Early Parole
Early Parole
- Year
- 1325 AE
- Storyline
- Personal story
- Chapter
- The Battle of Claw Island
- Location
- Shire of Beetletun
(Queensdale) - Level
- 60
- Order
Order of Whispers
- Preceded by
- Followed by
- A Light in the Darkness
- 292
Early Parole is part of the personal story for Order of Whispers characters who choose to break Benn Tenstrikes out of prison in Reconnaissance.
Help Benn Tenstrikes break out of prison.
- Meet Trahearne near the town of Beetletun.
- Bluff the gate guards.
- Enter Beetletun and find Benn Tenstrikes.
- Unlock the door.
- Defeat the jailers guarding Benn Tenstrikes.
- Escort Benn safely out of Beetletun.
Click here to edit the reward data
- All professions
- Bag of Loot (5)
- Profession-specific
One of the Following: Cleric's Hard Trident, Rampager's Darksteel Spear
One of the following: Assassin's Darksteel Spear, Rampager's Darksteel Spear
One of the following: Carrion Hard Harpoon Gun, Assassin's Darksteel Spear
One of the following: Carrion Hard Harpoon Gun, Assassin's Hard Harpoon Gun
One of the following: Assassin's Hard Harpoon Gun, Rampager's Darksteel Spear
One of the following: Rampager's Darksteel Spear, Assassin's Hard Harpoon Gun
One of the following: Carrion Hard Trident, Cleric's Hard Trident
One of the following: Assassin's Darksteel Spear, Carrion Hard Trident
One of the following: Carrion Hard Trident, Assassin's Darksteel Spear
Your objective is to break Benn Tenstrikes out of captivity, and get him safely out of Beetletun. Unfortunately, Minister Caudecus knows what you're up to, and has hired many mercenaries to patrol the town. Some of the mercenaries have a blue circle surrounding the area around them - if you enter this area, they will call for help, attracting all nearby enemies and likely causing you to die. (NPC allies such as Benn, Trahearne, pets, etc. don't seem to trigger the patrols, only players). It's best to avoid the enemies entirely, although it is safe to take out the ones that don't have a circle around them. The easiest way to get Benn in and out is to sneak around the outskirts of town, rather than trying to dodge through all the patrols in the middle. Once you reach the house where he is being held (password: crown), there are a few jailers to defeat, as well as a Veteran interrogator who was apparently torturing him.
When you try to exit the house, a cutscene plays, and many more enemy patrols are added to the area. The mercenaries no longer stick to the center of the town, going along the outskirts will still draw their attention. Don't bother fighting, you can run through them while ignoring anyone attacking you and exit the town to reach the green circle. Some mobs may follow you out and you may have to fight in the green circle until it activates the cutscene. Once you leave Beetletun, Benn gets on a boat to safety, and the mission is over. You can also attempt to run to the exit and ignore the guards - Benn isn't a combatant so you don't have to worry about him getting stuck.
A number of foes in this mission cause knockback, which can be deadly if they happen to knock you back into a patrol with a blue circle - you could suddenly be fighting way more foes than expected. To prevent this, try to keep your back to a wall when fighting, utilize stability, etc.
Cinematic with Trahearne:
- <Character name>: Trahearne. Good to see you. Before we begin - breaking someone out of prison doesn't bother you, does it?
- Trahearne: Although I do not lightly break the law, our need is desperate. The Legate Minister will simply have to forgive.
- <Character name>: Forgiving isn't one of Minister Caudecus's strengths. We'll need to be sharp, and we'll need to be cautious.
- <Character name>: We need to get in, but the entrance is guarded. If they raise the alarm, the operation is over before it begins.
- <Character name>: Stay close to me, and keep quiet.
Talking to Trahearne:
- Trahearne: Hopefully we can secure entrance to the town.
- Let's give it a try.
Approaching the Ministry Guards at the gate, who will knock you back as you reach the top of the flight of stairs:
- Ministry Guard points at <Character name>.
- Ministry Guard: Halt! State your name and intent.
- Turn back. Town's closed by order of Legate Minister Caudecus.
- The Minister's daughter got kidnapped. It's not safe here.
- Thanks for the warning.
Closed? Why?
- I'll leave.
Just seeking shelter for the night.
- Are you dense? We've hardly been out here two hours.
- That makes some sense. Off to get some shut-eye, then.
- Pleasant dreams.
It's a new tactic: shorter shifts, but more of them. Keeps you sharp. (Noble)
- I can follow those orders. In fact, I'll tip one back for you.
- Have two.
I don't make the schedule. Take a break and get some liquor in you. (Captivating)
- Hey, I'm just doing my job. No need to get nasty. You want the shift? Take it.
- Get lost.
Leave, or I'll use your face for skale chum (Barbaric)
- The Minister hired you? I...um...didn't mean to get in your way.
- Get out of here.
Don't question the Legate Minister's orders, soldier.
- I'll be back.
We're your relief.
- Nothing right now.
Reaching the town:
- Trahearne: Look at those guards. They're jumpy. Watchful. Far more than usual.
- Trahearne: Those aren't ordinary Ministry guards. The Minister knows something.
- Trahearne: If a guard spots us, he'll call for others. We would do well to avoid them entirely.
Speaking with Trahearne:
- Trahearne: Those mercenaries will not hesitate to kill us if we are seen.
- If it comes to that, we fight our way in.
Interacting with the locked door:
- Locked door: This door has an alphabetical lock, with five letter-sliders. What would Minister Caudecus use as a password?
- This door doesn't budge. That's not the right password.
- The lock remains closed.
- The most important thing to Caudecus: "crown." (same as below)
- Ugh. I'll try again later.
I'll try "Kryta."
- Let's go with "crown." (same as below)
- I need a break.
I'll try "Demmi."
- This door doesn't budge. That's not the right password.
- The lock remains closed.
- The most important thing to Caudecus: "crown." (same as below)
- Ugh. I'll try again later.
I'll try "Demmi."
- I should try "crown." (same as below)
- I'll try again later.
Maybe "Kryta" is the password.
- The lock obligingly unfastens itself from the door.
- That did it! The door is unlocked.
Maybe "crown" is the password.
- I'll check on this later.
Opening the door:
- Mercenary Jailer: Here to free Tenstrikes, eh? Ha! Not a chance.
- Benn Tenstrikes: I could use a hand over here!
Speaking with Trahearne after unlocking the door:
- Trahearne: We must find Tenstrikes and escape.
- He's got to be here somewhere.
Reaching Benn Tenstrikes:
- Interrogator Thaddeus Nox: I'll stake your head in front of the Ministry!
Speaking with Benn before disposing of the Interrogator:
- Benn Tenstrikes: You won't break me, you ugly...kinda ugly...you know, you look a lot like my friend <Character name>...
- Hang in there, Benn. We'll get you to safety.
Cinematic with Benn:
- Benn Tenstrikes: I ain't telling you where she is. Go ahead, hit me again. It just... tickles.
- <Character name>: Easy, Benn. We're friends. Nobody's hurting you anymore. We're getting you out of here.
- Benn Tenstrikes: You. I know you... You're from the order. Good to know... they haven't totally forgotten about me.
- <Character name>: Not a chance. Demmi sends her regards, by the way. Come on, let's go thank her together.
- Benn Tenstrikes: Demmi... Brave, clever girl. Couldn't let her stay... in a place like this. Where's Tybalt? He should be here.
- <Character name>: He should. He'd be here if he could. Now come on, time enough for questions later.
- Trahearne: His wounds are severe. Benn may be impressive, but he can't fight like this. We'll have to fight for him.
- Trahearne: You go first and clear the way. I'll follow with Benn.
After cinematic:
- Benn Tenstrikes: You know what? For once in my life, I'm not in the mood for a fight.
Talking to your allies:
- Benn Tenstrikes: Not to sound ungrateful, but can we get outta here now?
- I'm working on it.
- Trahearne: Now to get him out of here. May the Pale Tree watch over us.
- Don't worry. How can this possibly go wrong?
When exiting the house:
- Mercenary: Sound the alarm! The east watchpost has been breached. We've got rats in the town.
- Trahearne: They've noticed us. The guard seem to have been doubled!
- Benn Tenstrikes: Sneak... point to point... keep under cover. That's how we do it.
- Trahearne: I'll stay with Tenstrikes. You move ahead. Signal us when the coast is clear.
While escaping:
- Benn Tenstrikes: Let me at 'em. I'll... murderfy... 'em...
- Benn Tenstrikes: Vengeful' is way too small. Caudecus is 'venge-over-full.'
- Benn Tenstrikes: A sword! My kingdom for a sword!... if I have a kingdom, that is.
Cinematic after escaping Beetletun:
- Benn Tenstrikes: That wasn't my smoothest exit ever, but I won't complain. I owe you two my life! Ask for anything in my power, and it's yours.
- <Character name>: I hope you mean that, Benn. Zhaitan's forces threaten Lion's Arch. Claw Island's already been overrun, and Tybalt died to save our lives.
- Benn Tenstrikes: Son of a gun. Never thought ol' Tibs would go out a hero. I liked that guy, though; he always made me laugh.
- <Character name>: We need you, and your mercenaries. Zhaitan will be ready for the orders, but you're a wild card it can't predict.
- Benn Tenstrikes: You know my weak point—completely unnecessary flattery! Let me get my wounds tended, then I'll pull my mercs together. We'll be there.
- <Character name>: Thank you, Benn, I knew we could count on you. See you on the docks of Lion's Arch.
- Trahearne: Lightbringer, the Orrians are firmly entrenched. It will be incredibly difficult to regain Claw Island.
- <Character name>: We can't give up hope, Trahearne.
- Trahearne: I haven't. In fact, I'm counting on hope to lead the way. To that end, we should ask for wisdom from the Pale Tree.
- Trahearne: If anyone knows how to defeat Zhaitan, it is the Mother. Meet me at the Grove, and we'll speak with her before the battle.
After cinematic:
- Trahearne: The order has a ship waiting downriver to take Benn to safety.
- Trahearne: We should journey west. Meet me in the Grove, and we'll speak with the Pale Tree.
Talking with your allies after escaping:
- Benn Tenstrikes: I owe you one <Character name>. I'll be back in fighting shape soon. Next time you go to Claw Island, I'll be there—and I'll bring friends.
- That mangy feline was a good agent, surprisingly. Especially with you at his side.
- Sure thing. What's on your mind?
- It's sad Tybalt couldn't be here to see this. (Same as "I'm grateful. Tybalt would be grateful, too. He liked you a lot.")
- Friends? Who are you planning to bring? (Same as "Who are you planning to bring to Claw Island?")
- How did you get caught by these thugs? (Same as below)
I have another question.
- We should get moving.
I'm grateful. Tybalt would be grateful, too. He liked you a lot.
- My old gladiator crew. Well, maybe not officially "gladiators" but definitely "pit fighters." They all owe me favors, and they'll come running.
- I have another question. (Same as above)
- I should get moving.
Who are you planning to bring to Claw Island?
- Dumb move on my part. I was showing off fighting some, and these guys came out of nowhere. They carted me off like a wintersday[sic] moa.
- Yeah, they were Caudecus's goons. A few of them were off-duty Ministry Guards.
- I have another question. (Same as above)
- I'm glad we got out of there.
Demmi said these guys worked for her father. Is that true?
- I have another question. (Same as above)
- And now they're the ones with egg on their face.
How did you get caught by these thugs?
- We should get moving.
My story[edit]
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