Leap finisher

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Disambig icon.png This article is about the combo finisher. For other uses, see Leap (disambiguation).

A leap finisher is a skill that can create a combo effect by interacting with a combo field. Leap effects are applied directly to either the skill's user or the skill's target.

Combo effects by field[edit]

Field Effect Notes
Dark Dark Aura
Dark Aura.png Dark Aura (5s): Surrounded by a dark aura that reduces incoming condition damage and causes torment each time you are struck (1-second cooldown per attacker).
Ethereal Chaos Aura
Chaos Aura.png Chaos Aura (5s): Give yourself random boons and your foe random conditions whenever you are struck.
Fire Fire Aura
Fire Aura.png Fire Aura (5s): Enveloped in a fiery shield that burns foes, grants might each time you are struck (1-second cooldown per attacker).
Ice Frost Aura
Frost Aura (effect).png Frost Aura (5s): Chill foes that strike you (only once per second for each attacker); incoming damage is reduced by 10%.
Light Light Aura
Light Aura.png Light Aura (5s): When struck, you gain resolution. Incoming condition damage is reduced by 10%. (Cooldown: 1s)
Lightning Dazing Strike
Daze.png Daze: 1 second
Poison Weakness
Weakness.png Weakness (8s): -50% Endurance Regeneration, +50% Fumble (Unrestricted)
Smoke Stealth
Stealth.png Stealth (3s): Invisible to foes.
Water Healing
Healing.png Healing: 1,300 (0.5)?

Related skills[edit]

Weapon skills that cause leap finishers

Bundle skills that cause leap finishers

Transform skills that cause leap finishers

Utility skills that cause leap finishers

Elite skills that cause leap finishers

Profession mechanic skills that cause leap finishers

Pet skills that cause leap finishers

Racial skills that cause leap finishers

Related traits[edit]

Trait skills that cause leap finishers

Related equipment[edit]

See also[edit]