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Collect logs by using your warclaw's Chain Pull skill on trees

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Collect logs by using your warclaw's Chain Pull skill on trees

Lupine Fields
(Lowland Shore)
Event type
Event collect (tango icon).png Dynamic event
Interactive map

Interactive map

Collect logs by using your warclaw's Chain Pull skill on trees is a level 80 dynamic event that occurs in Lupine Fields.


  • Event bar empty2.jpg Hard Wood Log.png
  • Your contribution: 0


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 26,670 Experience.png 378 Karma 88 Copper coin
Silver 20,003 Experience.png 284 Karma 66 Copper coin
Bronze 13,335 Experience.png 189 Karma 44 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 80 player.


Mount up on your Warclaw and select a tree. Approach to somewhat close range and use  Chain Pull.png Chain Pull on the tree. Once you have a tree speared, back away from it to remove the stacks of Arboreal Camouflage (effect).png Topple Tree from it. Done correctly, the tree will fall over, spawning a log. Pick up the log and return it to the wagon. You can hold one log at a time.





Before the event starts
Shrouded Woods: Long have we've felled these woods by way of claw and journeykin. No need for outsider magic tricks.
Zizel: My dear, why squander years watching trees grow when we can expedite the natural process?
Shrouded Woods: You speak of the "natural process," yet you live adrift in clouds, looking down on the land.
Zizel: Our bastion lives by the very mandate of preserving the natural, through magic or otherwise!
First-Contact Specialist Chulainn: Brash as the ward's[sic] approach may be, magic and nature needn't be divorced from one another.
Zizel: "Brash?" Effectual, more like.
First-Contact Specialist Chulainn: The sylvari have long held this view, our connection to nature being...obvious. If I may demonstrate?
Shrouded Woods: My mind holds, unwavering. But go forth; humor yourself.
Zizel: Yes. Please do.
Event start
Zizel: Wayfinder, magnificent timing! Care to aid in our peacemaking efforts? I fear my charm has its limits...
<Character name>: "Peacemaking?" Sounds more like a debate.
Shrouded Woods: At least your wayfinder takes time to learn our journeykin. Such kinship will lighten your workload. Now, listen close.
Shrouded Woods: First, fasten your chain to a marked tree, then pull. Once felled, collect the timber and bring it to the cart.
Shrouded Woods: Disturb not any unmarked trees. And remember, for each tree felled, a new one must be planted.
First-Contact Specialist Chulainn: That's where I can be of use. Once planted, I'll speed the seedlings' growth into trees. Shall we begin?
Felling a tree
<Character name>: TIMBER!
Turning in a log, one of the following
Zizel: Fine felling, my friend.
First-Contact Specialist Chulainn: Do hate seeing them in such a state. Poor things...
Shrouded Woods: Respectable, your kinship and your work.
Shrouded Woods: This timber shall serve us well.
When Chulainn regenerates a tree, one of the following
First-Contact Specialist Chulainn: And now the fun begins. Ready to grow big and strong, little sproutling?
Zizel: Impressive. Impressive, indeed. You have the spark.
Shrouded Woods: Huh.
First-Contact Specialist Chulainn: Bit of a boost for you. There.
Zizel: Such finesse. Such flair!
Zizel: The attention to detail is exquisite...
When the event bar is halfway full
Zizel: Your skill is remarkable. Nearly ward-level caliber...
First-Contact Specialist Chulainn: "Nearly." You don't say.
Shrouded Woods: I admit, your respect for your craft shines through in the results. The trees stand strong, brimming with health.
First-Contact Specialist Chulainn: I don't take my responsibility to them lightly.
Event success
Shrouded Woods: This will suffice. The woods gift us a rich bounty. Would be selfish to demand more from it. Or from you, Wayfinder.
Shrouded Woods: Tree tender, I respect your work. However, unless you remain in our woods for good, your impact is only temporary.
First-Contact Specialist Chulainn: This is true. Though aspects of my work can be learned and imitated. I'd be eager to teach you, if you're open to it.
First-Contact Specialist Chulainn: There are plenty of ways to channel and attune to nature. Many use less intensive magic than what the ward favors.
First-Contact Specialist Chulainn: The results won't be as immediate, but I suspect you'll find them more aligned with your lifestyle and ethics.
Shrouded Woods: If the same level of respect is maintained, I am open. Perhaps the Claw would be eager to hear of this as well.
Zizel: Indeed. Let us see what other tricks you're got up your sleeve...

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