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Defeat Azure Windfall in a sparring match

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Defeat Azure Windfall in a sparring match

Interactive map

Interactive map

Defeat Azure Windfall in a sparring match is a level 80 group event that occurs in Harvest Den, at the Sleuth Brawlfields.


  • Azure Windfall
  • Event bar.jpg Event boss (tango icon).png
  • Challenge ends in: 10:00


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 26,670 Experience.png 378 Karma 88 Copper coin
Silver 20,003 Experience.png 284 Karma 66 Copper coin
Bronze 13,335 Experience.png 189 Karma 44 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 80 player.




Before the event starts
(one of the following)
Waning Storm: A violent gale crashes against the cliffside, sending rock to shore. Azure Windfall makes his entrance.
Waning Storm: His urgency and intention like a powerful gust, our next combatant needs little introduction: Azure Windfall!
(one of the following)
Azure Windfall: No time to linger. Fight me!
Azure Windfall: A storm brews in my core. Quickly, Wayfinder. Show me your purpose.
During the event
Waning Storm: Azure Windfall risks defeat.
Waning Storm: Does the wayfinder stand a chance?
Event success
(one of the following)
Azure Windfall: (laughs) Good! The cubs should take note.
Azure Windfall: Exhilarating. Blood rolls through my veins like the great deltas; you are a worthy partner.
(one of the following)
Waning Storm: And now for a brief intermission as the arena is readied for our next event!
Waning Storm: Don't move a muscle! We'll be back to the action soon! After this quick break...
Waning Storm: It's that time again: intermission! Don't wander far; we'll be back in the thick of it soon!
Event failure
Azure Windfall: All cubs need to learn. Good try, though. One day, your breeze will turn into a cyclone.
(one of the following)
Waning Storm: And now for a brief intermission as the arena is readied for our next event!
Waning Storm: Don't move a muscle! We'll be back to the action soon! After this quick break...
Waning Storm: It's that time again: intermission! Don't wander far; we'll be back in the thick of it soon!

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