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Collect driftwood to help repair the bridge

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Collect driftwood to help repair the bridge

Interactive map

Interactive map

Collect driftwood to help repair the bridge is a level 80 dynamic event that occurs in Autumn's Vale.


  • Driftwood
    Event bar empty2.jpg Hard Wood Plank.png
  • Your contribution: x
  • Turn in any extra driftwood: 0:30


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 26,670 Experience.png 378 Karma 88 Copper coin
Silver 20,003 Experience.png 284 Karma 66 Copper coin
Bronze 13,335 Experience.png 189 Karma 44 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 80 player.


  • The event starts after talking to Musing Fox near the path west of Autumn's Vale waypoint.
  • Follow Musing Fox until he reaches the ruined wooden bridge and collect driftwood for him. You can collect, carry and bring driftwood to Musing Fox while staying on your mount.




  • Driftwood


Before the event starts
Musing Fox: The winds of this intel grow ever fiercer. They're battering bridges faster than I'm able to repair them.
Musing Fox: Wayfinder, if you scavange for supplies, I can more quickly attempt the fixes. We'll make do with whatever you find.
Event trigger
Musing Fox: Bridge is out again... Could use some extra paws. You in?
Talk ready option.png Sure. Lead the way.
Talk end option tango.png Sorry, can't right now.
On the way to the bridge
Musing Fox: Suppose you might ponder why we don't opt for more robust material. Stone, perhaps?
Musing Fox: For societies that plant deep roots, wise it is to build what lasts. But us lowlanders build what may be returned.
Musing Fox: Rovers we are, by our very nature. When we inevitably move on, we leave things such that nature may reclaim them.
Upon arriving to the bridge
Musing Fox: Ah, here we are. Grab whatever supplies you can carry.
Musing Fox: A springer may be of use for scaling the higher cliffs.
Talking to Musing Fox
Musing Fox: Wayfinder, see if you can find wood nearby. If you find some, bring it here and I'll fix up the bridge.
Talk end option tango.png I'll see what I can find.
Turning in some driftwood, one of the following
Musing Fox: Good eye. This'll work rather well.
Musing Fox: Looks useful, this does.
Musing Fox: Good find. I'll work this into shape.
Musing Fox: I can make do with this, no question.
Event success
Musing Fox: Much obliged, Wayfinder. Our bridges shall hold that much longer thanks to your efforts.
Musing Fox: Like pawprints on sand, let the mark we leave on this earth be as gentle as it is ephemeral.

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