Crecia Stoneglow
Crecia Stoneglow
- Race
- Charr
- Profession
- Elementalist
- Rank
- Champion
Legendary - Location
- Dragon Response Mission: Bloodtide Coast
(Bloodtide Coast)
Dragon Response Mission: Fields of Ruin
(Fields of Ruin)
Dragon Response Mission: Lake Doric
(Lake Doric)
Dragonstorm Arena
Festival Promenade
(Grothmar Valley)
Hall of Monuments
(Eye of the North)
Legions' Alcove
(Drizzlewood Coast)
Umbral Grotto
(Drizzlewood Coast) - Organization
- Blood Legion
Stone Warband
United Legions
Tyrian Alliance
“I was never some golden cub—nobody gave me anything. I had to EARN it!
Crecia Stoneglow, nicknamed Cre, is a member of the Stone Warband and a tribune in Imperator Bangar Ruinbringer's Blood Legion. She is Bangar's second-in-command and his shrewd Head of Security.[1] She excels at covert ops and is dedicated to her duty, using her cunning to her advantage. Crecia's Flame Legion heritage and innate skills as an elementalist might make some charr cagey, but her loyalty to her imperator and the legion that raised her is seemingly unshakeable.[2]
After defeating Bangar in the charr civil war between the Dominion and the United Legions, Crecia becomes the Imperator of the Blood Legion. |
Early years[edit]
Crecia's sire was a high-ranking shaman in the Flame Legion. Her dam fled the legion so Crecia could be raised somewhere safe, and the pair eventually reached the Blood Legion Homelands where Imperator Bangar Ruinbringer took them in and put Crecia through the fahrar to raise her in the Blood Legion. However, Crecia never forgot where she came from and who she and her dam had left behind.[3]
As a cub, Crecia was one the striplings, which is how the smallest cubs of her fahrar were called, and was bullied by stronger cubs. Eventually she and the other striplings banded together with the young Rytlock Brimstone as their leader and made the bullies stop by teaching them "a few lessons."[4] This band of striplings eventually formed the Stone Warband and was composed of about a dozen males and dozen females, with Crecia selecting the surname Stoneglow for herself.[5] While in the fahrar, Crecia and Rytlock often spotted ice elementals coming down from Shiverpeaks Pass.[6]
Some time after Crecia and Rytlock had graduated from the fahrar, Bangar ordered them to infiltrate the Flame Legion and sabotage it from the inside. Using her gender to her advantage, Crecia successfully poisoned food, stole plans and swapped orders under the noses of the Flame Legion who did not expect a female to be a spy for the Blood Legion.
While on the mission, Crecia and Rytlock learned that the garrison they were in had received Prince Rurik's lost sword Sohothin which Flame Legion agents had discovered on the Ring of Fire islands and were intending to deliver to Imperator Gaheron Baelfire. Crecia objected to Rytlock's plan to steal the sword as it would compromise their mission and put them both in danger; despite her warnings, however, Rytlock killed the guards protecting the sword and begged her to leave with him. Intent on keeping up her cover, Crecia stabbed Rytlock in the leg and sounded an alarm to make herself look less suspicious to the Flame Legion who chased after Rytlock.[7] Crecia successfully stayed undercover with the Flame Legion for years after Rytlock's departure. Around this time, she got close to Gaheron as part of her cover; once Rytlock learned about it, he was not pleased.[8]
Crecia eventually ended her mission and returned to the Blood Legion with the intel she had gathered. She told Bangar that she had only stabbed Rytlock in the leg during his escape from the garrison to make it "look good" in order to ensure the continuation of her mission. She was eventually promoted as the Blood Imperator's second-in-command, becoming his shrewd head of security as a tribune.[1] Many years later, Rytlock still thought about Crecia fondly.[7]
At some point, Crecia gave birth to Ryland Steelcatcher, who was sired by Rytlock. As was common among charr, Crecia cared for Ryland until the time of his weaning, after which she gave him to the fahrar to be raised in Blood Legion ways. Rytlock rarely visited them, leaving Crecia to watch over their son's progress in the legion.
The Icebrood Saga[edit]
Prologue: Bound by Blood[edit]
As the Flame Legion's power gradually diminished, Crecia attempted to persuade Bangar to sign a truce with the fracturing legion. Although the Blood Imperator dismissed her ideas for many years, he eventually grew to realize how the truce might strengthen his own power base, and he let Crecia reach out to an atoning Flame Legion splinter group led by Efram Greetsglory.
In 1332 AE, preparations were made for the All-Legion Rally in Grothmar Valley to not only celebrate the Elder Dragon Kralkatorrik's demise but to bring the four legions together so Bangar could reach out to all of them for his political purposes. The Blood Imperator took credit for the truce in the letters sent to various racial representatives, while Crecia handled the logistics of the political summit with visitors from many corners of Tyria.[3][9]
Crecia was present when Rytlock was summoned to meet Bangar. As second in command, she oversaw the All-Legion festival and was in charge of security. When word of Renegade movement threatened to interfere, she joined Rytlock and the Pact Commander as they approached Bangar with their concerns. She watched on in silence as Bangar pointed out that he considered Rytlock a failure and had taken better care of Ryland as a father figure than Rytlock himself had, which provoked Rytlock into attacking him and led to a vicious brawl between the two male charr. She chased Bangar and Ryland out into the Shiverpeaks during the storm, but even after witnessing Bangar's speech and Braham's stolen bow, she remained loyal to her Imperator and was certain that he had a good reason to be doing whatever he was doing.
Whisper in the Dark[edit]
Crecia went along the Pact Commander to Jora's Keep in Bjora Marches, willing to know the whereabouts of Bangar and Ryland.
After the Commander and Braham saved Jhavi Jorasdottir from the Svanir, Crecia and Rytlock set out to search for Almorra Soulkeeper in Svanir prisoner camps.
They helped take down the Fraenir of Jormag in the Raven Sanctum, then were sent to scout for a way through the mountains in order to follow Bangar, as she was convinced her imperator was under the influence of Jormag.
Shadow in the Ice[edit]
Crecia and Rytlock were captured by the kodan of Cloudseeker, who thought they were with Bangar's army. They were freed by Braham and the Commander, and went back on Bangar's trail. They managed to spot him as he split off his army to go straight for Drakkar, and then followed the Commander and Braham into Drakkar's lair.
There, she combined her elemental powers with Sohothin to pass through Jormag's ice. But as they approached Drakkar, Jormag's whispers grew stronger, leveraging the fear that the Commander might hurt, or even kill, Ryland if need be, turning Crecia and Rytlock against the Commander, as Braham channeled the Spirits' power. The Commander resisted the two charr and put them out of combat, while Braham and the Spirits defeated Drakkar.
The Whisper of Jormag then crawled out of Drakkar's mouth to speak and fight with the Commander. Bangar and Ryland arrived, rallying Rytlock and Crecia, and joined the Commander and Braham against the Whisper.
After defeating the Whisper, Bangar claimed to take credit for Drakkar's death, leading to an argument with the Commander, which ended with Bangar near-fatally shooting the Commander with Braham's bow. This enraged Braham, who lunged at Bangar, defended by Ryland. Crecia focused on the commander, calling Rytlock to help her take the Commander to safety.
No Quarter[edit]
With the charr civil war raging in Drizzlewood Coast, Crecia took command of the Blood Legion forces still loyal to the United Legions cause. She sent the Pact Commander a letter, inviting them to a parley with Ryland. She tried to convince him to stand against Bangar for the sake of the charr people, but Logan's and Kasmeer's sudden appearance gave Ryland an excuse to cut the talk short and leave. The assembly resumed strategizing, with Crecia trying to find a balance between Smodur's brute firepower and Malice Swordshadow's covert operations. After the meeting, she asked the Commander and Rytlock to help the troops.
When Rytlock heard Ryland's officers talking about a code, Crecia roughly deduced the Dominion hidden outpost's location in Breakroot Basin. After the Commander and Rytlock found the entrance, Crecia, Malice, Smodur and Efram joined them. Crecia agreed with Malice's plan to take the base stealthily, leaving Rytlock, Efram and an Iron Legion sentinel to guard the entrance. They progressed through the base, until Smodur could not stand stealth anymore, and blew the team's cover, attacking the Dominion forces, leading Cinder Steeltemper to come out for a confrontation. Crecia tried to persuade Cinder to surrender, to no avail. After Cinder's defeat, Crecia told everyone to let her live, as she was worth more alive than dead in order to negociate with Ryland. She had Malice quietly send word to him, while Smodur's aggressive warfare helped cover Malice's operations.
When Ryland arrived to the secret parley, Crecia tried to bring Ryland to reason and persuade him to turn on Bangar and join the United Legions. As her dam, knowing him, and with Cinder as a hostange, she almost succeeded, until Smodur had enough of diplomacy and stabbed Cinder to death. This threw Ryland into rage, and he swiftly attacked Smodur, only stopped by a flame shield created by Crecia. Feeling betrayed, Ryland fleed while his Dominion bodyguards blocked the path and attacked the party. The Commander, Crecia, Rytlock and Smodur ran after him, only to fall into Varinia Stormsounder's ambush at Wolf's Crossing, discovering the new charr of the Frost Legion. They defeated her, but had to run back to the hideout to flee the Dominion bombardment.
Jormag Rising[edit]
Crecia gathered with the Commander, Rytlock, Braham and Malice near Leadfoot Village to disable Dominion siege cannons and free a path to Legions' Alcove. She then asked the Commander to disable Dominion transmitter towers identified by Malice.
She plays the role of arbiter between Braham and Smodur when the next course of action is discussed, until they are interrupted by Smodur's assassination by Ryland. After they repelled the Frost Legion attack, Crecia asked who was Smodur's second-in-command, but appointed Efram Greetsglory as temporary leader of the Iron Legion troops, since Mia Kindleshot, Smodur's lieutenant, was not immediately available.
After the Commander gathered the Spirits idols, Crecia and Rytlock joined them and Braham to unlock the door in the Sanctum of the Wild. Together with Crecia, Rytlock and Braham, the Commander rushed inside, after they ordered Efram, Malice and Kasmeer to launch the assault on the Frost Citadel's main gate.
They progressed through the tunnel under the citadel, fighting through Frost Legion troops, with Crecia and Rytlock once again melting ice walls thanks to Crecia's magic and Sohothin, until they reached a wall so thick Crecia's power was not enough. The Commander used a bazooka to blast a hole in the roof, allowing Efram and Malice to join them. Crecia and Efram combined their fire powers on Sohothin to melt the ice, letting them reach Jormag's chamber, where the four main Spirits of the Wild were contained, and where Bangar was waiting. The allies engaged Bangar, later joined by Ryland, who rebelled against Bangar for Jormag's favor. Crecia tried to persuade Ryland that waking Jormag was a bad idea, without result. Despite the Commander freeing the Spirits, Jormag still awoke. But Bangar, to his surprise, was only made Voice of Jormag, while Ryland was granted the real title and power of Champion. Seeing what Bangar had become, Crecia did not want him near the charr people, and he was taken to Aurene in the Eye of the North.
There, Crecia finally had an opportunity to confer in depth with Bangar. Angered and hurt by her mentor's betrayal, she demanded him to give her a reason not to kill him. When Bangar explained that Jormag had made him their vessel to speak through, Crecia did not accept the answer as the Ice Dragon could simply find another means to contact Aurene even if Bangar perished. When Bangar suggested that he knew Ryland better than anyone else and could offer valuable information about what he was likely to do, Crecia dismissed him yet again by pointing out that Bangar had not seen Ryland's betrayal coming and was just as uninformed about him as everyone else was. When Bangar attempted to win Crecia over one last time by suggesting that she would miss his sparkling wit, Crecia revealed that she already missed the charr she had once looked up to but she no longer felt any sympathy for the creature Bangar had let himself become.
Demanding more answers, Crecia asked if Bangar had always been as hateful and manipulative and that she had simply been too devoted to him to realize the truth. When she accused him of murdering Almorra, Bangar tried to defend his actions by stating that Almorra had tried to stop him from saving the charr so he had been forced to act. However, Crecia did not accept the justification, pointing out that the former Blood Imperator had left a mess behind that she, as his successor, would now have to clean up. Crecia finally asked Bangar about his role as the Voice of Jormag and if the connection cut both ways so anyone could try to speak to the Ice Dragon through him. Bangar admitted that he did not know how the process worked, so Crecia tested it out by seeking Jormag's audience. However, no response came, and Bangar suggested that Jormag simply did not care about what mortals like Crecia had to say.
Chapter 1: Truce[edit]
Crecia is the first person Rytlock wishes to inform of Primordus' activity after the Destroyers attacked Rata Sum.
Chapter 2: Power[edit]
Crecia was in the Fields of Ruin, dealing with Renegades, when Destroyers attacked Ebonhawke. Kasmeer feared the possible consequences of a charr imperator marching into the city gates. After Crecia's obvious help in repelling the Destroyers, she, Kasmeer and the Commander were hopeful that animosities between charr and humans would be a thing of the past. She confirmed to the Commander that Bangar was behind the charr renegades' power.
She and Rytlock were assisting Logan to fortify against Destroyers near Divinity's Reach when Jormag's forces, abusing their confidence, attacked Lake Doric's population. Crecia sent a distress call to the Commander, and they set about liberating the soldiers and villagers from the ice. Crecia called out Ryland about preying on innocent people, but they realized that Ryland had no interest in any sort of meaningful cease-fire, and only wanted to build Jormag's army, eliminate Primordus, thus creating a new world in Jormag's vision, with Ryland as a leader on behalf of his Elder Dragon.
Chapter 3: Balance[edit]
Along with Malice Swordshadow, Crecia reached out to the Olmakhan for a long-term alliance, since she wanted them to see how the charr, especially the Flame Legion, had changed. She called the Commander to join them, along with Rox, in Bloodtide Coast, were they were to lead negotiations. An icebrood attack on the region put a hold to the process, as the four of them fought back Jormag forces, in the end consolidating bonds between the United Legions and the Olmakhan.
Chapter 4: Judgment[edit]
Crecia was present during Dragonstorm, the violent and final confrontation between Jormag and Primordus, through their respective champions Ryland and Braham.
After the Dragons twins' deaths, Crecia and Rytlock found Ryland, still corrupted by Jormag, but considerably weakened by his master's demise. They tried, one last time, to reason their cub, to make him surrender and face the legions' justice, but still had to fight him, with the help of the Commander.
With Ryland near death, Crecia put him within a fire shield to tell him how she had to fight to get what she had, how Ryland had everything for him to have a bright future and spoiled it by allying with Jormag, and how she was ashamed to have born him and now wished she would have killed him sooner to spare the world. In a last fit of rage, Ryland snapped out of the shield and jumped at Crecia, trying to stab her with an ice pick in hand, but he was intercepted by Rytlock, who drove Sohothin through Ryland's chest. Rytlock laid Ryland on the ground, muttering to him that it was over, and that Ryland had nothing left to prove, while he and Crecia grieved their fallen son.
End of Dragons[edit]
Janthir Wilds[edit]
Story involvement[edit]
The Icebrood Saga[edit]
- Prologue: Bound by Blood
- Episode 1: Whisper in the Dark
- Episode 2: Shadow in the Ice
- Chasing Ghosts
- Still Waters Speaking (voice only)
- Lost Spirits Found (voice only)
- The Hunt Begins (voice only)
- Voice in the Deep
- Episode 3: No Quarter
- Episode 4: Jormag Rising
- Episode 5: Champions
End of Dragons story[edit]
- Act 5
- The Only One (cutscene only)
Janthir Wilds story[edit]
Combat abilities[edit]
- Abilities (since Behind Enemy Lines)
- Abilities (during One Charr, One Dragon, One Champion)
- Abilities (during the epilogue of One Charr, One Dragon, One Champion, in the Eye of the North during the Confer with Bangar achievement, and in Dragon Response Mission: Fields of Ruin and Dragon Response Mission: Lake Doric)
- Skills
- Searing Slash - Heat your sword a final time and use the full power of your flames to sear enemies and ignite them.
Fire Swipe - Heat your sword a second time and strike your enemies for increased damage.
Fire Strike - Build elemental flames into your sword and strike your enemies.
- Flame Uprising - Jump forward and deliver a fiery blast to the area.
- Dual Attack. Quickly strike enemies in front of you with the extreme nature of fire and water. Twin Strike -
- Skills (During Voice in the Deep)
- Slice
- Stab
- Focused Elemental Flame - Combines with Rytlock Brimstone to channel Sohothin's flames in a directed attack.
Drizzlewood Coast[edit]
- In Umbral Grotto
- I know it's rough out there, Commander. But we just need to keep pushing against Bangar's forces. I know we'll make it. We have to.
- I'll keep at it. Hang in there.
- In Legions' Alcove
- Any help you can give us would be appreciated, Commander.
- There's a fair bit to manage, but we're holding things together. We'll be ready to move when the time comes.
- Understood.
Consider it given. You doing all right?
- I'll do what I can.
Eye of the North[edit]
- See also: Bangar Ruinbringer#During the Confer with Bangar achievement
- The Legions are still fractured, but thanks to your help we've held together. We'll repay that debt, Commander.
- Ryland...
- He's made his choices. I only hope he's ready to accept the consequences.
- Me, too.
About - Good-bye.
- Screenshots
Appearance when transformed by an Ash Legion disguise tonic.
Ryland Steelcatcher delivers the Dominion's ultimatum to the United Legions leadership during Pointed Parley.
Smodur the Unflinching, Rytlock Brimstone, Crecia, and Efram Greetsglory ponder their next move in the No Quarter trailer.
Ryland Steelcatcher tries to sway Crecia to release Cinder Steeltemper from captivity during Turnabout.
Crecia battling destroyers.
Crecia with Anja, Logan Thackeray and Rytlock Brimstone in Lake Doric.
- Concept art and promotional
Crecia's introduction in the Living World magazine.
No Quarter banner with Ryland Steelcatcher and Crecia.
Champions Chapter 2: Power wallpaper with Crecia, Kasmeer Meade, Logan Thackeray, and Ogden Stonehealer.
Related achievements[edit]
Shadow in the Ice: Fire Dodger — Avoid the Flame Jet attack in the Voice in the Deep chapter. (1 )
Jormag Rising: Confer with Bangar — Speak with Bangar Ruinbringer at the Eye of the North. (2
Janthir Wilds: Act 1: Everyone Loves Democracy — Listen to every delegate's thoughts on the vote. (1 )
Janthir Wilds: Act 1: Rubbing Shoulders — Mingle with all of the delegates before the meeting comes to session. (1 )
- Crecia is voiced by Cherise Boothe.[10]
- She is seen wearing:
- A unique mask.
- Conjurer Mantle
- Trickster's Vest
- Student Gloves
- Heritage Pants
- Elegy Walkers
See also[edit]
- Associated items
- ^ a b Tweet by Tom Abernathy,
- ^ Guild Wars 2 Living World - Issue 01,
- ^ a b Bad Blood
- Rytlock Brimstone: Surprised he finally agreed to a truce with Flame. Crecia's been banging that drum for years...
- Rytlock Brimstone: Her sire was a high-ranking shaman. Dam fled their legion so her cub could be raised somewhere safe.
- Rytlock Brimstone: Bangar took them in. Put Crecia through our fahrar, but she never forgot where she came from. Or who they left behind.
- ^ "Chapter 15: Edge of Steel", Edge of Destiny by J. Robert King:
- "Things like... well, like..." Rytlock huffed, making a decision. "All right, here goes: being with the two of you is like being with the striplings."
- "What?"
- "That's what they called us," Rytlock reflected. "In my fahrar—that's the pack they put you in when you're born—in my fahrar they called the smallest of us the striplings."
- "You were small?" Logan asked incredulously.
- "I was the youngest. The smallest. They called me Runtlock."
- "Runtlock!" Logan snorted.
- "I made them stop," Rytlock growled ominously. "I did, and the other striplings did. We banded together, and I was the leader. We taught the bullies a few lessons. Still can't stand bullies."
- ^ "Chapter 10: Magma Monsters", Edge of Destiny by J. Robert King:
- "Mercenary scout for a supply caravan in the Blazeridges?" Rytlock said. "That's about as far from your brother as you can get."
- Logan looked at his hands. "Guess so." They sat awhile in silence before he asked, "You got any brothers?"
- "About a dozen," Rytlock said with a rueful laugh, "and a dozen sisters."
- "Big family."
- Rytlock shook his head. "Charr don't have families. We have warbands. The bonds are even stronger."
- Logan's eyes grew wide. "Was that them, back there? That funeral pyre?"
- "Course not," Rytlock snapped. "Those were Iron Legion. I'm Blood Legion."
- "You guys all look alike," Logan said with a shrug. "So, where's your warband?"
- "Back east somewhere. I left them."
- That comment hung in the air between them. "Why?"
- "My reasons are my own."
- ^ A Race to Arms
- Rytlock Brimstone: Are those...elementals trapped in the ice?
- Crecia Stoneglow: They used to come down from the mountains sometimes. When we were still in the fahrar...
- Rytlock Brimstone: I remember.
- Crecia Stoneglow: Just like old times.
- ^ a b Requiem: Rytlock
- ^ The Wind and Nothing More
- Rytlock Brimstone: Oh, you want espionage? Gonna cozy up with the Svanir the same way you did with Gaheron?
- Crecia Stoneglow: I did what I had to!
- ^ Coming Home
- Crecia Stoneglow: These are the strongest and bravest of the Legions. The very best of us.
- Rytlock Brimstone: Flame too, huh? Bangar's letter took all the credit for that, but I recognise your handiwork when I see it.
- ^ Talk:Prologue: Bound by Blood