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Elite specialization character icon.

"I counter your magics!"

Act with precision and intent to strike at the very weave of magic to cut down your foe's enchantments while disrupting their ability to cast spells. Utilize the Full Counter skill to absorb attacks and retaliate with devastating force.

— In-game description

Spec image Spellbreaker.jpg

Spellbreaker is an elite specialization for the warrior unlocked with the Path of Fire expansion. The original spellbreakers were Elonian Sunspears. Palawa Joko defeated the Sunspears and their symbol, and everyone found wielding a spear would be put to death. The remaining Sunspears broke their spears and reforged their spearheads into daggers. They trained in secrecy and learned how to break magic itself. Spellbreakers sacrifice damage in exchange for control, they have a smaller adrenaline bar and weaker Burst attacks than a traditional warrior but, in exchange, have learned to Full Counter attacks to completely negate their damage and deflect them back to their opponent.

Spellbreakers always balance the scale, ensuring all fights are fair by destroying their enemy's boons by striking at the very weave of magic, and inflicting crowd control to interrupt them when casting spells. They have learned meditation skills which focus on balance by removing boons, and steadiness by protecting the spellbreaker. They can wield daggers in both hands for quick movement, attacks, boon removal, and control. Spellbreakers focus on defense and control by absorbing attacks, removing boons, and inflicting crowd control.

List of spellbreaker skills[edit]

See also: List of warrior skills

Profession mechanic[edit]

I reject your feeble power!

— Spellbreaker

Spellbreakers have a smaller adrenaline bar and can only use Burst skills of level 1 but, in exchange, gain access to Full Counter. This counter absorbs the next attack within 1,5 seconds, reducing its damage to 0, and striking nearby foes in retaliation.

# Skill Activation.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description
F2 Chain Arrow Toolbelt.pngFull Counter.png Full Counter 10.5½ 8 Burst. Absorb the next attack against you and counterattack all foes around you. Foes struck by the counter attack are interrupted.

Weapon skills[edit]

# Skill Activation.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description


F1 Chain Arrow Toolbelt.pngBreaching Strike.png Breaching Strike 0.75¾ 8 Burst. Strike your target and remove boons. Deal more damage if your target has no boons.
1 Precise Cut.png Precise Cut 0.25¼ Chain. Strike your foe. This attack deals increased critical damage.
1 ChainFocused Slash.png Focused Slash 0.25¼ Chain. Strike your foe. This attack has increased critical-hit damage.
1 ChainKeen Strike.png Keen Strike 0.25¼ Chain. Strike your foe and gain might. Gain additional might on critical hit.
2 Aura Slicer.png Aura Slicer 0.75¾ 6 Leap and strike your foe, inflicting slow.
3 Disrupting Stab.png Disrupting Stab 12 Dazes your target. If your target is using a skill, the daze duration is extended.
4 Wastrel's Ruin.png Wastrel's Ruin 0.5½ 12 Strike your target and remove boons. Damage and boon removal are increased against foes not using skills.
5 Bladestorm.png Bladestorm 10.5½ 20 Unleash a flurry of attacks that damages foes and reflects projectiles coming from the front. Gain barrier when striking a foe.

Slot skills[edit]


Skill Underwater skills Activation.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description
Natural Healing.png Natural Healing Not available underwater 1 25 Meditation. Lose boons and conditions, then heal yourself.


Skill Underwater skills Activation.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description
Sight beyond Sight.png Sight beyond Sight 1 Meditation. Reveal nearby foes and make your next attack a critical hit. Remove blindness and nondamaging conditions.
Featherfoot Grace.png Featherfoot Grace 20 Meditation. Gain a burst of superspeed and resistance.
Imminent Threat.png Imminent Threat 0.25¼ 30 Meditation. Taunt nearby foes, gaining adrenaline and barrier for each affected foe.
Break Enchantments.png Break Enchantments 0.25¼ 15 Meditation. Strike foes around you and remove their boons. Deal more damage to foes that lose a boon.


Skill Underwater skills Activation.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description
Winds of Disenchantment.png Winds of Disenchantment 10.5½ 90 Meditation. Create an area of calm in which foes have reduced incoming boon duration and lose boons every interval. Enemy missiles entering this area are blocked.

List of spellbreaker traits[edit]

See also: List of warrior traits
Tier Trait Tango-recharge-darker.png Description
Minor Proficiency Dagger Proficiency.png Dagger Proficiency You can wield daggers in both hands.
Minor Adept Spellbreaker's Conviction.png Spellbreaker's Conviction Maximum adrenaline is capped at 2 bars, and only level 1 bursts are available. Gain access to the Full Counter burst and Meditation skills.
Major Adept Pure Strike (trait).png Pure Strike Deal increased critical-hit damage. This bonus is doubled against boonless foes.
Major Adept Guard Counter.png Guard Counter Gain protection after a successful Full Counter.
Major Adept No Escape.png No Escape Dazes and stuns inflict immobilize.
Minor Master Dispelling Force.png Dispelling Force Dazes, stuns, pulls, knockdowns, knockbacks, and launches remove boons.
Major Master Loss Aversion.png Loss Aversion Removing boons from a foe deals damage and gives you adrenaline.
Major Master Slow Counter.png Slow Counter Full Counter applies cripple and slow.
Major Master Sun and Moon Style.png Sun and Moon Style 5 Gain bonuses for each dagger you equip:
Main hand—Strike damage is increased versus foes with no boons.
Off Hand—Heal for a percent of your outgoing strike damage.
Minor Grandmaster Attacker's Insight.png Attacker's Insight Gain Insight when disabling foes or removing boons. Full Counter refreshes all burst skills on hit.
Disables include stun, daze, knockback, pull, knockdown, sink, float, launch, taunt and fear.
Major Grandmaster Enchantment Collapse.png Enchantment Collapse 1 Removing a boon from a foe causes all nearby foes to lose additional boons.
Major Grandmaster Revenge Counter.png Revenge Counter Full Counter deals additional damage and grants resistance. Copy conditions on yourself to targets you hit with Full Counter.
Major Grandmaster Magebane Tether.png Magebane Tether Hitting with a burst skill casts Magebane Tether on your target if they are within range.


The broken weapons of the Sunspears have become daggers in the hands of their descendants, which they use to strike at the very fabric of magic and strip it from their foes. They meditate to see past their enemies' defenses, and they use their adrenaline to counter attacks.

— Official site

Associated items[edit]

Related achievements[edit]


Promotional material



External links[edit]


  1. ^ Guild Chat Episode 51, Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire™ Elite Specializations (21:40)
  2. ^ Guild Chat Episode 51, Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire™ Elite Specializations (23:02)
  3. ^ Guild Chat Episode 51, Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire™ Elite Specializations (24:14)
  4. ^ Guild Chat Episode 51, Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire™ Elite Specializations (26:12)