List of champions

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This article is a list of open world champion-rank enemies. Guild Bounty targets and champions from upscaled events are not included in this list.


Name Level Race Area Zone Event
Champion Badazar's Champion 7 Grawl Martyr's Woods Plains of Ashford Defeat the enraged grawl rampaging through Martyr's Woods
Champion Flame Legion Effigy 8 Construct Charr's Triumph Plains of Ashford Destroy the effigy before it reaches the Victory Cenotaph
Siegemaster Lormar 13 Ghost Ascalon City Ruins Plains of Ashford Kill Siegemaster Lormar
Champion Stonecrag Ogre Chieftain 15 Ogre Cadem Forest Plains of Ashford Capture Stonecrag Kraal
Champion Plains Wurm 16 Wurm Halrunting Plains Diessa Plateau Defeat the plains wurm before Karris Quickcalm must return to Butcher's Block
Champion Giant 18 Giant Town of Nageling Diessa Plateau Defeat the giant assaulting the Town of Nageling
Champion Cave Spider 22 Spider Spider Nest Cavern Diessa Plateau Defeat the champion
Champion Separatist Instigator 22 Human The Breached Wall Diessa Plateau Assassinate the separatist instigator
Rhendak the Crazed 28 Charr Flame Temple Tombs Diessa Plateau Defeat Rhendak the Crazed
Champion Separatist Leader 30 Human Stronghold of Ebonhawke Fields of Ruin Defeat the escaped Separatist Leader
Chief Otyugh 34 Ogre Wildlin Narrows Fields of Ruin Defeat Chief Otyugh
Champion Foulbear Weapon Master 34 Ogre Hunter's Gorge Fields of Ruin Assault Foulbear Kraal by killing its leaders before the ogres can rally
Champion Foulbear Master Trainer 34 Ogre Hunter's Gorge Fields of Ruin Assault Foulbear Kraal by killing its leaders before the ogres can rally
Champion Stravig the Defender 34 Ogre Hunter's Gorge Fields of Ruin Destroy Foulbear Kraal before the ogres can rally
Champion Foulbear Chieftain 34 Ogre Hunter's Gorge Fields of Ruin Kill the Foulbear Chieftain and her elite guards before the ogres can rally
Champion Wasp Queen 35 Insect Warrior's Crown Fields of Ruin Kill the giant wasps in the Ebonhawke Delegation
Champion Wasp Soldier 35 Insect Warrior's Crown Fields of Ruin Kill the giant wasps in the Ebonhawke Delegation
Champion Giant Branded Devourer 36 Branded Sniper's Woods Fields of Ruin Defeat the giant branded devourer
Champion Separatist Leader 36 Human Warrior's Crown Fields of Ruin Fight the Separatist assassins at Summit Peak
Champion Branded Griffon 39 Branded Tenaebron Lake Fields of Ruin Draw out and defeat the giant Branded griffon
Champion Branded Earth Elemental 40 Branded Dragonrot Domains Fields of Ruin Defeat the Branded earth elemental
Champion Branded Fish 40 Branded Tenaebron Lake Fields of Ruin Search Tenaebron Lake with the Sentinels
Champion Ogre Beastmaster 43 Ogre Soot Road Blazeridge Steppes Help Lieutenant Fynn and Kor the Warcaller assault Sootpan Kraal
Champion Ogre Chieftain 43 Ogre Gastor Gullet Blazeridge Steppes Help Lieutenant Fynn and Kor the Warcaller's assault on the Behemian Grand Kraal
Champion Plains Wurm 50 Wurm Terra Combusta Blazeridge Steppes Kill the giant plains wurm
Champion Mordrem Vile Thrasher 57 Mordrem Monger's Sink Iron Marches Defeat the Mordrem champion
Champion Victurus the Shattered 58 Branded Crystalwept Groves Iron Marches Defeat Victurus and his Branded army
Champion Branded Devourer Queen 59 Branded The Infestation Iron Marches Kill the Branded devourer queen
Champion Drakin Cinderspire 60 Charr Scorchlands Iron Marches Defeat the fire shaman and his minions
Champion Brackish Skale 62 Skale Sati Passage Fireheart Rise Defeat the Champion Brackish Skale before it escapes
Vidius Flame Tribune 62 Charr Buloh Crossing Fireheart Rise Kill the Flame Legion tribune at Vidius Castrum to secure it for the legions
Giant Undersea Ice Wurm 67 Wurm Highland Thaw Fireheart Rise Pacify the lake by destroying the threat to the fishers of Haymal Gore
Champion Alpha Wolf 70 Canine Sloven Pitch Fireheart Rise Defeat the champion (Champion Alpha Wolf)


Name Level Race Area Zone Event
Champion Vic the Iron 10 Human Eastern Divinity Dam Queensdale Defeat the wanted bandit leader (Vic the Iron)
Champion Zirh the Venomous 10 Human Clayent Falls Queensdale Defeat the wanted bandit leader (Zirh the Venomous)
Champion Draithor the Drill 16 Centaur Draithor's Demesnes Kessex Hills Slay Draithor before he experiments on captives or Help Aria Venom slay Draithor the Drill
Champion Varre the Underhanded 16 Human Delanian Foothills Kessex Hills Defeat the wanted bandit leader (Varre the Underhanded)
Champion Toxic Spider Queen 20 Spider Earthlord's Gap Kessex Hills Defeat the toxic spider queen
Champion Temvay the Arrogant 20 Human Manefire Hills Kessex Hills Defeat the wanted bandit leader (Temvay the Arrogant)
Champion Destroyer Harpy 21 Destroyer Dominion Killing Zone Kessex Hills Defeat the destroyer harpy
The Blood Witch 23 Krait Viathan Lake Kessex Hills Stop the krait blood witch
Champion Ruye the Crimson 23 Human Halacon Cataracts Kessex Hills Defeat the wanted bandit leader (Ruye the Crimson)
Champion Bandit Foreman 24 Human Viath Shore Kessex Hills Defeat the champion bandit foreman before he finishes collecting ore for centaurs
Champion Harathi Overlord 25 Centaur Meremoot Hill Kessex Hills Kill the Harathi overlord
Champion Tamini Mogul 27 Centaur Stonebore Vaults Gendarran Fields Kill the Tamini moguls to weaken centaur forces
Champion Lenner the Eagle-Eyed 27 Human Talajian Piedmont Gendarran Fields Defeat the wanted bandit leader (Lenner the Eagle-Eyed)
Champion Cave Troll 28 Troll Overlook Caverns Gendarran Fields Defeat the champion
Ketsurak 27 Risen The Lawen Ponds Gendarran Fields Defeat the champion
Champion Enraged Spider Queen 30 Spider Almuten Estates Gendarran Fields Defeat the champion
Champion Harathi Warrior 30 Centaur Ascalon Settlement Gendarran Fields Liberate Ascalon Settlement from the centaurs
Champion War Beast 30 Elemental Ascalon Settlement Gendarran Fields Slay the centaur war beast
Captain Wiley 33 Asura Provern Shore Gendarran Fields Stop Captain Wiley before he finishes scouring the ship for treasure
Champion Ezal the Quick 37 Human Wynchona Woods Harathi Hinterlands Defeat the wanted bandit leader (Ezal the Quick)
Champion Modniir Overlord 37 Centaur Thunder Rock Harathi Hinterlands Kill the champion Modniir overlord
Gargantula 37 Spider Wynchona Woods Harathi Hinterlands Kill Gargantula, the spider broodmother
Champion Sharky the Destroyer 39 Shark Arca Lake Harathi Hinterlands Defeat the champion
Champion Ulssen the Anvil 40 Human Greenflin Plateau Harathi Hinterlands Defeat the wanted bandit leader (Ulssen the Anvil)
Champion Kol Skullsmasher 42 Giant Hidden Ourobon Harathi Hinterlands Help Shining Blade Kimber defeat Kol Skullsmasher
Modniir Ulgoth 43 Centaur Modniir Gorge Harathi Hinterlands Defeat Ulgoth the Modniir and his minions
Champion Deep Sea Shark 46 Shark Sorrowful Sound Bloodtide Coast Kill the Deep Sea Shark
Rampaging Jungle Troll 50 Troll Risewild Hills Bloodtide Coast Kill the rampaging jungle troll
Giant Blood Ooze 52 Ooze Mole's Head Bloodtide Coast Kill the giant blood ooze
Champion Canyon Spider Queen 52 Spider Challdar Gorges Bloodtide Coast Kill the crazed champion canyon spider queen
Champion Risen Covington Captain 50 Risen Flooded Castavall Bloodtide Coast Slay the Orrian Terror from the deep
Champion Orrian Terror 55 Risen Laughing Gull Island Bloodtide Coast Protect Bill and Hekja as they clear Risen from the area
Champion Reef Shark 80 Shark Sawtooth Bay Southsun Cove Kill the reef shark in Sawtooth Bay
Champion Karka 80 Karka Bakestone Cavern Southsun Cove Defeat the champion
Champion Karka Hive Defender 80 Karka Captain's Retreat Southsun Cove Clear the karka and their eggs to rebuild Camp Karka

Maguuma Jungle[edit]

Name Level Race Area Zone Event
Champion Hylek Cuicani 15 Hylek Tears of Itlaocol Caledon Forest Defeat the champion
Champion Avatar of Blight 15 Mordrem Wychmire Swamp Caledon Forest Destroy the avatars of blight
Champion Steam Ogre 18 Steam creature Thaumanova Reactor Metrica Province Defeat the misplaced steam ogre
Unseen Hunter 16 Largos Zinder Slope Brisban Wildlands Protect the Wyld Hunt party from the unseen hunter
Champion Flyrra the Remorseless 21 Bandit Gnashar's Hills Brisban Wildlands Defeat the wanted bandit leader (Flyrra the Remorseless)
Bandit Leader Robbari 22 Bandit The Gallowfields Brisban Wildlands Defeat the bandit leader Robbari
Ebon Knight Cariaddar 23 Nightmare Court Vandal's Claim Brisban Wildlands Defeat the Sinister Triad
Champion Ogotl Priestess 25 Hylek Gotala Cascade Brisban Wildlands Defeat the enraged priestess
Champion Demagogue 26 Ghost Aurora's Remains Brisban Wildlands Draw out and destroy the Demagogue's spirit
Champion Risen Juggernaut 63 Risen Aleem's Penance Sparkfly Fen Destroy the Risen juggernaut
Champion Risen Megalodon 56 Risen Orvanic Shore Sparkfly Fen Kill the Risen shark
Champion Risen Lich 57 Risen Orvanic Shore Sparkfly Fen Destroy the champion Risen lich
Champion Jungle Troll 63 Troll Thundertroll Swamp Sparkfly Fen Slay the massive jungle troll
Champion Krait Hypnoss 64 Krait Splintered Coast Sparkfly Fen Defeat the champion
Champion Jungle Skelk Lurker 64 Skelk Sootberme Mount Maelstrom Defeat the champion jungle skelk lurker before it escapes
Champion Mysterious Fire Creature 65 Elemental Mon Maelstrom Mount Maelstrom Defeat the mysterious fire creature
Megadestroyer 66 Destroyer Maelstrom's Bile Mount Maelstrom Kill the megadestroyer before it blows everyone up
Champion Fluffy 68 Fish Benthic Kelp Beds Mount Maelstrom Defeat Aquabase Terror-Seven's massive pet, Fluffy
Champion Krait Hypnoss 68 Krait The Mire Sea Mount Maelstrom Defeat the champion
Champion Terror-Seven Krewe Leader 68 Asura Benthic Kelp Beds Mount Maelstrom Defeat the krewe leader at Aquabase Terror-Seven
Champion Mark II Golem 70 Golem Infinite Coil Reactor Mount Maelstrom Defeat the Champion
Champion Infinity Coil Commander 70 Asura Infinite Coil Reactor Mount Maelstrom Capture the Infinity Coil

Ruins of Orr[edit]

Name Level Race Area Zone Event
Champion Risen Megalodon 72 Risen Terzetto Bay Straits of Devastation Kill the Risen megalodon menacing explorers between Fort Trinity and Orr
Champion Risen Archmage 74 Risen Elysium Beach Straits of Devastation Defeat the Risen and free Agent Raia from her broken battlesuit
Champion Risen Captain 75 Risen Triumph Plaza Straits of Devastation Defeat the champion
Champion Risen Abomination 75 Risen Cathedral of Glorious Victory Straits of Devastation Spawns during Defeat the Risen Priest of Balthazar before it can summon a horde of Risen
Champion Risen Giant 75 Risen Triumph Plaza Straits of Devastation Use the Pact weapons to kill the Risen giant guarding the area near the temple of Balthazar
Champion Mark II YF-Gold 75 Golem Waste Hollows Malchor's Leap Defeat the Mark II YF-Gold golem that's destroying the area
Champion Risen Hylek Petmaster 76 Risen Mirror Bay Malchor's Leap Defeat the undead hylek petmaster and his pet
Champion Risen Acolyte 78 Risen Cathedral of Eternal Radiance Malchor's Leap Spawns during Kill the Corrupted High Priestess
Champion Risen Brute 78 Risen Cathedral of Eternal Radiance Malchor's Leap Spawns during Kill the Corrupted High Priestess
Champion Risen Farmer 78 Risen Cathedral of Eternal Radiance Malchor's Leap Spawns during Kill the Corrupted High Priestess
Champion Risen Giant 78 Risen Blighted Arch Malchor's Leap Defeat the Risen Giant
Champion Risen Plague Carrier 78 Risen Cathedral of Eternal Radiance Malchor's Leap Spawns during Kill the Corrupted High Priestess
Champion Risen Thrall 78 Risen Cathedral of Eternal Radiance Malchor's Leap Spawns during Kill the Corrupted High Priestess
Champion Risen Villager 78 Risen Cathedral of Eternal Radiance Malchor's Leap Spawns during Kill the Corrupted High Priestess
Champion Risen Wraith 78 Risen Cathedral of Eternal Radiance Malchor's Leap Defend the Seal of Union from corruption
Champion Giant Risen Krill 79 Risen Drowned Brine Malchor's Leap Defeat the trio of Risen sea monsters
Champion Risen Knight 79 Risen Karst Plains Malchor's Leap Kill the Risen knight that stalks the path through the ruins
Champion Risen Worshipper 79 Risen Karst Plains Malchor's Leap Defeat the Risen worshippers of Dwayna in King's Passage
Champion Risen Vigil Tactician 79 Risen Snaketail Inlet Malchor's Leap Defeat the Vigil Tactician that has been taken over by Zhaitan
Risen Priestess of Dwayna 79 Risen Cathedral of Zephyrs Malchor's Leap Defeat the Risen Priestess of Dwayna
Champion Risen Putrifier 80 Risen Blighted Arch Malchor's Leap Defeat the champion
Captain Rotbeard 80 Risen Desmina's Hallows Cursed Shore Defeat the Risen pirate Captain Rotbeard
Champion Ooze King 80 Ooze Craven Blight Cursed Shore Defeat the ooze king
Champion Risen Abomination 80 Risen Fields of Gold Cursed Shore Defeat the Risen abomination wandering outside the walls of Caer Shadowfain
Champion Risen Archmage 80 Risen Pursuit Pass Cursed Shore Defeat the champion
Champion Risen Drake Broodmother 80 Risen Winterknell Shore Cursed Shore Destroy the Risen broodmother to free Rakkan
Champion Risen Giant 80 Risen Craven Blight Cursed Shore Defeat the champion
Champion Risen Giant 80 Risen Promenade of the Gods Cursed Shore Help the Pact seize the steps of the Promenade of the Gods
Champion Risen Gladiator 80 Risen Fields of Gold Cursed Shore Defeat the Champion of the Gladiators
Champion Risen Groundskeeper 80 Risen Winterknell Isle Cursed Shore Defeat the crazed Risen groundskeeper
Champion Risen King 80 Risen Azabe Qabar, the Royal Tombs Cursed Shore Protect Explorer Loana and defeat the Risen King
Champion Risen Megalodon 80 Risen Mausollus Sea Cursed Shore Kill the champion Risen megalodon that shipwrecked Camelia
Champion Risen Spider 80 Risen Cathedral of Silence Cursed Shore Spawns during Defend the Pact interrupter device while it charges to cleanse the temple
Champion Risen Spider 80 Risen Cathedral of Verdance Cursed Shore Spawns during Cover Keeper Jonez Deadrun as he performs the cleansing ritual
Champion Risen Spider 80 Risen Noose Road Cursed Shore Spawns during Defend the Pact Camp at Shelter's Gate
Champion Risen Wraith 80 Risen Cathedral of Silence Cursed Shore Spawns during Cover Keeper Jonez Deadrun as he performs the cleansing ritual

Shiverpeak Mountains[edit]

Name Level Race Area Zone Event
Champion Svanir Shaman Chief 10 Norn Frusenfell Creek Wayfarer Foothills Kill the Svanir shaman chief to break his control over the ice elemental
Champion Svanir Marauder 15 Icebrood Svanir's Dome Wayfarer Foothills Kill the corrupted leader of the Sons of Svanir
Champion Icebrood Goliath 16 Icebrood Tromigar Valley Snowden Drifts Defeat the champion icebrood goliath
Champion Imbued Aberration 17 Icebrood Dragon's Rising Snowden Drifts Kill the Imbued Icebrood Champion
Champion Imbued Aberration 22 Icebrood Hrothgar's Pass Snowden Drifts Kill the Imbued Icebrood Champion
Champion Imbued Aberration 24 Icebrood Skradden Slopes Snowden Drifts Kill the Imbued Icebrood Champion
Champion Modniir Leader 25 Centaur Darkhoof Heights Snowden Drifts Defeat the Modniir leader
Champion Snow Troll Leader 25 Troll Darkhoof Heights Snowden Drifts Defeat the champion (Champion Snow Troll Leader)
Champion Icebrood Shaman 25 Icebrood Jormabakke Stead Snowden Drifts Destroy the icebrood shaman
Champion Cave Troll 30 Troll Posternus Caverns Lornar's Pass Defeat the champion
Champion Steam Commander 30 Steam creature Lake of Lamentation Lornar's Pass Stop the steam creature command squad
Champion Ice Wurm 31 Wurm Posternus Caverns Lornar's Pass Defeat the champion
Frostmaw 32 Wurm Bouldermouth Vale Lornar's Pass Defeat the champion
Champion Ettin 40 Ettin Venison Pass Lornar's Pass Defeat the champion
Champion Ice Wurm 41 Wurm Steelbrachen Dredgehaunt Cliffs Defeat the champion
Champion Ram 52 Ram Krongar Pass Timberline Falls Defeat the champion
Champion Jotun Magekiller 45 Jotun Theign Spiritwalk Dredgehaunt Cliffs Kill the jotun abomination destroying the Priory camp
Champion Dredge Commissar 50 Dredge Tribulation Rift Dredgehaunt Cliffs Defeat the dredge commissar (Dredgehaunt Cliffs)
Champion Frainn 54 Asura Guilty Tears Timberline Falls Put a stop to the Mighty Oouo
Champion Fleshreaver 56 Fleshreaver Gyre Rapids Timberline Falls Defeat the champion fleshreaver
Champion Krait Witch 60 Krait Nonmoa Lake Timberline Falls Kill the krait witch
Giant Blue Ooze 72 Ooze Arundon Vale Frostgorge Sound Defeat the giant blue ooze
Champion Icebrood Berserker 74 Icebrood Wayward Climb Frostgorge Sound Liberate Ridgerock Camp from the Sons of Svanir
Champion Icebrood Quaggan 74 Icebrood Wayward Climb Frostgorge Sound Destroy the champion icebrood quaggan
Champion Ice Drake Broodmother 74 Drake Leopard's Tail Valley Frostgorge Sound Defeat the champion
Champion Undersea Ice Wurm 77 Wurm The Sea of Lamentation Frostgorge Sound Defeat the champion
Icebrood Atrocity 78 Icebrood The Sea of Lamentation Frostgorge Sound Defeat the Icebrood Atrocity
Champion Icebrood Norn 79 Icebrood Drakkar Spurs Frostgorge Sound Defeat the three Drakkar Spurs champions
Champion Icebrood Fish 79 Icebrood Drakkar Spurs Frostgorge Sound Defeat the three Drakkar Spurs champions
Champion Icebrood Kodan 79 Icebrood Drakkar Spurs Frostgorge Sound Defeat the three Drakkar Spurs champions
Champion Snow Troll 80 Troll Trionic Lattice Frostgorge Sound Defeat the champion

Maguuma Wastes[edit]

Name Level Race Area Zone Event
Colocal Queen 80 Griffon Dry Top Slay the colocal queen
Champion N4-SR 80 Golem Dry Top Defeat the champion N4-SR before the Inquest can lock down their base
Experimental Aspect Suit 80 Golem Dry Top Defeat the Inquest's experimental Aspect suit
Champion Inquest Blaster Krewe Leader 80 Asura Dry Top Shut down the Inquest experimentation into Aspect crystals
Champion Devourer Queen 80 Devourer Dry Top Defeat the champion devourer queen
Dust Mite Twister 80 Dust Mite Dry Top Defeat the dust mite twister!
Queen Chrii'kkt IV 80 Skritt Dry Top Defeat Queen Chrii'kkt IV and her royal subjects
Dust Monster 80 Elemental Dry Top Defeat the dust monster!
Champion Giant Beetle 80 Beetle Dry Top Defeat the giant beetle
Bloodscale 80 Drake Dry Top Slay the rare creature (Bloodscale)
Dune Soarer 80 Wind Rider Dry Top Slay the rare creature (Dune Soarer)
Grit 80 Elemental Dry Top Slay the rare creature (Grit)
Sand Savage 80 Devourer Dry Top Slay the rare creature (Sand Savage)
Sol Eater 80 Griffon Dry Top Slay the rare creature (Sol Eater)
Champion Mordrem Husk Copper 80 Mordrem The Silverwastes Defeat Mordremoth's champion
Champion Mordrem Thrasher Platinum 80 Mordrem The Silverwastes Defeat Mordremoth's champion
Champion Mordrem Troll Iron 80 Mordrem The Silverwastes Defeat Mordremoth's champion
Champion Mordrem Teragriff 80 Mordrem The Silverwastes Defeat Mordremoth's champion
Champion Mordrem Husk 80 Mordrem The Silverwastes Defeat the Mordrem champion
Champion Jungle Tendril 80 Mordrem The Silverwastes Defeat the Mordrem champion
Champion Mordrem Leeching Thrasher 80 Mordrem The Silverwastes Defeat the Mordrem champion
Champion Mordrem Vile Thrasher 80 Mordrem The Silverwastes Defeat the Mordrem champion
Champion Mordrem Wolf 80 Mordrem The Silverwastes Defeat the Mordrem champion
Champion Giant Spotted Beetle 80 Insect The Silverwastes Kill the alpha beetle

Heart of Maguuma (HOT)[edit]

Name Level Race Area Zone Event
Champion Axemaster Gwyllion 80 Mordrem Canopy over Noble Crash Site Verdant Brink Kill Axemaster Gwyllion
Champion Cotoni 80 Mordrem Canopy over Jaka Itzel Verdant Brink Kill Cotoni and Huetzi
Champion Huetzi 80 Mordrem Canopy over Jaka Itzel Verdant Brink Kill Cotoni and Huetzi
Champion Stavemaster Anwir 80 Mordrem Canopy over Ordnance Corps Verdant Brink Kill the tetrad of Mordrem champions
Champion Hammermaster Morthwyl 80 Mordrem Canopy over Ordnance Corps Verdant Brink Kill the tetrad of Mordrem champions
Champion Blademaster Cadogg 80 Mordrem Canopy over Ordnance Corps Verdant Brink Kill the tetrad of Mordrem champions
Blight Tender Monocot 80 Mordrem Morwood Wilds Auric Basin Prevent Blight Tender Monocot from reaching the blighted saplings
Blight Tender Dicot 80 Mordrem Morwood Wilds Auric Basin Prevent Blight Tenders from reaching the blighted saplings (Dicot)
Blight Tender Tricot 80 Mordrem Morwood Wilds Auric Basin Prevent Blight Tenders from reaching the blighted saplings (Tricot)
Gold Guzzler 80 Saurian Arrowhead Vale Auric Basin Defeat the gold guzzler to find the remaining pieces of Sage Volaar
Auran the Golden Ooze 80 Ooze Westwatch Patch Auric Basin Defeat Auran the Golden Ooze
Champion Bramble Main Stalk 80 Mordrem Northwatch Descent Auric Basin Defeat the bramble's main stalk
Tarnished Traitor 80 Exalted Tarir, the Forgotten City Auric Basin Defeat the Tarnished Traitor
Champion Avatar of Balthazar 80 Avatar Balthazar's Rest Auric Basin Clear out Balthazar's temple
Champion Chak Blitzer 80 Chak Decayed Hive Tangled Depths Slay the Malignant Chak Blitzer
Champion V.O.X. 80 Golem Rata Novus Tangled Depths Kill the golem that is preventing Zildi from hacking the mainframe!
Champion Potoni the Massive 80 Hylek Teku Nuhoch Tangled Depths Defeat Potoni the Massive to prove your worth
Champion Mushroom Emperor 80 Fungus Tangled Descent/Central Barbed Gate Tangled Depths/Dragon's Stand Kill the Mushroom Emperor/Kill the mushroom emperor
Champion Bat Matriarch 80 Bat The Great Tree Tangled Depths Kill the champion bat so Nokta can return his pets to camp
Champion Chak Lobber 80 Chak SCAR Lane/Teku Nuhoch/Rata Novus Lane Tangled Depths Defeat the chak lobber! Use jump mushrooms and gliding to avoid his devastating goop attack!/Kill the gigantic chak lobber/Rescue Zildi's Assist-o-Matic by slaying the chak lobber
Champion Chak Crown 80 Chak Ley-Line Confluence Tangled Depths Kill the chak crown!
Champion Chak Driver 80 Chak Chak Stronghold Tangled Depths Kill the enraged chak overlord
Champion Great Skelk Regurgitant 80 Skelk Teku Nuhoch Tangled Depths Slay the Great Skelk Regurgitant
Champion Spider Queen 80 Spider Wyvern Scar Dragon's Stand Kill the spider queen
Champion Stonehead 80 Saurian Rooted Copse Dragon's Stand Kill the stonehead

LS3 maps[edit]

Name Level Race Area Zone Event
Champion Bloodstone Elemental Mauler 80 Elemental Fragmented Wastes/Doric's Landing/Lakeside Bazaar Bloodstone Fen/Lake Doric Defeat the enormous bloodstone elemental!/Destroy the bloodstone bomb and mauler
Champion Crazed Whispers Agent 80 Charr Haunted Canyons Bloodstone Fen Defeat the patrolling crazed agent
Champion Jade Armor 80 Jade Construct Bloodstone Maw/Doric Lumberyard/Eastern Hunting Grounds/Lakeside Bazaar Bloodstone Fen/Lake Doric Defeat the jade construct before it drains the bloodstone! & Defeat the jade constructs before they drain the bloodstone!/Help the Watchknight Defeat the Jade Construct!
Champion Jade Bow 80 Jade Construct Bloodstone Maw/Doric Lumberyard/Eastern Hunting Grounds/Lakeside Bazaar Bloodstone Fen/Lake Doric Defeat the jade construct before it drains the bloodstone! & Defeat the jade constructs before they drain the bloodstone!/Help the Watchknight Defeat the Jade Construct!
Champion White Mantle Justiciar 80 Human Haunted Canyons Bloodstone Fen Defeat the patrolling justiciar
Ghostly Justiciar Hablion 80 Ghost Fragmented Wastes Bloodstone Fen Defeat the spirit of Justiciar Hablion
Nyle the Compassionate 80 Ghost Haunted Canyons Bloodstone Fen Defeat the angry spirit of Nyle the Compassionate
Ritualist Josa 80 Ghost Haunted Canyons Bloodstone Fen Defeat the angry spirit of Ritualist Josa
Savant Ehrin 80 Ghost Haunted Canyons Bloodstone Fen Defeat the angry spirit of Savant Ehrin
Thief Lloyd 80 Ghost Haunted Canyons Bloodstone Fen Defeat the angry spirit of Thief Lloyd
Champion Coalescence 80 Elemental Burning Grotto/Lava Flats/Osprey Pillars Ember Bay Defeat the coalescence to disperse the ley-line magic
Champion Karka 80 Karka Ashen Skerries Ember Bay Defeat the champion karka!
Champion Imbued Aberration 80 Destroyer Lava Flats/Osprey Pillars Ember Bay Defeat the Imbued Destroyer Champion
Champion Pyroclastic Jade Construct 80 Jade Construct Caliph's Steps Ember Bay Defeat the Pyroclastic Jade Construct
Champion Rock Drake Broodmother 80 Drake Osprey Pillars Ember Bay Kill the rock drake broodmother
Molten Dominator 80 Destroyer Burning Grotto Ember Bay Defeat the Molten Dominator
Sloth Queen 80 Sloth Performance Field Ember Bay Protect the slublings from the sloth queen
Champion Svanir Oppressor 80 Icebrood Brakbrak Ice Snarl Bitterfrost Frontier Protect the statue from destruction
Champion Svanir Tyrant 80 Icebrood The Svanir Hive Bitterfrost Frontier Defeat the champion Svanir tyrant
Champion Corrupted Griffon 80 Icebrood Black Ice Pass/Blizzard Basin/Hailstone Floe Bitterfrost Frontier Defeat Jormag's Champion
Champion Icebrood Goliath 80 Icebrood Black Ice Pass/Blizzard Basin/Hailstone Floe Bitterfrost Frontier Defeat Jormag's Champion
Champion Icebrood Norn 80 Icebrood Black Ice Pass/Blizzard Basin/Hailstone Floe Bitterfrost Frontier Defeat Jormag's Champion
Champion Icebrood Troll 80 Icebrood Black Ice Pass/Blizzard Basin/Hailstone Floe Bitterfrost Frontier Defeat Jormag's Champion
Corrupted Wolfmaster 80 Icebrood Black Ice Pass/Blizzard Basin/Hailstone Floe Bitterfrost Frontier Defeat Jormag's Champion
Champion Crazed Harathi High Sage 80 Centaur Watchtower Cliffs Lake Doric Defeat the massive earth elemental and stop the Harathi High Sage
Champion Crazed Harathi Trampler 80 Centaur Watchtower Cliffs Lake Doric None
Champion White Mantle Catapult Engineer 80 Human Harvest Cascades Lake Doric Defend Noran's Homestead from White Mantle bombardment
Champion White Mantle Knight 80 Human Saidra's Haven Lake Doric Defend Saidra's Haven from White Mantle attackers
Champion White Mantle Necromancer 80 Human Saidra's Haven Lake Doric Defend Saidra's Haven from White Mantle attackers
Champion White Mantle Bloodstone Savant 80 Human New Loamhurst Lake Doric Liberate New Loamhurst from the White Mantle
Champion Inquest Power Suit Mark III 80 Golem Rata Arcanum Draconis Mons Defeat the Inquest champion
Webby Mother 80 Spider Ancient Hollow Draconis Mons Kill the champion webby mother
Stonehead King 80 Saurian Savage Rise Draconis Mons Slay the stonehead
Greater Wardbough 80 Ghost Savage Rise Draconis Mons Kill the greater spirit of nature
Champion Emperor Mattake 80 Fungus Ancient Hollow Draconis Mons Defeat the mushroom emperor
Grub Gobbler 80 Saurian Savage Rise Draconis Mons Defeat the grub gobbler
Champion Wind Rider 80 Wind Rider Wind Rider Ledge Draconis Mons Defeat the champion wind rider
Champion Jungle Skelk Lurker 80 Skelk Rata Arcanum Draconis Mons Defeat the champion jungle skelk
Champion Arid Devourer 80 Devourer Golemancer's Tomb Draconis Mons Kill the Devourer Champion
Champion Arid Parasite Devourer 80 Devourer Golemancer's Tomb Draconis Mons Kill the Devourer Champion
Champion Lava Wurm 80 Wurm Balthazar's Reliquary Siren's Landing Kill the champion wurm
Champion Unchained Giant 80 Risen Melandru's Reliquary Siren's Landing Defeat the undead giant before it can kill Willowdread
Champion Horrid Illusion 80 Phantasm Lyssa's Reliquary Siren's Landing Kill the horrid illusion
Champion Unchained Spider 80 Risen Grenth's Reliquary Siren's Landing Kill the undead spider
Putrid Broodmother 80 Risen Melandru's Reliquary Siren's Landing Defend the southeast shrine
Spectre of Wrath 80 Risen Grenth's Reliquary Siren's Landing Defend the southwest shrine
Spider Queen 80 Risen Lyssa's Reliquary Siren's Landing Defend the northeast shrine
Rotted Silverback 80 Risen Balthazar's Reliquary Siren's Landing Defend the northwest shrine

Crystal Desert (POF)[edit]

Name Level Race Area Zone Event
Champion Branded Minion 80 Branded Destiny's Ascent Crystal Oasis Help Ashwah search for his missing daughter in the Brand
Champion Forged Commander 80 Branded Forged Foothold/The Foundry Crystal Oasis/Domain of Vabbi Kill the Forged commander/Defeat the Champion Forged Commander/Defeat the Legendary Forged Hounds
Champion Branded Hydra 80 Branded Diviner's Passage/Maculate Fringe Crystal Oasis Defeat the Champion Branded hydra
Champion Wurm Queen 80 Wurm Diviner's Passage Crystal Oasis Defeat the champion
Champion Enraged Sand Shark 80 Shark Amnoon Farms Crystal Oasis Help Talib recover his escaped sand shark pups
Champion Forged Scavenger 80 Forged Elona Reach Crystal Oasis Defend the village of Kweli from the Forged
Champion Forged Shieldbearer 80 Forged Elona Reach/The Necropolis Crystal Oasis/Domain of Vabbi Reclaim the village of Kweli from the Forged/Break the Forged onslaught before the Necropolis defenses fall
Champion Braek Baredfang 80 Canine Omiramba Sand Sea/Sifuri Sand Sea/The Sinking Ruins Crystal Oasis Defeat the champion bounty
Champion Butch 80 Moa Kusini Crossing/Omiramba Sand Sea Crystal Oasis Defeat the champion bounty
Champion Chaotic Leyspark 80 Elemental Destiny's Gorge Crystal Oasis Defeat the champion bounty
Champion Chief Kronon 80 Branded Diviner's Passage/Maculate Fringe Crystal Oasis Defeat the champion bounty
Champion Forged Ambusher 80 Forged Diviner's Passage/Sifuri Sand Sea Crystal Oasis Defeat the champion bounty
Champion Forged Maverick 80 Forged Amnoon Southern Outskirts/Mekele Bluffs Crystal Oasis Defeat the champion bounty
Champion Forged Punisher 80 Forged Elona Reach/Omiramba Sand Sea Crystal Oasis Defeat the champion bounty
Champion Forged Sorcerer 80 Forged Hatari Tablelands/Omiramba Sand Sea/Sifuri Sand Sea Crystal Oasis Defeat the champion bounty
Champion Man-Eater 80 Shark Free City of Amnoon/Sifuri Sand Sea Crystal Oasis Defeat the champion bounty
Champion Scragglebeard 80 Dolyak Elona Reach/Destiny's Gorge Crystal Oasis Defeat the champion bounty
Champion Shardcrest 80 Branded Forged Foothold/Maculate Fringe Crystal Oasis Defeat the champion bounty
Champion Tazula Mindclouder 80 Plant Amnoon Farms/Bay of Elon Crystal Oasis Defeat the champion bounty
Champion Uussh Visshta 80 Branded Destiny's Ascent/Forged Foothold/Maculate Fringe Crystal Oasis Defeat the champion bounty
Champion Xedra Tahz Tahom 80 Hydra Diviner's Passage/Elona Reach/Omiramba Sand Sea Crystal Oasis Defeat the champion bounty
Champion Zelke the Shameless 80 Human Amnoon Southern Outskirts/Bay of Elon/Free City of Amnoon Crystal Oasis Defeat the champion bounty
Champion Hierarch Lili 80 Awakened Salt Flats Desert Highlands Defend Second Spear Nayrim against Mordant Crescent and Awakened attacks
Champion Awakened Desolate Guard 80 Awakened Diviner's Passage/Diviner's Reach Desert Highlands Defend Second Spear Nayrim from the Awakened
Champion Awakened Scavenger 80 Awakened Diviner's Reach Desert Highlands Defend Second Spear Nayrim from the Awakened
Champion Hierarch Alu 80 Awakened Diviner's Reach Desert Highlands Assault the Mordant Crescent's encampment before reinforcements arrive
Champion Avel Stonejaw 80 Minotaur Enchanted Bluffs/Stampede Uplands/Windshear Scarps Desert Highlands Defeat the champion bounty
Champion Awakened Occultist 80 Awakened Salt Flats Desert Highlands Defeat the champion bounty
Champion Balthazar's Lost 80 Ghost Tomb of the Primeval Kings/The Sunderlands Desert Highlands Defeat the champion bounty
Champion Chieftain Krella 80 Branded The Sunderlands/Tomb of the Primeval Kings Desert Highlands Defeat the champion bounty
Champion Crackling Brandspark 80 Branded The Sunderlands Desert Highlands Defeat the champion bounty
Champion Dhael Skyspeaker 80 Plant Brightwater Inlet/Salt Flats Desert Highlands Defeat the champion bounty
Champion Havocwreaker 80 Canine Brightwater Inlet/Windshear Scarps Desert Highlands Defeat the champion bounty
Champion Ignis 80 Destroyer Enchanted Bluffs/Fortune's Vale/Winter's Teeth Desert Highlands Defeat the champion bounty
Champion Mandulis 80 Animal Auburn Hills/Stampede Uplands Desert Highlands Defeat the champion bounty
Champion Matriarch Sheerfeather 80 Harpy Brightwater Inlet/Fortune's Vale/Windshear Scarps Desert Highlands Defeat the champion bounty
Champion Sandsnare 80 Animal Auburn Hills/Lifeblood Ravine/Salt Flats Desert Highlands Defeat the champion bounty
Champion Silkears the Fierce 80 Animal Fortune's Vale/Winter's Teeth Desert Highlands Defeat the champion bounty
Champion Snag Seizeclaw 80 Branded Prophet's Fall/Salt Flats/The Sunderlands Desert Highlands Defeat the champion bounty
Champion Wayfarer 80 Animal Brightwater Inlet/Salt Flats Desert Highlands Defeat the champion bounty
Warden Jabari 80 Awakened The Deadhouse Elon Riverlands Free Emara and the other prisoners. Defeat Warden Jabari
Champion Unbound Djinn 80 Djinn Shallows of Despair Elon Riverlands Defeat the Champion unbound djinn
Champion Sand Lion Pridelord 80 Feline Abandoned Barrows Elon Riverlands Defeat the Sand Lion Pridelord and his mates
Champion Branded Josso Essher 80 Branded Augury Rock Elon Riverlands Defeat Branded Josso Essher in the Ascension Chamber
Champion Adal, Unyielding Firmament 80 Djinn Augury Rock/Skyward Reach Elon Riverlands Defeat the champion bounty
Champion Awakened Stray 80 Awakened Shoals of Sovereignty/Vulture Drifts Elon Riverlands Defeat the champion bounty
Champion Brandclaw 80 Branded Ustulate Barrens Elon Riverlands Defeat the champion bounty
Champion Dorrik the Wanderer 80 Norn Deadlock Sweep/Prophet's Path Elon Riverlands Defeat the champion bounty
Champion First Mate Pekknik 80 Skritt Champion's Gap/Elon Flow/Elon Riverbank Elon Riverlands Defeat the champion bounty
Champion Matriarch Talonslayer 80 Harpy Arid Gladefields/Vulture Drifts Elon Riverlands Defeat the champion bounty
Champion Morg 80 Giant Champion's Gap/Prophet's Path Elon Riverlands Defeat the champion bounty
Champion Shoot of Stormbringer 80 Plant Elon Riverbank/Skimshallow Cove Elon Riverlands Defeat the champion bounty
Champion The Terror of the Sands 80 Insect Arid Gladefields/Champion's Gap Elon Riverlands Defeat the champion bounty
Champion Tohg Atta Awoth 80 Branded Prophet's Path/Ustulate Barrens Elon Riverlands Defeat the champion bounty
Champion Forged Officer 80 Forged Scorched March/The Necropolis The Desolation/Domain of Vabbi Kill the Forged reinforcements before they reach the Shattered Ravines/Break the Forged onslaught before the Necropolis defenses fall
Champion Mordant Crescent Hierarch 80 Awakened The Scourgeway The Desolation Kill the Awakened reinforcements before they reach the Zayan Gate
Vizier Kasahn 80 Awakened Palawa Cut The Desolation Defeat the clanmarshal and vizier
Clanmarshal Geddi 80 Human Palawa Cut The Desolation Defeat the clanmarshal and vizier
Champion Sulfurous Ooze 80 Ooze Helcoid Seeps The Desolation Defeat the Champion Sulfurous Ooze
Champion Elder Air Djinn 80 Djinn Helcoid Seeps The Desolation Defeat the Elder Air Djinn
Champion Awakened Defiler 80 Awakened The Shattered Ravines The Desolation Destroy the Awakened trebuchets
Champion Forged Assembler 80 Forged The Shattered Ravines/The Ruptured Heart The Desolation Defeat the Legendary Forged Demolisher/Destroy the Forged cannons
Champion Perturbed Choya 80 Choya Acrid Springs/Boundary Preserve The Desolation Defeat the champion bounty
Champion Ley-Charged Ooze 80 Ooze Acrid Springs/Sulfur Quarry The Desolation Defeat the champion bounty
Champion Zawadi the Turncoat 80 Human The Bonestrand/Palawa Cut The Desolation Defeat the champion bounty
Champion Muckstalker 80 Drake The Bonestrand/The Spillway/Sulfur Quarry The Desolation Defeat the champion bounty
Champion Awakened Abhorrence 80 Awakened Acrid Springs/Silent Vale/The Spillway The Desolation Defeat the champion bounty
Champion Forged Lieutenant 80 Forged Broken Shelf/Vitriolic Rim The Desolation Defeat the champion bounty
Champion Sulfurscale 80 Wurm Sand Jackal Run/The Alkali Pan The Desolation Defeat the champion bounty
Champion Xadd Honn Tarr 80 Hydra Broken Shelf/Scorched March/The Scourgeway The Desolation Defeat the champion bounty
Champion Thrash Tailclobber 80 Devourer Broken Shelf/The Alkali Pan/The Ruination The Desolation Defeat the champion bounty
Champion Forged Proliferator 80 Forged Scorched March/The Ruination The Desolation Defeat the champion bounty
Champion Aszar, Swinging Pendulum 80 Djinn Poisoned Outcrops/The Scourgeway The Desolation Defeat the champion bounty
Champion Monifa the Wrathful 80 Ghost Poisoned Outcrops/The Shattered Ravines The Desolation Defeat the champion bounty
Champion Crackedhoof 80 Animal Joko's Domain/Lair of the Forgotten The Desolation Defeat the champion bounty
Champion King Jahnus 80 Ghost Basaltic Fringe/The Shattered Ravines The Desolation Defeat the champion bounty
Champion the Necrophage 80 Awakened Basaltic Fringe/Joko's Domain The Desolation Defeat the champion bounty
High Judge Sidan 80 Awakened The Necropolis Domain of Vabbi Defeat High Judge Sidan before innocent Elonians are slain
High Judge Ejele 80 Human The Necropolis Domain of Vabbi Defeat High Judge Ejele and free imprisoned Elonians
High Judge Kulul 80 Human The Necropolis Domain of Vabbi Defend Elonians and their deceased relatives from High Judge Kulul
Champion Branded Ley-Line Anomaly 80 Branded Dzasha Uplands Domain of Vabbi Kill the champion Branded ley-line anomaly
Grand Elder Earth Djinn Bhozu 80 Djinn Zagonur Cliffs Domain of Vabbi Defeat the grand elder djinn
Grand Elder Air Djinn Dhizosai 80 Djinn Zagonur Cliffs Domain of Vabbi Defeat the grand elder djinn
Grand Elder Water Djinn Khiafe 80 Djinn Zagonur Cliffs Domain of Vabbi Defeat the grand elder djinn
Grand Elder Fire Djinn Naayih 80 Djinn Zagonur Cliffs Domain of Vabbi Defeat the grand elder djinn
Champion Forged Cannonade 80 Forged Jennur's Run/The Necropolis Domain of Vabbi Defeat the Forged champion while protecting the Necropolis defender
Champion Branded Griffon 80 Branded Garden of Seborhin Domain of Vabbi Defeat the Champion Branded Griffon
Champion Branded Devourer 80 Branded Garden of Seborhin/Eastern Mihan Hillsides/Isha Corridor/Western Mihan Hillsides Domain of Vabbi Defeat the Champion Branded Devourer/Defeat the Branded champion
Champion Branded Hydra 80 Branded Eastern Mihan Hillsides/Isha Corridor/Western Mihan Hillsides Domain of Vabbi Defeat the Branded champion
Champion Branded Earth Elemental 80 Branded Garden of Seborhin/Eastern Mihan Hillsides/Isha Corridor/Western Mihan Hillsides Domain of Vabbi Defeat the Branded champion
Champion Branded Forgotten Priest 80 Branded Garden of Seborhin/Eastern Mihan Hillsides/Isha Corridor/Western Mihan Hillsides Domain of Vabbi Defeat the Branded champion
Champion Forged War Mage 80 Forged The Necropolis Domain of Vabbi Break the Forged onslaught before the Necropolis defenses fall
Champion Elder Fire Djinn 80 Djinn Purling Deep Domain of Vabbi Defeat the djinn holding Explorer Flynn captive and help him escape the cave
Branded Forgotten Zealot 80 Branded Zagonur Cliffs/Grand Court of Sebelkeh/Resplendent Trace Domain of Vabbi Defeat the Branded Forgotten zealot/Defeat the Branded Forgotten zealots before the Branded crystal detonates
Champion Awakened Devastator 80 Awakened Vehtendi Academy/Vehtendi Arena Domain of Vabbi Defeat the champion bounty
Champion Diwaana 80 Wurm Forum Highlands/Kaluun Ravine/Vehtendi Academy Domain of Vabbi Defeat the champion bounty
Champion Dunechaser 80 Feline Forum Highlands/Isha Corridor Domain of Vabbi Defeat the champion bounty
Champion Effazu the Lodestar 80 Djinn Kodash Bazaar/Vehtendi Academy/Vehtendi Arena Domain of Vabbi Defeat the champion bounty
Champion Embalmer Eweje 80 Human Glowering Overlook/The Necropolis Domain of Vabbi Defeat the champion bounty
Champion Forged Brutalizer 80 Forged Forum Highlands/Isha Corridor/Jennur's Run Domain of Vabbi Defeat the champion bounty
Champion Forged Lurker 80 Forged Cragged Vale/Jennur's Run Domain of Vabbi Defeat the champion bounty
Champion Forged Marauder 80 Forged Glowering Overlook/Isha Corridor/Kaluun Ravine Domain of Vabbi Defeat the champion bounty
Champion Forged Warmonger 80 Forged The Foundry/Jennur's Run Domain of Vabbi Defeat the champion bounty
Champion Forged Wildhound 80 Forged Kaluun Ravine/Vehtendi Arena Domain of Vabbi Defeat the champion bounty
Champion Fycros Venomweeper 80 Plant Forum Highlands/Kaluun Ravine Domain of Vabbi Defeat the champion bounty
Champion Grath Clashcrag 80 Branded Garden of Seborhin Domain of Vabbi Defeat the champion bounty
Champion Kharkaris 80 Shark Isha Corridor/The Foundry/Western Mihan Hillsides Domain of Vabbi Defeat the champion bounty
Champion Lady Kahraman 80 Human Garden of Seborhin Domain of Vabbi Defeat the champion bounty
Champion Lord Hanif 80 Human Jennur's Run/Vehjin Mines/Vehjin Palace Domain of Vabbi Defeat the champion bounty
Champion Megalith 80 Elemental Vehjin Mines/Vehjin Palace Domain of Vabbi Defeat the champion bounty
Champion Safiri the Carver 80 Branded Dehwan Expanse/Garden of Seborhin Domain of Vabbi Defeat the champion bounty
Champion Snap Spinecrack 80 Branded Kodash Bazaar/Vehtendi Academy Domain of Vabbi Defeat the champion bounty
Champion Yasia Glacierfalls 80 Djinn Garden of Seborhin/Isha Corridor/Western Mihan Hillsides Domain of Vabbi Defeat the champion bounty

LS4 maps[edit]

Name Level Race Area Zone Event
Khepri, Keeper of the Gate 80 Awakened Palawadan, Jewel of Istan Domain of Istan Defeat Joko's champions to open the path into Palawadan
Khnum, Master of Keys 80 Awakened Palawadan, Jewel of Istan Domain of Istan Defeat Joko's champions to open the path into Palawadan
Champion Awakened Desolate Guard 80 Awakened Palawadan, Jewel of Istan/Mordant Crescent Great Hall Domain of Istan Defeat Warden Amala/Clear the Northern Awakened Forces/Clear the Southern Awakened Forces
Champion Awakened Defiler 80 Awakened Palawadan, Jewel of Istan/Mordant Crescent Great Hall Domain of Istan Defeat Warden Amala/Clear the Northern Awakened Forces/Clear the Southern Awakened Forces
Champion Awakened Archer 80 Awakened Palawadan, Jewel of Istan/Mordant Crescent Great Hall Domain of Istan Defeat Warden Amala/Clear the Northern Awakened Forces/Clear the Southern Awakened Forces
Champion Earth Elemental 80 Elemental Mordant Crescent Great Hall Domain of Istan Defeat Warden Amala
Champion Captain Sutekh 80 Awakened Mordant Crescent Great Hall Domain of Istan Defeat the Mordant Crescent Captain
Champion Corpse Caravan 80 Dolyak Champion's Dawn/Heretic's Arena/The Astralarium Domain of Istan Intercept the corpse caravan departing from Champion's Dawn/Intercept the corpse caravan departing from Heretic's Arena/Intercept the corpse caravan departing from the Astralarium
Champion Mordant Crescent Hierarch 80 Awakened Palawadan, Jewel of Istan Domain of Istan/Sandswept Isles Clear the Northern Awakened Forces/Clear the Southern Awakened Forces/Ambush! Defend yourselves against the Awakened!
Champion Mordant Crescent Intimidator 80 Awakened Palawadan, Jewel of Istan Domain of Istan Clear the Northern Awakened Forces/Clear the Southern Awakened Forces
Champion Awakened Scavenger 80 Awakened Palawadan, Jewel of Istan Domain of Istan/Sandswept Isles Clear the Northern Awakened Forces/Clear the Southern Awakened Forces/Tear down the statue of Palawa Joko/Ambush! Defend yourselves against the Awakened!
Champion Awakened Canid 80 Awakened Palawadan, Jewel of Istan Domain of Istan Clear the Northern Awakened Forces/Clear the Southern Awakened Forces
Lady Faizah 80 Human Palawadan, Jewel of Istan Domain of Istan Kill the Loyalist Leaders
Lord Azeem 80 Human Palawadan, Jewel of Istan Domain of Istan Kill the Loyalist Leaders
Master Alchemist Jamala 80 Human Palawadan, Jewel of Istan Domain of Istan Kill the Loyalist Leaders
Master Alchemist Wakati 80 Human Palawadan, Jewel of Istan Domain of Istan Kill the Loyalist Leaders
Nura, Herald of Joko 80 Human Palawadan, Jewel of Istan Domain of Istan Kill the Loyalist Leaders
Dabir, Herald of Joko 80 Human Palawadan, Jewel of Istan Domain of Istan Kill the Loyalist Leaders
Champion Mordant Crescent Graveraiser 80 Awakened Champion's Dawn Domain of Istan Defeat the Mordant Graveraiser
Champion Brewmaster Asef 80 Human Corsair Flotilla Domain of Istan Defeat the Alehound Captain
Lady Shamshir 80 Human Champion's Dawn/Plains of Jarin/Zehlon Breach Domain of Istan Defeat the champion bounty
Matriarch Shrilliss 80 Harpy Churrhir Cliffs/Plains of Jarin/Zehlon Breach Domain of Istan Defeat the champion bounty
Simoom the Accursed 80 Ghost Churrhir Cliffs/Corsair Flotilla/Issnur Bay Domain of Istan Defeat the champion bounty
Suneh Stormbringer 80 Plant Champion's Dawn/Churrhir Cliffs/Modri Caverns Domain of Istan Defeat the champion bounty
Champion Inquest Data Security Officer 80 Golem Eastern Complex Sandswept Isles Stop the flow of Inquest data to thwart their operation
Abiri, the Beetle Queen 80 Insect The Ruined Paths Sandswept Isles Defeat Abiri, the Beetle Queen
Champion Laboratory Security Golem 80 Golem Northern Complex Coves Sandswept Isles Defeat all the laboratory security golems
Dominus Crystallum 80 Branded Griffonstone Buttresses Sandswept Isles Defeat Dominus Crystallum!
Champion Living Spark 80 Elemental The Ruined Paths Sandswept Isles Help Elder Rhona track down the source of the storm
Champion Rampaging Earth Elemental 80 Elemental The Ruined Paths/The Hunting Grounds Sandswept Isles Destroy the stormcaller echoes
Rage of Zohaqan 80 Elemental The Ruined Paths/The Hunting Grounds Sandswept Isles Defeat the rampaging elementals!/Help Elder Rhona track down the source of the storm
Crystalwing 80 Branded Damos Isle/Invariant Enclave/Western Complex Sandswept Isles Defeat the champion bounty
Emogg the Soulbeast 80 Ogre The Hunting Grounds Sandswept Isles Defeat the champion bounty
Exterminator IG-04 80 Golem The Hunting Grounds/The Ruined Paths Sandswept Isles Defeat the champion bounty
Ironshell 80 Karka Calon Islet/The Hunting Grounds Sandswept Isles Defeat the champion bounty
Magneton Manipulator 80 Golem Eastern Complex/Invariant Enclave/Western Complex Sandswept Isles Defeat the champion bounty
Nepheretes 80 Awakened Eastern Complex/Damos Isle/Western Complex Sandswept Isles Defeat the champion bounty
Oakenscorn 80 Treant The Hunting Grounds/The Ruined Paths Sandswept Isles Defeat the champion bounty
Old Stonehoof 80 Animal The Hunting Grounds/The Ruined Paths Sandswept Isles Defeat the champion bounty
Vebis the Inquisitor 80 Asura Eastern Complex/Invariant Enclave/Western Complex Sandswept Isles Defeat the champion bounty
Racuous Red & Brash Blue 80 Choya Damos Isle/Invariant Enclave/Sargol Sea Sandswept Isles Defeat the champion bounty
Champion Awakened Lead Researcher 80 Awakened Gandara, the Moon Fortress Domain of Kourna End the plague experiments
Champion Sand Shark 80 Shark Veldrunner Drifts Domain of Kourna Defeat the Champion sand shark
Champion Awakened Abomination 80 Awakened Front Line Domain of Kourna Defeat the Champion Awakened Abomination
Champion Mark I Golem 80 Golem Front Line Domain of Kourna Repurpose the golem
Agasaya 80 Human Allied Encampment/Arkjok Farmlands/Elon Basin Domain of Kourna Defeat the champion bounty
Asphodel 80 Plant Elon Basin/Veldrunner Drifts Domain of Kourna Defeat the champion bounty
Cabochon 80 Branded Dabiji Hollows Domain of Kourna Defeat the champion bounty
Enbilulu 80 Shark Veldrunner Drifts Domain of Kourna Defeat the champion bounty
Champion Branded Riftstalker 80 Branded Almorra's Stand Jahai Bluffs Destroy the Death-Branded Shatterer
Champion Branded Hydra 80 Branded Almorra's Stand/Central Brand Scar Jahai Bluffs Escort the DERVs to the Shatterer Trenches/Defeat the champion Branded hydra terrorizing supply routes
Champion Branded Awakened General Argon 80 Branded Argon Garrison Jahai Bluffs Defeat the Branded generals
Champion Elder Veris 80 Branded Crescent's Prosperity Jahai Bluffs Defeat the Branded village elders
Definitely Not Joko 80 Awakened Central Brand Scar Jahai Bluffs Stop "Joko" from recruiting the Awakened!
Champion Branded Lieutenant 80 Branded Shattered Cliffs Jahai Bluffs Defeat the Branded champions
Champion Branded Captain 80 Branded Shattered Cliffs Jahai Bluffs Defeat the Branded champions
Defective DERV 80 Golem Pact Vanguard Jahai Bluffs Subdue the malfunctioning DERV
Champion Angry Pet Rock 80 Construct Central Brand Scar/Eastern Brand Scar/Fortress of Jahai Jahai Bluffs Defeat the champion bounty
Champion Badly Confused Ettin 80 Ettin Crescent's Prosperity/Prosperity's Approach/Ruined Procession Jahai Bluffs Defeat the champion bounty
Champion Zommoros's Shield of Disdain & Champion Zommoros's Sword of Grounding 80 Construct Argon Garrison/Eastern Brand Scar/Fortress of Jahai Jahai Bluffs Defeat the champion bounty
Champion Branded Riftstalker 80 Branded Thunderhead Keep/Deldrimor Ruins Thunderhead Peaks Defeat the Riftstalker/Defeat the Riftstalker/Take back the Deldrimor Ruins
Death-Branded Hessper Sasso 80 Branded Symphony's Haven Thunderhead Peaks Kill the Branded Forgotten
Champion Ancient Ice Hydra 80 Hydra Ice Floe Thunderhead Peaks Hunt down the champion ice hydra
Reflector Test Golem 80 Golem Gnarlgrove Dragonfall Test the ley reflectors
Random Champion Branded 80 Branded Mist Warden Camp/Olmakhan Camp/Crystal Bloom Camp Dragonfall Help Zaeim and Caithe establish a camp to the northwest/Help Rox and Boticca establish a camp to the southwest/Help Logan and Rytlock establish a camp to the southeast
Champion Nature Elemental 80 Elemental The Skein Dragonfall Defeat the champion elemental
Arbiter of the Dead 80 Minion Necrotic Coast Dragonfall Defeat the Arbiter of the Dead
Champion Abyssal 80 Nightmare Scorched Cliffs Dragonfall Defeat the champion abyssal
Champion Branded Mender 80 Branded Virulent Wastes/Wing's Shadow/Umbral Battlegrounds Dragonfall Stop the Branded Mender from collecting magic for Kralkatorrik
Ley-Infused Branded Devourer 80 Branded The Skein Dragonfall Bonus Event: Defeat the ley-infused champion
Ley-Infused Branded Hydra 80 Branded Gnarlgrove Dragonfall Bonus Event: Defeat the ley-infused champion
Ley-Infused Nature Elemental 80 Elemental The Skein Dragonfall Bonus Event: Defeat the ley-infused champion
Ley-Infused Branded Forgotten Priest 80 Branded Necrotic Coast Dragonfall Bonus Event: Defeat the ley-infused champion
Ley-Infused Ghost Flayer 80 Imp Grenth's Teeth Dragonfall Bonus Event: Defeat the ley-infused champion
Ley-Infused Branded Air Elemental 80 Branded Sky's Reach Dragonfall Bonus Event: Defeat the ley-infused champion
Ley-Infused Branded Ogre 80 Branded Virulent Wastes Dragonfall Bonus Event: Defeat the ley-infused champion
Ley-Infused Hydra 80 Hydra Ember Gate Dragonfall Bonus Event: Defeat the ley-infused champion
Ley-Infused Shadow Elemental 80 Nightmare Umbral Battlegrounds Dragonfall Bonus Event: Defeat the ley-infused champion

IBS maps (LWS5)[edit]

Name Level Race Area Zone Event
Champion Ancient Ghost Captain 80 Devourer Dalada Forest Grothmar Valley Ignite the effigy with the Sacred Flame!/Defeat the threat to the festivities! (Ghost Captain)
Champion Ancient Ghost Mage 80 Devourer Doomlore Ruins Grothmar Valley Ignite the effigy with the Sacred Flame!/Defeat the threat to the festivities! (Ghost Mage)
Champion Devourer 80 Devourer Burning Effigy/Dalada Forest Grothmar Valley Defeat the threat to the festivities! (Devourer)/Defeat the very real devourer before the cubs are forced to retreat!/Ignite the effigy with the Sacred Flame!
Champion Fire Elemental 80 Elemental Flame Legion Camp Grothmar Valley Damage the elementals to help Flame Legion siphon their power!
Champion Parasite Devourer 80 Devourer Burning Effigy/Devourer's Ridge Grothmar Valley Ignite the effigy with the Sacred Flame!/Defeat the threat to the festivities! (Parasite Devourer)
Champion Prismatic Ooze 80 Ooze The Ooze Pit Grothmar Valley Defeat the grand champion ooze!
Champion River Drake Broodmother 80 Drake Sacnoth Stream Grothmar Valley Defeat the threat to the festivities! (Broodmother)
Champion Valg Portermauler 80 Charr The Brig Grothmar Valley Defeat the threat to the festivities! (Valg Portermauler)
Champion Whiptail Devourer 80 Devourer Burning Effigy Grothmar Valley Ignite the effigy with the Sacred Flame!
Murakai, Doomlore's Bane 80 Ghost Doomlore Ruins Grothmar Valley Defeat Murakai, Doomlore's Bane
Murakai's Steward 80 Ghost Doomlore Ruins Grothmar Valley Defend the Flame Legion shaman as he casts his spell to summon Doomlore's Bane by force
Champion Aberrant Skelk 80 Aberrant Aberrant Forest Bjora Marches (East) Defeat the Champion Aberrant Skelk
Champion Aberrant Murellow 80 Aberrant Ravenfrost Caverns Bjora Marches (East) Defeat the Champion Aberrant Murellow
Champion Boneskinner 80 Aberrant Aberrant Forest/Whispering Depths Bjora Marches (East and West) Defeat the Boneskinner/Defeat the champion of Wolverine
Champion Fallen Kodan Berserker 80 Fallen Fallen Mountains Bjora Marches (East) Defeat the Champion Fallen Kodan Berserker/Trial of Koda: Defeat the leader of the enemy patrol (Defeat the patrolling Fallen)
Champion Fallen Leopard Shaman 80 Fallen Fallen Ruins Bjora Marches (East) Defeat the Champion Fallen Leopard Shaman
Champion Icebrood Goliath 80 Icebrood Asgeir's Legacy Bjora Marches (East) Defeat the Champion Icebrood Goliath
Champion Icebrood Kodan 80 Icebrood Asgeir's Legacy Bjora Marches (East) Defeat the Champion Icebrood Kodan
Champion Icebrood Voice 80 Icebrood Asgeir's Legacy Bjora Marches (East) Defeat the Champion Icebrood Voice
Champion Ironfrost Champion 80 Aberrant Aberrant Forest Bjora Marches (East) Trial of Koda: Defeat the leader of the enemy patrol (Defeat the patrolling Aberrant enemies)
Champion Sons of Svanir Summoner 80 Norn Svanir Plateau Bjora Marches (East) Defeat the Champion Svanir Summoner
Champion Svanir Brute 80 Norn Frozen Pass Bjora Marches (East) Defeat the Champion Svanir Brute
Champion Svanir Tyrant 80 Icebrood Asgeir's Legacy/Whispering Depths Bjora Marches (East and West) Defeat the Champion Svanir Tyrant/Defeat the champion of Eagle
Ironfrost Champion 80 Icebrood Frozen Pass/Asgeir's Legacy Bjora Marches (East) Trial of Koda: Defeat the leader of the enemy patrol (Defeat the patrolling Sons of Svanir)
Champion Aberrant Wisp 80 Aberrant Ice Spire Peaks Bjora Marches (West) Defeat the Wolverine Champion
Champion Fallen Pineshade 80 Fallen Boreal Pass/Whispering Depths Bjora Marches (West) Defeat the Ox champion/Defeat the champion of Ox
Champion Sons of Svanir Bowman 80 Norn Frigid Dunes Bjora Marches (West) Defeat the Eagle Champion
Undying Boneskinner 80 Aberrant Ice Spire Peaks Bjora Marches (West) Cleanse the corrupted Wolverine Spirit shrine
Champion Arkius Steelfoe 80 Charr Petraj Overlook Drizzlewood Coast (South) Defeat the cache keeper
Champion Calimus Pyretooth 80 Charr Petraj Overlook Drizzlewood Coast (South) Defeat the cache keeper
Champion Castor Crushpaw 80 Charr Umbral Grotto Drizzlewood Coast (South) Defeat the cache keeper
Champion Cerosi Breaksteel 80 Charr Leadfoot Village Drizzlewood Coast (South) Defeat the cache keeper
Champion Dominion Duelist 80 Charr Fort Defiance/Leadfoot Village/Lighthouse Point/Petraj Overlook/Port Cascadia/Vloxen Mine Drizzlewood Coast (South) Defeat the centurion ransacking the area before they escape
Champion Dominion Engineer 80 Charr Fort Defiance/Leadfoot Village/Lighthouse Point/Petraj Overlook/Port Cascadia/Vloxen Mine Drizzlewood Coast (South) Defeat the centurion ransacking the area before they escape
Champion Dominion Marksman 80 Charr Fort Defiance/Leadfoot Village/Lighthouse Point/Petraj Overlook/Port Cascadia/Vloxen Mine Drizzlewood Coast (South) Defeat the centurion ransacking the area before they escape
Champion Dominion Scout 80 Charr Fort Defiance/Leadfoot Village/Lighthouse Point/Petraj Overlook/Port Cascadia/Vloxen Mine Drizzlewood Coast (South) Defeat the centurion ransacking the area before they escape
Champion Dominion Soldier 80 Charr Fort Defiance/Leadfoot Village/Lighthouse Point/Petraj Overlook/Port Cascadia/Vloxen Mine Drizzlewood Coast (South) Defeat the centurion ransacking the area before they escape
Champion Dominion Spy 80 Charr Fort Defiance/Leadfoot Village/Lighthouse Point/Petraj Overlook/Port Cascadia/Vloxen Mine Drizzlewood Coast (South) Defeat the centurion ransacking the area before they escape
Champion Elexus Shredskin 80 Charr Fort Defiance Drizzlewood Coast (South) Defeat the cache keeper
Ligo Tempersteel 80 Charr Port Cascadia Drizzlewood Coast (South) Assault Port Cascadia!
Champion Luccia Wildeye 80 Charr Leadfoot Village Drizzlewood Coast (South) Defeat the cache keeper
Maleficus Spinecracker 80 Charr Fort Defiance Drizzlewood Coast (South) Assault Fort Defiance!
Nasus Thundershot 80 Charr Petraj Overlook Drizzlewood Coast (South) Assault Petraj Overlook!
Champion Rudum Wormud 80 Charr Wolf's Crossing Drizzlewood Coast (South) Defeat the cache keeper
Scoria Shadestriker 80 Charr Vloxen Mine Drizzlewood Coast (South) Assault Vloxen Mine!
Champion Sodar Closemaul 80 Charr Lighthouse Point Drizzlewood Coast (South) Defeat the cache keeper
Champion Volante Tornpaw 80 Charr Lighthouse Point Drizzlewood Coast (South) Defeat the cache keeper
Champion Yahuk Fellstrike 80 Charr Breakroot Basin Drizzlewood Coast (South) Defeat the cache keeper
Dominion Ash Tribune 80 Charr Sentinel Bay Drizzlewood Coast (North) Defeat the Dominion tribune
Dominion Blood Tribune 80 Charr Archstone Coast Drizzlewood Coast (North) Defeat the Dominion tribune
Dominion Flame Tribune 80 Charr Canopy Crag Drizzlewood Coast (North) Defeat the Dominion tribune
Dominion Frost Tribune 80 Icebrood Frostvein Watch Drizzlewood Coast (North) Defeat the Dominion tribune
Dominion Iron Tribune 80 Charr Dominion's Breach Drizzlewood Coast (North) Defeat the Dominion tribune
Dominion Heavy Artillery 80 Construct Archstone Coast/Sentinel Bay Drizzlewood Coast (North) Destroy the Dominion heavy artillery
Icebrood Construct 80 Icebrood Frost Citadel Drizzlewood Coast (North) Destroy the machines!
Resilient Centurion Crusher 80 Icebrood Claw's Roost Drizzlewood Coast (North) Defeat the Claw of Jormag
Resilient Centurion Crusher 80 Icebrood Claw's Roost Drizzlewood Coast (North) Defeat the Claw of Jormag
Valorous Centurion Bladestorm 80 Icebrood Claw's Roost Drizzlewood Coast (North) Defeat the Claw of Jormag
Vigilant Centurion Shaman 80 Icebrood Claw's Roost Drizzlewood Coast (North) Defeat the Claw of Jormag

The Mists[edit]

Name Level Race Area Zone Event
Champion Arboreal Spirit 80 Ghost Speldan Clearcut Eternal Battlegrounds Silence the raging arboreal spirit
Champion Harpy Warrior 80 Harpy Orgath Uplands Eternal Battlegrounds Help the ogres and they'll join you as allies
Champion Hylek Tlamatini 80 Hylek Darkrait Inlet Eternal Battlegrounds Defeat the hostile hylek
Champion Keep Lord 80 Charr Any keep Any World versus World zone Keep assault events
Champion Tower Lord 80 Norn Any tower Any World versus World zone Tower assault events
Overgrown Grub 80 Grub Blue World Valley Eternal Battlegrounds Eliminate the overgrown grub

See also[edit]
