Champion Risen Noble

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Champion Risen Noble

Champion Risen Nobles are Risen minions of Zhaitan that have skills similar to a thief's and specialize in dealing point blank AoE damage while inflicting weakness.


Ruins of Orr

Event involvement[edit]

Event boss (tango icon).png [Group Event] Secure the Pact staging area at Shank Anchorage (80) (only when upscaled)

Combat abilities[edit]

  • Shadowsteps
  • Creates Symbols
  • Double Strike Double Strike - Hits twice
  • Redirect Arrow.pngWild Strike Wild Strike
  • Thrown Dagger - Projectile - causes Poisoned.png Poisoned
  • Locust Breath - Point blank AoE aura that pulses every 1s and causes Weakness.png Weakness
  • Shadowstep Shadowstep - Moves to targeted are and creates persistent AoE circle that pulls to center when cast, pulses every 1s and causes Weakness.png Weakness
Stolen skills


Name Type Rarity Quantity
Gilded Strongbox.png Gilded Coffer Container Exotic 1
Loot Sack.png Heavy Moldy Bag Container Basic 1
Loot Sack.png Large Moldy Bag Container Basic 1
Ancient Bone.png Ancient Bone Crafting material Rare 1
Large Bone.png Large Bone Crafting material Fine 1
Porous Bone.png Porous Bone Trophy Junk 1