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Disambig icon.png This article is about beta tests run by ArenaNet pre-release. For the Asura Personal Story quest, see Beta Test.

Guild Wars 2 entered the beta testing stage in December 2011. There were several types of beta events:

  • Closed beta (CB) — These are invitation-only tests; discussion of their content is protected by non-disclosure agreements (NDAs).
  • Beta weekend events (BWE) — All players that pre-purchased Guild Wars 2 may participate. Players may share media and impressions from these events.
  • Stress tests — These are not true events, but are really just short testing sessions usually lasting a few hours to test the performance of game servers. NDAs are selectively applied to this type of beta event.
  • Open beta (OB) — These are completely open tests where every player of Guild Wars 2 in good standing may participate, even those who have not pre-purchased the associated expansion or are on a free-to-play account. Also classified by ArenaNet as 'Preview Weekend Experience'.

Secrets of the Obscure[edit]

Weaponmaster Training Beta Event: June 29, 2023 –— July 2, 2023[edit]

The weekend of June 29–July 2, 2023, the Weaponmaster Training will be available for beta testing. Anyone with a Guild Wars 2 account in good standing—including Play for Free accounts—can create a beta character and take the changes out for a spin to see how they feel.

  • Beta characters had several items automatically in their inventory upon creation. These items are as follows:
Beta Character Limitations
  • Progress is not carried over from beta characters to live characters.
  • Beta characters cannot access the Black Lion Trading Company, including the trading post.
  • Beta characters cannot mail gold or items.
  • Beta characters cannot enter guild halls.
  • Beta characters cannot participate in ranked PvP matches.
  • All maps are discovered with waypoints, including expansion and Living World zones.
  • Beta characters can access all Elder Dragon Saga expansion zones, even if the account does not own them.
  • Living World zones can be accessed only if the account owns them. Otherwise, the character will get teleported to Lion's Arch instead.

Expanded Weapon Proficiencies Beta: November 28, 2023 —— December 3, 2023[edit]

Prior to the third major release of Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure, during the second major release, there will be a beta week event featuring the new Expanded Weapon Proficiences. The following are the new weapon proficiencies available to be trialed during the beta event:

  • The skills available in the beta are as follows:

Ranger icon small.png RangerMace[edit]

# Skill Activation.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description
1 Germinate.png Germinate 0.5½ Chain. Strike with your mace.
1 ChainBurgeon.png Burgeon 0.5½ Chain. Slam your target.
1 ChainCultivate.png Cultivate 0.75¾ Swing an uppercut at your target, crippling them and granting vigor to nearby allies. Gain Nature's Strength if you hit an enemy.
This skill cannot activate Force of Nature.
2 Flourish.png Flourish 0.75¾ 6 Strike the earth, damaging nearby enemies and healing nearby allies. The ground flourishes in response, repeating stronger effects after a delay. Gain Nature's Strength if the initial strike hits an enemy.
3 Oaken Cudgel.png Oaken Cudgel 0.75¾ 12 Imbue your mace with verdant energy and then leap to your target. Stun enemies and grant nearby allies protection. Gain Nature's Strength if you hit an enemy.
4 Thistleguard.png Thistleguard 0.5½ 12 Envelop yourself in thorns, striking nearby enemies and gaining stability for a brief duration. Gain additional bonuses and Nature's Strength if you strike an enemy.
5 Wild Strikes.png Wild Strikes 10.75¾ 20 Repeatedly slam the ground, damaging nearby enemies. The final slam does increased damage, dazes enemies, and grants Nature's Strength.

Untamed icon small.png Untamed[edit]

1 Chain Arrow Toolbelt.pngRampant Growth.png Rampant Growth 0.75¾ Unleashed Ambush. Strike the ground with your mace, creating a cascade of verdant growth that immobilizes targets struck and heals nearby allies. Gain Nature's Strength if you hit an enemy.
This skill cannot activate Force of Nature.

Thief icon small.png Thief — Axe[edit]

# Skill Activation.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description
1 Spinning Axe.png Spinning Axe 0.5½ Throw an axe that bleeds enemies and leaves a spinning axe on the ground.
1 Chain Arrow Toolbelt.pngCunning Salvo.png Cunning Salvo 0.5½ 1 Stealth Attack. Throw an axe that explodes when it hits a target, crippling nearby enemies. Gain initiative if you strike an enemy.
2 Venomous Volley.png Venomous Volley 0.75¾ Throw a fan of poisonous axes that leaves spinning axes on the ground.
3 Recall Axes.png Recall Axes (without offhand) 0.5½ Pull spinning axes to your target. Axes deal increased strike damage, and enemies struck by a number of axes will be immobilized.
3 Harrowing Storm.png Harrowing Storm (with offhand Dagger) 0.5½ Teleport behind your target and drag any spinning axes back at your target. Returning axes also inflict torment, and enemies struck by a number of axes will be immobilized.
3 Orchestrated Assault.png Orchestrated Assault (with offhand Pistol) 0.5½ Pull spinning axes to your target. Axes deal increased strike damage, and enemies struck by a number of axes will be immobilized.

Deadeye icon small.png Deadeye[edit]

1 Chain Arrow Toolbelt.pngMalicious Cunning Salvo.png Malicious Cunning Salvo 0.5½ 1 Stealth Attack. Throw an axe that explodes when it hits a target, crippling nearby enemies. Gain initiative if you strike an enemy. Consumes all malice when striking your mark to inflict poison with a duration equal to the consumed malice.

Guardian icon small.png Guardian — Pistol[edit]

# Skill Activation.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description
1 Through the Heart.png Through the Heart 0.5½ Fire a piercing shot that inflicts bleeding.
2 Peacekeeper.png Peacekeeper 10.5½ 6 Fire a beam of searing light that damages and burns all enemies in its path.
3 Symbol of Ignition.png Symbol of Ignition 0.25¼ 12 Symbol. Create a symbol that ignites when you strike an enemy inside it or shoot a projectile into it, damaging and burning enemies inside it. If the symbol is ignited by a projectile, it enchants that projectile to burn its target.
4 Hail of Justice.png Hail of Justice 10.25¼ 1 Shoot a volley of rapid-fire piercing shots that inflict bleeding and cripple.
5 Jurisdiction.png Jurisdiction 2 20 Charge up a ball of blue flame and activate this skill again to fire it. The ball damages, burns, and knocks targets it hits a short distance. Deals bonus defiance bar damage when fully charged. Projectile behavior changes slightly based on charge level.
5 ChainFire Jurisdiction.png Fire Jurisdiction Fire the Jurisdiction projectile.
5 ChainFire Jurisdiction.png Detonate Jurisdiction Detonate the Jurisdiction projectile.

Warrior icon small.png Warrior — Staff[edit]

# Skill Activation.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description
F1 Chain Arrow Toolbelt.pngPath to Victory.png Path to Victory 0.5½ 8 Burst. Carve a path to victory, dealing damage and inflicting weakness on enemies in front of you while healing and granting regeneration to nearby allies.
1 Balanced Strike.png Balanced Strike 0.5½ Chain. A balanced staff strike.
1 ChainReverse Strike.png Reverse Strike 0.5½ Chain. A follow-up reverse-handed staff strike.
1 ChainInspiring Whirl.png Inspiring Whirl 0.75¾ Whirl your staff, damaging nearby enemies and inspiring allies.
2 Valiant Leap.png Valiant Leap 0.75¾ 8 Leap to the targeted location, empowering allies and damaging enemies. Gain adrenaline if you affect another ally.
3 Line Breaker.png Line Breaker 10.75¾ 12 Charge to the target location. When you arrive, heal nearby allies and grant them boons while debilitating nearby enemies.
4 Snap Pull.png Snap Pull 0.75¾ 12 Quickly snap your staff to pull enemies in and make them vulnerable.
5 Bullet Catcher.png Bullet Catcher 2 20 Focus your mind on the battle, blocking incoming attacks. After activating this skill, Defiant Roar becomes available for a short duration. Blocking attacks empowers Defiant Roar.
5 ChainDefiant Roar.png Defiant Roar 0.5½ Unleash a defiant roar, healing nearby allies and granting them resolution. Blocking attacks with Bullet Catcher grants bonus healing per block, up to 3 stacks.

Berserker icon small.png Berserker[edit]

F1 Chain Arrow Toolbelt.pngRampart Splitter.png Rampart Splitter 0.5½ 5 Primal Burst. Slam your staff on the ground, sending a shock wave forward that damages and immobilizes enemies while inspiring nearby allies, healing and granting regeneration to them.

Revenant icon small.png Revenant — Scepter[edit]

# Skill Activation.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description
1 Serene Slash.png Serene Slash 0.5½ Condense Mists energy into a solid form to strike enemies in front of you.
1 ChainAcerbic Cut.png Acerbic Cut 0.5½ Slash at enemies again with Mists energy. Grant boons to allies after striking an enemy.
1 ChainMotivating Whirl.png Motivating Whirl 0.5½ Whirl around, damaging enemies and granting barrier to allies if an enemy is struck.
2 Blossoming Aura.png Blossoming Aura 0.75¾ 8 Envelop target friend or foe with energy from the Mists. The energy explodes outward after a short delay or when manually detonated, granting barrier to nearby allies. The amount of barrier granted increases over time. If targeting an enemy, the aura also deals damage over time, and it does additional damage when the aura explodes based on how long the aura lasts.
3 Otherworldly Bond.png Otherworldly Bond 0.75¾ 8 Form a tether through the Mists to a target ally or enemy. The strength of the tether increases over time. You can only be tethered to one target at a time, and the link is severed if you are too far away from your target or when you swap weapons.
3 ChainOtherworldly Attraction (enemy).png Otherworldly Attraction 0.5½ Release the tether, pulling the tethered enemy toward you and applying vulnerability to them.
3 ChainOtherworldly Attraction (ally).png Otherworldly Attraction 5 Release the tether, shadowstepping toward your tethered ally and granting barrier to allies in the surrounding area.
3 ChainDeactivate Otherworldly Bond.png Deactivate Otherworldly Bond Disable the tether.

Engineer icon small.png Engineer — Short bow[edit]

# Skill Activation.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description
1 Arc Detonator.png Arc Detonator 0.5½ Fire an arrow equipped with an electric module that discharges when striking your target, shocking them and two nearby enemies with an electric blast.
2 Essence of Animated Sand.png Essence of Animated Sand 0.75¾ 8 Fire an arrow equipped with a payload that explodes enchanted sand on impact, granting barrier and might to allies.

Chain Reaction. The next short-bow skill in the radius will grant additional might to allies.
2 ChainTemp icon (red).png Detonate Essence of Animated Sand Manually detonate your trap.
3 Essence of Living Shadows.png Essence of Living Shadows 0.75¾ 15 Fire an arrow equipped with a device that spreads shadow magic across the ground on impact, healing and removing conditions from allies with the initial detonation, and healing allies with each pulse afterward.

Chain Reaction. The next short-bow skill in the radius will remove additional conditions from allies.
3 ChainTemp icon (light blue).png Detonate Essence of Living Shadow Manually detonate your trap.
4 Essence of Liquid Wrath.png Essence of Liquid Wrath 0.75¾ 20 Fire a volley of arrows equipped with a payload that spreads magical flames across the ground on impact, granting boons to allies on the initial detonation and leaving a fire field.

Chain Reaction. The next short-bow skill in the radius will grant additional protection to allies.
4 ChainTemp icon (teal).png Detonate Essence of Liquid Wrath Manually detonate your trap.
5 Essence of Borrowed Time.png Essence of Borrowed Time 0.75¾ 25 Fire a row of arrows equipped with a device that envelops an area with chronal magic on impact, stunning enemies and applying superspeed to allies.

Chain Reaction. The next short-bow skill in the radius will daze enemies hit.
5 ChainTemp icon (green).png Detonate Essence of Borrowed Time Manually detonate your trap.

Mesmer icon small.png Mesmer — Rifle[edit]

# Skill Activation.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description
1 Friendly Fire.png Friendly Fire 0.75¾ Shoot an illusionary bullet that heals nearby allies on impact.
2 Journey.png Journey 0.5½ 5 Clone. Shoot a bullet through a portal. It reappears above the target location and explodes, damaging enemies and healing allies. Create a clone if you hit an enemy or ally.
3 Inspiring Imagery.png Inspiring Imagery 0.75¾ 12 Throw an inspiring beacon to a target location. The beacon will explode after a short duration, granting boons to nearby allies. The beacon can be detonated early to heal allies and damage enemies.
3 ChainAbstraction.png Abstraction 0.75¾ Detonate your beacon, debilitating enemies and bolstering allies.
4 Phantasmal Sharpshooter.png Phantasmal Sharpshooter 0.75¾ 1 Phantasm. Create a phantasm that shoots a bullet at your target, stunning them.
5 Singularity Shot.png Singularity Shot 0.5½ 20 Shoot a bullet at a target location that explodes upon arrival, granting resistance and barrier to allies. A singularity lingers at the impact point.
5 ChainDimensional Aperture.png Dimensional Aperture Collapse your singularity, creating a single-use portal that will teleport the user to your current location. Increase the cooldown of Singularity Shot.

Mirage icon small.png Mirage[edit]

1 Chain Arrow Toolbelt.pngEffervescence.png Effervescence 0.25¼ 1 Ambush. Spray invigorating magic, damaging enemies and healing allies.

Necromancer icon small.png NecromancerSword[edit]

# Skill Activation.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description
1 Enervation Blade.png Enervation Blade Chain. Fire a wide piercing projectile from your blade. Heal if a target is struck. Healing is reduced for each target beyond the first.
1 ChainEnervation Echo.png Enervation Echo 0.5½ Chain. Fire another wide piercing projectile from your blade.
1 ChainDeathly Enervation.png Deathly Enervation 0.75¾ Fire an even wider piercing projectile that inflicts chill.
2 Ravenous Wave.png Ravenous Wave 0.25¼ 6 Send a wave of necrotic energy cascading toward your target. Gain life force if you hit an enemy. Reactivate this skill to inflict additional damage on all targets hit by the wave.
2 ChainSatiate.png Satiate 0.5½ Sacrifice health to inflict additional damage on all targets hit by the wave, dealing additional damage to targets below the health threshold.
3 Path of Gluttony.png Path of Gluttony 0.75¾ 10 Dash forward, releasing dark energy on nearby targets. Damage enemies hit and heal per target hit with reduced healing beyond the first. This skill can be reactivated to dash again.
3 ChainGorge.png Gorge 0.75¾ Sacrifice health to dash again. Corrupt boons on enemies struck.
4 Hungering Maelstrom.png Hungering Maelstrom 1 16 Create a dark maelstrom that deals damage, inflicts vulnerability, and steals health. Reactivate this skill to inflict additional damage and conditions on all targets hit by the maelstrom.
4 ChainGormandize.png Gormandize 0.5½ Sacrifice health to inflict additional damage and conditions on all targets hit by the maelstrom.
5 Devouring Visage.png Devouring Visage 0.75¾ 20 Fire an orb of death magic that explodes on impact, inflicting fear on enemies. Gain life force for each target struck. Reactivate this skill to drain the strength of all enemies struck by the explosion.
5 ChainConsume.png Consume 0.5½ Sacrifice health to drain the strength of your enemies, inflicting weakness while granting might to yourself for each target affected.

Elementalist icon small.png Elementalist — Pistol[edit]

# Skill Activation.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description
Fire Attunement.png Fire Attunement
1 Scorching Shot.png Scorching Shot 0.5½ Burn your foe with a blazing bullet.
1 Chain Arrow Toolbelt.pngElemental Explosion.png Elemental Explosion 0.5½ Shoot all of the elemental bullets. Gain an aura based on your current attunement.
2 Raging Ricochet.png Raging Ricochet 0.5½ 6 Fire a bullet that bounces to nearby enemies. Gain might for each target struck.

If you have a fire bullet, consume it to increase your outgoing condition damage for a duration. If not, create a fire bullet.
3 Searing Salvo.png Searing Salvo 0.5½ 12 Fire a shot that explodes into fragments of fire when it hits the ground.

If you have a fire bullet, consume it to gain a fire aura. If not, create a fire bullet.
Water Attunement.png Water Attunement
1 Soothing Splash.png Soothing Splash 0.5½ Shoot a bullet of water. Heal for each unique condition on the enemy.
1 Chain Arrow Toolbelt.pngElemental Explosion.png Elemental Explosion 0.5½ Shoot all of the elemental bullets. Gain an aura based on your current attunement.
2 Frigid Flurry.png Frigid Flurry 10.25¼ 5 Fire a volley of icy bullets that inflict bleeding.

If you have an ice bullet, consume it to heal for each strike. If not, create an ice bullet.
3 Frozen Fusillade.png Frozen Fusillade 0.5½ 15 Fire a shot that freezes the ground underneath it, creating an area that speeds up allies while slowing enemy movement.

If you have an ice bullet, consume it to cause the frozen ground to shatter when it expires. If not, create an ice bullet.
Air Attunement.png Air Attunement
1 Electric Exposure.png Electric Exposure 0.5½ Electrify your enemy, making them vulnerable.
1 Chain Arrow Toolbelt.pngElemental Explosion.png Elemental Explosion 0.5½ Shoot all of the elemental bullets. Gain an aura based on your current attunement.
2 Dazing Discharge.png Dazing Discharge 0.25¼ 8 Fire a shot that dazes your foe and leaves them vulnerable.

If you have an air bullet, consume it to reduce the cooldown of your next pistol skill. If not, create an air bullet.
3 Aerial Agility.png Aerial Agility 0.5½ 12 Dash then fire a quick shot. If the shot hits, you can dash again for a short time.

If you have an air bullet, consume it to remove inhibiting conditions at the start of the dash. If not, create an air bullet.
[[|33x33px|link=Aerial Agility (Chain)]] [[Aerial Agility (Chain)|]]
[[|33x33px|link=Aerial Agility (Dash)]] [[Aerial Agility (Dash)|]]
Earth Attunement.png Earth Attunement
1 Piercing Pebble.png Piercing Pebble 0.5½ Bleed your foe with sharp stone.
1 Chain Arrow Toolbelt.pngElemental Explosion.png Elemental Explosion 0.5½ Shoot all of the elemental bullets. Gain an aura based on your current attunement.
2 Shattering Stone.png Shattering Stone 0.5½ 6 Fire a shot that shatters into multiple shards.

If you have an earth bullet, consume it to enhance your next few attacks to inflict bleeding. If not, create an earth bullet.
3 Boulder Blast.png Boulder Blast 0.5½ 12 Fire a shot that bleeds and immobilizes your foe.

If you have an earth bullet, consume it to gain barrier when striking an enemy. If not, create an earth bullet.

Weaver icon small.png Weaver[edit]

Fire AttunementWater Attunement Fire + Water
3 Frostfire Flurry.png Frostfire Flurry 1 15 Dual Attack. Fire multiple bullets of fire and ice, inflicting conditions.

If you have a fire bullet, consume it to increase the burning duration of the fire shots. If you have an ice bullet, consume it to cause the ice shots to inflict additional conditions.
Fire AttunementAir Attunement Fire + Air
3 Purblinding Plasma.png Purblinding Plasma 0.5½ 12 Dual Attack. Fire a ball of plasma that explodes when it hits, striking enemies behind the target.

If you have a fire bullet, consume it to create an area of fire beneath the initial target. If you have an air bullet, consume it to reduce the cooldown of this skill.
Fire AttunementEarth Attunement Fire + Earth
3 Molten Meteor.png Molten Meteor 0.5½ 12 Dual Attack. Bombard your foe with a meteor that inflicts multiple conditions.

If you have a fire bullet, consume it to cause the shot to explode when it strikes an enemy, damaging other enemies in the blast. If you have an earth bullet, consume it to inflict additional bleeding.
Water AttunementAir Attunement Water + Air
3 Flowing Finesse.png Flowing Finesse 0.75¾ 12 Dual Attack. Evade backward and grant yourself boons.

If you have an ice bullet, consume it to gain frost aura. If you have an air bullet, consume it to gain superspeed.
Water AttunementEarth Attunement Water + Earth
3 Echoing Erosion.png Echoing Erosion 0.5½ 15 Dual Attack. Bleed your foe with bullets of ice and stone.

If you have an ice bullet, consume it to heal yourself. If you have an earth bullet, consume it to grant yourself barrier.
Air AttunementEarth Attunement Air + Earth
3 Enervating Earth.png Enervating Earth 0.75¾ 12 Dual Attack. Fire a quick shot that debilitates your target.

If you have an air bullet, consume it to also inflict daze. If you have an earth bullet, consume it to also inflict bleeding on your target.
  • Beta characters had several items automatically in their inventory upon creation. These items are as follows:
Beta Character Limitations
  • Progress is not carried over from beta characters to live characters.
  • Beta characters cannot access the Black Lion Trading Company, including the trading post.
  • Beta characters cannot mail gold or items.
  • Beta characters cannot enter guild halls.
  • Beta characters cannot participate in ranked PvP matches.
  • All maps are discovered with waypoints, including expansion and Living World zones.
  • Beta characters can access all Elder Dragon Saga expansion zones, even if the account does not own them.
  • Living World zones can be accessed only if the account owns them. Otherwise, the character will get teleported to Lion's Arch instead.

End of Dragons[edit]

Elite Specialization Beta Events[edit]

Four elite specialization beta events were available to all players, including free to play players. During each beta event, players were given access to three beta character slots that allowed them to create fully equipped level 80 beta characters that could access a selection of the then current iterrations of the upcoming End of Dragons elite specializations to try them in existing PvE, World vs. World, Player vs. Player, and open-world content.[1]

Beta Character Limitations
  • Progress is not carried over from beta characters to live characters.
  • Beta characters do not share normal account-wide inventory with non-beta characters, e.g., wallet, shared inventory slots, and bank access.
  • Beta characters cannot access the trading post.
  • Beta characters cannot mail gold or items.
  • Beta characters have access to a copy of your account's Legendary Armory. Legendary items newly added to your Legendary Armory while a beta event is in progress will not be usable by beta characters during that beta event.
  • Beta characters cannot enter guild halls as of August 17.
  • Beta characters cannot participate in ranked PvP matches as of September 21.

Beta Event 1: August 17, 2021 — August 21, 2021[edit]

During this beta event players had access to the three elite specializations for the Mesmer, Necromancer and Guardian.

Beta Event 2: September 21, 2021 — September 25, 2021[edit]

During this beta event players had access to the three elite specializations for the Revenant, Warrior and Elementalist.

Beta Event 3: October 26, 2021 — October 30, 2021[edit]

During this beta event players had access to the three elite specializations for the Thief, Ranger and Engineer.

Beta Event 4: November 30, 2021 — December 4, 2021[edit]

During this beta event players had access to all elite specializations and to the Siege Turtle.[2][3]

Path of Fire[edit]

Preview Weekend Events[edit]

BWE1 — August 11, 2017[edit]

Access to the second Guild Wars 2 expansion, Path of Fire is open to all players in good standing on the weekend of August 11-13, 2017 with the first open-world map (Crystal Oasis) and the new Mount system being shown off to all players.

BWE2 — August 18, 2017[edit]

Access to the new Elite specializations included with Path of Fire will be granted to all players in good standing on demo characters in both PvP and WvW game modes on the weekend of August 18-20, 2017.

Heart of Thorns[edit]

Closed beta tests[edit]

CBT1 — March 24, 2015[edit]

Access to the first Heart of Thorns closed beta was granted to a selected few pulled from the pool of existing players and additional users who were signed up for the newsletter.[5]

This beta allowed players to explore limited areas in Verdant Brink in Heart of Maguuma as well as play a demo of the first story instance. The revenant was a playable-profession.

CBT2 — May 26, 2015[edit]

Guaranteed access to this closed beta was granted to players who received a Portal to the Heart of Maguuma between April 28 and May 10, 2015 and some players who signed up for the newsletter also received access.

This beta was similar to the previous version, with additional areas and activities of Verdant Brink unlocked. The Mastery interface was redesigned and the story instance was extended.

Stronghold tests[edit]

Events for the structured PvP game mode feature the Battle of Champion's Dusk.

Desert Borderlands tests[edit]

Events for the World versus World Desert Borderlands are limited to invited players only.

Beta weekend events[edit]

Accounts that have pre-purchased Heart of Thorns gain access to each Beta weekend event.

BWE1 — August 7-10, 2015[edit]

The first public Beta Weekend Event was from August 7 at 19:00 to August 10 at 19:00

BWE2 — September 4-6, 2015[edit]

The second public Beta Weekend Event was from September 4 at 19:00 to September 6 at 6:59

  • Beta characters (4 slots) were available to accounts that have prepurchased and can play in every game mode, gaining access to:
  • Stronghold was active for all players

BWE3 — October 2-4, 2015[edit]

The third public Beta Weekend Event was from October 2 at 19:00 to October 4 at 6:59

Other pre-release events[edit]

  • Revenant Test Weekend (July 10-13, 2015) — players who pre-purchased the game gain access to the revenant profession and are able to play in all game modes


Closed beta tests[edit]

CBT1 — December 16, 2011[edit]

ArenaNet announced on the 14th of December, 2011, that closed beta testing would start on that Friday, the 16th. Aside from the date, nothing else was known about this first closed beta event. [6]

CBT2 — February 17–19, 2012[edit]

The test in February was the first widely-publicized closed beta; various members of the media were invited to take part.[7] While the non-disclosure agreement surrounding was not lifted[8], select members of the press were allowed to talk about their experiences with the beta starting on Monday, February 20. The following is a partial list of their reports:

Closed beta registration[edit]

On the 22nd of February, ArenaNet offered players the opportunity to register to participate in future beta events; they received over 1 million applications in a little over 48 hours.[9] Registration has since closed; invitees to future closed beta tests will be chosen from the original pool.

CBT3 — March 23—25, 2012[edit]

The third closed beta event included selected members of the press and a large number of players selected from the registration pool above. Testing followed a similar pattern to the second. Although invited players were covered by the NDA, individual publications were cleared to release relevant media beginning on March 26.

This event concluded with an Inquest Invasion of Divinity's Reach.

Beta weekend events[edit]

For access to the client or for troubleshooting common issues with installing or running the client, refer to Getting Started.

Beta weekend events ran between noon Pacific time on the designated Friday and ended at 11:59 p.m. Pacific on the following Sunday. Participation in all public beta events was guaranteed to those who pre-purchased Guild Wars 2.[10] Additionally, ArenaNet selectively invited additional players who registered for beta testing for one or more such beta events. The beta testing registration was announced on February 22, 2012 and was opened for 48 hours.[11]

Beta weekend events were not restricted by non-disclosure agreements; players are free to share their experiences.

BWE1 — April 27–29, 2012[edit]

The first Beta Weekend Event began on Friday, April 27, at noon PDT (UTC-7) (start time for other timezones) and ended on Sunday, April 29, at 11:59 p.m. PDT (UTC-7) (end time for other timezones).

Special codes were handed out to visitors of PAX East 2012. These were handed out on cards that contained three codes saying "One for you, and two for your buddies." These codes allowed access into the first Beta Weekend Event only.

See also:

BWE2 — June 8-10, 2012[edit]

The second Beta Weekend Event began on Friday, June 8, at noon PDT (UTC-7) (start time for other timezones) and ended on Sunday, June 10, at 11:59 p.m. PDT (UTC-7) (end time for other timezones). Shortly before the event, ArenaNet published a list of known issues.

Notable features & changes[edit]
  • Notable changes:
    • Characters created during the first BWE were still available for this event, allowing players to continue through to higher level areas. Like the previous BWE, only charr, human and norn races were available for character creation.
    • Transfers between worlds were free until halfway through the event (June 10, 6PM PDT). For the second half, transfers required payment of 1800 Gem and could only be made once.
    • Every account received 500 Gem for free and each was offered an additional 2,000 Gem for providing a valid credit card. (Unspent gems from the original BWE did not carry forward).[13][14]
    • Updated the PvP reward system for Structured PvP and added automated 5v5 tournaments.
    • Several junk items were removed and replaced with the Deleted Item object.
    • The feature where dye seeds were taken to an NPC to grow for 24 hours has been removed. Players could now double-click on the item to gain its benefits.
    • Added tiers to both utility skills and elite skills as well as the trait system. Players were required to re-assign their points in these areas from the last BWE.
    • The Black Lion Trading Company out of Lion's Arch officially took over operations of the Gem Store, Currency Exchange, and Trading Post.
    • Other systems such as combat, chat, key-binding and the user interface also saw notable changes.
  • Additional content:
  • Servers/connectivity:
    • Doubled the number of available home worlds from 48 to 96; several European-based servers were designated as French or German.
    • Updated the overflow system to reduce the likelihood of ending up in an overflow and to make it easier for groups to stay together.

The Beta Weekend finale took place on June 10, 11:20pm PST, where the branded minions of Kralkatorrik invaded the Plains of Ashford during the simultaneous events Repel the invading dragon forces and Destroy and corrupt everything in your master's image. If a player was killed by one of the branded, they would turn into one themselves. Subsequently, characters would receive a set of five skills to use and had their affinity changed to hostile, allowing them to attack unaffected characters.

BWE3 — July 20-22, 2012[edit]

ArenaNet announced[15] on June 28, 2012 that the third and final Beta Weekend Event would take place from Friday, July 20 at noon PDT (UTC-7) (start time for other timezones) and end on Sunday, July 22, at 11:59 p.m. PDT (UTC-7) (end time for other timezones).

Notable features & changes[edit]
  • All characters and account data were wiped before this event, except for the contacts list.
  • Some worlds, such as Kaineng and Sharpe's Corner, were not available for selection during this beta, resulting in increased populations on the remaining worlds.
  • The Gem Store allowed gems to be purchased, either directly with a credit card or through PayPal.
    • Any gems purchased during BWE3 will be re-credited to your account on launch.
  • Additional content:
  • The weekend concluded with the finale "Hunger Royale" in which players were split into teams. They were given supplies and food, but after the food ran out, they were left with a debuff that slowly killed you of hunger.
See also

Stress tests[edit]

Stress tests were minor beta tests that ran for a limited time (less than 24 hours). They focused on collecting data about server performance and testing improvements to the game's infrastructure. Public stress tests were open to all players who have pre-purchased a copy of Guild Wars 2.

  • An invitation-only, closed stress test took place on 13th of April, 2012.[16]
  • The first public stress test was on 14th of May, 2012, from 11 AM - 6 PM PDT (-7 GMT).[17]
  • The second stress test was on 27th of June, 2012, originally scheduled from 10 AM - 2 PM PDT (-7 GMT)[18] but extended to 10 AM - 3 PM PDT (-7 GMT).[19]
  • The third stress test was on August 2nd, 2012, from 12 PM - 4 PM PDT. [20]
  • The fourth stress test was on August 9th, 2012, from 12 PM - 4 PM PDT. [21]
  • The fifth stress test was on August 10th, 2012, from 4 PM - 8 PM PDT. [22]
  • The sixth stress test was held on August 12th, 2012, from 11 AM - 12 PM PDT. [23]
  • The seventh stress test was held on August 15th, 2012, from 12 PM - 4 PM PDT. [24]
  • The eighth stress test was held on August 21st, 2012, from 12 PM - 4 PM PDT, but was extended to 6 PM PDT. [25]
  • The ninth stress test was held on August 22, 2012, from 9:10 PM PDT - 10:10 PM PDT. [26]
  • The tenth stress test was held on August 23, 2012, from 1:20 PM PDT - 2:20 PM PDT. [27]


Character selection mark


  • ArenaNet sometimes referred to their non-closed beta events as public beta events, indicating that they were open to the general public who pre-purchased the game.

See also[edit]
