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Kill the reef shark in the delta bog

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Kill the reef shark in the delta bog

Interactive map

Interactive map

Kill the reef shark in the delta bog is a level 80 group event in Lowland Shore.


  • Champion Reef Shark
  • Event bar.jpg Event boss (tango icon).png
  • Time before reef shark leaves: 10:00


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 26,670 Experience.png 378 Karma 88 Copper coin
Silver 20,003 Experience.png 284 Karma 66 Copper coin
Bronze 13,335 Experience.png 189 Karma 44 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 80 player.



Feeding the Sharks Lowland Shore 1Achievement points
Get hit by a feeding frenzy in the Haar Mire.They've got one heck of a bite. Hit by a Feeding Frenzy in the Haar Mine 1Achievement points





When nearby
Brackish Shanty: Aye, can I borrow ya a moment?
Upon approach
Brackish Shanty: Ayo. Wayfinder, is it? Bit of a problem here. Most bearkin won't dip a claw in these waters anymore...
Brackish Shanty: Not with the beast lurking about. Surely you've heard the tales of the beast with no name?
Brackish Shanty: He stalks these shores...circling...waiting...
Brackish Shanty: THEN STRIKES! He's not some krill nibbler, either. Manage those ankle biters just fine...
Brackish Shanty: But this fella's hunger is something fierce. Unchecked, he'll pick our shoreline clean. Eats fish, seabirds, crabs...
Brackish Shanty: Kodan. So we're gonna stop him.
Speaking to Brackish Shanty
We got a report that a monstrous shark is prowling the delta bog. Please help us deal with it before things get out of hand.
Talk more option tango.png Point me to it!
It is swimming along the west coast of Haar Mire. Good luck.
Talk end option tango.png No problem.
Talk end option tango.png Can't help you just now.
When the Reef Shark gives himself and his shiver Feeding Frenzy
Brackish Shanty: Take heed! Stirring up a right feeding frenzy, he is!
At 75% and 25% health
One of the following:
Brackish Shanty: Careful! Don't want you losing any limbs!
Brackish Shanty: Watch yourself! Lest he take a chunk out of you!
Upon success
Brackish Shanty: Wayfarer, you've done the dead! Shown yourself to be quite the seafarer as well!
Brackish Shanty: Countless thanks for countless lives saved! Fish, bird, crustacean, and kodan alike!
Brackish Shanty: Earned yourself a day at the beach, I'd say!
Upon failure
Brackish Shanty: Missed our mark! Not to fret. He'll be back. He always is. And ready for him, we'll be.