Short bow

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Disambig icon.png This article is about the type of weapon. For the specific weapon item sold by NPC weaponsmiths, see Short Bow (item).

Short bow

Living Short Bow concept art.jpg

Short bow concept art.

The short bow is a type of mid-range, two-handed weapon. Short bow skills of most professions are specialized in damaging and disabling conditions. Engineers instead use short bow as a support and utility weapon.

Skills by profession[edit]

# Skill Activation.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description

Renegade icon small.png Renegade

1 Shattershot.png Shattershot 0.5½ Release an arrow that shatters upon striking, inflicting bleeding on nearby foes.
2 Bloodbane Path.png Bloodbane Path 1 3 Conjure a portal through the Mists and fire barbed arrows to strike from unexpected directions at your enemy.
3 Sevenshot.png Sevenshot 0.5½ 7 Conjure a focused volley of arrows to harass your foes.
4 Spiritcrush.png Spiritcrush 0.5½ 9 Create a debilitating zone by firing a volley of flaming arrows at an area.
5 Scorchrazor.png Scorchrazor 0.75¾ 12 Unleash a fiery edge to ignite and knock down your enemies.

Engineer icon small.png Engineer

1 Arc Detonator.png Arc Detonator 0.5½ Fire an arrow equipped with an electric module that discharges when striking your target, shocking them and two nearby enemies with an electric blast.
2 Essence of Animated Sand.png Essence of Animated Sand 0.75¾ 8 Fire an arrow equipped with a payload that explodes enchanted sand on impact, granting barrier and might to allies.

Chain Reaction. The next short-bow skill in the radius will grant additional might to allies.
3 Essence of Living Shadows.png Essence of Living Shadows 0.75¾ 15 Fire an arrow equipped with a device that spreads shadow magic across the ground on impact, healing and removing conditions from allies with the initial detonation, and healing allies with each pulse afterward.

Chain Reaction. The next short-bow skill in the radius will remove additional conditions from allies.
4 Essence of Liquid Wrath.png Essence of Liquid Wrath 0.75¾ 20 Fire a volley of arrows equipped with a payload that spreads magical flames across the ground on impact, granting boons to allies on the initial detonation and leaving a fire field.

Chain Reaction. The next short-bow skill in the radius will grant additional protection to allies.
5 Essence of Borrowed Time.png Essence of Borrowed Time 0.75¾ 25 Fire a row of arrows equipped with a device that envelops an area with chronal magic on impact, stunning enemies and applying superspeed to allies.

Chain Reaction. The next short-bow skill in the radius will daze enemies hit.

Ranger icon small.png Ranger

1 Crossfire.png Crossfire Fire an arrow that bleeds your target. Attacks are stronger from behind or from the side or against defiant foes.
2 Poison Volley.png Poison Volley 0.25¼ 8 Fire a spread of five poison arrows. Poison lasts longer if you are flanking or behind the target or if you strike a defiant foe.
3 Quick Shot.png Quick Shot 0.25¼ 8 Fire a quick shot in an evasive retreat. Gain swiftness. This can be used while retreating.
4 Crippling Shot.png Crippling Shot 12 Fire an arrow that cripples your target. If you are flanking or behind your target or your target is defiant, immobilize them. Your pet's next three attacks inflict bleeding.
5 Concussion Shot.png Concussion Shot 0.25¼ 20 Daze your foe with an arrow. Stun them if you hit from behind or from the side or if your foe is defiant.

Untamed icon small.png Untamed

1 Chain Arrow Toolbelt.pngToxic Shot.png Toxic Shot 0.75¾ Unleashed Ambush. Fire three arrows that explode on impact, inflicting poison on enemies in the area. Inflict additional conditions on enemies who are already poisoned.

Thief icon small.png Thief

1 Trick Shot.png Trick Shot 0.5½ Fire an arrow that bounces between nearby foes and inflicts bleeding when striking poisoned enemies.
1 Chain Arrow Toolbelt.pngSurprise Shot.png Surprise Shot 0.25¼ 1 Stealth Attack. Shoot an arrow that bleeds and immobilizes your foe.
2 Cluster Bomb.png Cluster Bomb 0.5½ Fire a cluster bomb at the target area. Detonate in midair for multiple explosions.
2 ChainDetonate Cluster.png Detonate Cluster 1 Detonate your cluster bomb in midair.
3 Disabling Shot (thief short bow skill).png Disabling Shot 0.25¼ Leap away from your foe while firing a crippling shot.
4 Choking Gas.png Choking Gas 0.5½ Fire an arrow that dazes enemies on impact and poisons the target area.
5 Infiltrator's Arrow.png Infiltrator's Arrow Fire an arrow and shadowstep to the target area, blinding nearby foes.

Deadeye icon small.png Deadeye

1 Chain Arrow Toolbelt.pngMalicious Surprise Shot.png Malicious Surprise Shot 0.25¼ 1 Stealth Attack. Shoot an arrow that bleeds and immobilizes your foe. If the arrow hits your marked target, it consumes all malice and splinters, firing new arrows at nearby foes for each malice consumed.

Related traits[edit]



Weapon strength[edit]

See also: Weapon strength

Related achievements[edit]


See also[edit]

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