Kill the alpha beetle

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Kill the alpha beetle

Interactive map

Interactive map

Kill the alpha beetle is a level 80 group event that occurs in the Far Silverwastes. This event will start upon killing the neutral Giant Beetle on the ledge in the north-west corner surrounded by small allied beetles, unless the event is on cooldown from having been completed recently. You may also have to kill the Giant Beetle more than once to trigger the spawn. The alpha beetle will not spawn if the Clear out the Mordrem threat or the Drive beetles out of the hylek camp event is up in the area. Note that the Champion Giant Spotted Beetle won't necessarily spawn where the neutral Giant Beetle is killed, but somewhere in the Far Silverwastes area.


  • Champion Giant Spotted Beetle
  • Event bar.jpg Event boss (tango icon).png




Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 26,670 Experience.png 378 Karma 88 Copper coin
Silver 20,003 Experience.png 284 Karma 66 Copper coin
Bronze 13,335 Experience.png 189 Karma 44 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 80 player.


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