Branded Human

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Branded Human


Branded Human (female).jpg

Female version

Branded Humans are humans that have been twisted by Kralkatorrik. Like other branded, they can be found within and near the Dragonbrand. Males and females, although significantly changed in comparison to normal humans, remain distinct and have different abilities.


Crystal Desert
Shiverpeak Mountains

Heart involvement[edit]

Complete heart (map icon).png Contain the growth of the Dragonbrand (39)
Complete heart (map icon).png Aid the researchers in their study of the Brand (40)
Complete heart (map icon).png Help Sentinels instigate fights between ghosts and the Branded (42)
Complete heart (map icon).png Help the Iron Legion protect Steeleye Span from Branded creatures (43)
Complete heart (map icon).png Assist Sentinel forces against dragonspawn (50)

Event involvement[edit]

Event swords (tango icon).png Complete the challenges presented by "Ref" Sparkeeper (43)
Event flag (tango icon).png Defend Brokentooth Maw (50)
Event flag (tango icon).png Defend engineers rebuilding Brokentooth Maw (50)
Event flag (tango icon).png Defend Kinar Fort (45)
Event swords (tango icon).png Destroy Vexa's corrupted test subjects (71)
Event shield (tango icon).png Help Tirabikkr look for the Light of Deldrimor (80)
Event shield (tango icon).png Patrol the coast of Tenaebron Lake with the Sentinels (39)
Event flag (tango icon).png Reclaim Brokentooth Maw (50)
Event shield (tango icon).png [Group Event] Search Tenaebron Lake with the Sentinels (40)
The Steeleye Span
Event shield (tango icon).png Protect Tribune Steelgrip (43)
Event flag (tango icon).png [Group Event] Retake Steeleye Span (43)
Event shield (tango icon).png Defend the repair efforts on the north wall (43)
Event shield (tango icon).png Defend the repair efforts on the south wall (43)

Combat abilities[edit]

Male versions[edit]

  • Barrage Attacks
  • Slice - Basic melee double-attack.
  • Shoot - Throws an orb of brand energy for damage.
  • Branded Barrage - Throws clusters of branded explosions around a target that explode for damage a second later.
Stolen skills

Female versions[edit]

  • Beam Attacks
  • Punch - Basic melee attack.
  • Branded Energy - Basic ranged beam attack.
  • Branded Lightning Strike - Calls branded lightning on foe for damage.
Stolen skills


Name Type Rarity Quantity Creature level
Jagged Metal Scrap.png Jagged Metal Scrap Trophy, Salvage item Basic 1 37-80
Valuable Metal Scrap.png Valuable Metal Scrap Trophy, Salvage item Basic 1 80
Pile of Radiant Dust.png Pile of Radiant Dust Crafting material Fine 1 37-80
Pile of Crystalline Dust.png Pile of Crystalline Dust Crafting material Rare 1 80
Pile of Incandescent Dust.png Pile of Incandescent Dust Crafting material Fine 1 80
Crystal Lodestone.png Crystal Lodestone Crafting material Exotic 1 80
Barb.png Barb Trophy Junk 1 37-80
Spike.png Spike Trophy Junk 1-2 80
Bloody Brand Crystal.png Bloody Brand Crystal
(only drops if the Crystal Attunement collection is active)
(only drops in Jahai Bluffs)
Trophy Rare 1 80