you, crippling foes along the way.
5 Rush.png Rush 2 20 Charge and strike your foe.


F1 Chain Arrow Toolbelt.pngEarthshaker.png Earthshaker 0.75¾ 8 Burst. Jump to the targeted location and slam your hammer down, damaging and stunning foes.
1 Hammer Swing (warrior skill).png Hammer Swing 0.5½ Chain. Bash your foe.
1 ChainHammer Bash (warrior skill).png Hammer Bash 0.5½ Chain. Bash your foe again.
1 ChainHammer Smash.png Hammer Smash 0.5½ Smash the ground and damage nearby foes.
2 Fierce Blow.png Fierce Blow 0.75¾ 6 Weaken your foe with a fierce blow, dealing increased damage when striking a controlled or defiant foe.
Controls include stun, daze, knockback, pull, knockdown, sink, float, launch, taunt, and fear.
3 Hammer Shock.png Hammer Shock 0.5½ 8 Smash the ground and send out a crippling wave.
4 Staggering Blow.png Staggering Blow 0.5½ 18 Push back nearby foes with a staggering blow.
5 Backbreaker.png Backbreaker 1 25 Knock down your foe. Weakened foes stay knocked down longer. Recharges Fierce Blow if you control a foe with this ability.
Recharges Fierce Blow if striking a target with a defiance bar.


F1 Chain Arrow Toolbelt.pngCombustive Shot.png Combustive Shot 0.75¾ 8 Burst. Ignite target area, burning nearby foes. Effect increases with adrenaline level.
1 Dual Shot.png Dual Shot 0.75¾ Shoot a pair of arrows at your foe.
2 Fan of Fire.png Fan of Fire 0.25¼ 5 Fire a spread of three flaming arrows, burning foes.
3 Arcing Arrow.png Arcing Arrow 0.75¾ 1 Shoot a slow, arcing arrow that explodes on impact.
4 Smoldering Arrow.png Smoldering Arrow 0.25¼ 0.5½ Shoot an arrow that explodes on impact, blinding foes.
5 Pin Down.png Pin Down 0.75¾ 20 Fire an arrow that bleeds and immobilizes your target.


F1 Chain Arrow Toolbelt.pngKill Shot.png Kill Shot 10.25¼ 8 Burst. Fire a powerful shot. Damage increases with adrenaline level. Deal increased damage to enemies that are affected by crowd control or below the health threshold.
1 Fierce Shot.png Fierce Shot 0.75¾ Fire a shot at your target. Gain might if you strike a vulnerable target.
2 Volley.png Volley 20.5½ 1 Fire a volley of shots at your foe.
3 Explosive Shell.png Explosive Shell 0.75¾ 1 Shoot an explosive round that explodes when it hits, striking nearby enemies and enemies in a cone behind the initial target.
4 Brutal Shot.png Brutal Shot 0.75¾ 1 Evade backward while firing an immobilizing shot.
5 Rifle Butt.png Rifle Butt 0.5½ 15 Knock back your foe with your rifle butt. Recover ammunition for each of your other rifle skills and fully recharge your rifle burst skills. Successfully striking a foe reduces the recharge time of this skill.


F1 Chain Arrow Toolbelt.pngWild Throw.png Wild Throw 10.75¾ 5 Primal Burst. Throw several piercing spears that inflict vulnerability in quick succession.
F1 Chain Arrow Toolbelt.pngHarrier's Toss.png Harrier's Toss 0.5½ 8 Burst. Jump up and throw a spear at your targeted location, dealing damage in an area. Damage dealt is increased with adrenaline level, and the opponent closest to the epicenter takes additional damage.
1 Mighty Throw.png Mighty Throw 0.5½ Throw a spear at your enemy that shatters on contact, scattering shards that damage enemies around the initial target.
2 Maiming Spear.png Maiming Spear 0.5½ 5 Throw a spear at a targeted location, damaging and inflicting conditions on opponents in the area and causing an aftershock after a short delay. The aftershock deals more damage to the opponent closest to the epicenter.
3 Disrupting Throw.png Disrupting Throw 0.5½ 10 Throw a spear that pierces foes in a line, immobilizing them. The first enemy struck by this skill is additionally dazed.
4 Spearmarshal's Support.png Spearmarshal's Support 0.5½ 15 Mark a single target; after a short delay, bombard the target with spears that deal more damage to the marked target and continue to track their location.
5 Spear Swipe.png Spear Swipe 0.75¾ 20 Jump up and evade attacks, then swipe forward, sending a wave of air in front of you that pushes you backward, knocks enemies back, and reflects projectiles. The first enemy struck is launched instead of knocked back. Evading an attack reduces the cooldown of this skill.


(requires Secrets of the Obscure logo.pngExpanded Weapon Proficiency)

F1 Chain Arrow Toolbelt.pngPath to Victory.png Path to Victory 0.5½ 8 Burst. Carve a path to victory, dealing damage to enemies in front of you while healing and granting regeneration to nearby allies.
1 Balanced Strike.png Balanced Strike 0.5½ Chain. A balanced staff strike.
1 ChainReverse Strike.png Reverse Strike 0.5½ Chain. A follow-up reverse-handed staff strike.
1 ChainInspiring Whirl.png Inspiring Whirl 0.75¾ Whirl your staff, damaging nearby enemies and inspiring allies.
2 Valiant Leap.png Valiant Leap 0.75¾ 8 Leap to the targeted location, empowering allies and damaging enemies. Gain adrenaline if you affect another ally.
3 Line Breaker.png Line Breaker 10.75¾ 12 Charge to the target location. When you arrive, heal nearby allies and grant them boons while debilitating nearby enemies.
4 Snap Pull.png Snap Pull 0.75¾ 12 Quickly snap your staff to pull enemies in and make them vulnerable.
5 Bullet Catcher.png Bullet Catcher 2 20 Focus your mind on the battle, blocking incoming attacks. After activating this skill, Defiant Roar becomes available for a short duration. Blocking attacks empowers Defiant Roar.
5 ChainDefiant Roar.png Defiant Roar 0.5½ Unleash a defiant roar, healing nearby allies and granting them resolution. Blocking attacks with Bullet Catcher grants bonus healing per block, up to 3 stacks.

Main- and off-hand[edit]

# Skill Activation.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description


F1 Chain Arrow Toolbelt.pngEviscerate.png Eviscerate 8 Burst. Leap at your foe with a devastating attack. Effect increases with adrenaline level. Gain might if this attack hits.
1 Chop.png Chop 0.25¼ Chain. Chop your foe.
1 ChainDouble Chop.png Double Chop 0.25¼ Chain. Chop your foe twice.
1 ChainTriple Chop.png Triple Chop 10.5½ Deliver three final chops to your foe.
2 Cyclone Axe.png Cyclone Axe 0.5½ 6 Spin around and attack all nearby foes, applying vulnerability each hit. Gain fury for each foe hit.
3 Throw Axe.png Throw Axe 0.25¼ 1 Throw an axe that cripples foes, dealing bonus damage at lower health thresholds.
4 Dual Strike.png Dual Strike 0.5½ 12 Strike your foe with both weapons. Gain quickness for each strike that hits.
5 Whirling Axe.png Whirling Axe 30.5½ 15 Spin and attack nearby foes. You can move while spinning.


F1 Chain Arrow Toolbelt.pngSkull Crack.png Skull Crack 0.5½ 8 Burst. Stun your foe with a skull crack. Effect increases with adrenaline level.
1 Mace Smash.png Mace Smash 0.5½ Chain. Smash your foe.
1 ChainMace Bash.png Mace Bash 0.5½ Chain. Bash your foe.
1 ChainPulverize.png Pulverize 0.75¾ Thrash your foe, leaving them weakened.
2 Counterblow.png Counterblow 7 Block the next attack. Counter with an attack if you are in melee range. Gain adrenaline if not attacked.
2 Chain"On My Mark!".png Adrenaline Rush Stop blocking and gain adrenaline.
3 Pommel Bash.png Pommel Bash 10 Daze your foe with a brutal pommel bash. If you strike a foe that is using a skill, gain barrier.
4 Crushing Blow.png Crushing Blow 0.75¾ 12 Crush your opponent's armor, leaving them vulnerable and gaining might. Vulnerability and might stacks doubled if you hit a disabled foe.
Disables include stun, daze, knockback, pull, knockdown, sink, float, launch, taunt, and fear.
5 Tremor.png Tremor 0.5½ 18 Smash the ground with your mace, damaging your target and sending out a shock wave that damages and knocks down foes. Recharge Crushing Blow if you strike an enemy.


F1 Chain Arrow Toolbelt.pngFlurry.png Flurry 0.5½ 8 Burst. Immobilize your foes with a flurry of bleeding strikes. Effect increases with adrenaline level.
1 Sever Artery.png Sever Artery 0.5½ Chain. Bleed your foe with a slash.
1 ChainGash.png Gash 0.5½ Chain. Bleed your foe with a gash.
1 ChainHamstring.png Hamstring 0.25¼ Cripple your foe with a precise slash.
2 Savage Leap.png Savage Leap 0.75¾ 8 Lunge at your foe and strike them with your sword.
3 Final Thrust.png Final Thrust 0.5½ 12 Strike your foe with a final powerful thrust that does extra damage and inflicts bleeding against foes below the health threshold.
4 Impale (warrior sword skill).png Impale 0.5½ 15 Throw your sword at your foe to impale them.
4 ChainRip.png Rip 0.75¾ 1 Rip your sword from your foe for extra damage.
5 Riposte.png Riposte 20.25¼ 15 Block the next attack. Riposte and bleed your foe if you block a melee attack. Gain adrenaline if you are not attacked.
5 Chain"On My Mark!".png Adrenaline Rush Stop blocking and gain adrenaline.


(requires Secrets of the Obscure logo.pngWeaponmaster Training or Spellbreaker icon small.pngSpellbreaker)

F1 Chain Arrow Toolbelt.pngBreaching Strike.png Breaching Strike 0.75¾ 8 Burst. Strike your target and remove boons. Deal more damage if your target has no boons.
1 Precise Cut.png Precise Cut 0.25¼ Chain. Strike your foe. This attack deals increased critical damage.
1 ChainFocused Slash.png Focused Slash 0.25¼ Chain. Strike your foe. This attack has increased critical-hit damage.
1 ChainKeen Strike.png Keen Strike 0.25¼ Chain. Strike your foe and gain might. Gain additional might on critical hit.
2 Aura Slicer.png Aura Slicer 0.75¾ 6 Leap and strike your foe, inflicting slow.
3 Disrupting Stab.png Disrupting Stab 12 Dazes your target. If your target is using a skill, the daze duration is extended.
4 Wastrel's Ruin.png Wastrel's Ruin 0.5½ 12 Strike your target and remove boons. Damage and boon removal are increased against foes not using skills.
5 Bladestorm.png Bladestorm 10.5½ 20 Unleash a flurry of attacks that damages foes and reflects projectiles coming from the front. Gain barrier when striking a foe.

Off-hand only[edit]

# Skill Activation.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description


4 Shield Bash.png Shield Bash 0.75¾ 20 Bash your foe with your shield and stun them.
5 Shield Stance.png Shield Stance 3 25 Block attacks.


4 Charge (warrior skill).png Charge 0.5½ 20 Grant boons and remove movement-impairing conditions from allies.
5 Call of Valor.png Call of Valor 0.5½ 20 Removes conditions from allies and grants them vigor. Affected targets also gain barrier.


(requires Secrets of the Obscure logo.pngWeaponmaster Training or Berserker icon small.pngBerserker)

4 Blaze Breaker.png Blaze Breaker 0.5½ 12 Smash your torch into the ground, creating a deadly shock wave that conditions foes.
5 Flames of War (warrior skill).png Flames of War 0.5½ 20 Cleanse conditions and become a mobile fire field that burns nearby foes. When the field expires, it explodes, damaging foes and burning them again.


(requires Secrets of the Obscure logo.pngWeaponmaster Training or Bladesworn icon small.pngBladesworn)

4 Gunstinger.png Gunstinger 0.5½ 15 Quickly step forward to strike your foe while reloading your gun. Restores ammo to skill 5.
5 Dragon's Roar.png Dragon's Roar 0.5½ 1 Fire all the barrels in your hand cannon to deal damage to foes in front of you. This skill consumes all your ammo when fired and pushes you back slightly based on the amount of ammo expended.


# Skill Activation.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description

Harpoon gun[edit]

F1 Chain Arrow Toolbelt.pngForceful Shot.png Forceful Shot 10.75¾ 8 Burst. Fire a forceful shot. Damage increases with adrenaline level.
1 Mariner's Shot.png Mariner's Shot 0.25¼ Shoot your foe from long range. The farther the shot goes, the more damage it does.
2 Puncture Shot (warrior).png Puncture Shot 0.25¼ 3 Make your foe vulnerable with a shot to their vitals.
3 Split Shot.png Split Shot 0.25¼ 8 Your shot splits into a spread of harpoons that each bleed your target.
4 Knot Shot.png Knot Shot 0.5½ 15 Evade backward and fire a shot that immobilizes your foe.
5 Repeating Shot.png Repeating Shot 10.25¼ 25 Fire multiple shots that push back your foe.


F1 Chain Arrow Toolbelt.pngWhirling Strike.png Whirling Strike 0.75¾ 8 Burst. Strike all foes around you. Effect increases with adrenaline level.
1 Stab (warrior skill).png Stab 0.5½ Chain. Stab your foe.
1 ChainJab (warrior skill).png Jab 0.75¾ Chain. Jab your foe.
1 ChainImpale (warrior spear skill).png Impale 0.75¾ Impale your foe and cripple them.
2 Mariner's Frenzy.png Mariner's Frenzy 10.25¼ 8 Attack foes in front of you with a series of strikes.
3 Barbed Pull.png Barbed Pull 0.5½ 10 Pull your foe to you.
4 Parry.png Parry 10.5½ 15 Block your foe. Counterattack with a powerful strike. Gain adrenaline if you are not attacked.
5 Tsunami Slash.png Tsunami Slash 20.75¾ 25 Spin forward and strike foes along the way.

Slot skills[edit]


Skill Underwater skills Activation.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description
Mending.png Mending 1 12 Physical. Remove conditions and heal yourself.
"To the Limit!".png "To the Limit!" 1 24 Shout. Heal yourself and regain all adrenaline. Nearby allies gain endurance.
Healing Signet.png Healing Signet 10.25¼ 20 Signet Passive: Regenerate health.
Signet Active: Heal yourself, and grant yourself resistance.
Defiant Stance.png Defiant Stance 0.75¾ 30 Stance. Heal yourself. Absorb all incoming strikes for a period of time.


Skill Underwater skills Activation.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description


Banner of Defense.png Banner of Defense 0.25¼ 30 Banner. Place a banner that grants barrier and boons on initial placement, then pulses boons to you and nearby allies afterward.
Banner of Discipline.png Banner of Discipline 0.75¾ 30 Banner. Place a banner that damages and applies conditions on initial placement, then pulses additional boons to you and nearby allies afterward.
Banner of Strength.png Banner of Strength 0.75¾ 30 Banner. Place a banner that damages and dazes foes on initial placement, then pulses boons to you and nearby allies afterward.
Banner of Tactics.png Banner of Tactics 0.25¼ 30 Banner. Place a banner that grants boons and superspeed and breaks stuns on initial placement, then pulses boons to you and nearby allies afterward.


Bull's Charge.png Bull's Charge 1 24 Physical. Charge and knock down your foe.
Kick (warrior utility skill).png Kick 0.5½ 3 Physical. Push your foe back with a kick.
Stomp.png Stomp Not available underwater 0.75¾ 20 Physical. Gain stability and launch nearby foes into the air with a powerful stomp. Gain stability for each enemy struck.
Throw Bolas.png Throw Bolas 0.5½ 1 Physical. Throw bolas to immobilize your foe.


"Fear Me!".png "Fear Me!" 48 Shout. Induce fear in your foes. Fear duration increases based on your distance to the enemy.
"For Great Justice!".png "For Great Justice!" 5 Shout. Grant fury and might to yourself and allies.
"On My Mark!".png "On My Mark!" 5 Shout. Call out target foe to make them vulnerable.
"Shake It Off!".png "Shake It Off!" 5 Shout. Cure conditions on yourself and nearby allies. Also breaks stuns for affected allies.


Dolyak Signet.png Dolyak Signet 25 Signet Passive: Reduces incoming damage.
Signet Active: Heal yourself and gain stability.
Signet of Fury.png Signet of Fury 16 Signet Passive: Improves precision.
Signet Active: Gain adrenaline and improve your precision and ferocity.
Signet of Might.png Signet of Might 20 Signet Passive: Improves power.
Signet Active: Attacks are unblockable and you gain might.
Signet of Stamina.png Signet of Stamina 20 Signet Passive: Faster endurance regeneration.
Signet Active: Cure all conditions and gain endurance. Gain additional endurance for each condition cured.


Balanced Stance.png Balanced Stance 25 Stance. Gain stability and swiftness on an interval. Become immune to critical hits.
Berserker Stance.png Berserker Stance 30 Stance. Gain adrenaline for a short time. Gain pulsing resistance.
Endure Pain.png Endure Pain 30 Stance. Take no damage from attacks. You are still susceptible to conditions and control effects.
Frenzy (warrior skill).png Frenzy 20 Stance. Frenzy to gain quickness and might.


Skill Underwater skills Activation.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description
Battle Standard.png Battle Standard 2 90 Banner. Place a battle standard that revives fallen allies and finishes downed foes. Once placed, the banner periodically grants boons to allies.
Rampage.png Rampage Not available underwater 1 90 Physical. Take the form of a massive juggernaut, reducing the damage you take and the duration of incoming movement-impeding conditions.
Signet of Rage.png Signet of Rage 0.25¼ 40 Signet Passive: Grants adrenaline while in combat.
Signet Active: Gain fury, might, and swiftness.

Downed and drowning skills[edit]

# Skill Activation.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description


1 Throw Rock.png Throw Rock 0.25¼ Throw a rock at your target.
2 Hammer Toss.png Hammer Toss 1 10 Throw a hammer that knocks down foes.
3 Vengeance (skill).png Vengeance 0.5½ 20 Rally and fight normally for a brief time. You have a chance to fully rally if you kill an enemy. When the vengeance ends, you are defeated.
4 Bandage.png Bandage 490.25¼ 5 Call your allies for help. Restores health while you channel it.


1 Punch (warrior skill).png Punch 1 Punch your foe.
2 Kick (warrior drowning skill).png Kick 0.5½ 5 Cripple your foe with a kick.
3 Vengeance (skill).png Vengeance 0.5½ 20 Rally and fight normally for a brief time. You have a chance to fully rally if you kill an enemy. When the vengeance ends, you are defeated.
4 Bandage.png Bandage 490.25¼ 5 Call your allies for help. Restores health while you channel it.

Auxiliary skillbars[edit]

These skills replace the main skillbar after activating the specified skills.


# Skill Activation.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description
1 Smash (Rampage).png Smash 0.5½ Physical. Smash your foe.
1 ChainBash (Rampage).png Bash 0.5½ Physical. Bash your foe with another blow.
1 ChainUppercut.png Uppercut 1 Physical. Finish the chain with a pulverizing uppercut.
2 Kick (Rampage).png Kick 0.5½ 6 Physical. Push back your foe with a kick.
3 Dash (Rampage).png Dash 0.75¾ 6 Physical. Charge your foe.
4 Throw Boulder.png Throw Boulder 1 12 Physical. Throw a large boulder at your foe.
5 Seismic Leap.png Seismic Leap 0.75¾ 15 Physical. Leap into the air and knock down nearby foes where you land.


There are skills unique to the warrior profession that will appear when they are holding certain bundles.