Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds content

Lowland Shore

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Disambig icon.png This article is about the zone. For the achievement category, see Lowland Shore (achievements).

Lowland Shore

3Complete heart (map icon).png 6Waypoint (map icon).png 56Point of interest (map icon).png 8Vista (map icon).png

Lowland Shore map.jpg
Map of Lowland Shore

Connects to
Divinity's Reach (S)
Janthir Syntri (N)

Lowland Shore loading screen.png
Loading screen


JW screenshot 01.jpg

Click to enlarge.

Lowland Shore is a zone located within the Janthir region introduced with the Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds expansion. Due north of Divinity's Reach over the Krytan border, the viciously dangerous and inhospitable region is inhabited by the Lowland Kodan.[1]

Getting there[edit]

Portal to Lowland Shore
Portal to Lowland Shore

All options require the Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds expansion:

Map completion[edit]


Area Area objectives
Autumn's Vale
Complete heart (map icon).png Assist the Kodan around Autumn's Vale (80)
Waypoint (map icon).png Autumn's Vale Waypoint
Point of interest (map icon).png Cragged Steps
Point of interest (map icon).png Deft Lahar's Abode
Point of interest (map icon).png Fishing Village Aquarium
Point of interest (map icon).png Queen's Confidence
Point of interest (map icon).png Runoff Taint
Point of interest (map icon).png Salmon's Fluttering
Point of interest (map icon).png Vale Gazebo
Vista (map icon).png Autumn's Vale Vista
Puzzle tango 20.png Queen's Confidence
Bjorn Thicket
Point of interest (map icon).png Apiary Holt
Point of interest (map icon).png Fungal Woodland
Point of interest (map icon).png Iboga Burrows
Mastery point (Janthir Wilds).png Lowland Shore Insight: Clearing's Peak
Puzzle tango 20.png Treetop Beehive
Coursing Upland
Complete heart (map icon).png Assist the Kodan in Their Coursing Upland Activities (80)
Waypoint (map icon).png Journeykin Outpost Waypoint
Point of interest (map icon).png Bagoo Cave
Point of interest (map icon).png Derby Grounds
Point of interest (map icon).png Journeykin Outpost
Point of interest (map icon).png Scalding Geyser
Point of interest (map icon).png Springer's Peak
Point of interest (map icon).png Troll's Tailgate
Point of interest (map icon).png Vast Caldera's Room
Vista (map icon).png Coursing Upland Northwest Vista
Vista (map icon).png Coursing Upland Southeast Vista
Adventure (map icon).png Lowland Shore: Warclaw Run
Mastery point (Janthir Wilds).png Lowland Shore Insight: Geyser Flow
Mastery point (Janthir Wilds).png Lowland Shore Insight: Troll's Treasure
Cragged Upland
Waypoint (map icon).png Hot Springs Waypoint
Point of interest (map icon).png Amphibian's Knot
Point of interest (map icon).png Hunter's Mesa
Point of interest (map icon).png Lowland Hot Springs
Point of interest (map icon).png Tundra Steppe
Mastery point (Janthir Wilds).png Lowland Shore Insight: Springs Stand
Puzzle tango 20.png Vale Brazier
Exorheic Falls
Point of interest (map icon).png Delta Bifurcation
Point of interest (map icon).png Lamplighter's Perch
Point of interest (map icon).png Valravn's Perch
Mastery point (Janthir Wilds).png Lowland Shore Insight: Waterfall Roost
Haar Mire
Point of interest (map icon).png Haar Clearing
Point of interest (map icon).png Mire Switchback
Point of interest (map icon).png Rotting Tides
Point of interest (map icon).png Springer's Base
Vista (map icon).png Haar Mire Vista
Mastery point (Janthir Wilds).png Lowland Shore Insight: Alessia's Secret
Harvest Den
Complete heart (map icon).png Assist the Kodan Inhabitants of Harvest Den (80)
Waypoint (map icon).png Harvest Den Waypoint
Point of interest (map icon).png Barbed Vale's House
Point of interest (map icon).png Bearpaw Fields
Point of interest (map icon).png Bonfire Lodge
Point of interest (map icon).png Denning Forge
Point of interest (map icon).png Fading Aurora's House
Point of interest (map icon).png Harvest Plots
Point of interest (map icon).png Hibernation Grotto
Point of interest (map icon).png Journeykin Pens
Point of interest (map icon).png Sleuth Brawlfields
Point of interest (map icon).png Soaring Crest's House
Point of interest (map icon).png Stoic Alder's House
Point of interest (map icon).png Torpor Tavern
Point of interest (map icon).png Wry Lichen's House
Vista (map icon).png Harvest Den East Vista
Vista (map icon).png Harvest Den West Vista
Adventure (map icon).png Lowland Shore: Hide-and-Seek Challenge
Mastery point (Janthir Wilds).png Lowland Shore Insight: Poky's Perch
Harvest Shore
Waypoint (map icon).png Harvest Shore Waypoint
Point of interest (map icon).png Alder Cove
Point of interest (map icon).png Boathouse
Point of interest (map icon).png Fisher's Spread
Point of interest (map icon).png Springer's Retreat
Vista (map icon).png Harvest Shore Vista
Adventure (map icon).png Lowland Shore: Harvest Shore Salmon Run
Mastery point (Janthir Wilds).png Lowland Shore Insight: Ruminant Fields
Lupine Fields
Point of interest (map icon).png Timberland Holt
Point of interest (map icon).png Valravn's Post
Point of interest (map icon).png Warg Den
Mastery point (Janthir Wilds).png Lowland Shore Insight: Lupine Reverie
Moon Camp Covert
Waypoint (map icon).png Astral Ward Moon Camp Waypoint
Point of interest (map icon).png Astral Ward Moon Camp
Point of interest (map icon).png Divinity's Falls
Point of interest (map icon).png Timber Cave
Vista (map icon).png Moon Camp Covert Vista
Adventure (map icon).png Lowland Shore: Moon Camp Covert Salmon Run
Adventure (map icon).png Lowland Shore: Raven Scouting
Mastery point (Janthir Wilds).png Lowland Shore Insight: Severed Isle
Tideland Outlet
Point of interest (map icon).png Basilisk Falls
Point of interest (map icon).png Loch Lucent
Point of interest (map icon).png Maul Boneyards
Point of interest (map icon).png Reptilia Pools
Point of interest (map icon).png Tidal Tailgate
Mastery point (Janthir Wilds).png Lowland Shore Insight: "Battle of Ice" Memorial

Interactive map[edit]


Fishing events
Autumn's Vale
Bjorn Thicket
Coursing Upland
Cragged Upland
Exorheic Falls
Haar Mire
Harvest Den
Harvest Shore
Lupine Fields
Moon Camp Covert
Tideland Outlet

Crafting resources[edit]

Mine resource (map icon).png Mithril Ore
Mine resource (map icon).png Orichalcum Ore
Wood resource (map icon).png Cypress Sapling
Wood resource (map icon).png Ancient Sapling
Lowland Pine Sapling.png Lowland Pine Sapling
Plant resource (map icon).png Verdant Herbs
Plant resource (map icon).png Blackberries
Plant resource (map icon).png Coral
Plant resource (map icon).png Verdant Herbs
Plant resource (map icon).png Cabbage
Plant resource (map icon).png Grape
Plant resource (map icon).png Seaweed
Plant resource (map icon).png Taproots
Honey Flower (node).png Honey Flower
Fish resource (map icon).png Lowland Brackish Fish
Fish resource (map icon).png Lowland Freshwater Fish
Fish resource (map icon).png Lowland Offshore Fish
Fish resource (map icon).png Lowland Shore Fish


