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Ashen Assault

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Ashen Assault.png

Ashen Assault

Thief icon small.png Thief (skill list)
Weapon slot filled tango.pngWeapon slot empty tango.pngWeapon slot empty tango.pngWeapon slot empty tango.pngWeapon slot empty tango.png
Stealth Attack
Game link
10.5½ Activation time  
Ashen Assault

Stealth Attack. Attack foes in front of you with a series of strikes, making the vulnerable. The final strike inflicts damaging conditions. If this skill follows a Finisher skill, it grants initiative.

Damage.png Damage (6x): 882 (2.4)?
Damage.png Damage (6x): 552 (1.5)?
Vulnerability.png5 Vulnerability (8s): +5% Incoming Damage, +5% Incoming Condition Damage
Bleeding.png3 Bleeding (7s): 462 Damage
Bleeding.png2 Bleeding (7s): 308 Damage
Poisoned.png3 Poison (7s): 704 Damage, -33% Heal Effectiveness
Poisoned.png2 Poison (7s): 469 Damage, -33% Heal Effectiveness
Number of targets.png Number of Targets: 3
Range.png Range: 240

— In-game description

Related traits[edit]

Deadly Arts Deadly Arts

Critical Strikes Critical Strikes

Shadow Arts Shadow Arts

Trickery Trickery

Specter Specter

Version history[edit]

For a detailed skill history, see here.

Patch Changes
August 20, 2024 Janthir Wilds release:
  • Ashen Assault has been added to the game.
  • Increased the attack range from 170 to 240. Reduced the bleeding and poison stacks from 4 for 8 seconds to 3 for 7 seconds in PvE only.
June 27, 2024