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Hunt down the rampaging basilisk

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Hunt down the rampaging basilisk

Interactive map

Interactive map

Hunt down the rampaging basilisk is a level 80 group event that occurs in Tideland Outlet.


  • Champion Rampaging Basilisk
  • Event bar.jpg Event boss (tango icon).png
  • Rampaging Basilisk's Stamina
  • Defiance bar teal.png
  • Use the warclaw's Chain Pull skill to drain the basilisk's stamina.
  • The basilisk departs in: 10:00


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 26,670 Experience.png 378 Karma 88 Copper coin
Silver 20,003 Experience.png 284 Karma 66 Copper coin
Bronze 13,335 Experience.png 189 Karma 44 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 80 player.





At 75%, 50% and 25% of its health the basilisk will gain Defensive Inspiration.png Damage Immunity and start running around. Mount atop your warclaw and use  Chain Pull.png Chain Pull to slow it down with stacks of Heavy Aura.png Lassoed and to deplete its defiance bar.


Approaching the event
Bitter Brook: 'Ey. Out here to take care of that beast? Nasty one. Watch out— got an eyeball liable to turn ya into a boulder.
Bitter Brook: Real strong— be sure you tether it with your journeykin. If you can stop the thing, well... You're a better hunter'n me.
Bitter Brook: Now... get to it, before every creature in the grassland's turned to gravel!
Talking to Bitter Brook
Bitter Brook: Here to lend me a hand with that nasty little beastie, are ya?
Talk more option tango.png "Nasty little beastie"?
Mm-hm. Got ourselves a ravin' lunatic of a basilisk. Scamperin' about, turnin' everything that looks its way to stone. Mean little bugger. You and your journeykin up for a bit of a tangle?
Talk more option tango.png Let's give it a go.
Talk end option tango.png Can't help right now.
Talk end option tango.png Not right now.
When the basilisk attempts to flee
<Character name>: It's on the move!
Bitter Brook: Look at you! Seem to know what you're about!
Bitter Brook: Mmm-hmm, that's the way. Tether 'em up, wear 'em down, knock 'em around!
Bitter Brook: Well, well, nearly got it. Don't let it get away now!
Event success
Bitter Brook: Got that one-eyed rock rat, eh? Good on ya! Figured I'd be carrying ya home for cobblestone in my garden, if I'm honest.
Bitter Brook: Thing's been terrorizing the countryside here for a bit. Fine work, hunter. Fine work.
Event failure
Bitter Brook: Well, isn't that a prickle in the paw pad? Least it didn't make a statue out of you, eh? (sighs)