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Plains of Ashford

 Has NPC rankLocated in
Badazar's ChampionChampionMartyr's Woods
Agnos Gorge
Champion Ogre BruteChampionCadem Forest
Champion Ogre ScoutChampionCadem Forest
Champion Stonecrag Ogre ChieftainChampionCadem Forest
Siegemaster LormarChampionAscalon City Ruins

Diessa Plateau

 Has NPC rankLocated in
Champion Cave SpiderChampionThe Spiritholme
The Titanpaw
Spider Nest Cavern
Champion GiantChampionTown of Nageling
Champion Plains WurmChampionTerra Combusta
Halrunting Plains
Champion Putrescent SkelkChampionNemus Groves
Champion Separatist InstigatorChampionThe Breached Wall
Legendary ChampawatLegendaryTanglerot Hills
Verarium Delves
Reaper's Corridor
Glencarn Sperrins
Tribulation Caverns
Rhendak the CrazedChampionFlame Temple Tombs

Fields of Ruin

 Has NPC rankLocated in
Ambassador SteelcrusherChampionWarrior's Crown
Branded Champion DevourerChampionVarim's Run
Branded Champion OgreChampionVarim's Run
Champion Branded Earth ElementalChampionDragonrot Domains
Domain of Vabbi
Jahai Bluffs
Champion Branded FishChampionTenaebron Lake
Champion Branded GriffonChampionBlazeridge Steppes
Tenaebron Lake
Champion Chieftain KremlockChampionHautclaire Vale
Champion Foulbear ChieftainChampionHunter's Gorge
Champion Foulbear Master TrainerChampionHunter's Gorge
Champion Foulbear Weapon MasterChampionHunter's Gorge
Champion Giant Branded DevourerChampionSniper's Woods
Champion Mad BombardierChampionStronghold of Ebonhawke
Champion Separatist LeaderChampionStronghold of Ebonhawke
Warrior's Crown
Champion Stravig the DefenderChampionHunter's Gorge
Champion Wasp QueenChampionWarrior's Crown
Champion Wasp SoldierChampionWarrior's Crown
Chief OtyughChampionWildlin Narrows
Crecia StoneglowChampion
Hall of Monuments
Festival Promenade
Umbral Grotto
Legions' Alcove
Dragon Response Mission: Fields of Ruin
Dragon Response Mission: Lake Doric
Dragon Response Mission: Bloodtide Coast
Dragonstorm Arena
Destroyer of the Third FortressChampionDragon Response Mission: Fields of Ruin
Kasmeer MeadeLegendaryTribunes' Trench
Legions' Alcove
Dragon Response Mission: Fields of Ruin
Dragon Response Mission: Snowden Drifts
Legendary ChampawatLegendaryTanglerot Hills
Verarium Delves
Reaper's Corridor
Glencarn Sperrins
Tribulation Caverns
Minister DuranChampionWarrior's Crown

Blazeridge Steppes

 Has NPC rankLocated in
Champion Branded BombardierChampionLowland Burns
Champion Branded RavagerChampionLowland Burns
Champion Branded SundererChampionLowland Burns
Champion Imbued Aberration (Branded)ChampionRelliatus Canyon
Deserter Flats
Soot Road
Champion Ogre BeastmasterChampionSoot Road
Champion Ogre ChieftainChampionGastor Gullet
Champion Plains WurmChampionTerra Combusta
Halrunting Plains
Tribune Kyranith SteelgripChampionSteeleye Span

Iron Marches

 Has NPC rankLocated in
Champion Branded Devourer QueenChampionThe Infestation
Champion Branded OgreChampionBlazeridge Steppes
Ebbing Heart Run
Champion Drakin CinderspireChampionScorchlands
Champion Jungle Tendril (Veteran Mordrem Gravelash)ChampionMonger's Sink
Champion Mordrem Vile Thrasher (event boss)ChampionMonger's Sink
Champion Victurus the ShatteredChampionCrystalwept Groves

Fireheart Rise

 Has NPC rankLocated in
Dragon's Stand (Heart of Thorns)
Front Line
Sun's Refuge
Dragon Response Mission: Metrica Province
Dragon Response Mission: Thunderhead Peaks
Dragon Response Mission: Snowden Drifts
Dragon Response Mission: Fireheart Rise
Champion Alpha WolfChampionSloven Pitch
Champion Brackish SkaleChampionSati Passage
Champion Canyon Spider QueenChampionChalldar Gorges
Sweltering Canyons
Champion Flame Legion EffigyChampionThe Baelfire
Amduat Point
Sanguine Vault
Molten Foundry
Champion Monstrous Lava ElementalChampionThe Baelfire
Efram GreetsgloryChampionFlame Legion Camp
Drizzlewood Coast
Dragon Response Mission: Fireheart Rise
Giant Undersea Ice WurmChampionHighland Thaw
Spider KingChampionApostate Wastes
Tribune SplitgoldChampionDragon Response Mission: Fireheart Rise
Vidius Flame TribuneChampionBuloh Crossing



 Has NPC rankLocated in
Baron WyckerChampionVillage of Shaemoor
Champion AatxeChampionGodslost Swamp
Thaumanova Reactor Fractal
Champion Bandit LieutenantChampionBandithaunt Caverns
Champion FleshreaverChampionGodslost Swamp
Gyre Rapids
Champion ShadeChampionGodslost Swamp
Champion Shadow ImpChampionGodslost Swamp
Champion Vic the IronChampionEastern Divinity Dam
Champion Zirh the VenomousChampionClayent Falls
DesminaLegendaryGodslost Swamp
Hall of Chains
Exemplar KeridaLegendaryQueen's Forest

Kessex Hills

 Has NPC rankLocated in
Champion Bandit ForemanChampionViath Shore
Champion Destroyer HarpyChampionCereboth Canyon
The Irongorge
Champion Draithor the DrillChampionDraithor's Demesnes
Champion Harathi OverlordChampionOverlord's Greatcamp
Champion Ruye the CrimsonChampionHalacon Cataracts
Champion Temvay the ArrogantChampionManefire Hills
Champion Toxic AlchemistChampionViathan's Arm
Third Level
Champion Toxic AminiChampionViathan's Arm
Champion Toxic Hypnoss (event boss)ChampionViathan Lake
Viath Shore
Greyhoof Meadows
Champion Toxic SkaleChampionViathan's Arm
Champion Toxic Spider QueenChampionEarthlord's Gap
Viathan's Arm
Unending Nightmares
Second Level
Postern Ward (The Battle For Lion's Arch)
Champion Toxic Togatl CasterChampionViathan's Arm
Champion Varre the UnderhandedChampionDelanian Foothills
Wizard's Fief
Devastated Garenhoff
The Blood WitchChampionViathan Lake
Toxic OratussChampionThe Nightmare Unveiled

Gendarran Fields

 Has NPC rankLocated in
Captain WileyChampionLake Gendarr
Newbeach Bluffs
Champion Cave TrollChampionDurmand Priory (location)
Overlook Caverns
Tail of the Serpent
Champion Enraged Spider QueenChampionAlmuten Estates
Champion Harathi CommanderChampionNebo Terrace
Champion Harathi WarriorChampionAscalon Settlement
Champion Lenner the Eagle-EyedChampionTalajian Piedmont
Champion Modniir High SageChampionBlood Hill Camps
High Timber Claim
Champion Tamini ChieftainChampionNebo Terrace
Champion Tamini MogulChampionStonebore Vaults
Champion War BeastChampionNorthfields
Ascalon Settlement
Modniir Gorge
Destroyer of the Great BridgeChampionDragon Response Mission: Gendarran Fields
Emissary VorppChampionClockwork Invasion
The Queen's Address
Jhavi JorasdottirChampionVigil Headquarters
Jora's Keep
Spirits' Refuge
Dragon Response Mission: Gendarran Fields
Dragonstorm Arena
KetsurakChampionThe Lawen Ponds
Marjory DelaquaLegendaryDragon's Stand (Heart of Thorns)
Shattered Steppes
Jora's Keep
Dragon Response Mission: Gendarran Fields
Warmaster EfutChampionVigil Keep

Harathi Hinterlands

 Has NPC rankLocated in
Champion Ezal the QuickChampionWynchona Woods
Champion Kol SkullsmasherChampionHidden Ourobon
Champion Modniir BeastmasterChampionCloven Hoof Pass
Champion Modniir ChiefChampionSplintered Teeth
Champion Modniir CommanderChampionModniir Gorge
Champion Modniir High SageChampionBlood Hill Camps
High Timber Claim
Champion Modniir OverlordChampionThunder Rock
Champion Sharky the DestroyerChampionArca Lake
Champion Southforge LeaderChampionCloven Hoof Pass
Champion Ulssen the AnvilChampionGreenflin Plateau
Champion War BeastChampionNorthfields
Ascalon Settlement
Modniir Gorge
GargantulaChampionWynchona Woods
Modniir UlgothChampionModniir Gorge

Bloodtide Coast

 Has NPC rankLocated in
Admiral Taidha CovingtonLegendaryLaughing Gull Island
Champion Canyon Spider QueenChampionChalldar Gorges
Sweltering Canyons
Champion Covington PirateChampionLaughing Gull Island
Champion Deep Sea SharkChampionSorrowful Sound
Champion Great Jungle Wurm LarvaChampionChalldar Gorges
Sanguine Bay
Jelako Cliffrise
Whisperwill Bogs
Firth of Revanion
Wraithwalker Woods
Dredgehat Isle
Champion Orrian TerrorChampionFlooded Castavall
Mistarion Beach
Champion Partially Digested HuskChampionMentecki Pass
Challdar Gorges
Jelako Cliffrise
Champion Risen Covington CaptainChampionLaughing Gull Island
Chief QuecuanChampionChosen of the Sun
Crecia StoneglowChampion
Hall of Monuments
Festival Promenade
Umbral Grotto
Legions' Alcove
Dragon Response Mission: Fields of Ruin
Dragon Response Mission: Lake Doric
Dragon Response Mission: Bloodtide Coast
Dragonstorm Arena
Giant Blood OozeChampionChalldar Gorges
High Priestess EcolotlChampionConvincing the Faithful
Unholy Grounds
Chosen of the Sun
Legendary Amber Great Jungle Wurm HeadLegendaryWhisperwill Bogs
Legendary Cobalt Great Jungle Wurm HeadLegendaryMournful Depths
Legendary Crimson Great Jungle Wurm HeadLegendaryChalldar Gorges
Malice SwordshadowLegendaryDevourer's Ridge
Legions' Alcove
Dragon Response Mission: Bloodtide Coast
Harvest Den
Rampaging Jungle TrollChampionRisewild Hills
RoxLegendaryHall of Monuments
Front Line
Olmakhan Camp
Dragon Response Mission: Bloodtide Coast
TechutliChampionUnholy Grounds
Chosen of the Sun
Tribune SplitwallChampionDragon Response Mission: Bloodtide Coast

Maguuma Jungle[edit]

Caledon Forest

 Has NPC rankLocated in
CanachChampionDragon's Stand (Heart of Thorns)
Allied Encampment
The Grotto
Pact Command
Dragon Response Mission: Caledon Forest
Champion Avatar of BlightChampionWychmire Swamp
Champion Blighted GrubChampionWychmire Swamp
Champion Blighted HuskChampionWychmire Swamp
Champion Hylek CuicaniChampionWychmire Swamp
Champion Wychmire Jungle WurmChampionWychmire Swamp
Frost ColossusChampionDragon Response Mission: Caledon Forest
Giant Blighted GrubChampionWychmire Swamp
Kalidris SparrowhawkVeteran
Dragon Response Mission: Caledon Forest
Legendary ChampawatLegendaryTanglerot Hills
Verarium Delves
Reaper's Corridor
Glencarn Sperrins
Tribulation Caverns
Legendary ChukaLegendaryVerarium Delves
Glencarn Sperrins
Tribulation Caverns
TGM-Christ/Tyrinna GoldmiadaLegendaryWychmire Swamp
XolotlChampionQuetzal Bay

Metrica Province

 Has NPC rankLocated in
Dragon's Stand (Heart of Thorns)
Front Line
Sun's Refuge
Dragon Response Mission: Metrica Province
Dragon Response Mission: Thunderhead Peaks
Dragon Response Mission: Snowden Drifts
Dragon Response Mission: Fireheart Rise
Champion Inquest EngineerChampionThaumanova Reactor
Champion Inquest ExtinguisherChampionThaumanova Reactor
Champion Inquest TechnicianChampionProspect Valley
Thaumanova Reactor
Captain Mai Trin Boss Fractal
Champion Mark I GolemChampionThaumanova Reactor
Thaumanova Reactor Fractal
Dredge Square
Canopy over Ordnance Corps
Champion Mark II GolemChampionThaumanova Reactor
Infinite Coil Reactor
Dredge Square
Champion Spider Queen (historical)ChampionHexane Regrade
Champion Steam OgreChampionThaumanova Reactor
Destroyer of the Ironhammer LineChampionDragon Response Mission: Metrica Province
TaimiLegendaryHall of Monuments
Free City of Amnoon
Allied Encampment
Sun's Refuge
The Auditorium
Dragon Response Mission: Metrica Province
Dragonstorm Arena
The Twisted Marionette

Brisban Wildlands

 Has NPC rankLocated in
Bandit Leader RobbariChampionThe Gallowfields
Champion Aerl the SilentChampionHighwayman's Vale
Champion DemagogueChampionAurora's Remains
Champion Flyrra the RemorselessChampionGnashar's Hills
Champion GuardChampionSkrittsburgh Tunnels
Champion Malfunctioning GolemChampionVenlin Vale
Champion Ogotl PriestessChampionGotala Cascade
Destroyer of the Crystal FieldsChampionDragon Response Mission: Brisban Wildlands
Ebon Knight CariaddarChampionVandal's Claim
Ryland SteelcatcherLegendaryForging Steel
Dragon Response Mission: Brisban Wildlands
Dragon Response Mission: Snowden Drifts
Dragon Response Mission: Lake Doric
Dragonstorm Arena
Unseen HunterChampionZinder Slope

Sparkfly Fen

 Has NPC rankLocated in
Champion Jungle TrollChampionThundertroll Swamp
Champion Krait DamossChampionSplintered Coast
Champion Krait HypnossChampionSplintered Coast
The Mire Sea
Champion Krait NimrossChampionSplintered Coast
Chokevine Gorge
Champion Krait SlaverChampionChokevine Gorge
Champion Nasir Al TineenChampionOrvanic Shore
Champion Risen BruteChampionSplintered Coast
Cathedral of Eternal Radiance
Champion Risen HylekChampionSplintered Coast
Blighted Battleground
Champion Risen JuggernautChampionAleem's Penance
Champion Risen Krait DamossChampionSplintered Coast
Champion Risen Krait HypnossChampionSplintered Coast
Champion Risen Krait NimrossChampionSplintered Coast
Strait of Malediction
Strait of Sacrilege
Champion Risen LichChampionOrvanic Shore
Nave of Arah
Champion Risen MegalodonChampionOrvanic Shore
Terzetto Bay
Mausollus Sea
Champion Risen Plague CarrierChampionSplintered Coast
Cathedral of Eternal Radiance
Champion Risen QuagganChampionSplintered Coast
Champion Risen Sea TurtleChampionDarkweather Rise
Legendary ChampawatLegendaryTanglerot Hills
Verarium Delves
Reaper's Corridor
Glencarn Sperrins
Tribulation Caverns
Legendary ChukaLegendaryVerarium Delves
Glencarn Sperrins
Tribulation Caverns

Mount Maelstrom

 Has NPC rankLocated in
Champion Destroyer CrablingChampionAvernan Volatile
Champion FluffyChampionBenthic Kelp Beds
Champion Imbued Aberration (destroyer)ChampionAvernan Volatile
The Stychs
Magmatic Conjury
Lava Flats
Osprey Pillars
Burning Grotto
Champion Infinity Coil CommanderChampionInfinite Coil Reactor
Champion Inquest Krewe LeaderChampionAvernan Volatile
Champion Jungle Skelk LurkerChampionSootberme
Rata Arcanum
Champion Krait HypnossChampionSplintered Coast
The Mire Sea
Champion Lost SpiritChampionBard's Valley
Champion Mark II GolemChampionThaumanova Reactor
Infinite Coil Reactor
Dredge Square
Champion Mysterious Fire CreatureChampionMon Maelstrom
Champion Platform MasterChampionWhitland Flats
Champion Terror-Seven Krewe LeaderChampionBenthic Kelp Beds
Commander LonaiLegendaryThe Charge
The First City
Destroyer-Essence GolemChampionAshen Waste
Huge Ruins SpiderChampionCriterion Canyon
MegadestroyerLegendaryMaelstrom's Bile

Ruins of Orr[edit]

Straits of Devastation

 Has NPC rankLocated in
Champion Risen ArchmageChampionElysium Beach
Pursuit Pass
Champion Risen CaptainChampionTriumph Plaza
Graven Cay
Champion Risen CorrupterChampionCathedral of Zephyrs
Noose Road
Cathedral of Glorious Victory
Blighted Battleground
Champion Risen DespoilerChampionCathedral of Glorious Victory
Blighted Battleground
Champion Risen Drake BroodmotherChampionShark's Teeth Archipelago
Fields of Gold
Terzetto Bay
Harrowed Sea
Crusted Shoals
Champion Risen HylekChampionSplintered Coast
Blighted Battleground
Champion Risen Krait NimrossChampionSplintered Coast
Strait of Malediction
Strait of Sacrilege
Champion Risen MegalodonChampionOrvanic Shore
Terzetto Bay
Mausollus Sea
Champion Risen RavagerChampionCathedral of Zephyrs
Shark's Teeth Archipelago
Compass Plaza
Karst Plains
Blighted Battleground
Champion Risen SubjugatorChampionNoose Road
Waywarde Way
Champion Risen VillagerChampionCathedral of Eternal Radiance
Blighted Battleground
Eye of Zhaitan (legendary)LegendaryZho'qafa Catacombs
Legendary Sidony the ShadowkeeperLegendaryBramble Pass
Risen Priest of BalthazarLegendaryCathedral of Glorious Victory

Malchor's Leap

 Has NPC rankLocated in
Champion Captain CorkChampionDrowned Brine
Champion Corrupted IllusionChampionCathedral of Eternal Radiance
Champion Experimental Golem ShellChampionPyrite Peninsula
Champion Eye of ZhaitanChampionPromenade of the Gods
Karst Plains
Champion Giant Risen KrillChampionDrowned Brine
Champion Inquest OrnithologistChampionKarst Plains
Champion Mark V GolemChampionJinx Isle
Champion Orrian Spectral GuardChampionCathedral of Zephyrs
Champion Risen AcolyteChampionCathedral of Zephyrs
Cathedral of Eternal Radiance
Promenade of the Gods
Champion Risen BruteChampionSplintered Coast
Cathedral of Eternal Radiance
Champion Risen CorrupterChampionCathedral of Zephyrs
Noose Road
Cathedral of Glorious Victory
Blighted Battleground
Champion Risen Drake BroodmotherChampionShark's Teeth Archipelago
Fields of Gold
Terzetto Bay
Harrowed Sea
Crusted Shoals
Champion Risen FarmerChampionCathedral of Eternal Radiance
Champion Risen Hylek PetmasterChampionMirror Bay
Champion Risen Krait PriestChampionWhisper Bay
Champion Risen LieutenantChampionCathedral of Zephyrs
Champion Risen Plague CarrierChampionSplintered Coast
Cathedral of Eternal Radiance
Champion Risen RavagerChampionCathedral of Zephyrs
Shark's Teeth Archipelago
Compass Plaza
Karst Plains
Blighted Battleground
Champion Risen Vigil TacticianChampionSnaketail Inlet
Champion Risen VillagerChampionCathedral of Eternal Radiance
Blighted Battleground
Champion Risen WorshipperChampionKarst Plains
Malchor the SculptorChampionCathedral of Zephyrs
Mouth of ZhaitanChampionPyrite Peninsula
Cathedral of Hidden Depths
Waste Hollows
Risen Priestess of DwaynaChampionCathedral of Zephyrs
Risen Priestess of LyssaLegendaryCathedral of Eternal Radiance
Risen Priestess of Lyssa (phantasm)LegendaryCathedral of Eternal Radiance
Risen Prince EllasalLegendaryCathedral of Eternal Radiance
Statue of Dwayna (NPC)LegendaryCathedral of Zephyrs

Cursed Shore

 Has NPC rankLocated in
Captain RotbeardChampionDesmina's Hallows
Champion ABL-01ChampionPromenade of the Gods
Champion EmberChampionCompass Plaza
Devastated Garenhoff
Champion Eye of ZhaitanChampionPromenade of the Gods
Karst Plains
Champion Ooze KingChampionCraven Blight
Champion Risen AbominationChampionSerpent Stones
Fields of Gold
Straits of Devastation
Champion Risen AcolyteChampionCathedral of Zephyrs
Cathedral of Eternal Radiance
Promenade of the Gods
Champion Risen AndarzbadChampionCompass Plaza
Champion Risen ArchmageChampionElysium Beach
Pursuit Pass
Champion Risen BaronChampionNoose Road
Champion Risen BaronessChampionNoose Road
Champion Risen CaptainChampionTriumph Plaza
Graven Cay
Champion Risen ChickenChampionCraven Blight
Champion Risen CorrupterChampionCathedral of Zephyrs
Noose Road
Cathedral of Glorious Victory
Blighted Battleground
Champion Risen Drake BroodmotherChampionShark's Teeth Archipelago
Fields of Gold
Terzetto Bay
Harrowed Sea
Crusted Shoals
Champion Risen EagleChampionCraven Blight
Champion Risen GladiatorChampionFields of Gold
Champion Risen GorillaChampionCraven Blight
Cathedral of Verdance
Champion Risen GroundskeeperChampionWinterknell Isle
Champion Risen JesterChampionCompass Plaza
Promenade of the Gods
Champion Risen KingChampionAzabe Qabar, the Royal Tombs
Champion Risen MegalodonChampionOrvanic Shore
Terzetto Bay
Mausollus Sea
Champion Risen NobleChampionCompass Plaza
Champion Risen PirateChampionGraven Cay
Champion Risen RavagerChampionCathedral of Zephyrs
Shark's Teeth Archipelago
Compass Plaza
Karst Plains
Blighted Battleground
Champion Risen ServantChampionCompass Plaza
Champion Risen Spider HatchlingChampionNoose Road
Champion Risen SubjugatorChampionNoose Road
Waywarde Way
Champion Risen WizardChampionNoose Road
Craven Blight
Compass Plaza
Champion Vigil TacticianChampionThe Narthex
Promenade of the Gods
Halla CorpseflayerChampionCompass Plaza
Legendary Risen Priest of MelandruLegendaryCathedral of Verdance
Risen High WizardLegendaryThe Narthex
Risen Priest of GrenthLegendaryCathedral of Silence

Shiverpeak Mountains[edit]

Wayfarer Foothills

 Has NPC rankLocated in
Champion Svanir MarauderChampionSvanir's Dome
Champion Svanir Shaman ChiefChampionFrusenfell Creek
Legendary White BunnyLegendaryHangrammr Climb
Mikkel ToivossonChampionThe Championship Fight
Snowlord's Gate
A New Challenger

Snowden Drifts

 Has NPC rankLocated in
Dragon's Stand (Heart of Thorns)
Front Line
Sun's Refuge
Dragon Response Mission: Metrica Province
Dragon Response Mission: Thunderhead Peaks
Dragon Response Mission: Snowden Drifts
Dragon Response Mission: Fireheart Rise
Champion Corrupted KodanChampionDragon's Rising
Strike Mission: Cold War
Champion Ice ImpChampionAngvar's Trove
Champion Icebrood ShamanChampionHrothgar's Pass
Jormabakke Stead
The Frozen Sweeps
Champion Imbued Aberration (icebrood)ChampionSkradden Slopes
Hrothgar's Pass
Dragon's Rising
Champion Modniir LeaderChampionDarkhoof Heights
Champion Snow Troll LeaderChampionDarkhoof Heights
Kasmeer MeadeLegendaryTribunes' Trench
Legions' Alcove
Dragon Response Mission: Fields of Ruin
Dragon Response Mission: Snowden Drifts
Legendary Drake GuardianLegendaryAngvar's Trove
Ryland SteelcatcherLegendaryForging Steel
Dragon Response Mission: Brisban Wildlands
Dragon Response Mission: Snowden Drifts
Dragon Response Mission: Lake Doric
Dragonstorm Arena

Lornar's Pass

 Has NPC rankLocated in
Ancient CreatureChampionFrostgate Falls
BeakerChampionStonescatter Wash
Captain JetsamChampionFalse Lake
Champion Aetherblade ThumperChampionFalse River Valley
Bazaar Docks
Champion Cave TrollChampionDurmand Priory (location)
Overlook Caverns
Tail of the Serpent
Champion Dredge OverseerChampionMistriven Gorge
Champion EttinChampionVenison Pass
Uncategorized Fractal
Champion Ice WurmChampionDurmand Priory (location)
Champion Steam CommanderChampionThe Godspurs
FrostmawChampionBouldermouth Vale
Lord Ignius the EternalChampionVenison Pass
TGM-Christ/Selana TerrusLegendaryDurmand Priory (location)
TomtomChampionStonescatter Wash

Dredgehaunt Cliffs

 Has NPC rankLocated in
Champion Dredge CommissarChampionTribulation Rift
Champion Ice WurmChampionDurmand Priory (location)
Legendary ChampawatLegendaryTanglerot Hills
Verarium Delves
Reaper's Corridor
Glencarn Sperrins
Tribulation Caverns
Legendary ChukaLegendaryVerarium Delves
Glencarn Sperrins
Tribulation Caverns
Veteran Jotun LoremasterVeteran
Theign Spiritwalk

Timberline Falls

 Has NPC rankLocated in
Champion Cave TrollChampionDurmand Priory (location)
Overlook Caverns
Tail of the Serpent
Champion FleshreaverChampionGodslost Swamp
Gyre Rapids
Champion FrainnChampionGuilty Tears
Champion Jackdaw CaptainChampionGuilty Tears
Champion Krait WitchChampionNonmoa Lake
Champion RamChampionKrongar Pass
Champion Risen AbominationChampionSerpent Stones
Fields of Gold
Straits of Devastation
Giant SharkChampionNonmoa Lake

Frostgorge Sound

 Has NPC rankLocated in
Champion Ice Drake BroodmotherChampionLeopard's Tail Valley
Fractured Lake
Ice Spire Peaks
Rime Glen
Champion Icebrood BerserkerChampionFrostwalk Tundra
Champion Icebrood ClaymoreChampionHighpeaks
Champion Icebrood ElementalChampionEarthshake Basin
Frostwalk Tundra
Champion Icebrood FishChampionDrakkar Spurs
Champion Icebrood GoliathChampionSnowden Drifts
Honor of the Waves
Frostwalk Tundra
Bitterfrost Frontier
Asgeir's Legacy
Strike Mission: Cold War
Champion Icebrood HunterChampionFrostwalk Tundra
Champion Icebrood KodanChampionDrakkar Spurs
Asgeir's Legacy
Frost Rise
Champion Icebrood NornChampionDrakkar Spurs
Bitterfrost Frontier
Champion Icebrood QuagganChampionFrostwalk Tundra
Leopard's Tail Valley
Bitterfrost Frontier
Champion Icebrood TrollChampionFrostwalk Tundra
Black Ice Pass
Blizzard Basin
Hailstone Floe
Champion Icebrood WolfChampionFrostwalk Tundra
Central Data Repository
Bitterfrost Frontier
Champion Snow TrollChampionTrionic Lattice
Champion Son of SvanirChampionHighpeaks
Champion Undersea Ice WurmChampionThe Sea of Lamentation
Commander LonaiLegendaryThe Charge
The First City
Giant Blue OozeChampionArundon Vale
Icebrood AtrocityChampionThe Sea of Lamentation