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Etching: Jökulhlaup

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Etching- Jökulhlaup.png

Etching: Jökulhlaup

Elementalist icon small.png Elementalist (skill list)
Weapon slot empty tango.pngWeapon slot empty tango.pngWeapon slot empty tango.pngWeapon slot empty tango.pngWeapon slot filled tango.png
Etching- Jökulhlaup.png
 → Lesser Jökulhlaup.png → Jökulhlaup.png
Game link
0.25¼ Activation time  25 Recharge time  
Etching: Jökulhlaup

Etch a spell into the ground that invokes a glacial flood. Using a number of other skills within this etching completes the spell, unlocking its full potential.

Healing.png Healing: 532
Miscellaneous effect.png Number of Casts: 3
Duration.png Duration: 7 seconds
Radius.png Radius: 360
Combo.png Combo Field: Water

— In-game description

Related traits[edit]

Water Water


  • As with all the etchings, Etching: Jökulhlaup is named for a real life phenomenon. Jökulhlaups are any large and abrupt release of water from subglacial or proglacial lakes or reservoir, though the term originally described glacial outburst floods that occurred in Iceland.
  • This Etching has New Krytan text in its symbol that contains the following:
    • Inner Ring: Aren't you tired? Close your eyes and feel them wash over you.
    • Middle Ring: It's not silent, listen closely shape shifters it can't hurt can it
    • Outer Ring: Swirling stars floating in the water so delicate yet strong
    • Notably, the outer ring seems to reference a quotation from Soo-Won's Tail, while the middle ring contains part of a quotation from Jormag's Flight.

Version history[edit]

For a detailed skill history, see here.

Patch Changes
February 11, 2025
  • Fixed an issue that prevented etchings from being able to be charged after a certain duration.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented etchings from being charged when multiple etchings existed at once.
August 20, 2024 Janthir Wilds release:
  • Etching: Jökulhlaup has been added to the game.
  • Etching skills will now put their corresponding lesser skill on a short cooldown to prevent unintentional usage.
  • Increased all etching durations from 5 seconds to 7 seconds.
  • The visual effects of Jökulhlaup, Derecho, and Haboob will no longer be replaced by legendary effects.
June 27, 2024