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Faction Provisioner

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Faction Provisioner.png Faction Provisioners are located in certain outposts in Verdant Brink, Auric Basin and Tangled Depths, as well as in each major city. Additional Faction Provisioners are scattered in the zones of the Horn of Maguuma.

Each provisioner will trade Provisioner Tokens for certain crafting materials and, depending on region, Rare level-80 crafted items or superior runes/sigils. Provisioners in the Horn of Maguuma offer 5 Provisioner Token.pngProvisioner Tokens for Exotic level-80 crafted weapons.

The purchases are limited:

Faction Provisioners[edit]

Faction Provisioner
Nearest Waypoint
Tab Items accepted Buy Price Sell Price
(Direct Purchase)
Major Cities
Lion's Arch
Skritt Trader
Waypoint (map icon).png Commodore's Quarter Waypoint
Collector's Provisioner Token Exchange Any tango icon 20px.png Mystic Forge Stone.pngMystic Forge Stone
Any tango icon 20px.png Glob of Ectoplasm.png5 Globs of Ectoplasm
Leatherworker tango icon 20px.png
Superior Rune of the Adventurer.pngSuperior Rune of the Adventurer
Account Bound

Account Bound

Black Citadel
Ash Legion Provisioner
Waypoint (map icon).png Diessa Gate Waypoint
Collector's Provisioner Token Exchange Any tango icon 20px.png Obsidian Shard.pngObsidian Shard
Any tango icon 20px.png Large Skull.png20 Large Skulls
Armorsmith tango icon 20px.png
Leatherworker tango icon 20px.png
Tailor tango icon 20px.png
Superior Rune of the Citadel.png12 Superior Runes of the Citadel
Account Bound

Account Bound

Divinity's Reach
Temple Quartermaster
Waypoint (map icon).png Ministers Waypoint
Provisioner Token
Any tango icon 20px.png Lump of Mithrillium.pngLump of Mithrillium
Any tango icon 20px.png Superior Sigil of Justice.png34 Superior Sigils of Justice
Armorsmith tango icon 20px.png
Leatherworker tango icon 20px.png
Tailor tango icon 20px.png
Superior Rune of Divinity.png4 Superior Runes of Divinity


Waypoint (map icon).png Trade Commons Waypoint
Collector's Provisioner Token Exchange Any tango icon 20px.png Spool of Thick Elonian Cord.pngSpool of Thick Elonian Cord
Huntsman tango icon 20px.png Superior Sigil of Icebrood Slaying.png20 Superior Sigils of Icebrood Slaying
Armorsmith tango icon 20px.png
Leatherworker tango icon 20px.png
Tailor tango icon 20px.png
Superior Rune of Hoelbrak.png14 Superior Runes of Hoelbrak


Rata Sum
Synergetics Intern
Waypoint (map icon).png Accountancy Waypoint
Collector's Provisioner Token Exchange Any tango icon 20px.png Charged Quartz Crystal.pngCharged Quartz Crystal
Any tango icon 20px.png Crystal Lodestone.png24 Crystal Lodestones
Armorsmith tango icon 20px.png
Leatherworker tango icon 20px.png
Tailor tango icon 20px.png
Superior Rune of Rata Sum.png14 Superior Runes of Rata Sum


The Grove
Warden Eve
Waypoint (map icon).png Reckoner's Waypoint
Collector's Provisioner Token Exchange Any tango icon 20px.png Glob of Elder Spirit Residue.pngGlob of Elder Spirit Residue
Any tango icon 20px.png Sheet of Ambrite.png3 Sheets of Ambrite
Armorsmith tango icon 20px.png
Leatherworker tango icon 20px.png
Tailor tango icon 20px.png
Superior Rune of the Grove.png14 Superior Runes of the Grove


Heart of Maguuma
Verdant Brink
Quartermaster Natomi
Waypoint (map icon).png Shipwreck Peak Waypoint
Collector's Provisioner Token Exchange Any tango icon 20px.png Reclaimed Metal Plate.pngReclaimed Metal Plate Account Bound Account Bound
Sylvari Provisioner Token Exchange1
Weaponsmith tango icon 20px.png
Krait Machete.pngAssassin's Krait Machete
Artificer tango icon 20px.png
Krait Star.pngAssassin's Krait Star
Huntsman tango icon 20px.png
Krait Shooter.pngAssassin's Krait Shooter
Tailor tango icon 20px.png
Masquerade Leggings.pngAssassin's Masquerade Leggings
Leatherworker tango icon 20px.png
Noble Pants.pngAssassin's Noble Pants
Armorsmith tango icon 20px.png
Gladiator Legplates.pngAssassin's Gladiator Legplates

Itzel Provisioner Token Exchange1
Weaponsmith tango icon 20px.png
Krait Slayer.pngCarrion Krait Slayer
Artificer tango icon 20px.png
Krait Wand.pngCarrion Krait Wand
Huntsman tango icon 20px.png
Krait Short Bow.pngCarrion Krait Short Bow
Tailor tango icon 20px.png
Masquerade Boots.pngCarrion Masquerade Boots
Leatherworker tango icon 20px.png
Noble Boots.pngCarrion Noble Boots
Armorsmith tango icon 20px.png
Gladiator Boots.pngCarrion Gladiator Boots

Pact Provisioner Token Exchange1
Weaponsmith tango icon 20px.png
Krait Shell.pngValkyrie Krait Shell
Artificer tango icon 20px.png
Black Earth Trident.pngValkyrie Krait Crook
Huntsman tango icon 20px.png
Krait Whelk.pngValkyrie Krait Whelk
Tailor tango icon 20px.png
Masquerade Raiments.pngValkyrie Masquerade Raiments
Leatherworker tango icon 20px.png
Noble Coat.pngValkyrie Noble Coat
Armorsmith tango icon 20px.png
Gladiator Chestplate.pngValkyrie Gladiator Chestplate

Noble Provisioner Token Exchange1
Weaponsmith tango icon 20px.png
Krait Warhammer.pngCleric's Krait Warhammer
Artificer tango icon 20px.png
Krait Star.pngCleric's Krait Star
Huntsman tango icon 20px.png
Krait Handgun.pngCleric's Krait Handgun
Tailor tango icon 20px.png
Masquerade Gloves.pngCleric's Masquerade Gloves
Leatherworker tango icon 20px.png
Noble Gloves.pngCleric's Noble Gloves
Armorsmith tango icon 20px.png
Gladiator Gauntlets.pngCleric's Gladiator Gauntlets

Quaggan Provisioner Token Exchange1
Weaponsmith tango icon 20px.png
Krait Ripper.pngApothecary's Krait Ripper
Artificer tango icon 20px.png
Black Earth Trident.pngApothecary's Krait Crook
Huntsman tango icon 20px.png
Krait Recurve Bow.pngApothecary's Krait Recurve Bow
Tailor tango icon 20px.png
Masquerade Mantle.pngApothecary's Masquerade Mantle
Leatherworker tango icon 20px.png
Noble Shoulders.pngApothecary's Noble Shoulders
Armorsmith tango icon 20px.png
Gladiator Pauldrons.pngApothecary's Gladiator Pauldrons

Auric Basin
Scavenger Rakatin
Waypoint (map icon).png Wanderer's Waypoint
Collector's Provisioner Token Exchange Any tango icon 20px.png Auric Ingot.pngAuric Ingot Account Bound Account Bound
Priory Provisioner Token Exchange1
Weaponsmith tango icon 20px.png
Krait Morning Star.pngBringer's Krait Morning Star
Artificer tango icon 20px.png
Krait Wand.pngBringer's Krait Wand
Huntsman tango icon 20px.png
Krait Recurve Bow.pngBringer's Krait Recurve Bow
Tailor tango icon 20px.png
Masquerade Mask.pngGiver's Masquerade Mask
Leatherworker tango icon 20px.png
Noble Mask.pngGiver's Noble Mask
Armorsmith tango icon 20px.png
Gladiator Helm.pngGiver's Gladiator Helm

Exalted Provisioner Token Exchange1
Weaponsmith tango icon 20px.png
Krait Morning Star.pngValkyrie Krait Morning Star
Artificer tango icon 20px.png
Black Earth Trident.pngValkyrie Krait Crook
Huntsman tango icon 20px.png
Krait Brazier.pngValkyrie Krait Brazier
Tailor tango icon 20px.png
Masquerade Raiments.pngValkyrie Masquerade Raiments
Leatherworker tango icon 20px.png
Noble Coat.pngValkyrie Noble Coat
Armorsmith tango icon 20px.png
Gladiator Chestplate.pngValkyrie Gladiator Chestplate

Skritt Provisioner Token Exchange1
Weaponsmith tango icon 20px.png
Krait Battleaxe.pngRampager's Krait Battleaxe
Artificer tango icon 20px.png
Krait Wand.pngRampager's Krait Wand
Huntsman tango icon 20px.png
Krait Shooter.pngRampager's Krait Shooter
Tailor tango icon 20px.png
Masquerade Leggings.pngRampager's Masquerade Leggings
Leatherworker tango icon 20px.png
Noble Pants.pngRampager's Noble Pants
Armorsmith tango icon 20px.png
Gladiator Legplates.pngRampager's Gladiator Legplates

Tangled Depths
Supply Assistant
Waypoint (map icon).png Ogre Camp Waypoint
Collector's Provisioner Token Exchange Any tango icon 20px.png Chak Egg.pngChak Egg Account Bound Account Bound
Ogre Provisioner Token Exchange1
Weaponsmith tango icon 20px.png
Krait Shell.pngBerserker's Krait Shell
Artificer tango icon 20px.png
Krait Star.pngBerserker's Krait Star
Huntsman tango icon 20px.png
Krait Brazier.pngBerserker's Krait Brazier
Tailor tango icon 20px.png
Masquerade Mantle.pngBerserker's Masquerade Mantle
Leatherworker tango icon 20px.png
Noble Shoulders.pngBerserker's Noble Shoulders
Armorsmith tango icon 20px.png
Gladiator Pauldrons.pngBerserker's Gladiator Pauldrons

Rata Novus Provisioner Token Exchange1
Weaponsmith tango icon 20px.png
Krait Battleaxe.pngCarrion Krait Battleaxe
Artificer tango icon 20px.png
Krait Star.pngCarrion Krait Star
Huntsman tango icon 20px.png
Krait Recurve Bow.pngCarrion Krait Recurve Bow
Tailor tango icon 20px.png
Masquerade Gloves.pngCarrion Masquerade Gloves
Leatherworker tango icon 20px.png
Noble Gloves.pngCarrion Noble Gloves
Armorsmith tango icon 20px.png
Gladiator Gauntlets.pngCarrion Gladiator Gauntlets

Nuhoch Provisioner Token Exchange1
Weaponsmith tango icon 20px.png
Krait Warhammer.pngKnight's Krait Warhammer
Artificer tango icon 20px.png
Black Earth Trident.pngKnight's Krait Crook
Huntsman tango icon 20px.png
Krait Whelk.pngKnight's Krait Whelk
Tailor tango icon 20px.png
Masquerade Boots.pngKnight's Masquerade Boots
Leatherworker tango icon 20px.png
Noble Boots.pngKnight's Noble Boots
Armorsmith tango icon 20px.png
Gladiator Boots.pngKnight's Gladiator Boots

SCAR Camp Provisioner Token Exchange1
Weaponsmith tango icon 20px.png
Krait Ripper.pngApothecary's Krait Ripper
Artificer tango icon 20px.png
Krait Wand.pngApothecary's Krait Wand
Huntsman tango icon 20px.png
Krait Shooter.pngApothecary's Krait Shooter
Tailor tango icon 20px.png
Masquerade Mask.pngApothecary's Masquerade Mask
Leatherworker tango icon 20px.png
Noble Mask.pngApothecary's Noble Mask
Armorsmith tango icon 20px.png
Gladiator Helm.pngApothecary's Gladiator Helm

Horn of Maguuma
Skywatch Archipelago
Astral Ward Protector
Waypoint (map icon).png Beacon of Ages Waypoint
Collector's Provisioner Token Exchange1
Huntsman tango icon 20px.png
Storm's Eye Longbow.pngStorm's Eye Longbow
Huntsman tango icon 20px.png
Storm's Eye Torch.pngStorm's Eye Torch
Weaponsmith tango icon 20px.png
Storm's Eye Sword.pngStorm's Eye Sword
And 3 choices of crafting materials from the list below.

Skywatch Archipelago
Zaishen Warrior
Waypoint (map icon).png Astral Ward Encampment Waypoint
Collector's Provisioner Token Exchange1
Weaponsmith tango icon 20px.png
Storm's Eye Mace.pngStorm's Eye Mace
Weaponsmith tango icon 20px.png
Storm's Eye Dagger.pngStorm's Eye Dagger
Weaponsmith tango icon 20px.png
Storm's Eye Greatsword.pngStorm's Eye Greatsword
Huntsman tango icon 20px.png
Storm's Eye Short Bow.pngStorm's Eye Short Bow
And 3 choices of crafting materials from the list below.

Skywatch Archipelago
Waypoint (map icon).png Rata Novus Promenade Waypoint
Collector's Provisioner Token Exchange1
Artificer tango icon 20px.png
Storm's Eye Staff.png1 Storm's Eye Staff
Artificer tango icon 20px.png
Storm's Eye Scepter.png 1 Storm's Eye Scepter
Artificer tango icon 20px.png
Storm's Eye Focus.png 1 Storm's Eye Focus
And 3 choices of crafting materials from the list below.

Skywatch Archipelago
Deldrimor Dwarf
Waypoint (map icon).png Droknar's Light Waypoint
Collector's Provisioner Token Exchange1
Weaponsmith tango icon 20px.png
Storm's Eye Hammer.png1 Storm's Eye Hammer
Weaponsmith tango icon 20px.png
Storm's Eye Axe.png 1 Storm's Eye Axe
Weaponsmith tango icon 20px.png
Storm's Eye Shield.png 1 Storm's Eye Shield
And 3 choices of crafting materials from the list below.

Skywatch Archipelago
Kestrel Watchkeeper
Waypoint (map icon).png Kestrel's Vow Waypoint
Collector's Provisioner Token Exchange1 Huntsman tango icon 20px.png Storm's Eye Pistol.pngStorm's Eye Pistol
Huntsman tango icon 20px.png Storm's Eye Rifle.pngStorm's Eye Rifle
Huntsman tango icon 20px.png Storm's Eye Warhorn.pngStorm's Eye Warhorn
And 3 choices of crafting materials from the list below.

The Wizard's Tower
Rend Scorchmaul
Waypoint (map icon).png Tower Courtyard Waypoint
Collector's Provisioner Token Exchange Any tango icon 20px.png Lump of Mithrillium.pngLump of Mithrillium
Any tango icon 20px.png Glob of Elder Spirit Residue.pngGlob of Elder Spirit Residue
Any tango icon 20px.png Spool of Thick Elonian Cord.pngSpool of Thick Elonian Cord
Any tango icon 20px.png Charged Quartz Crystal.pngCharged Quartz Crystal
Any tango icon 20px.png Research Note.png300 Research Notes
Account Bound
Account Bound
Account Bound
Account Bound
Account Bound
Account Bound
Account Bound
Account Bound
Account Bound
Account Bound
Astral Ward Skirmisher
Waypoint (map icon).png Bastion of Knowledge Waypoint
Collector's Provisioner Token Exchange1
Weaponsmith tango icon 20px.png
Stormforged Dagger.pngShaman's Stormforged Dagger
Artificer tango icon 20px.png
Stormforged Focus.pngShaman's Stormforged Focus
Artificer tango icon 20px.png
Stormforged Scepter.pngShaman's Stormforged Scepter
Artificer tango icon 20px.png
Stormforged Staff.pngShaman's Stormforged Staff
And 3 choices of crafting materials from the list below.

Astral Ward Skirmisher
Waypoint (map icon).png Bastion of Strength Waypoint
Collector's Provisioner Token Exchange Has 3 choices out of the crafting materials from the list below and/or the following weapons.
Weaponsmith tango icon 20px.png
Stormforged Axe.pngShaman's Stormforged Axe
Weaponsmith tango icon 20px.png
Stormforged Greatsword.pngShaman's Stormforged Greatsword
Weaponsmith tango icon 20px.png
Stormforged Hammer.pngShaman's Stormforged Hammer
Huntsman tango icon 20px.png
Stormforged Pistol.pngShaman's Stormforged Pistol
Huntsman tango icon 20px.png
Stormforged Rifle.pngShaman's Stormforged Rifle

Astral Ward Mage
Waypoint (map icon).png Bastion of Balance Waypoint
Collector's Provisioner Token Exchange1
Weaponsmith tango icon 20px.png
Stormforged Mace.pngShaman's Stormforged Mace
Huntsman tango icon 20px.png
Stormforged Pistol.pngShaman's Stormforged Pistol
Weaponsmith tango icon 20px.png
Stormforged Shield.pngShaman's Stormforged Shield
Weaponsmith tango icon 20px.png
Stormforged Sword.pngShaman's Stormforged Sword
And 3 choices of crafting materials from the list below.

Astral Ward Protector
Waypoint (map icon).png Bastion of the Obscure Waypoint
Collector's Provisioner Token Exchange Has 3 choices out of the crafting materials from the list below and/or the following weapons.
Weaponsmith tango icon 20px.png
Stormforged Axe.pngShaman's Stormforged Axe
Weaponsmith tango icon 20px.png
Stormforged Mace.pngShaman's Stormforged Mace
Huntsman tango icon 20px.png
Stormforged Rifle.pngShaman's Stormforged Rifle
Artificer tango icon 20px.png
Stormforged Scepter.pngShaman's Stormforged Scepter
Weaponsmith tango icon 20px.png
Stormforged Shield.pngShaman's Stormforged Shield
Artificer tango icon 20px.png
Stormforged Staff.pngShaman's Stormforged Staff
Weaponsmith tango icon 20px.png
Stormforged Sword.pngShaman's Stormforged Sword
Huntsman tango icon 20px.png
Stormforged Torch.pngShaman's Stormforged Torch

Astral Ward Mage
Waypoint (map icon).png Bastion of the Natural Waypoint
Collector's Provisioner Token Exchange1
Huntsman tango icon 20px.png
Stormforged Warhorn.png1 Shaman's Stormforged Warhorn
Huntsman tango icon 20px.png
Stormforged Longbow.png1 Shaman's Stormforged Longbow
Huntsman tango icon 20px.png
Stormforged Short Bow.png1 Shaman's Stormforged Short Bow
Huntsman tango icon 20px.png
Stormforged Torch.png1 Shaman's Stormforged Torch
And 3 choices of crafting materials from the list below.

Inner Nayos
Astral Ward Skirmisher
Waypoint (map icon).png Astral Ward Camp Waypoint
Collector's Provisioner Token Exchange1
Weaponsmith tango icon 20px.png
Consecrated Saryx Mace.pngGrieving Consecrated Saryx Mace
Huntsman tango icon 20px.png
Consecrated Saryx Pistol.pngGrieving Consecrated Saryx Pistol
Weaponsmith tango icon 20px.png
Consecrated Saryx Shield.pngGrieving Consecrated Saryx Shield
Weaponsmith tango icon 20px.png
Consecrated Saryx Sword.pngGrieving Consecrated Saryx Sword
Huntsman tango icon 20px.png
Consecrated Saryx Warhorn.pngGrieving Consecrated Saryx Warhorn
Huntsman tango icon 20px.png
Consecrated Saryx Longbow.pngGrieving Consecrated Saryx Longbow
Huntsman tango icon 20px.png
Consecrated Saryx Short Bow.pngGrieving Consecrated Saryx Short Bow
Huntsman tango icon 20px.png
Consecrated Saryx Torch.pngGrieving Consecrated Saryx Torch
And 3 choices of crafting materials from the list below.

Inner Nayos
Astral Ward Mage
Waypoint (map icon).png Forward Bivouac Waypoint
Collector's Provisioner Token Exchange1
Weaponsmith tango icon 20px.png
Consecrated Saryx Dagger.pngGrieving Consecrated Saryx Dagger
Artificer tango icon 20px.png
Consecrated Saryx Focus.pngGrieving Consecrated Saryx Focus
Artificer tango icon 20px.png
Consecrated Saryx Scepter.pngGrieving Consecrated Saryx Scepter
Artificer tango icon 20px.png
Consecrated Saryx Staff.pngGrieving Consecrated Saryx Staff
Weaponsmith tango icon 20px.png
Consecrated Saryx Axe.pngGrieving Consecrated Saryx Axe
Weaponsmith tango icon 20px.png
Consecrated Saryx Greatsword.pngGrieving Consecrated Saryx Greatsword
Weaponsmith tango icon 20px.png
Consecrated Saryx Hammer.pngGrieving Consecrated Saryx Hammer
Huntsman tango icon 20px.png
Consecrated Saryx Rifle.pngGrieving Consecrated Saryx Rifle
And 3 choices of crafting materials from the list below.

Lowland Shore
Gaerlar Stormrider
Waypoint (map icon).png Astral Ward Moon Camp Waypoint

Vignir the Storm
Waypoint (map icon).png Autumn's Vale Waypoint

Janthir Syntri
Shining Isle
Waypoint (map icon).png Forager's Hunt Waypoint
Collector's Provisioner Token Exchange1
Armorsmith tango icon 20px.png
Titanplate Heavy Greaves.pngTitanplate Heavy Greaves
Armorsmith tango icon 20px.png
Titanplate Heavy Breastplate.pngTitanplate Heavy Breastplate
Armorsmith tango icon 20px.png
Titanplate Heavy Gauntlets.pngTitanplate Heavy Gauntlets
Armorsmith tango icon 20px.png
Titanplate Heavy Helmet.pngTitanplate Heavy Helmet
Armorsmith tango icon 20px.png
Titanplate Heavy Cuisses.pngTitanplate Heavy Cuisses
Armorsmith tango icon 20px.png
Titanplate Heavy Pauldrons.pngTitanplate Heavy Pauldrons
Tailor tango icon 20px.png
Titanplate Heavy Gauntlets.pngTitanplate Light Gloves
Tailor tango icon 20px.png
Titanplate Heavy Breastplate.pngTitanplate Light Regalia
Tailor tango icon 20px.png
Titanplate Heavy Helmet.pngTitanplate Light Crown
Tailor tango icon 20px.png
Titanplate Heavy Cuisses.pngTitanplate Light Pants
Tailor tango icon 20px.png
Titanplate Heavy Pauldrons.pngTitanplate Light Mantle
Tailor tango icon 20px.png
Titanplate Heavy Greaves.pngTitanplate Light Shoes
Leatherworker tango icon 20px.png
Titanplate Heavy Helmet.pngTitanplate Medium Mask
Leatherworker tango icon 20px.png
Titanplate Heavy Gauntlets.pngTitanplate Medium Gloves
Leatherworker tango icon 20px.png
Titanplate Heavy Cuisses.pngTitanplate Medium Leggings
Leatherworker tango icon 20px.png
Titanplate Heavy Greaves.pngTitanplate Medium Boots
Leatherworker tango icon 20px.png
Titanplate Heavy Breastplate.pngTitanplate Medium Jacket
And 3 choices of crafting materials from the list below.

Faction Provisioners in Janthir do not accept Titanplate Medium Shoulders to trade.
  1. ^ a b c d e f g h Indicated items cannot be bought or sold on the Trading Post. The price indicates the TP value of the items required to create one. Timegated materials such as Mithrillium and Charged Quartz may, however, be considered more valuable for their potential uses in recipes that can be sold. Use your own discretion.

List of Crafting Materials on daily rotation[edit]

Item Cost
Provisioner Token.png Provisioner Token 500 Silk Scrap
Provisioner Token.png Provisioner Token 250 Mithril Ore
Provisioner Token.png Provisioner Token 250 Elder Wood Log
Provisioner Token.png Provisioner Token 250 Thick Leather Section
Provisioner Token.png Provisioner Token 100 Research Note
Provisioner Token.png Provisioner Token 100 Gossamer Scrap
Provisioner Token.png Provisioner Token 50 Orichalcum Ore
Provisioner Token.png Provisioner Token 50 Ancient Wood Log
Provisioner Token.png Provisioner Token 50 Hardened Leather Section
Provisioner Token.png Provisioner Token Glob of Ectoplasm
Cost Buy Price Sell Price
Silk Scrap.png500 Silk Scraps
Mithril Ore.png250 Mithril Ores
Elder Wood Log.png250 Elder Wood Logs
Thick Leather Section.png250 Thick Leather Sections
Research Note.png100 Research Notes Account Bound Account Bound
Gossamer Scrap.png100 Gossamer Scraps
Orichalcum Ore.png50 Orichalcum Ores
Ancient Wood Log.png50 Ancient Wood Logs
Hardened Leather Section.png50 Hardened Leather Sections
Glob of Ectoplasm.png5 Globs of Ectoplasm

Items offered[edit]

Crafting Rewards[edit]

Item Type Rarity Cost
Polished Aurillium.png Polished Aurillium Gizmo Exotic Provisioner Token
Crafter's Supply Bag.png Crafter's Supply Bag Container Exotic Provisioner Token
Exotic Equipment Satchel.png Exotic Equipment Satchel Container Exotic 10 Provisioner Token
Gift of Craftsmanship.png Gift of Craftsmanship Trophy Legendary 50 Provisioner Token

Bloodbound Weapons[edit]

Item Type Rarity Cost
Faithful.png Bloodbound Axe Axe Rare 10 Provisioner Token
Moonshank.png Bloodbound Dagger Dagger Rare 10 Provisioner Token
Chalice of the Gods.png Bloodbound Focus Focus Rare 10 Provisioner Token
Ebonblade.png Bloodbound Greatsword Greatsword Rare 10 Provisioner Token
Bronze Hammer.png Bloodbound Hammer Hammer Rare 10 Provisioner Token
Dragonspine.png Bloodbound Spear Spear Rare 10 Provisioner Token
Éibhear Dunn.png Bloodbound Longbow Longbow Rare 10 Provisioner Token
Fixer Upper.png Bloodbound Mace Mace Rare 10 Provisioner Token
Ruinmaker.png Bloodbound Pistol Pistol Rare 10 Provisioner Token
Vera.png Bloodbound Rifle Rifle Rare 10 Provisioner Token
Coldsnap.png Bloodbound Scepter Scepter Rare 10 Provisioner Token
Jora's Defender.png Bloodbound Shield Shield Rare 10 Provisioner Token
Éibhear Finn.png Bloodbound Short Bow Short bow Rare 10 Provisioner Token
Tribal Rifle.png Bloodbound Harpoon Gun Harpoon gun Rare 10 Provisioner Token
Bramblethorne.png Bloodbound Staff Staff Rare 10 Provisioner Token
Honor of Humanity.png Bloodbound Sword Sword Rare 10 Provisioner Token
Legionnaire Trident.png Bloodbound Trident Trident Rare 10 Provisioner Token
Firelighter.png Bloodbound Torch Torch Rare 10 Provisioner Token
Tinwail.png Bloodbound Warhorn Warhorn Rare 10 Provisioner Token
Bloodbound Adjuster.png Bloodbound Adjuster Crafting material Rare Provisioner Token


  • Provisioners that accept weapons/armor will still accept those weapons/armor if they are already soulbound prior to exchange (e.g. to unlock the skin).
