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Villagers are generic NPCs found throughout Tyria.


Crystal Desert
Horn of Maguuma
Maguuma Jungle
Shiverpeak Mountains
The Mists

Story involvement[edit]

Personal story[edit]

Living World Season 1[edit]

Living World Season 1 (historical)

Living World Season 3[edit]

Path of Fire story[edit]

Living World Season 4[edit]

Secrets of the Obscure story[edit]

Janthir Wilds story[edit]

Heart involvement[edit]

Complete heart (map icon).png Help the fishers of Triskell Quay (19)
Complete heart (map icon).png Help pacify Tyler's Bivouac for settlers (34)
Complete heart (map icon).png Help the endangered quaggans (60)
Complete heart (map icon).png Aid the oppressed of Champion's Dawn on behalf of the Sunspears (80)
Complete heart (map icon).png Aid the villagers of Zephyr's Trace (80)

Event involvement[edit]

Event cog (tango icon).png Drive back the centaurs before they steal the monastery's ale (11)
Event shield (tango icon).png Kill the Cuatl thieves (11)
Event shield (tango icon).png Stop the krait from destroying hylek eggs (11)
Event shield (tango icon).png Defend the Soggorsort quaggans from krait slavers (13)
Event swords (tango icon).png Free quaggan slaves from Slaver's Deeps (13)
Event shield (tango icon).png Defend Applenook from the pirate attack (30)
Event swords (tango icon).png Intercept the prisoner caravan (37)
Event swords (tango icon).png Defeat the kidnapping harpies before they reach the cliffs (38)
Event shield (tango icon).png Rescue the villagers and defeat harpy kidnappers (38)
Event shield (tango icon).png Prevent krait from kidnapping Okarinoo quaggans (60)
Event star (tango icon).png [Group Event] Dance among the kodan (80)
Event boss (tango icon).png [Group Event] Defeat High Judge Ejele and free imprisoned Elonians (80)
Event boss (tango icon).png [Group Event] Defeat High Judge Sidan before innocent Elonians are slain (80)
Event boss (tango icon).png [Group Event] Defeat the champion Forged cannonade (80)
Event shield (tango icon).png Defeat the Forged champion while protecting the Necropolis defender (80)
Event shield (tango icon).png Defeat the White Mantle and save the villager from burning (80)
Event shield (tango icon).png Defend the captive villagers from the garrison's Awakened until Zuri returns with weapons (80)
Event swords (tango icon).png Drive back Balthazar's forces before they wear down the makeshift militia (80)
Event star (tango icon).png Find the djinn vessel before the Brandstorm overwhelms the area (80)
Event star red (map icon).png [Group Event] Gather essence of aggression around Jade Mech Habitation Zone 03 (80)
Event star red (map icon).png [Group Event] Gather essence of anxiety around Devastated Garenhoff (80)
Event collect (tango icon).png Help Flint deal with the swindlers in First Camp (80)
Event swords (tango icon).png Kill the mutated rats (80)
Event fist (tango icon).png Maintain order to help the court reach rulings on the Vabbian dead (80)
Event shield (tango icon).png Stop the stampede of choya before they break down the gate (80)
Event swords (tango icon).png Stop the thieves from escaping the farmland with stolen supplies (80)
Event dialogue (map icon).png Work together to destroy all targets while mounted on your warclaw (80)


Crystal Oasis[edit]

Atop of Amnoon Water Authority plant
Congratulations on reaching the top!
Talk more option tango.png Why are you up here?
I like a challenge. The Water Authority workers obviously don't approve, but the thrill is worth it.
Talk end option tango.png Be careful getting back down.
Talk end option tango.png Thank you.
At Kusini Crossing
Can't talk—have to run water!
Talk end option tango.png Okay...

Domain of Istan[edit]

At Jakumba's Legacy
You weren't followed, were you? Can't be too careful. Joko has spies in every shadow and informants around every corner.
Talk more option tango.png What are you doing out here?
Collecting weapons from ancient Sunspear caches. The steel may be old, but it still has bite.
Talk end option tango.png Good luck to you.
Talk end option tango.png I'll leave you alone with your paranoia.

Domain of Kourna[edit]

In Allied Encampment next to Roller Beetle Training
Those asura on the landing above seem to be bug collectors...
Talk more option tango.png What's in the tanks?
Just some of the local fireflies. Great sources of protein. They're a favorite food of beetles.
Talk end option tango.png Good to know.
Talk end option tango.png I need to be going.

Domain of Vabbi[edit]

In The Necropolis
How will I go on?
Talk end option tango.png Sorry. I wish I could help.
Joko preserve you, friend.
Talk end option tango.png Uh, thanks.

Kessex Hills[edit]

In Triskellion Vale
This villager is too ill to speak. Perhaps Mayor Trisk knows more about what's happening with these people.
Talk end option tango.png Leave the villager alone.

Lake Doric[edit]

At Bluster Watershed
Are they—are they gone yet?
Talk more option tango.png The White Mantle? No, I'm afraid not. Are you okay?
No, I'm not okay! The bastards ransacked my windmill, and the damage will take months to repair! What am I going to do without my livelihood? What's my family going to do?
Talk end option tango.png You'll pull through this. We all will. Trust me.
Talk end option tango.png I'm sorry. I don't have time for this.
At Lakeside Bazaar next to Cin Fursarai
I'm sorry, Mr. Fursarai! Please don't hurt me!
Talk more option tango.png I'm not Cin. Are you alright?
Oh, thank goodness. I'm fine, at least for now. I accidentally broke some things that were very important to Mr. Fursarai, and now he's very upset with me. You do not want to get on his bad side.
Talk more option tango.png Why do you say that? And why do you call him Mr. Fursarai?
He's my boss, and I really need this job. He's also known to have quite the temper if you upset him. Combine that with me breaking things, and, well, you heard how that went.
Talk end option tango.png I'm sorry to hear that. Take care.
Talk end option tango.png That's good to know.
Talk end option tango.png You'll live.
At Lakeside Bazaar upstairs from Bagran the Pearl Merchant
This old trading post used to be such a safe place, but now...
Talk more option tango.png It will be again, when the Mantle are defeated.
Still beats being outside the walls. I worry so for the civilians out there.
Talk end option tango.png As do I. Stay safe.
Talk end option tango.png Good-bye.
At New Loamhurst
Oh, Dwayna save me... What am I going to do now?
Talk more option tango.png Are you okay?
Do I look okay? I'm a fisherwoman! My life is the lake, and now it's...Just look at it!
Talk end option tango.png Take heart. We'll get through this.
Talk end option tango.png Be well and stay safe.
At New Loamhurst, north of the Renown Heart NPC.
Hi there.
Talk more option tango.png What's with the blue fire?
What blue fire? I've not been able to get this forge started in weeks.
Talk end option tango.png Interesting.
Talk end option tango.png Hello.
At Saidra's Haven, out on a piece of wood in the lake
This is the way it ends, isn't it? Dragons on the loose, magic running wild, hordes of enemies at our capital's doorstep...
Talk more option tango.png Why are you way out here? Are you okay?
I saw this chunk of wood floating out here and figured it'd be as safe as anywhere else. I've lived in Lake Doric all my life. I never thought I'd see a day like today...I'm not sure what to do.
Talk more option tango.png It's going to be okay. We're going to win this war.
I pray you're right, stranger. I'm just going to stay here and soak it in, so to speak. The sights and smells of home. Not sure I'll have another chance.
Talk end option tango.png Take care of yourself.
Talk end option tango.png I wish you the best.
Talk end option tango.png It's going to be okay.

Lion's Arch[edit]

In Farshore Ward
Worth getting out of the city for this view of the falls.
Talk end option tango.png It is nice here.

Lowland Shore[edit]

Behind the highest house in Harvest Den
Please do not distract them. They're currently in the midst of a longstanding staring contest.
Talk end option tango.png You got it.


In Krytan Freeholds, during Drive back the centaurs before they steal the monastery's ale event
Please help! Centaurs are attacking the monastery and stealing the ale!
Tick green.png I'm on my way!
Talk end option tango.png I really can't right now.
In the Village of Shaemoor
You think we'll ever be rid of centaurs? Why can't they leave us alone?
Talk end option tango.png Good-bye.
In the Village of Shaemoor, during Bring blobs of toxin to Apprentice Jameson event
Overhead icon
It's gonna be the water. I've never felt so weak.
Talk more option tango.png What's wrong with the water?
If the water's bad, then something's wrong with the pump station. It's probably those bandits again.
Tick green.png I'll see what I can find out.
Talk end option tango.png Good-bye.
Ugh, I dont feel so good.
Talk more option tango.png Are you okay?
Do I look okay? This water's been tampered with. That means someone's tampering with the pump house.
Tick green.png I'll check it out.
Talk end option tango.png Good-bye.

Snowden Drifts[edit]

In Hrothgar's Pass
Hooo! You found quaggan! You are one smart adventurer.
Talk more option tango.png Are you hiding?
Nooo! Quaggan likes finding secret spots and waiting for people to find quaggan.
Talk more option tango.png But if you find a really secret secret spot, no one will find you.
Quaggan will always be found. Oho! Quaggan is not that good at hiding.
Talk end option tango.png Good luck, quaggan.
Talk end option tango.png Good-bye.
Talk end option tango.png Good-bye.

The Desolation[edit]

At Blind Faith in Silent Vale
Hello. Have you come to pay homage to the goddess?
Talk more option tango.png Is that...Kormir?
Yes. There are those of us who have never wavered in our devotion to the goddess of truth—even Joko can't erase our devotion. An Elonian becoming a god...we were destined to follow her!
Talk more option tango.png Can you tell me more?
What would you like to know?
Talk more option tango.png Does the clanmarshal know there are still followers of Kormir here?
No, of course not! We have to keep our faith secret. That's why our shrine is here, away from the village. Take care when you leave so that you don't reveal our location.
Talk back option tango.png One more question. (same as "What would you like to know?")
Talk end option tango.png I'll be sure to do that.
Talk more option tango.png What do you think of Balthazar's return?
Well, if one god can return, why not another? It gives us hope that Kormir still listens and may one day return and deliver us from Joko's rule.
Talk back option tango.png Let me ask you something else. (same as "What would you like to know?")
Talk end option tango.png That's very optimistic.
Talk more option tango.png How many of the villagers in Purity worship Kormir?
Several dozen. Perhaps half the village? We're careful never to gather together all at once or speak of our beliefs openly.
Talk back option tango.png There's one more thing... (same as "What would you like to know?")
Talk end option tango.png I'd better be going.
Talk end option tango.png See you later.
Talk more option tango.png I've been to Kormir's realm. I've spoken to her. (if completed Facing the Truth)
I... You have? She must know that we still worship her! Did she have a message for us?
Talk more option tango.png (Truth) She says the time of gods is over; humans must make their own way.
That's... Many of us feared this was the case. Even so...Kormir is still real, and so is our faith. We won't give up hope.
Talk back option tango.png Can I ask you something else?
Talk end option tango.png I wish I had better news for you.
Talk more option tango.png (Lie) She hears you, and she'll be back someday to reward the faithful.
Thank you, stranger! I'd begun to give up hope, but this news fills my heart with gladness and renews my faith! Oh, merciful Kormir, I can't wait to share this with the others!
Talk back option tango.png Can I ask another question?
Talk end option tango.png You're welcome.
Talk back option tango.png I'll tell you later. First, another question.
Talk end option tango.png I'm not at liberty to say.
Talk end option tango.png I should be going.
Talk end option tango.png I think I'll be going.


At Cornucopian Fields, with an old looking villager
Things sure change.
Speak up.
What do you need?
Hello youngster.
Greetings in The Necropolis
Please...please leave.
What's the point anymore?
Just let me cry.
I'm not sure I can go on...
It hurts so bad.
Is this a test, Lord Joko?


Lowland kodan villagers