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Catch and collect the flying fish

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Catch and collect the flying fish

Interactive map

Interactive map

Catch and collect the flying fish is a level 80 dynamic event in Lowland Shore.


  • Big Tasty Fish
    Event bar.jpg Elonian Red Trout (trophy).png
  • Your contribution: x
  • Time until salmon swim out to sea: 15:00


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 26,670 Experience.png 378 Karma 88 Copper coin
Silver 20,003 Experience.png 284 Karma 66 Copper coin
Bronze 13,335 Experience.png 189 Karma 44 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 80 player.


During the event, players must stand in the white circles that appear randomly on the shore near Churning Rapids in order to catch big tasty fish (Fresh Catch.png Fresh Catch), which they then have to bring into the fish basket. Occasionally, River Drakes will rise from the river and attack Churning Rapids. While she will not outright die from their attacks, if she is defeated, she will not continue to spear salmon for a while, delaying the collection of fish until she revives herself.






Event start

Churning Rapids: Comin' in fast today, they are. Spawn is steady; gotta move my rump.
Churning Rapids: Aye, Wayfinder! Come 'ere. Two bear job, this is. Welcome to the spawnin' pool.
Churning Rapids: I spear 'em, you catch 'em and drop the little fellas in this basket. Painless death for the fish; somethin' to fill our gut.
Churning Rapids: But catch 'em with a careful paw. Will slip right out of your grasp.
Churning Rapids: Mind, don't overdo it. Take what we need, and leave the rest for another. Balance and whatnot.
Churning Rapids: And watch it. Prey means predators. Every bloodsucking bog crawler is keepin' an eye fixed on us.

Upon catching a fish

Churning Rapids: Into the basket.
Churning Rapids: Nicest of 'em yet.
Churning Rapids: Good eatin', that.

When 7 minutes are left on the timer

Churning Rapids: Mm, gotta pick up the pace or they'll hightail it right out. Fish're lookin' to move along.

Event completion

Churning Rapids: It'll do. if you got anything left in your paws, bring it over. But no more — got our share already.

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