Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds content

Janthir Wilds story

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A note on spoilers: Aside from a brief summary, this article assumes a basic understanding of the Secrets of the Obscure plot and previous stories, as it is likely that this article will contain personal story spoilers, as story threads that began in the personal story may be continued with the expansion.

Janthir Wilds will be released on August 20, 2024.


The Wayfinder heads north to the wilderness of Janthir after the recent momentous events have left the denizens of Tyria determined to recover and build a new future together. Knowing that cooperation with neighbors will be crucial to their long-term success, Wayfinder's allies dispatch them to befriend the lowland kodan of Janthir—a dangerous land that was once home to the strange mursaat and their White Mantle sycophants.


The story of Janthir Wilds covers two new open world zones with a third zone to come in a later quarterly update.

Main characters[edit]


Tyrian Alliance
The Wayfinder and their Lowland Kodan allies face off against a titan.
Lowland Kodan
