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Escort the DERVs to the Shatterer Trenches

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Escort the DERVs to the Shatterer Trenches

Interactive map

Interactive map

Escort the DERVs to the Shatterer Trenches is a level 80 group event that starts in Pact Vanguard during the Dangerous Prey meta event in Jahai Bluffs.


  • DERV
    Event bar.jpg Event shield (tango icon).png
  • DERV
    Event bar.jpg Event shield (tango icon).png
  • DERV
    Event bar.jpg Event shield (tango icon).png
  • DERV
    Event bar.jpg Event shield (tango icon).png
  • Time until shutdown: 12:00


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 26,670 Experience.png 378 Karma 88 Copper coin
Silver 20,003 Experience.png 284 Karma 66 Copper coin
Bronze 13,335 Experience.png 189 Karma 44 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 80 player.






At the Pact camp, right before the event begins
Warmaster Steelburn: Listen up! We've rigged up a few Dragon, uh... Dragon Raid... something...
Priory Observer: Dragon Elimination Raid Vehicles! Repurposed Inquest golem suits with anti-Brand homeostatis fields. For extra kablooey!
Warmaster Steelburn: That! Get these DERVs to the field in pristine condition. I want them so shiny I can see my back teeth in them.
Priory Observer: No one told our engineers that travel was required, so rigging these to drive themselves was an eventful experience!
Priory Observer: In sum! These suits will critically overheat if left on autopilot too long. So move with high velocity!
Warmaster Steelburn: You heard the asura. Scram.
During escort
DERV: Weapons—systems—engaged. Excelsior.
Vigil Recruit: You heard the warmaster. Not a single scratch!
DERV: Branded—hostiles—detected. Transport—mode—deprioritized.
Event failure
Vigil Recruit: Brand it! Too slow. Gods, what will I tell the warmaster?
Event success
Vigil Recruit: Warmaster Steelburn sends her regards. And reinforcements.
General Almorra Soulkeeper: Good. We can use the extra firepower. Get into position—the party starts soon.