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Help the kodan relax in the hot springs

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Help the kodan relax in the hot springs

Interactive map

Interactive map

Help the kodan relax in the hot springs is a level 80 dynamic event in Cragged Upland.


  • Keep the hot springs the perfect temperature, right in the middle.
  • Kodan Relaxed
  • Event bar empty2.jpg
  • Kodan leave in: 10:00


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 26,670 Experience.png 378 Karma 88 Copper coin
Silver 20,003 Experience.png 284 Karma 66 Copper coin
Bronze 13,335 Experience.png 189 Karma 44 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 80 player.


  • There are three spa pools. Their temperature is indicated by a bar above them and by the kodan's dialogue and mood.
  • Use ice blocks to cool down pools that are too hot.
  • Use a water bucket to gather superhot water and pour it into pools that are too cold.





Talking to Foggy Air
Foggy Air: Ah, simply intoxicating, the soothing aura of these hot springs! Tell you what, I'll let you use them to your heart's content if you give me a hand around here.
Tick green.png It's a deal.
Talk more option tango.png What exactly do you need?
The pool temperatures are always fluctuating. Too hot! Too cold! We must optimize to get them just right.
Talk more option tango.png Just right, huh? So, a happy medium?
Exactly! When the temperature is settled, we must tend to the customers' needs. Plenty of tired hunters come here to recuperate.
Tick green.png I'll see what I can do.
Talk end option tango.png I'm out. Good luck with that.
Talk end option tango.png I don't have time right now.
If the temperature is just right
Relaxed Hunter: Refreshing!
Relaxed Hunter: Mmm... Just what these aching paws needed.
Relaxed Hunter: At last!
Relaxed Hunter: Really clears the sinuses! I can smell again!
Relaxed Hunter: Perfect! Thanks!
Relaxed Hunter: Appreciated!
Relaxed Hunter: (groans)
Relaxed Hunter: Perfect.
Relaxed Hunter: Exquisite!
Relaxed Hunter: Just what I needed!
Relaxed Hunter: Fine service!
Foggy Air: Soothe those aching muscles of yours, it will!
If it's too hot
Unhappy Hunter: Hot! Hot! Hot!
Unhappy Hunter: Trying to boil me into stew for Torpor?
Unhappy Hunter: Whew! Feeling a bit woozy...
Unhappy Hunter: Like a smelting furnace in here!
Foggy Air: That pool's much too toasty. Cool it down with some ice.
If it's too cold
Unhappy Hunter: Call this a "hot" spring?
Unhappy Hunter: Freezing my tail off!
Unhappy Hunter: Brrrrrr... N-need m-more h-heat...
Unhappy Hunter: If I wanted an ice bath, I'd swim the Janthir Bay!
Foggy Air: Nothing worse than a frigid bath. Grab some hot water and heat that pool.
Event success
Foggy Air: A true labor of love, maintaining these springs, and you've done superbly! COme back any time to relax. You've earned it!
Event failure
Foggy Air: Oh, oh no— The pools... Vile as the Bog Queen's swamp, they are! The balance, the harmony—it's all off! All misaligned!
Foggy Air: How will anyone relax in this nightmare? Please go! Need a moment, I do...
Foggy Air: Breathe, Foggy Air. In through the snout. (inhales) Out through the mouth. (exhales)

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