Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire content


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Thief icon small.png Thief (skill list)
Deadeye icon small.png Deadeye
Weapon slot empty tango.pngWeapon slot empty tango.pngWeapon slot empty tango.pngWeapon slot empty tango.pngWeapon slot filled tango.png
 → Free Action.png
Game link
0.5½ Activation time  0.5½ Recharge time  
1 Initiative
2 Initiative

Your base and maximum movement speed is reduced. Gain access to kneel skills, which have increased projectile velocity. You can still dodge roll while kneeling. Kneeling is canceled if you swap weapons or use Free Action.

Miscellaneous effect.png Initiative: 1
Miscellaneous effect.png Base Movement Speed: −75%
Miscellaneous effect.png Maximum Movement Speed: −75%
Interval.png Interval: 3 seconds
Miscellaneous effect.png Velocity Increase: 50%
Range.png Range: 1,500

— In-game description


  • Kneel skills are enhanced versions of the deadeye rifle skills, which become available after using Kneel. Swapping weapons or activating Free Action cancels kneeling.
# Skill Activation.png Initiative.png Tango-recharge-darker.png Description
1 Deadly Aim.png Deadly Aim 0.75¾ Kneel. Fire a shot that inflicts vulnerability on your target. Applies additional vulnerability against your marked target.
2 Spotter's Shot.png Spotter's Shot 0.75¾ 3 Kneel. Fire a bullet that grants you boons and inflicts conditions on your target.
3 Three Round Burst.png Three Round Burst 1 4 Kneel. Fire three bullets that grant might if they hit your target.
4 Sniper's Cover.png Sniper's Cover 0.25¼ 4 Kneel. Create a barrier of shadows that blocks incoming missiles. Kneeling while within the barrier allows you to use Death's Advance.
4 ChainDeath's Advance.png Death's Advance 0.25¼ 2 Kneel. Shadowstep forward while granting yourself stealth.
5 Free Action.png Free Action Kneel. Stop kneeling and move freely. If you used at least one kneel skill, gain swiftness.

Related traits[edit]

Acrobatics Acrobatics

Trickery Trickery


  • Causes the kneeling effect.
    • While kneeling, the deadeye recovers 1 extra initiative every 3 seconds.
  • A lightly-colored ring will appear around the player to indicate the 1500 unit range
  • Your character will occasionally shout out one of the following lines upon activating this skill.
    • Lock and load.
    • This looks like a good spot.
    • This seems like a good spot.
    • Setting up.
    • Sniper's position secured.

Version history[edit]

For a detailed skill history, see here.

Patch Changes
June 25, 2024
  • Reduced the initiative cost from 2 to 1 in PvE only.
November 30, 2022
  • Fixed an issue that allowed immobilized players to dodge attacks while kneeling.
November 29, 2022
  • Increased initiative cost from 1 to 2. While kneeling, players can now move at a 75% reduced speed. Kneel is no longer canceled when you become disabled.
July 10, 2018
  • The transition to the kneeling state now happens immediately on activation to allow for smoother skill queuing. The aftercast has been slightly reduced.
May 08, 2018
  • This skill no longer uses the ammunition system.
  • The recharge remains at 0.5 seconds to prevent thieves from unintentionally reentering this mode after exiting from their kneel stance, and initiative regeneration is now increased while kneeling.
September 22, 2017 Path of Fire release:
  • Kneel has been added to the game.