Champion War Beast

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Champion War Beasts are powerful rock dogs that are controlled by the centaurs. The Modniir specifically use them as tools of fear to control the other tribes, and train them to seek out human flesh.



Event involvement[edit]

Event boss (tango icon).png [Group Event] Slay the centaur war beast (30)
Event boss (tango icon).png [Group Event] Defeat Ulgoth the Modniir and his minions (43)

Combat abilities[edit]

  • Knockback

DefianceDefiance bar teal.png

Stolen skills


Name Type Rarity Quantity Creature level
Embroidered Saddlebag.png Embroidered Saddlebag Container Fine 1 30
Embroidered Saddlebag.png Embroidered Saddlebag Container Exotic 1 30, 42
Supply Bag.png Light Supply Bag Container Basic 1 30
Hoof (9 copper).png Hoof Trophy Junk 1 30, 42

Related achievements[edit]


  • They are affected by potions/sigils of Centaur Slaying and count towards Centaur Slayer.
  • The war beast also spawns in Point of interest (map icon).png The Beastpool upon breaking down the gate of the outer fence.