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Disambig icon.png This article is about the weapon type. For other uses, see Harpoon.


Spear concept art.jpg

Spear concept art.

The spear is a type of aquatic weapon. With the Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds expansion, characters may obtain the Kodan Spear Training Mastery mastery or Lowland Spear Unlock to allow its usage as a terrestrial weapon for all professions. On land, the spear is a versatile weapon, offering highly varied skillsets to its wielder.

Skills by profession[edit]


# Skill Activation.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description

Guardian icon small.png Guardian

1 Daybreaking Slash.png Daybreaking Slash 0.5½ Swing your spear, sending out a wave of light in front of you that damages enemies and heals allies.
2 Helio Rush.png Helio Rush 1 2 Charge forward with your spear, striking enemies and healing allies you pass through. Upon striking an enemy, your next spear attack is illuminated.

Illuminated. Allies you pass through are healed for more and gain boons. Enemies you strike take bonus damage and are inflicted with conditions.

Allies at full health are not affected by this skill.

3 Gleaming Disc.png Gleaming Disc 0.75¾ 12 Spin around, striking enemies around you. After a short delay, a shock wave of light burst forth from your position, damaging enemies and granting might to allies. Your next spear attack is illuminated when striking an enemy with the initial spin.

Illuminated. The shock wave additionally deals more damage and inflicts conditions on enemies and grants boons to allies.

4 Solar Storm.png Solar Storm 0.75¾ 15 Throw a spear above the targeted point. The spear explodes, raining shards that damage enemies and remove conditions from allies. Your next spear attack is illuminated if you are within range of your own shards.

Illuminated. More shards are produced. Removing conditions from allies also heals them.
Damage is reduced per target each time they are struck by this skill.

5 Symbol of Luminance.png Symbol of Luminance 0.5½ 20 Symbol. Places the Symbol of Luminance on the ground, knocking back enemies on initial cast. While active, the symbol grants boons to allies and inflicts conditions on enemies. While standing within the symbol, your spear attacks are automatically illuminated and do not consume the illuminated effect when used. Resistance granted by this skill can only be granted once per interval.

Illuminated. While the symbol is active, all other spear skills are illuminated, even if you move out of the range of the symbol.

Revenant icon small.png Revenant

1 Abyssal Fire.png Abyssal Fire 0.75¾ Hurl your weapon at your foe. If you are in close range, swing your weapon at them instead. Striking a foe reduces the cooldown of Abyssal Raze once per skill use.
1 Abyssal Fire.png Abyssal Strike 0.5½ Hurl your weapon at your foe. If you are in close range, swing your weapon at them instead. Striking a foe reduces the cooldown of Abyssal Raze once per skill use.
2 Abyssal Force.png Abyssal Force 0.5½ 6 Hurl your weapon toward your foes, inflicting area damage and conditions on targets struck. Striking at least one foe causes Abyssal Raze to receive a large recharge reduction.
3 Abyssal Blitz.png Abyssal Blitz 0.5½ 10 Dash in a direction and slightly recharge Abyssal Raze while leaving portals in your wake that detonate when foes walk over them.
3 ChainAbyssal Blitz.png Blitz Mines Drop mines behind you as you dodge.
4 Abyssal Blot.png Abyssal Blot 1 15 Unleash gravitational Mist forces on your targeted area that initially pulls foes toward the center. Abyssal Raze's cooldown is reduced for each target you attempt to pull.
5 Abyssal Raze.png Abyssal Raze 0.75¾ 1 Attack foes in the target area, inflicting them with conditions. Gain stacks of Crushing Abyss for each target struck, up to the maximum.

Warrior icon small.png Warrior

1 Mighty Throw.png Mighty Throw 0.5½ Throw a spear at your enemy that shatters on contact, scattering shards that damage enemies around the initial target.
2 Maiming Spear.png Maiming Spear 0.5½ 5 Throw a spear at a targeted location, damaging and inflicting conditions on opponents in the area and causing an aftershock after a short delay. The aftershock deals more damage to the opponent closest to the epicenter.
3 Disrupting Throw.png Disrupting Throw 0.5½ 10 Throw a spear that pierces foes in a line, immobilizing them. The first enemy struck by this skill is additionally dazed.
4 Spearmarshal's Support.png Spearmarshal's Support 0.5½ 15 Mark a single target; after a short delay, bombard the target with spears that deal more damage to the marked target and continue to track their location.
5 Spear Swipe.png Spear Swipe 0.75¾ 20 Jump up and evade attacks, then swipe forward, sending a wave of air in front of you that pushes you backward, knocks enemies back, and reflects projectiles. The first enemy struck is launched instead of knocked back. Evading an attack reduces the cooldown of this skill.
F1 Chain Arrow Toolbelt.pngHarrier's Toss.png Harrier's Toss 0.5½ 8 Burst. Jump up and throw a spear at your targeted location, dealing damage in an area. Damage dealt is increased with adrenaline level, and the opponent closest to the epicenter takes additional damage.

Berserker icon small.png Berserker

F1 Chain Arrow Toolbelt.pngWild Throw.png Wild Throw 10.75¾ 5 Primal Burst. Throw several piercing spears that inflict vulnerability in quick succession.

Engineer icon small.png Engineer

1 Puncturing Jab.png Puncturing Jab 0.5½ Stab your foe, inflicting bleeding. Inflict vulnerability if your target is focused.
1 ChainRending Strike.png Rending Strike 0.5½ Swing your spear, inflicting bleeding. Inflict vulnerability if your target is focused.
1 ChainAmplifying Slice.png Amplifying Slice 0.75¾ Strike your foe, refreshing your focus and bleeding your target. Inflict vulnerability if your target is focused.
2 Conduit Surge.png Conduit Surge 0.5½ 5 Leap toward your target, unleashing intense energy on the area if you strike them. Your primary target becomes the focus of your other skills. If a focused target dies, this skill is refreshed.
3 Lightning Rod (engineer spear skill).png Lightning Rod 12 Prime your lightning rod to deal damage to nearby enemies. Focused enemies receive extra punishment. Gain charges for your Electric Artillery skill.
3 ChainElectric Artillery.png Electric Artillery 0.5½ 1 Hurl your charged rod at a foe, immobilizing them. Foes take increased burning duration and vulnerability stacks based on your lightning rod's charge.
4 Roiling Skies.png Roiling Skies 1 15 Charge the earth with electricity, launching focused foes and stunning others.
5 Devastator.png Devastator 1 20 Traverse the area and unleash lighting[sic] around you, directly targeting focused foes a number of times.
5 ChainDevastator.png Focused Devastation Repeatedly strike your foe, inflicting conditions.

Ranger icon small.png Ranger

1 Drake's Swipe.png Bee's Sting 0.75¾ Throw your spear.
1 Drake's Swipe.png Drake's Swipe 0.5½ Chain. Swing your spear. If your enemy is far away, use Bee's Sting instead.
1 ChainWyvern's Lash.png Wyvern's Lash 0.5½ Chain. Strike with your spear, crippling your foe. If your enemy is far away, use Bee's Sting instead.
1 ChainCheetah's Strike.png Cheetah's Strike 0.75¾ Heave your spear, gaining swiftness if you strike an enemy. If your enemy is far away, use Bee's Sting instead.
2 Mongoose's Frenzy.png Mongoose's Frenzy 1 5 Swipe at enemies in front of you, cleaving them.
2 Chain Arrow Toolbelt.pngWolf's Onslaught.png Wolf's Onslaught 1 5 Stealth Attack. Slash enemies in front of you, then follow up with a powerful blow.
3 Falcon's Stoop.png Falcon's Stoop 0.75¾ 7 Fling your spear at your enemy, dealing heavy damage. Damage is increased against immobilized, disabled, or defiant foes.
3 Chain Arrow Toolbelt.pngOwl's Flight.png Owl's Flight 0.75¾ 7 Stealth Attack. Reveal yourself and throw your spear. The spear is wider and unblockable, and it pierces.
4 Warclaw's Engage.png Warclaw's Engage 0.75¾ 12 Leap to a target location, damaging nearby enemies. Deal more damage to foes below the health threshold.
4 Chain Arrow Toolbelt.pngPredator's Ambush.png Predator's Ambush 0.75¾ 12 Stealth Attack. Leap to a target location, dazing enemies. Deal increased damage to foes below the health threshold.
5 Panther's Prowl.png Panther's Prowl 0.5½ 0.5½ Conceal yourself in the brush, gaining stealth. Gain Hunter's Prowess, allowing you to a Stealth Attack even when revealed.
5 Chain Arrow Toolbelt.pngSpider's Web.png Spider's Web 0.5½ 20 Stealth Attack. Throw out a net, damaging and immobilizing enemies on impact. Foes in the net are crippled. Your pet becomes excited for the hunt, gaining superspeed.

Untamed icon small.png Untamed

1 Chain Arrow Toolbelt.pngRavager's Abandon.png Ravager's Abandon 0.75¾ Unleashed Ambush. Release a wave of corruption in front of you, damaging enemies and spawning spores under targets struck.

Thief icon small.png Thief

1 Barbed Spear.png Barbed Spear 0.75¾ Swing your spear. If your enemy is far away, throw your spear instead.
1 Chain Arrow Toolbelt.pngAshen Assault.png Ashen Assault 10.5½ Stealth Attack. Attack foes in front of you with a series of strikes, making the vulnerable. The final strike inflicts damaging conditions. If this skill follows a Finisher skill, it grants initiative.
2 Mantis Sting.png Mantis Sting 0.5½ Lead Attack. Cripple your foe with a quick strike.
2 ChainEntangling Asp.png Entangling Asp 0.75¾ Follow Up. Poison your foe with a sweeping strike. Movement impaired foes are immobilized.
2 ChainFalling Spider.png Falling Spider 0.75¾ Finisher. Strike nearby enemies, inflicting multiple conditions. Deal more damage and inflict additional conditions against controlled and immobilized foes.
3 Unsuspecting Strike.png Unsuspecting Strike 0.75¾ Lead Attack. Leap at your foe and inflict conditions. Inflict additional stacks against foes above the health threshold.
3 ChainVampiric Slash.png Vampiric Slash 0.5½ Follow Up. Strike your foes and siphon health from them. Siphon additional health from vulnerable foes.
Striking an enemy with a follow-up attack enables finisher attacks.
3 ChainShattering Assault.png Shattering Assault 0.5½ Finisher. Strike foes in front of you and remove boons from them, then enter stealth. Remove additional boons from weakened foes.
4 Distracting Throw.png Distracting Throw 0.5½ Throw a spear that inflicts conditions on your target. If this strikes a movement-impaired foe, it also inflicts daze. If this skill follows a Finisher skill, it counts as a lead attack and grants a bonus to outgoing damage for a duration.
5 Shadow Veil.png Shadow Veil 2 Block the next incoming attack. If you block an attack, heal yourself. If this skill follows a Finisher skill, it blocks additional attacks.

Deadeye icon small.png Deadeye

1 Chain Arrow Toolbelt.pngMalicious Ashen Assault.png Malicious Ashen Assault 10.5½ Stealth Attack. Attack foes in front of you with a series of strikes, making them vulnerable. The final strike inflicts damaging conditions. If this skill follows a Finisher skill, it grants initiative. Consumes all malice when striking your mark to inflict torment and increase the damage dealt.

Elementalist icon small.png Elementalist

Fire Attunement Fire Attunement
1 Flame Spear (elementalist spear skill).png Flame Spear 0.75¾ Throw a spear of flame at your foe.
2 Blazing Barrage.png Blazing Barrage 0.5½ 6 Unleash a volley of blazing spears, damaging foes in the area.
3 Seethe.png Seethe 0.5½ 15 Gain boons. Your next spear skill deals increased damage.
4 Meteor.png Meteor 0.75¾ 20 Conjure a meteor at the target location, damaging enemies. Enemies at the center of the impact take increased damage.
5 Etching- Volcano.png Etching: Volcano 0.25¼ 25 Etch a spell into the ground that creates a violent eruption. Using a number of other skills within this etching completes the spell, unlocking its full potential.
5 ChainLesser Volcano.png Lesser Volcano 0.75¾ Create a violent eruption that damages foes.
5 ChainVolcano.png Volcano 0.75¾ Create a violent eruption that damages foes.
Water Attunement Water Attunement
1 Restorative Spear.png Restorative Spear 0.75¾ Throw a spear of water at your foe that heals you when it strikes.
2 Ice Beam.png Ice Beam 1 6 Chill enemies with a beam of ice.
3 Ripple.png Ripple 0.75¾ 15 Evade attacks and remove conditions from yourself. Your next spear skill recharges faster.
4 Undertow.png Undertow 0.5½ 20 Conjure a whirlpool at the target location, pulling enemies in. Enemies at the center of the whirlpool are slowed.
5 Etching- Jökulhlaup.png Etching: Jökulhlaup 0.25¼ 25 Etch a spell into the ground that invokes a glacial flood. Using a number of other skills within this etching completes the spell, unlocking its full potential.
5 ChainLesser Jökulhlaup.png Lesser Jökulhlaup 0.75¾ Invoke a glacial flood that damages enemies. Heals for each target struck.
5 ChainJökulhlaup.png Jökulhlaup 0.75¾ Invoke a glacial flood that damages enemies. Heals for each target struck.
Air Attunement Air Attunement
1 Lightning Javelin.png Lightning Javelin 0.75¾ Launch a spear of lightning that makes your foe vulnerable.
2 Fulgor.png Fulgor 0.75¾ 6 Create a storm of lightning that inflicts damage over time to affected foes.
3 Energize.png Energize 15 Gain superspeed. Your next spear skill always critically strikes.
4 Twister.png Twister 0.75¾ 20 Conjure a twister at the target location, making foes vulnerable. Foes in the center of the twister are lifted into the air.
5 Etching- Derecho.png Etching: Derecho 0.25¼ 25 Etch a spell into the ground that summons an intense windstorm. Using a number of other skills within this etching completes the spell, unlocking its full potential.
5 ChainLesser Derecho.png Lesser Derecho 0.75¾ Summon an intense windstorm that damages and dazes foes.
5 ChainDerecho.png Derecho 0.75¾ Summon an intense windstorm that damages and dazes foes.
Earth Attunement Earth Attunement
1 Stone Strike.png Stone Strike 0.75¾ Toss a light spear of stone to bleed your foe.
2 Earthen Spear.png Earthen Spear 0.75¾ 6 Hurl a heavy earthen spear that cripples your foe.
3 Harden.png Harden 15 Gain barrier. Your next spear skill inflicts daze.
4 Fissure.png Fissure 0.75¾ 20 Create a fissure at the target location, crippling foes. Foes at the center of the fissure take increased damage and are weakened.
5 Etching- Haboob.png Etching: Haboob 0.25¼ 25 Etch a spell into the ground that creates a violent eruption. Using a number of other skills within this etching completes the spell, unlocking its full potential.
5 ChainLesser Haboob.png Lesser Haboob 0.75¾ Unleash a devastating dust storm that damages and debilitates enemies.
5 ChainHaboob.png Haboob 0.75¾ Unleash a devastating dust storm that damages and debilitates enemies.

Weaver icon small.png Weaver

Fire AttunementWater Attunement Fire + Water Attunement
3 Frostfire Ward.png Frostfire Ward 15 Dual Attack. Gain fire and frost aura. Reduce the recharge of your primary attunement.
Fire AttunementAir Attunement Fire + Air Attunement
3 Galvanize.png Galvanize 12 Dual Attack. Gain might and superspeed. Reduce the recharge of your primary attunement.
Fire AttunementEarth Attunement Fire + Earth Attunement
3 Fiery Impact.png Fiery Impact 15 Dual Attack. Gain stability. Reduce the recharge of your primary attunement.
Air AttunementWater Attunement Air + Water Attunement
3 Elutriate.png Elutriate 20 Dual Attack. Remove a damaging and a nondamaging condition from yourself. Reduce the recharge of your primary attunement.
Water AttunementEarth Attunement Water + Earth Attunement
3 Soothing Burst.png Soothing Burst 20 Dual Attack. Heal yourself. Reduce the recharge of your primary attunement.
Air AttunementEarth Attunement Air + Earth Attunement
3 Shale Storm.png Shale Storm 18 Dual Attack. Create a brief storm of whirling rocks that destroy projectiles. Reduce the recharge of your primary attunement.

Mesmer icon small.png Mesmer

1 Psycut.png Psycut 0.5½ Slash your spear in front of yourself. Gain might per target struck.
1 ChainPsystrike.png Psystrike 0.5½ Rend your foe with an upward swing. Gain might per target struck.
1 ChainMind Pierce.png Mind Pierce 0.75¾ Deliver a finishing thrust, breaking your opponent's mind and inflicting weakness.
2 Mind the Gap.png Mind the Gap 0.5½ 5 Clone. Swing your spear in a circle, dealing increased damage to foes in the outer edge. Striking with the outer edge will always deal a critical hit. Create a clone and gain Clarity if you hit an enemy. If you are empowered, gain might.
3 Imaginary Inversion.png Imaginary Inversion 0.75¾ 10 Cleanse conditions and evade while preparing a strong attack. If you successfully evade, heal yourself. Healing is improved if you have Clarity.
4 Phantasmal Lancer.png Phantasmal Lancer 0.5½ 12 Phantasm. Dash at your foe, removing boons from them. Leave a phantasm at your initial location that will launch a spear at your target, dealing heavy damage and crippling targets. If your phantasm strikes a crippled target, immobilize them instead. If you have Clarity, summon an additional phantasm.
5 Mental Collapse.png Mental Collapse 0.75¾ 20 Teleport to your target and release a cascade of psychic energy, damaging nearby enemies. Refresh your Mind the Gap skill. Stun foes struck if you have Clarity.

Mirage icon small.png Mirage

1 Chain Arrow Toolbelt.pngFractured Glass.png Fractured Glass 1 1 Ambush. Pierce targets in front of you in a flurry of blows, leaving them vulnerable.

Necromancer icon small.png Necromancer

1 Dark Slash.png Dark Slash 0.75¾ Chain. Slash your foes with your spear.
1 ChainDeadly Slice.png Deadly Slice 0.5½ Chain. Slice foes in front of you with your spear.
1 ChainSinister Stab.png Sinister Stab 0.75¾ Stab foes and chill them. Gain a soul shard if you strike a foe.
2 Perforate.png Perforate 1 8 Attack foes in front of you with a series of strikes, consuming any active soul shards. Deal additional damage against foes below the health threshold.
3 Addle.png Addle 0.25¼ 12 Daze your target and gain life force and soul shards. If your target is using a skill, the daze duration is extended and you gain additional life force and soul shards. If you have a number of soul shards above the threshold when you activate this skill, your target is also immobilized.
4 Isolate.png Isolate 0.5½ 18 Throw a spear at your target. If it strikes a foe, it inflicts conditions and you may reactivate to teleport to that foe.
This skill recharges when exiting death shroud.
4 ChainDistress.png Distress Teleport to the foe marked by Isolate, recharge Perforate, and gain soul shards. Gain additional soul shards if there are no other enemies nearby.
5 Extirpate.png Extirpate 1 20 Perform a wide swing that removes boons from foes. Gain soul shards and might for each target struck.


# Skill Activation.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description

Guardian icon small.png Guardian

1 Spear of Light.png Spear of Light 0.5½ Throw a spear that makes your foe vulnerable, dealing bonus damage at closer range.
2 Zealot's Flurry.png Zealot's Flurry 1 6 Strike foes in front of you with a storm of jabs.
3 Brilliance.png Brilliance 0.75¾ 15 Blind all nearby foes.
4 Symbol of Spears.png Symbol of Spears 0.5½ 20 Symbol. Create a spear wall in front of you that damages foes that remain in its area.
5 Wrathful Grasp.png Wrathful Grasp 0.5½ 25 Throw a spear and pull your foe to you, burning them.

Revenant icon small.png Revenant

1 Spear of Anguish.png Spear of Anguish 0.5½ Throw a mist spear toward your foe, inflicting increasing durations of torment the closer the foe is to you.
2 Rapid Assault.png Rapid Assault 10.25¼ 5 Rapidly strike foes in front of you, inflicting vulnerability.
3 Venomous Sphere.png Venomous Sphere 0.75¾ 8 Launch a sphere outward from the Mists. The sphere will attack nearby foes as it travels, poisoning them.
3 ChainFrigid Discharge.png Frigid Discharge Detonate the sphere to cause it to explode, damaging and chilling foes.
4 Igniting Brand.png Igniting Brand 0.5½ 12 Throw your spear at your foe. Upon impact, damage your foe and connect to them through the Mists. While the connection is active it will apply burning.
4 ChainDevour Brand.png Devour Brand 0.5½ Step through the Mists toward the branded foe, dealing damage in an area to nearby foes.
5 Rift Containment.png Rift Containment 0.5½ 20 Create two rifts, one above and one below your target. After a short delay, these rifts will create a barrier from the Mists, preventing foes from crossing.

Warrior icon small.png Warrior

1 Stab (warrior skill).png Stab 0.5½ Chain. Stab your foe.
1 ChainJab (warrior skill).png Jab 0.75¾ Chain. Jab your foe.
1 ChainImpale (warrior spear skill).png Impale 0.75¾ Impale your foe and cripple them.
2 Mariner's Frenzy.png Mariner's Frenzy 10.25¼ 8 Attack foes in front of you with a series of strikes.
3 Barbed Pull.png Barbed Pull 0.5½ 10 Pull your foe to you.
4 Parry.png Parry 10.5½ 15 Block your foe. Counterattack with a powerful strike. Gain adrenaline if you are not attacked.
5 Tsunami Slash.png Tsunami Slash 20.75¾ 25 Spin forward and strike foes along the way.
F1 Chain Arrow Toolbelt.pngWhirling Strike.png Whirling Strike 0.75¾ 8 Burst. Strike all foes around you. Effect increases with adrenaline level.

Berserker icon small.png Berserker

F1 Chain Arrow Toolbelt.pngWild Whirl.png Wild Whirl 0.75¾ 5 Primal Burst. Strike all foes around you, burning and pulling them in.

Ranger icon small.png Ranger

1 Stab (ranger skill).png Stab 0.5½ Chain. Stab your foe.
1 ChainJab (ranger skill).png Jab 0.75¾ Chain. Jab your foe.
1 ChainToxic Strike.png Toxic Strike 0.5½ Deliver a final poisonous attack.
2 Swirling Strike.png Swirling Strike 0.75¾ 8 Attack while reflecting projectiles.
3 Surging Maw.png Surging Maw 10.75¾ 10 Dart at your foe, inflicting more bleeding based on the amount of time spent charging.
4 Counterstrike.png Counterstrike 10.5½ 20 Prepare to throw your spear while blocking. If you block, push back your attacker with a kick.
4 ChainSplinter Shot.png Counter Throw 0.5½ Throw your spear at foes.
5 Man O' War.png Man O' War 10.25¼ 4 Strike your foe multiple times, then deliver a final immobilizing attack.

Untamed icon small.png Untamed

1 Chain Arrow Toolbelt.pngVicious Pike.png Vicious Pike 0.75¾ Unleashed Ambush. Spin and strike foes repeatedly. The final attack creates a spore under targets it strikes.

Thief icon small.png Thief

1 Stab (thief spear skill).png Stab 0.5½ Chain. Stab your foe.
1 ChainJab (thief skill).png Jab 0.75¾ Chain. Strike your foe again.
1 ChainPoison Tip Strike.png Poison Tip Strike 0.75¾ Poison your foe with a final attack.
1 Chain Arrow Toolbelt.pngDeadly Strike.png Deadly Strike 0.5½ 1 Stealth Attack. Attack from stealth, bleeding and weakening your target.
2 Flanking Dive.png Flanking Dive 0.75¾ Evade your foe and then strike, dealing increased damage from the side or behind.
3 Nine-Tailed Strike.png Nine-Tailed Strike 10.5½ Block your foe and counterattack with a series of strikes. Gain initiative if you are not attacked.
3 ChainBreak Stance.png Break Stance Spend initiative to break your blocking stance and immediately initiate the nine-tailed strike.
4 Tow Line.png Tow Line 0.5½ Throw a spear that pulls enemies to you. Gain stealth and access to Hooked Spear if this skill hits.
4 ChainHooked Spear.png Hooked Spear 0.75¾ Spin around quickly, bleeding enemies caught in your spear's path.
5 Shadow Assault.png Shadow Assault 0.5½ Strike your foe repeatedly with a shadowy assault. Evades while active.

Deadeye icon small.png Deadeye

1 Chain Arrow Toolbelt.pngMalicious Deadly Strike.png Malicious Deadly Strike 0.5½ 1 Stealth Attack. Attack while in stealth, bleeding and weakening your target. Consumes all malice to deal bonus damage if it strikes your mark.

Mesmer icon small.png Mesmer

1 Stab (mesmer skill).png Stab 0.5½ Chain. Stab your foe.
1 ChainJab (mesmer skill).png Jab 0.75¾ Chain. Jab your foe.
1 ChainEvasive Strike.png Evasive Strike 0.5½ Evade while delivering a powerful final attack.
2 Feigned Surge.png Feigned Surge 10.75¾ 8 Clone. Surge toward your foe, striking enemies on the way and creating a clone upon reaching your initial target.
3 Phantasmal Mariner.png Phantasmal Mariner 0.5½ 10 Phantasm. Perform an evasive strike and create an illusion that evades while attacking your foe in a flurry.
4 Slipstream.png Slipstream 0.5½ 25 Create a current at your location that immobilizes enemies entering it and grants superspeed to allies passing through it.
5 Vortex.png Vortex 10.25¼ 40 Create a vortex at your location, pulling nearby foes toward you.

Mirage icon small.png Mirage

1 Chain Arrow Toolbelt.pngAmbush Assault.png Ambush Assault 10.25¼ 1 Ambush. Blink to your target and unleash a series of low-damage strikes that rapidly stack vulnerability.

Necromancer icon small.png Necromancer

1 Cruel Strike.png Cruel Strike 0.5½ Chain. Stab your foe.
1 ChainWicked Strike.png Wicked Strike 0.75¾ Chain. Strike your foe again.
1 ChainReaper's Scythe.png Reaper's Scythe 0.75¾ Reap life force from nearby foes.
2 Wicked Spiral.png Wicked Spiral 10.75¾ 8 Spin multiple times, dealing damage and applying vulnerability to each foe struck.
3 Deadly Feast.png Deadly Feast 0.5½ 15 Gain swiftness and summon a swarm of vampiric shrimp that siphon health from nearby foes.
4 Deadly Catch.png Deadly Catch 0.75¾ 25 Whirl around, throwing spears that cripple foes and pull them to you.
5 Dark Spear.png Dark Spear 0.5½ 25 Throw your spear and shadowstep to the first target it hits, delivering a rending strike in the area around you.

Related traits[edit]

Weapon strength[edit]

See also: Weapon strength


Land spear

Related achievements[edit]


  • Land spears were introduced with the release of the Janthir Wilds expansion on August 20, 2024. A beta test for the terrestrial spear ran from June 27th until July 1st 2024.


  • Originally, spears were known as harpoons, as seen in the Harpoon Master achievement above, as only kills with a spear count towards it.
  • The spear can be used by the most core professions out of any weapon type. Including elite specializations, it is tied with the axe and pistol at 3rd place, with 7 of the 9 professions being able to use it, behind the staff which can be used by all professions except for engineer, and the sword which can be used by all professions. With the release of Janthir Wilds the spear became the second weapon that is useable by all professions.
  • Even as players could only use spears in underwater mode before the release of Janthir Wilds, multiple NPCs throughout the game could already be seen using spears on land:

See also[edit]

Gwwlogo.png The Guild Wars Wiki has an article on Spear.

External links[edit]