Kill the Risen megalodon menacing explorers between Fort Trinity and Orr

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Kill the Risen megalodon menacing explorers between Fort Trinity and Orr

Interactive map

Interactive map

Kill the Risen megalodon menacing explorers between Fort Trinity and Orr is a level 72 event that takes place in Strait of Malediction.



Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 12,275 Experience.png 342 Karma 80 Copper coin
Silver 10,434 Experience.png 291 Karma 68 Copper coin
Bronze 9,206 Experience.png 257 Karma 60 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 72 player. Higher level players receive dynamically adjusted rewards.


The Risen Megalodon uses a rushing attack that hits players multiple times, stunning and pushing them back. This can easily kill players in one shot. Players are advised to engage at long range to avoid getting hit. Avoid the Risen Bull Sharks in the area, as they use the same attack and can stun you long enough to get hit. Bring condition removal to remove poison if you get hit by a normal attack.




Valbjorn Deepdelver: That miserable undead shark is blocking our access to that shipwreck on the sea floor.
Scholar Lannis: We may be able to take care of the shark ourselves.
Valbjorn Deepdelver: Know your limitations, Lannis. That beast is too much for us. Why don't you go round up some volunteers to handle it?
On success
