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Help the kodan cubs defeat the training illusions

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Help the kodan cubs defeat the training illusions

Interactive map

Interactive map

Help the kodan cubs defeat the training illusions is a level 80 group event that occurs in Harvest Den, at the Sleuth Brawlfields.


  • Cub Confidence Level
  • Event bar empty2.jpg Event swords (tango icon).png
  • Cubs remaining: 5


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 26,670 Experience.png 378 Karma 88 Copper coin
Silver 20,003 Experience.png 284 Karma 66 Copper coin
Bronze 13,335 Experience.png 189 Karma 44 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 80 player.






Before the event starts
Waning Storm: Let's take a break from the brawling and give a warm welcome to our spearmasters in training. Come on out, cubs!
Morning Loch: Gather 'round! Lucky cubs, you are! Today, we've a guest here to help us train. Why don't you introduce yourself?
Astral Ward Illuminate Thea: Thank you. My name is Thea, and I'm an illuminate of the Astral Ward. Does anyone know—
Westward Wind: Neat! Will we learn to explode things with our minds?
Cunning Melody: My grandmaw says magic turns you mad in the head.
Westward Wind: Your grandmaw's mad in the head! My head's sound, and I use magic tons!
Just Lotus: I don't want to be explode or go mad in the head!
Morning Loch: Cubs! Your manners have run away with your mouths!
Astral Ward Illuminate Thea: Seems we have some misconceptions about magic. Why don't we start on our exercise, and I'll clarify some things?
During the event
Just Lotus: Tyria's fiercest creatures?
Astral Ward Illuminate Thea: Not to worry—we'll be practicing with enemy illusions. These won't hurt you, but they will simulate real combat.
Astral Ward Illuminate Thea: Illusion is an area of magic that deals with deception of the mind and senses.
Astral Ward Illuminate Thea: Just as you might master a particular class of spear work, wizards may specialize in a magical discipline.
Astral Ward Illuminate Thea: Ready?
Westward Wind: Yeah!
Just Lotus: Uh...
Astral Ward Illuminate Thea: These first enemies are called naga. They hail from the land of Cantha, quite far from here.
Astral Ward Illuminate Thea: They're an amphibious race adapted to both land and water, making them quite versatile.
Cunning Melody: How gross!
Astral Ward Illuminate Thea: Next, we have dragonspawn. These are creatures corrupted by the power of ancient Elder Dragons.
Just Lotus: Whoa...
Morning Loch: Don't let your guard down!
Astral Ward Illuminate Thea: Don't get too comfortable! Next are the Kryptis, demonspawn of Nayos. Clever, yet cutthroat.
Just Lotus: (gasps)
Cunning Melody: No, not them!
Morning Loch: Remember to breathe. Show them you're not afraid.
Westward Wind: Good as dead, you are!
Astral Ward Illuminate Thea: And one final test. No resting on your laurels! These creatures have been spotted roaming your wilds.
Astral Ward Illuminate Thea: Hold tight your spears! Like a wizard with their staff, you must become one with your weapon.
Westward Wind: Ha!
Cunning Melody: Take that!
Event success
Morning Loch: Thank you, Thea. And Wayfinder. For teaching our cubs by way of example.
Morning Loch: Fine work outta you, cubs. What do we say to our guests?
Westward Wind: Thank you!
Just Lotus: Thank you!
Cunning Melody: Thank you!
Waning Storm: And now for a brief intermission as the arena is readied for our next event!
Event failure
Cunning Melody: Aw.
Just Lotus: No...
Morning Loch: Not to fret, cubs. For this very reason, we train—to be better equipped for the next round.
Morning Loch: Thank you, Thea. And you too, Wayfinder. You do the cubs good, leading by way of example.
Waning Storm: And now for a brief intermission as the arena is readied for our next event!

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