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Help Sheltering Dusk heal the wounded wolf pup

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Help Sheltering Dusk heal the wounded wolf pup

Interactive map

Interactive map

Help Sheltering Dusk heal the wounded wolf pup is a level 80 group event that occurs in Cragged Upland.


  • Bring healing herbs to Sheltering Dusk to sustain the wolf pup.
  • Event bar.jpg Event shield (tango icon).png
  • Time left to heal the wolf pup: 5:00


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 26,670 Experience.png 378 Karma 88 Copper coin
Silver 20,003 Experience.png 284 Karma 66 Copper coin
Bronze 13,335 Experience.png 189 Karma 44 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 80 player.


The wolf pup's health will continuously gradually drop throughout the event. To heal him bring him healing herbs from around the area. Furthermore, enemies will move towards it to attack it, defeat them to prevent them from damaging the pup. Once the event succeeds you can pet it.






Before the event starts
Sheltering Dusk: Wayfinder, quickly!
Event trigger
Sheltering Dusk: Wayfinder, this pup needs healing herbs. Find some and bring them here. And fight back any predators you see circling in.
Talk ready option.png On it.
Talk end option tango.png Need a moment.
Event start
Sheltering Dusk: Came across this pup during my hunt. He clings to life, though his life-fire flickers.
Sheltering Dusk: The forest grows dense with potent healing herbs. Gather him some, lest his life-fire fade eternally.
During the event
Sheltering Dusk: Rotshard! Keep them at bay! I'll shield the pup.
Sheltering Dusk: There's still time—but precious, it is. You must hurry!
Sheltering Dusk: His life-fire dims. Make haste, Wayfinder.
Sheltering Dusk: The chill of death breathes heavy on his neck. Quickly, before it consumes him!
Sheltering Dusk: His life-fire rekindles. A few more herbs should do.
Talking to Sheltering Dusk during the event
Sheltering Dusk: He needs more herbs if we're going to save him. Please make haste.
Talk end option tango.png Need a moment.
Event success
Sheltering Dusk: The wrath of the wild is undiscerning. Such that bonds among creatures must be formed for survival.
Sheltering Dusk: But not all creatures can or will help you. Just as you cannot help all creatures. Nor should you.
Sheltering Dusk: In learning the difference, one can discern foe from family.
Event failure
Sheltering Dusk: He... has passed.
Sheltering Dusk: Nature feels no grief or remorse in taking life. The same indifference with which she gives it.
Sheltering Dusk: Sleep soundly, as one with the earth from which you came.

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